Mr. Smith’s Magical Touch

Ch. 7: A Delivery for Mr. Smith? 🖼️

Lucas walked down the hallway until he sat in his chair in the lobby for what seemed like an hour. That entire time, he was having a conversation with Lucius.

'But Jennifer looked like she's 32? Or maybe 33 years old? She would have to be a teen mom if she had a 17-year-old daughter. That would mean her daughter would have been conceived at the age of 15,' Lucas thought as he sat there dumbfounded.

<Bingo! Hehehe! Don't be surprised to see her, is all I'm saying.>

He was jolted from his reverie as the front door swung open, revealing a striking, slender Asian woman entering the lobby of the parlor.


Lucas looked up. The woman was wearing a brown delivery suit, had a hat on, and was holding a package.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mr. Smith. Is he here?"

"Um. Yes, that's me. Is that the only package?"

"Huh? But isn't he older? Like, way older?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

Lucas winced slightly as he realized that the woman was unaware of what had happened to his grandfather. Despite this, he chose to overlook it because he was captivated by her cuteness and the charm of her voice.

"Well, he's my grandfather. And he passed away about a week ago. But the house and the business were passed down to me."

"Oh... OH! I'm sorry!" the delivery driver said, embarrassed by her mistake.

"No. It's fine. You couldn't have known. What's your name?"

"Huh? Oh! It's Hana." Relief washed over her face, the tension melting away as she saw that he wasn't angry with her.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Hana. I'm Lucas. Or Mr. Smith if you like?" Lucas smiled.

Hana's pulse quickened as a surge of adrenaline shot through her, causing her heart to pound against her ribcage.

"I-I prefer to call you Lucas," stuttered Hana as she couldn't help but notice how good-looking he was.

'I-I didn't know the old man had a hot grandson!? P-Please, old man Smith... Let him be single!' Hana thought nervously.

"W-Would you like some tea?" Lucas asked, breaking Hana out of her thoughts.

"N-No, thanks. I-I have 50 m-more deliveries to do... Before I'm off for the night," Hana responded, her face flushed with embarrassment.

'Damn it! Why am I so shy? And why does he have to be so hot!? Come on, Hana! This is why guys aren't interested in me.'

"Well, that's a shame. Here, let me sign this so you can go on your way," Lucas said as he took the electronic pad from Hana's hands.

'His hands are so big... And they look so strong and warm...'

Lucas signed his name and handed the pad back.

"Here you go. Thanks, Hana."

"Y-Your welcome," She stuttered and smiled.

In the midst of their relaxing conversion in the lobby, the serenity was abruptly broken by the creak of a door opening down the hallway. Soon after, Jennifer emerged, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue, and with an unsteady gait. Her eyes seemed to carry a dreamy gaze, but her radiant smile beamed brightly. The once snugly-fitted white summer dress now draped loosely over her frame, a visible result of her unexpected weight loss. The only exception was her bosoms, which were struggling to be contained within her dress and were now much fuller and more prominent than ever.

Jennifer stopped at the end of the hallway and looked at Lucas with a satisfied smile that came off as a little too sensual. Hana noticed the beautiful blonde-haired woman had erect nipples poking through the fabric of her white summer dress. And she started to feel inadequate when compared to her and the way she was staring at Lucas made her panic.

'Oh God! I-Is this his girlfriend, or maybe she’s his wife? Dammit! Why are all the good ones taken? I knew this was too good to be true!' Hana cursed to herself as her confidence dwindled.

As Jennifer's knees began to weaken, Lucas swiftly came to her aid, offering his support and steadying her as she wavered.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked as he made sure she didn't fall.

"Yes, thank you. M-My legs don't work, and they feel a little wobbly right now. Hehe! Your massage skills are better than advertised if I'm feeling this good," Jennifer laughed and replied.

Lucas could see her chakras were a bit more active than before and noticed a glowing point located on her clit. Which was hard and poking out of her panties. If it weren't for his new powers, he wouldn't have been able to see it.

"Do you need assistance, Jennifer? Do you have someone to take you home?"

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm fine. I just live around the corner, and I think the walk would do me some good... I can't believe I passed out in there. How long was I out? It felt like a few seconds," she giggled.

"It was about 30 minutes," Lucas answered.

"T-That long!? Oh no! I took up one of your rooms for a half-hour! Please tell me how much I owe you," Jennifer pleaded as she searched for her wallet from inside her purse.

Upon hearing the exchange, Hana felt an overwhelming sense of relief. She was so grateful to discover that this woman was actually a client. There was a slim hope that they weren't dating or married, but her confidence skyrocketed.

'I'm so happy she's only a client. That means he's not married. I might have a chance!' Hana's heart fluttered at the thought, and her lower lips felt oddly warm and moist.

Lucas was on the verge of speaking to Jennifer when Lucius abruptly interrupted him.

<Let her know that she will only be charged for the initial hour as it was her first time experiencing our professional services. Additionally, extend a 10% discount as an incentive for her to schedule a return visit.>

'Huh?... Um... Okay.'

Lucas cleared his thoughts, turned to face Jennifer, and then said, "Don't worry about it, Jennifer. Since this was your first visit to a professional masseuse, you only need to pay for one hour. The half-hour nap is on the house... Also, I'll give you a 10% discount if you schedule another visit right now."

Jennifer's face lit up. A broad smile plastered across her features, and her eyes twinkled. "Really!? Are you serious!? I'll definitely make a booking next week! Is Thursday a good day for you?"

Lucas returned to the reception desk, picked up the appointment book, and began flipping through its pages, acting like he had a lot of appointments scheduled, but the schedule was wide open.

"Hmmm... Let's see. Yes. Thursday at 1 PM is open."

"Perfect! I'll take it," Jennifer said with a pleased smile.

"Alright, Jennifer. So that's 100 dollars for today's session and 90 dollars for the next visit," Lucas said while writing down her name and contact number.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Smith." Jennifer smiled and handed him three 100-dollar bills. “You deserve this tip!”

Jennifer giggled and gave him a wink. After she took a few steps back from the desk, she noticed a figure standing by her side. She looked to her right and saw the cute delivery driver standing nearby.

"Oh! I-I didn't see you there. Ah! I'm such a mess. Are you friends with Mr. Smith?"

Jennifer felt a bit embarrassed by her behavior, as it wasn't typical of her to act that way. Her dress had gotten disheveled, and she thought her appearance seemed messy. Therefore, she promptly fixed her clothing and attempted to tidy her hair. She was certain she looked like she had just rolled out of bed.

'God! I'm acting like a drunk chick at a bar! Come on, Jennifer... You're better than this! Dammit! Why did I fantasize about Mr. Smith going down on me? Ugh? It seemed so real that it's driving me crazy... T-There's no way that he's single... And I'm too old for him. Just forget about it, Jennifer.'

Hana was surprised by how embarrassed this beautiful woman was acting. She appeared to be a model, an actress, or both. She also felt that the two were in a relationship, but something about the way Jennifer spoke and acted didn't make her feel like that was the case.

"N-No. I-I'm just here delivering a package for Lucas. And it looks like you have some business with him, too, so I'll get out of your way." Hana panicked, and her face was bright red.

"W-Wait! So you haven't tried his massage yet? He's very skilled. Oh, wait! Are you two dating?" Jennifer asked with a worried look.

Lucas had a nervous smile as he saw the exchange between the two women and decided to interrupt them.

"Well, her name is Hana and we just met. I thought she'd like a cup of tea." Lucas smiled at Hana.

The delivery woman was shocked. Lucas's comment came as a complete surprise, but she couldn't help but notice the spark in her eyes when he spoke. Her feet couldn't move, and she was frozen in place, her pulse quickening once again. Jennifer felt happy and jealous of this girl, but she decided to play nice.

"Really!? Oh, this is great! Hana, please let him give you a massage. You won't regret it," Jennifer said with a sweet smile.

"A-Are you sure? I-It looks like he's busy," Hana stammered. Her feet refused to move.

"Oh, why are you so shy? He doesn't bite... Here, just give him your hand and let him do a simple demo... I was skeptical when my Aunty said Mr. Smith’s massage would heal all my back pains, but it did! I plan to come back as much as possible. I mean, your body must ache from handling heavy boxes all day, and I'm sure it's even worse during the weekends."

Hana wasn't used to getting this type of attention from two people who were clearly far more beautiful and outgoing than she was. In fact, she was certain that her heart would stop beating, and she'd drop dead.

'She's really trying to hook me up with him? That’s nice, but I-I don't know… He's like, so out of my league! I'm too plain for him. Besides, I'm behind on my route. And I don't want to get yelled at.' Hana thought as she started making excuses for her to leave.

"A-Actually, I'm not here for a massage. I-I just deliver packages. But it was nice meeting you guys. I-I better get back to work before-"

Lucas flashed a warm smile at Hana, who seemed a bit shy, and extended his hand toward her. The delivery woman was hesitant at first, but the smile on his face made her melt. Her cheeks were flushed red, and her hands were visibly trembling.

"It's okay. Don't worry. It's just a simple hand massage. I won't do anything you won't like," Lucas reassured her.

Whatever reservations she had were quickly dispelled, and Hana gave in.

"A-Alright..." Hana said as she held out her shaky left hand. Lucas gently placed his thumb over her wrist and palm. Then he held it with his left hand and placed his right on top of hers.

"Okay... Is this your dominant hand?"

"Y-Yes," Hana said in a quiet tone. She didn't know where to look as the sensation of his skin was already making her hot.

"Okay... Now, just relax. This will feel strange, but it won't hurt. If you want me to stop, just say the word, and I will." Lucas reassured her.

Hana couldn't help but wonder what he was up to, so she nodded inquisitively.

Lucas used his power and saw many glowing pink and red spots pop up in his vision. Her hand was lit up like a Christmas tree.

'Oh, man. She needs some healing, too. Her body is full of knots, and her energy flow is disrupted. Let's see what I can do for her.' Lucas thought as he smiled.

"I'm going to massage the parts that are hurting you. And then we'll move on to the rest of your hand. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Hana answered back with a nod.

Lucas started his task by focusing on a specific area: her thumb. He applied pressure and gently rotated his fingers, carefully addressing the first glowing red spot. This sent an electric pulse to fly up Hana's arm and then down her spine until it stopped in her vagina. Making her squeeze her legs together in shock. She'd been excited before, but never had she felt anything like that as her clitoris vibrated with excitement.

'W-What!? What's happening? Ooohhh! I-I can't move! Aunh! I-I can't let him know, or he'll think I'm a pervert... B-But that's so strong! My whole hand is pulsing, and my body is getting hot. Keep it together, Hana! It's only a massage, don't embarrass yourself.'

 Hana bit her lower lip in hopes of hiding her moans. Her hand was shaking slightly, and her heart was pounding loudly in her chest. She could feel a damp sensation forming in her underwear, and it made her want to moan more. But she couldn't let herself do that, or she'd die from the shame.

Jennifer watched the entire thing and was amused. The expression on Hana's face was priceless, and her cheeks were rosy red.

"So, what do you think?" Lucas asked as he looked up at Hana's half-glazed eyes.

"M-Mmmm..." Hana couldn't form a word as the sensations were making her mind go numb.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Lucas teased.

"Mmm-Y-Yes," she said quietly, almost in a whisper, before she bit her lower lip once again.

"Okay, good... Now, we'll move on to the next spot. Tell me to stop if it hurts," Lucas said with a smile and continued.

"O-Okay," Hana muttered out as she felt like she was going to collapse.

Lucas continued and sent her nerves on a ride. He moved his hands from the thumb to the pointer, which started to make the belt on her uniform unbuckle and the zipper slide down. His passive skill was working on her without him even knowing. He continued moving down, and the second spot was in the middle of her palm.

Lucas' fingers sent pulses into Hana's chakra, and she struggled not to scream as her brown pants started to slide down her waist once the button magically came undone. Her body was responding on its own. Lucas didn't know about the effects of his skills on her body, and Jennifer was too busy enjoying Hana's reactions.

'His fingers are so magical... It's like they're touching my heart... Ooohhhh! Nooo... I-I can't stop my moans... Mmm, I hope he doesn't think I'm weird. Oh God! Is there a draft in here? Oh gawd! The pain is going away, and now I feel so much pleasure. It's too good!' Hana thought as her face turned red, and she couldn't hide the drool forming at the corner of her lips. She was too lost in Lucas' face to notice her pants coming undone.

Lucas worked his way down her palm and was now massaging the bottom.

'AHHH! OOOHHH! W-What is he doing? It feels amazing! Aaaahhhh!'

Lucas worked his way down to Hana's pinky, and she was starting to sweat.

'Oh God! I'm sweating like a pig, and I'm getting wet between my legs! I can't believe I'm getting excited by a massage. This is crazy! What is happening? I'm not like this! Get it together, Hana! Ugh!'

Hana could feel her juices dripping down her thigh as her panties became moist, and her nipples started to poke through her bra.

"How does this feel?" Lucas asked with a smile.

"I-I... Nnnh," Hana couldn't respond. The sensation was overwhelming, and she could feel her vagina twitch as if begging for release.

"You don't need to say a thing. Your face tells me everything I need to know," Lucas said as he gave her a wink.

"M-Mmmmm... Aaahhh..." Hana could only moan as her juices were seeping through her panties and onto her inner thighs.

Lucas was having a grand old time until he noticed her pants sliding down her hips, showing off a little bit of her pink panties with a visible wet spot on them.

'Fuck! Even massaging her hand is causing her clothes to fall off! God Dammit, Lucius! Haah... I guess I should speed up. There's only a couple more spots, and she'll be good to go.'

Lucas stopped teasing Hana and focused on massaging the other spots on her palm. He then moved to her wrist, the last two being located on her forearm and wrist. Lucas massaged them, and her pants slid off. Once he finished up, he removed his hands.

'Okay! Okay! Just act casual and click my fingers, and hopefully, no one noticed her pants sliding off...'

"See? *Click* It's like the pain disappears like that," Lucas clicked his fingers, causing Hana's uniform to return to normal before Jennifer or Hana could notice.

Hana was breathing heavily, and her legs were shaking. She was so lost in the pleasure that she didn't realize her pink panties were exposed.

"Hana? Are you okay?" Lucas asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Hana's legs gave out, and he swiftly caught her before she tumbled to the ground.

"W-What! What just happened!?" Hana said in a panic as her senses returned to her.

"Hana! Are you okay? I think you felt what I felt. But it was my entire body that felt his touch. And I don't have pain anymore, thanks to Mr. Smith," Jennifer said while she was by her side and helped Lucas put her on the sofa in the front lobby.

"I-I think I'm fine. I-I'm just a little lightheaded. This is embarrassing," Hana said in stunned silence.

"Well, that happens sometimes after a massage. That's why people have someone to pick them up afterward... There's no shame in what happened," Lucas said with a smile.

Hana's eyes fixated on her hand, taking in the sight of its renewed softness and radiant health.

'He fixed my hand in only a minute!? W-Who is this guy!? Is he some kind of magical masseuse?!'

Hana couldn't believe her eyes, and Jennifer noticed the stunned look on her face. She moved her lips closer to her ear so she could whisper.

"Don't deny it, Hana. You loved every minute of it. Trust me, I had an orgasm when he was done with me. And he didn't even come close to my breasts or vagina. I bet he's amazing at giving a 'proper' massage. Where his fingers can't reach."

"A-Are you sure about that?" Hana asked in shock.

"Positive. I'm going to start coming back for a massage. My aunt told me about this place to help with my neck issues, and she said the older man was amazing. But instead, a hot young guy is working here. Who gave me a dream-like experience. And it helped with my stress and my pain. I know my daughter will be begging me to bring her here for a massage once I tell her. I can tell you're shy, but just so you know. I'm going to ask him to massage my feet and maybe a little bit more when he's off hours with me," Jennifer said in a low whisper with a mischievous grin.

Jennifer didn't know why she was saying such things, but she wanted Hana to enjoy the experience. She wanted to help Mr. Smith get more business. Because maybe he would reward her, and she would be able to enjoy him on a more intimate level.

'D-Did I tell this random woman that I am planning on fucking Mr. Smith!? What's wrong with me!' Jennifer started to panic. She had never spoken like this before her massage with Mr. Smith. It's like she's a new woman who knows what she wants and doesn't care who knows about it.

"Really!? W-Wait! Isn't that crossing the line?" Hana whispered back, her face turning beet red.

Jennifer wanted to deny it at first, but she couldn't find the words.

'Oh, gawd! Why is she asking me that? Do I really want him that bad?'

"I-I don't know... All I know is that he made my body feel good. And I want to feel good again. And I won't feel guilty because I'm not married. Besides, he's so hot! It's not wrong for a single girl to have some fun, right?"

Jennifer's words had Hana's brain in a whirlwind.

'This woman is talking like a whore. She wants him to touch her and fuck her... And she's not lying. Because her voice and facial expressions show signs of honesty. W-What have I gotten myself into? Oh God! He's looking this way!'

Lucas handed Hana a towel so she could wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"So how is your hand feeling?"

"Better! It feels great!" Hana quickly said as her embarrassment was rising.

"Great! Let me know if you ever want to have tea with me," Lucas smiled.

Hana stood up but still felt weak in her legs. She was too embarrassed by everything that had happened to register what Lucas was implying.

"Thank you for the offer, Lucas. But I have to go... And it was nice meeting you, Jennifer." Hana said with panic in her voice. She didn’t know what had gotten into this woman, but her instincts told her to get out of there.

"Um... It was nice meeting you, too," Lucas said as he watched Hana hurry out of the massage parlor.

"She seemed a bit odd. Was it something I said?" Lucas asked Jennifer.

"Nah... I'm pretty sure you had her flustered, but she just needed time to process everything. I think she likes you and doesn't want to admit it."

Lucas gave Jennifer a skeptical look.

"Really? Well, I hope you are right, Miss Jennifer. Here, let me get the door for you," Lucas said, opening the glass door for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith. And you can call me Jennifer. I hope you have a nice day. And I'll see you Thursday," Jennifer said.

"It was my pleasure, Jennifer. And I'll be waiting for you Thursday," Lucas said as she left.




Hana hurried to her truck, hopped in, and slammed the door shut. Her hands were still trembling, and her body was overheating. Her face was bright red, and her eyes were glossed over.

"Why did that feel so good!? He only touched my left hand, and it felt like he touched my soul. And all those sensations! Oh, God... I-I'm not some slut! But my panties are wet, and my clit is still tingling. Ugh! What am I supposed to do? Huh?" Hana looked back at the parlor and saw Lucas opening the door for Jennifer and walking her out. Hana noticed that Lucas looked right at her inside the truck; usually, she would be so embarrassed that she would look away. But she couldn't tear her eyes away from his. She just sat there, her mind and body still processing everything that had happened.

'He's still looking at me... Oh my God... He's smiling at me... He's so hot!' Hana thought as she tried to look away from him but was having trouble with that. She was beginning to think that she was coming down with something.

That's when Jennifer came walking through the doorway. She was strutting her stuff and smiling the whole way with a confidence that she never knew she had. Lucas glanced at Jennifer as she went, and the moment was finally broken.

Hana had finally regained control of her body, so she hurried into the back of her truck, where all the packages were, and hid. Her nipples were hard, and her panties were soaked.

'Why am I hiding? I'm not a teenager. Get it together, Hana!'

Hana tried to shake it off, but the sensation from Lucas' massage lingeringly affected her body as she peaked out the doorway to spy on him. Hana couldn't stop her mind from racing. Her panties were a mess, and her nipples were tenting her bra.

While Hana was hiding, Jennifer was soaking in the sights of Lucas' body. Especially what was hiding inside his pants. She wanted him, and her pussy was aching for another touch, but she fought these urges as she walked by him.

'Oh wow... he's a big boy. Wait! Not in public, Jennifer!' She scolded herself and started walking down the sidewalk, leaving Lucas standing outside. She didn't dare to look back as she was afraid her lust would overwhelm her.

Lucas waved goodbye, and he was glad his first day had gone smoothly. His goal was to give the best massage possible, and he would try to do better with his next client.

Hana waited in the back of the truck, not realizing that she had walked out from her hiding spot. Thanks to Jennifer, any thoughts of flirting with this guy were gone. She didn’t want to compete with her. She had been spying on Lucas for minutes before she started getting her next delivery ready, and she had no clue that he had spotted her until he looked at her again, making her panic.

"Hey, is everything alright, Hana?"


Hana's body tensed, and she slowly turned around and saw Lucas peeking into the back of her truck. She noticed his eyes were lingering on her butt, and she quickly tried to hide it with her jacket, which only drew his attention to her perky breasts.

"I-I'm fine, thanks!"

She clumsily prepared the next package while hurrying to the front of the trunk, sat in the driver's seat, and slammed the door closed.

"Okay... Well, I'll see you around, Hana," Lucas said and gave her a warm smile, noticing that her nipples were poking through her jacket. He could smell the aroma of her arousal, and it made his dick throb in his pants.

"Y-Yes, sir! Um, bye!"

Lucas stepped away from her truck, and Hana started the engine and then drove off. It took a moment for her rational mind to begin to process what just happened.

'Wait!?... Were his eyes were checking out my ass and tits? But I'm petite and not like a model or actress. Maybe he's interested in me? He must be. Or he's a pervert. Wait, he was kind of flirting with me... Oh my God! A good-looking guy is into me! I-Impossible!'

Hana shook her head to clear her thoughts. She didn't want to make assumptions. Her cheeks were still red, and her nipples were still tingling. But she had deliveries to finish, so she would have to process all of this later.

"I've got to get my hormones under control, or else I'll go crazy."

The rest of the day was uneventful, but Lucas kept invading her thoughts, as well as the things Jennifer whispered to her.

'And his hands... They were so warm and soft. I wonder if his penis is warm and hard too?... What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like a slut? I don't care if he's hot and sexy. I have standards! I-I have to focus on work. I have a job to do, and I have to hurry, or I'm going to get an ear full from my boss.'

She shook her head again as her thoughts were becoming dirtier by the second.

'And Jennifer... Why was she talking like a porn star!? She was acting like a total slut... But that's not a bad thing. Her body looked great. And her tits looked natural. And she's a mother! How can I compete with that? Her body is in perfect condition. And she was wearing heels that made her legs and butt look incredible! Fuck! I don't know how to compete with her! Grrr!... I need to meet up with Amy and drink my sorrows away!'

Hana tried to think of reasons why she didn't have to worry about not having a chance with Lucas. She had never had a boyfriend and had no experience with men, so it was fine to feel sorry for herself. She was almost done for the day, and then she would go to the bar with her work friend Amy.

'Maybe it was my imagination... Why would a guy like him be interested in a small girl like me? Maybe I should go to a club or bar tonight with Amy. I need to get a guy’s attention or something. I need a confidence booster... Haah...' Hana shook her head as she turned down a side street to her next stop.

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