Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 100: Super Saiyan 2

I would use the Goku SSJ3 RAP BEAT to listen to this chapter!!!


A little while ago.

The genetic modification of the King Piece was in progress.

And as the Generals endured the hellish pain of evolution, slowly turning into full-fledged Saiyans they all suddenly felt the violent and extreme emotional fluctuations that this race gave them.

So much powerful emotional change that it could even affect their own sentience. Yet, their approach to it seemed rather 'new'.

If it was any other people in the world. Be it peerless martial artists like Zeno and Silva, unrivaled geniuses like Altair or Killua.

This Kind of state of mind would be something they would reluctantly resist. Zeno and Silva tried to immediately calm down, so they can control their new found power.

Altair and Killua also tried the same way.

But those 9 People were different.

Those 9 weren't Martial Artists, Assassins or Bushin like Hou Ken.

No, they were GREAT GENERALS!!!

Their power never came from their martial Power!!

Their strength only came from some chosen scarce sources !!




Their Martial might was a late component, they didn't even put that much emphasis on!!!

So what happens

When you give an endless pond of Ego, Pride…. Saiyan Genes?

Exponential Reaction!!!

But not only that is needed for such a spike to occur!

A lot of People are Prideful and Egotistical, so why ?

Why did it happen to the 9 Monsters?

As they felt all their emotions burn in their heart!!

They didn't try to fight it!!

Because, as they became Saiyans, their sense, their deep Instinct had a sort of second awakening!! Or for the Strategical Types, it should be their first awakening!!

Yet, this Awakening was different. Something much profound than simple Human instinct. A Higher Version, a More Optimal Version.

Attaining levels of premonition, of clairvoyance no human could even achieve in their lifetime!!!

Absolute beastly, savage instinct!! Another perk of the Saiyan transformation!!

The Great Generals knew they should fuse with that primitive instinct! Because they knew how important this was!!!

Now was it all?

What does a Saiyan need to Transform into a Super Saiyan?

S-Cells?! Oh Please…Cells, really?

What do they need have always been one thing!!!

It is pure unadulterated Raging EMOTION!!!

The Fuel of every Great Saiyans. Do they have it?

Again...Oh Please, really?

The question is not whether there is really enough Emotion in these people?

The real question is…

Are there Great Generals roaming the world without Raging, endless Emotion fueling him?

Not these 9!!

Each Generals carried on their shoulders not the death of one friend, not that of one lover, not that of a family members.

They carried the grief of millions of Fallen Friends, they carried the tears, hope and dreams of whole nations!

There is none who live with sadness and grief as much as they do!!

So much….

That Rage became a default mode, they could activate by will!!

Their rage, their sadness, was already the power moving their limbs, their souls, and their mind!!!

Their powerful instinct at this moment told them one thing….


Their Saiyan genes giving wings to their scarred minds!

As their minds reminded about everything they've been going through since the time they first touched a blade!!

Every defeat!! Every victory!!! Every comrade!! Every moment of happiness and every moment of grief!!!

All found a certain Emotion that triggered their transformation!!

Each one of felt a Transcendant and Powerful emotion invade them!!!

Two people had tears across their face, as their looked back on their life. Wallowing in their regrets.

Sadness and Regret For Riboku and Kyou!

Some cried their lungs out!! Their chest burning from their cheer anger!!! The Hatred against the world! The Pain of Betrayal and Deception still on their hearts!!

Rage and For Kanki, Hakuki and Bakuki!

One laughed maniacally, and one, for the first time ever smiled, as they looked to what they've down to arrive to where they are. Feeling that the world is already in their grasp!!

Pride and Vainglory For Yotanwa and Ousen!!

Finally two also laughed loudly! Sometime they would sound like Roaring Lions, other times they would sound like excited children.

The both looked at their army, encouraging them from the back. Feeling that 'The Battlefield of Dreams' is in their grasp!!!

They then looked at their monarch, his somewhat anxious expression encouraging them to break their limits!!

Satisfaction for the bottom of their heart, growing with their Ki!!

BattleHunger and Excitement for Ou Ki and Ren Pa!!

Now that they were at SSJ, and as they were about to rest. They felt something inside them roar again!!

Their Instinct!!

It told them!

Like the time Goku and Vegeta knew, from their guts!!

There is a superior Form!!!

And their body is not nearing their limits!!

No…Their bodies are at their limit!

But so what?!

Would they have roamed they battlefield, fighting steel, starvation, deception, defeat, victory…For Decades without knowing how to break their limits?

If not…Breaking through their limits is a General Specialty.

It is this exact thing that give purpose to their Existence!

If they couldn't break through their limits…

Like Ouki did when Fighting OuKen…!

Like Kanki when he would pierce the Battlefield with a regiment, gambling the life and death of a whole country in a single move!

Like Kyou has gone from a pampered maid to a City calamity just burning by passion alone!

Like Riboku who rose up from disgrace to become the Strongest of Three Heavens of Zhao!

Like Yotanwa, little princess she was united the Unconquerable Mountain Tribes!

Like OuSen would eventually push his thinking process to the realm of insanity to win the Zhao Campaign!

Would they call themselves Great General under the Heavens?!!

They are not Martial Artists…Going through the Four Phases of The Super Saiyan was meaningless. What they need was not understanding of their bodies!!

What they need is to push everything they posses to their utmost, unreachable limit!!


Every one of them cried his lungs out!! As they felt the Barrier stopping their body break apart!!

And like a WaterGate, Endless Ki flew out!!!

Their hair turning into a majestic Yellow gold color!!

The Blue Sparks of the Super Saiyan 2 appeared !!!

The first one to actually attain the form is KanKi, his ponytail completely turning into a spiking, long yellow hair!! His cruel eyes were now green blue.

He clenched his fists, powerfully!!! As he smiled:

"I don't like to owe people. But there is just no way to repay that, is there?"

Kanki smiled at the Flying Hegemon.

The Next was Yotanwa, her orange hair turned golden as she became even more mesmerizing than ever!

Her beautiful face and wild face conforming with her Saiyan genes, made her look like an Amazon Empress!

Here long golden hair flickering in the wind.

From her chest, to her waist, to her legs, she remained unchanged, yet somehow, she became more shapely.

A real Amazon Empress, indeed…

Straight out from Greek Legends!

Ouki's hair was liberated as it floated in the space, following his every movement. Golden, his form even more imposing!

His beard also turning gold!! Like he was a Mighty Shenlong!!

RenPa's hair grew spiked from the back reaching his shoulders!! His domineering aura becoming even more absurdly domineering!!

Side by Side they looked like Civilization Ending War Gods!!

Riboku, kept his calm as he still was in trance, from the feeling of sadness, yet of absolute power he felt.

He felt like Son Gohan against Cell, powerful yet reluctant.

Kyou was still lightly in tears but still kept her composure, as her helmet broke apart, making her look like a gold Valkyrie!

Ousen's helmet broke down as his hair spiked up in the Air!! His mood still calm observing closely his body!!

Hakuki and Bakuki in their transcendent super Saiyan state were kneeling worship and Loyalty in their eyes.

In their eyes…They just started serving him, yet this Emperor already gave them, so much.

In their eyes genuine happiness and bliss.

Suddenly the Emperor started laughing widely, riled up by all their power levels:


"Vegeta-san won't believe this !!!!"

Marek then slowly calmed down:

"Super Saiyan 1 than Super Saiyan 2...This is nothing short of a miracle."

"It seems I underestimated you."

"Miracles, are after all your Bread an Butter!!"

"This Emperor is delighted!!!"

The 9 Generals looked down at their Saiyan Army feeling the sense of kinship only Saiyans felt toward another.

They then looked at the Thrilled Emperor. Immediately as if communicating via telepathy.

The 9 Kneeled at the same time. Extreme gratitude and worship in their eyes.

In this little while they did not only became stronger, and had better intincts.

No...It was much profound than that.

They became new people. Understanding who they were, what they were and the meaning of their existence.

And this is what the Super Saiyan Transformation was all about!!

Finally coming to understanding with one's profound nature and indentity. Like Goku and Gohan did!!!

RenPa was the one who looked up to the Hegemon, smiling teasingly as he cried with all his Lungs:


The Other Generals followed!!


Immediately the One Million Saiyan Army knelt before the Flying Monarch:


Like One Man, with passion, blood-lust and worship!!


Deep Pride and Vainglory.


This was the man who started it all!! The man who gave them the power to defend against the world!!

The power to war!: The power to protect!! AND the Power to Kill!!!

This was Marek Vega!!!


Marek a little surprised by this development smiled widely, as he subconsciously got into the Broly pose.

Imagine that.

In the Barren Land of the extraterrestrial Moon.

A Million of Powerful Saiyans kneeling, their head practically touching the ground.

Their eyes crawling with blood-lust, battle hunger and extreme Worship!!!

Their collective Ki about to destroy the whole Moon just by existing!!

On much higher pedestal 9 Super Saiyan 2, their golden coat of Ki, burning the air just by it's simple existence.

Their spiked hair, their volatile sparks!!

Kneeling too, but with much more gratitude and love!!!

And at the Top, flying his silhouette in front of the Earth's, an Emperor with an Iconic Broly pose.

Smiling Evilly, as the chant that could probably shake the whole Earth continued to resound endlessly:




The Emperor finally spoke, his voice attaining every Saiyan there.

"Let's create History together!!!"

All of them cried in unison:


A Blue Portal opened up.


He then addressed Riboku.

"Do you need me to submit all the Kings of China?"

Riboku bowed:

"Don't worry I will take care of everything…Your majesty."

He laughed in the air:

"Then follow me. There is some things I need to show you all."

"Let's go…."

He smiled wickedly:

"To the Ultimate Training Ground."

Hunter X Hunter World, Dark Continent.

Two silver haired Saiyans were standing on a pile of captured creatures.

The Old man with the noticeable moustache laughed lightly:

"Well…Quite the odd place, isn't it?"

His Son had a wicked smile:

"This place would be hell, if we were who we were back then."

Zeno smiled:

"It's quite the curious endeavor, his Majesty sent us to accomplish."

"And here I thought he peaked with the Brotherhood's training."

Silva nodded, a little admiration in his eyes:

"We never get bored with him, do we?"

"How the hell does he keep coming up with those ideas?"

He marched carrying the 500 or so creatures like garbage as he flew in the air.

Zeno flew in his Dragon Dive, carrying another 500 creatures.

Those creatures were not as big as humans, but definitely not the standard 10 cm maximum.

They couldn't be called gigantic.

They still didn't posses human awareness, nor intelligence. Only animal instinct.

Not having gone througth the complete process of evolution.

Those were the content of the Special Mission.

1000 of 'that' species, without human awareness.

Yet if those 1000 were to drop on the Known continent…

There wouldn't be enough Hunter Association Chairmans to save the day!!!

They would be 999 Men short!!

Zeno smiled:

"Seriously…Who could even think about using 1000 Chimera Ants Queens for training?"


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!


And with that we will hold off on the Kingdom Arc for a while!!!

I will leave you guessing the content of the Training....Spoiler! It's Gonna be AWESOME.

Also if you want to know the overall direction of the Story, I have posted an intersting Auxilliary Chapter giving some hints about the direction of the Kingdom Building.

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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