Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 52 Hey, man!

Everything has settled, and the outside is in a mess. As a mature great shaman, to Kausu, the abuse of vegetables is nothing more than a trivial matter of sending a few more lightning chains.

Helicopters and armored vehicles have already arrived and quickly moved several people away.

"So, you found this mysterious guy in Hell's Kitchen, and then you found me?"

After successfully escaping, Tony Stark became arrogant again. From the mouth of the chattering Happy, he easily learned what happened during this period.

Different from the original plot, because Dr. Ethan died in the battle, Stark, who killed all the militants, was carefree from beginning to end (revised by book friend "Free Yangyang Dad"), but this time, Dr. Ethan was revived by Cowus, and the medical staff operated on him to remove the bullet - so he was carried on the plane.

Under this situation, Stark couldn't abandon Dr. Ethan and drive the Mark mecha to show off all over the world. He could only disassemble the mecha honestly, put it in a box, stuff it into the cabin, and transport it away.

"I said..." Returning to his private plane, Stark walked up to Kausi. His loyal little fan Happy hurriedly added without losing any opportunity, "This is Mr. Bradford, Kausi..." Bradford, the owner of Mulgore Inn, he is a true magician..."

"Okay, Mr. Magician!" Stark once witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Cauvus instantly revived a dying half-dead man. Although his words were still frivolous, he rarely used his poisonous tongue that would kill people even if they were killed. Venom, "Although your method seems very special, and I am confident that I can get out of that damn place on my own, but... I owe you a favor!"

From the perspective of outsiders or movie fans, Tony Stark is an out-and-out genius and superhero; but if you really sit in front of him, you will easily be overwhelmed by his contempt for everything and his can-do attitude. Trash talk creates unpleasant feelings.

Looking at the richest sheep in the world, Kausu did not turn away the people: "There is no need for favors or anything like that. Happy bought this tracing service with 10 million. I am just fulfilling the agreement." !”

As expected, Stark didn't care about the number 10 million. He just sat down opposite Kausi and looked at Kausi's hands curiously: "Your magic is very wonderful, can you let me take a look at it again?" ?”

"This is not magic, but a law of nature!" Kausu does not intend to let himself become like a clown in the circus to please the audience. "It will only appear on the battlefield to save the lives of comrades, or take away the enemy." s life!"

Stark was annoyed, but this piqued his curiosity even more. "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to peep into your secrets. I just want to discuss with you the commonalities between occultism and science. I Thinking that anything that seems mysterious can actually be explained by science, just like..."

"The key lies in the use of energy!" Looking at Stark, who was getting more and more excited as he talked, Kausi sighed helplessly, "No matter what kind of energy it is, it will not be created or disappear out of thin air. The essence of energy is the same and can be converted under certain conditions! Therefore, Mr. Tony Stark, instead of wasting time studying my spells, you should first think about how to achieve a more powerful energy source!"

Stark's eyes widened, and he was not angry because his words were interrupted. Instead, he nodded with great joy, "Call me Tony! Cauius, you suddenly gave me a wonderful idea-"

Kausu wanted to say that it's none of my business what you think, but Stark's next words made him smile immediately, and he even felt that this arrogant guy became quite pleasing to the eye.

"What you did to Dr. Ethan in the cave...if you let me experience it, I will pay you a satisfactory hard work fee-for example, one hundred thousand dollars?"

Blessed are the shamans!

Blessed are the million lords!

Blessed are the natives of Azeroth!

A wave of five-piece blood-raising sets, who are they not given to? Those tanks who show off their power in the dungeon all day long enjoy the exclusive personal service of the nanny with peace of mind. They often curse and despise the nanny for not getting enough blood, or they take the biggest blame because they failed to dispel the DEBUFF in time and the team was wiped out. How many hard-working wet nurses are silently bearing the blame and pressure? How many wet nurses have changed jobs because of this?

——That’s because they didn’t meet a big dog named Tony Stark!

Kaous turned his head and glanced. Happy, who suddenly became very discerning, had already driven all the irrelevant personnel out of the lounge. Only Stark, Kaous, Happy and the medical staff were left in the huge cabin. Dr. Ethan is sleepy on the bed.

"This is against the rules..." Suddenly remembering that he would receive 10 million yuan soon, Kausi felt that he should not be so humble for five buckets of rice.

"Two hundred thousand!"

"...It's not impossible to make exceptions if you occasionally meet a loyal believer!"

Stark rubbed his hands excitedly and began to sort out his wrinkled clothes, "Should I change my clothes? I should respect and..."

"That's not necessary, Tony!" Kausu's body was slowly floating, and his whole body was glowing with blue light - this was the effect of the concentration of water elements.

"You can fly?" Happy's eyes widened in shock, but Stark scolded him unceremoniously, "Shut up and don't affect Kavus!"

Riptide! Healing Rain! Healing surge! Healing wave! Healing chain! Five consecutive rounds of healing skills were thrown at the still-blooded Tony Stark. He felt as if he was going to fly into the sky. He had never felt such a wonderful feeling. It seemed that his whole body was enveloped by a warm current, and his whole body was also filled with warmth. Become refreshed and energetic, even...

Stark suddenly pressed his chest and stared at Kausu in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that!" Kausi, who is familiar with Marvel plots in the past ten years, curled his lips, "This is just the recovery ability of the water element. Don't expect this thing to pull those shrapnel out of the heart!"

"Okay!" Stark was a little disappointed, but he also accepted the view that "treatment" does not equal "change".

He desperately recalled every subtle feeling he had just now, trying to find something related to science, and then - he heard the sound of Kausi slapping his thigh in anger.

"It's a loss, it's a loss! I had to charge half a million for that round just now!"

"Why?" Stark felt a little unhappy. He didn't care about the difference between 200,000 and 500,000, but for a business boss like him to raise the price at the same time, it was simply...

"You know nothing!" Cowus glared at Stark fiercely, "I just forgot that the kidney master water stores essence. All I used in the round just now were water spells. In other words, you have a weak kidney. The guy is now fully recovered..."

In most cases, if Stark is scolded, he will jump eight feet high and give the opponent a lesson that will be unforgettable for a long time. But just after being scolded by Kaus, he was stunned!

Although for Westerners, "main water hides essence" is a very unfamiliar combination of words, but as an academic genius, Tony Stark was just stunned for a few seconds and immediately fully understood the meaning. Deep meaning.

He suddenly jumped over, held Kausu's hand in the most humble and flattering way, and said with a smile in the most flattering tone possible: "How about one million? Dear Kausi, I think I should If you hire you to be my health consultant, you only have to be responsible for me. You will work one day a week and get a weekly salary of 100,000!"

Is this the arrogant and arrogant Tony Stark?

Looking at Iron Man with an unusually bright smile in front of him, Kausu suddenly remembered a common punching phrase used by fairies in his previous life.

"Ha, man!"

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