Mr. Smith’s Magical Touch

Ch. 11: Teaching This Punk a Lesson. 🖼️🧬

'Huh!? Lucius! I thought you said no one was watching us!?' Lucas panicked as he stared at some guy standing beside their table with a shit-eating grin.

<Oh? Him... he's nothing to worry about.>

'Why you little!?... Are you serious? How is this not a problem, and why didn't you say anything!?'

<Because I wanted you to get your first girl. And she gave you a lot of essences to unlock a new ability. So, I'm not complaining. Also, you should really get used to people watching you fuck.>

'W-What's that supposed to mean? Wait! What do you mean by 'first'?'

<Just click your fingers and move your girlfriend to your left, away from that punk. And then click your fingers again so her clothes can morph into something that will fit her new figure.>

'Right! Wait! What are we going to do about this guy?'

<I unlocked an ability that can deal with aggressive creeps like him. It's called P.P.T. Use your hands to attack the vital points on his body.>

'P.P.T.? Is that some kind of acronym?'

<Yes. Just use it. Or else that creep might take advantage of Hana while she's vulnerable.>

'Shit! Don't worry, Hana. Everything will be fine,' Lucas thought as he clicked his fingers, causing Hana's clothes to return to her body. Still, they didn't fit her new body as her delivery uniform was fighting against her breasts, and her brown pants were struggling to wrap over her wider hips and ass.

'Huh!? My clothes are back on? But they don't fit me right. And it feels so tight around my chest,' Hana thought as panties, shirt, and pants struggled to cover her enlarged breasts and wide hips.

"Lucas? H-How did you do that?" Hana asked while moaning a bit due to her sensitive breasts pressing against her tight shirt and bra.

"I'll explain everything later, babe... For now, sit over here and don't worry. I'll take care of this gentleman," Lucas said as he moved Hana to the left side of him.

Hana blushed as she realized that Lucas was going to fight to keep her safe from this frightening guy. Her rational side thought this was juvenile, but her romantic side was giddy that she had a knight in shining armor who was willing to defend her from a pervert.

Once she sat down, Lucas clicked his fingers again, and her uncomfortable brown uniform was replaced with a pair of pink silk panties, a pink bra, a blue short-sleeved blouse, and a black miniskirt.


'W-WHOA! MY CLOTHES. THEY'VE CHANGED! HOW DID HE DO THAT?... Is he magical?' Hana thought as she examined her new outfit, and she was surprised by how big her breasts had gotten. She always thought it was tacky when women would wear revealing clothes that showed off their busts, but now she understood why some of them did it. It felt nice to let her skin breathe, and the way her tits pushed out against her blouse was strangely erotic.

The silk panties hugged her ass tightly, and her skirt was so short that her panties could be seen. And the bra was straining against her enormous tits. Her blue short-sleeved blouse was showing off her cleavage, and the buttons were struggling to hold together.

'He's magical... He's just so amazing...' Hana thought as a shiver went down her spine, and then she began fantasizing about the different ways that Lucas could use his magic to please her.

The pervert was impressed with this kid's magic trick, but that was all it was, just a trick.

'Pff! If he needs tricks to get a chick, then he must be a loser. Or he drugged her into liking him... No way this hotty would fall for a loser like him. But then again, he looks too handsome to be a loser. But what if she's just using him for a free meal and his wallet? Nah, there's no way a guy has any money. I hate pretty boys that cut in on my territory... Looks like I have to teach them both a lesson,' the man thought as he cracked his knuckles and approached the table.

"Hey, buddy. I don't know how you did that trick. But I had an eye on this girl. She's mine. And you're gonna give her back one way or another," the man said with a threatening tone as he glared at Lucas.

Lucas stood up to get a better look at this guy. He was a white man with a tattoo on his right arm, average height, muscular build, and a buzz cut. He was also wearing an untucked black button-up shirt, gray slacks, and black leather shoes. He looked like he was in his late twenties, but it was tough to tell in the low light.

'Whoa, this guy is intimidating. And he looks like the kind of person that doesn't mind getting their hands dirty... Maybe I should take Lucius's advice and try P.P.T.... Whatever the hell that is!'

"You're making a mistake if you think I'll back down and let you have your way with my girlfriend. I know a few tricks that will put you on the ground," Lucas said, trying his best to intimidate this guy.

The guy's grin turned into a scowl as he glared at Lucas and stepped into his personal space.

"Are you threatening me, pretty boy?" The guy said with an intimidating voice.

"Maybe," Lucas replied as he tried his best to match the guy's glare.

"Now I see why she likes you... She must love hot and stupid pretty boys... I really don't like when pretty boys think they can do whatever they want... I think you need a lesson on respect."

The guy raised his fist, but Lucas didn't flinch and kept glaring at the guy. That's when seven yellow spots lit up on this guy's body as time seemed to slow down to a crawl like Lucas was in the Matrix Movie. Lucas was surprised by this sudden development. Lucas didn't know why this was happening, but he took note of all seven glowing yellow spots. One on his head, one on his chest, two on his legs, two on his arms, and one on his stomach.

'Huh? What the hell are these yellow spots? Are they his weak points?' Lucas thought out loud with his mind.

<Exactly. Those seven spots are from the P.P.T. ability. Just hit those spots until a blue spot or two appears somewhere else on his body. Once it does, it's lights out for that guy.>

'Alright. I guess this guy isn't giving me any other choice... I really don't like fighting, but it can't be helped. I have to protect Hana from this creep,' Lucas thought as the man's fist was slowly moving toward his face.

'Hey, Lucius? Why is everything moving so slowly? Is this a part of the P.P.T. ability?' Lucas asked as he was able to move faster than this guy's incoming punch with ease. It felt like he was moving through water, but it wasn't enough to make a noticeable difference compared to everyone else around him, who looked more like statues.

<Nope! This is a different skill you obtained after fucking Hana. It's called Enhanced Speed. With it, you will have the reflexes of a cat. And no one can outrun or hit you as long as you know the attack is coming. Its purpose is to massage multiple pressure points for the fine ladies quickly. But it will help you defend yourself from goons like this.>

'Wow! Now I know why some of your old hosts thought about using you for conquest in the past... This is like some god-tier abilities... Are you sure you are only for massage purposes only?'

<Of course, my boy. I'm here for love, not war. Plus, the P.P.T. ability is non-lethal, so you won't kill this guy even if you really hit his pressure points. But unfortunately for him, he won't be able to get his dick hard ever again.>

'Wait. That sounds like it can be deadly. Like maybe he'll die from depression once he can't get it up again?'

<Really, Kid? Haah... As I said, it won't kill him. And it won't even make him bleed internally, so you don't have to hold back. Trust me... All you have to do is hit the weak points on his body, then squeeze or twitch the blue glowing spots until they turn purple. And he will lose his aggressive nature, so to speak. And stop messing around! You can only use Enhanced Speed for 30 seconds at the moment. Or do you wish for him to kick the crap out of you and steal your girl?>

'30 seconds? How many did I use? Gah! Fuck it! But I won't hold back if it's for the safety of others. You better be right about this.'

"Ha!" Lucas yelled out as he tapped the spot on that guy's left arm, sending a shiver up the man's spine.

From Sam's point of view, this kid moved so quickly that he could barely react. Lucas didn't look like a martial arts expert or someone who was trained to fight. But he dodged Sam's punches and tapped his left arm on the biceps, which lost all of its strength as a strange calming sensation came over him.

Sam was so shocked he couldn't believe what just happened. His left arm felt numb, and it was dangling uselessly at his side.

'Augh!? T-Tricks won't save you this time!'

Sam decided to swing his right fist as fast and hard as he could, and he was determined to put this cocky bastard down for good.

But Lucas ducked underneath Sam's strike and poked the spot in the right leg, and a wave of excitement washed over him, and a jolt went down his spine.

"Hnnn!? W-What's this? Ugh! How the hell did you move so fast? Whatever. I'll beat you to a pulp, punk," Sam said with a shaky tone as his right leg began to shake, and his foot couldn't move a step forward. His fourth punch was far slower than his last, and Lucas was able to duck under it and poke the spot on Sam's left thigh.

"Ughhh! Stop running around and fight me, you little bitch!" Sam groaned as he felt a strange euphoric sensation run up his left leg. It was starting to make him feel funny between his legs, and he wasn't sure what was happening. His manhood felt limp, and he didn't like how helpless he was becoming.

'H-Huh!? How is this punk making me feel this way? Is it from that magic trick he did? Augh! Focus. You gotta focus. Keep fighting. He's just some pretty boy that got lucky.'

Lucas sighed at this guy's persistence and tapped his stomach before he could throw another punch.

"O-Oof!" Sam yelped as his stomach was poked, and a warm, pleasant feeling filled his core. He was starting to feel a bit woozy and horny, but his cock wouldn't get hard for some reason.

"Aaahh! Stop poking me and stand~! Ugh! It feels... weird," Sam groaned as he struggled to stay on his feet. He was fighting strange thoughts of wanting to become friends with this guy, but his pride wouldn't allow it.

"Gah! Stop dodging and fight me, you prick! I'll tear your face off and show the world what you're really made of. Your mother would be so proud~"

Lucas frowned as he dodged another sloppy swing. Then he poked the spot on Sam's right arm and quickly followed it up by tapping the second-to-last spot on his chest. This sent a wave of pleasure that Sam didn't know existed, and a jolt of excitement ran up his spine. His heart started to race, and he had no idea what was happening to his body as his mind fought back against these strange sensations.

Sam lost his breath as his face became bright red, and his body trembled from the intense sensations. He had no idea that something as simple as getting poked could feel this good, and it was making him feel lightheaded before he fell to his knees.

'W-What did he do to me? It feels... weird. Ugh! I'm not supposed to feel this way. He's supposed to be on his knees and begging for his life. Augh! My mind feels so hazy.'

Sam looked up at this 22-year-old man, who looked down at him with a sympathetic gaze. It made him feel weak and pathetic, but the warmth he felt inside overwhelmed his pride.

'I... I don't want to fight him anymore. It feels too good... Rah! NO! That's what he wants me to do! Be strong and demand what he did to you. Don't let him win. Get up! Get up!'

Sam tried his best to get up on his feet, but the strength in his legs had vanished. He wanted to stand up, but his body wouldn't listen to him.

"A-Are you some kind of Kung Fu Master? What did you do to me, you punk!? Tell me now, and I'll forgive you for what you did," Sam said with a nervous smile as his eyes shifted to the sides. He wasn't sure what else to say. He didn't know anything about kung fu, and his body was shaking.

'I... I should keep my pride and fight back. But I can't move. It's not fair. What did he do to me?' Sam thought as he couldn't understand why his body felt the way it did.

Lucas sighed and shook his head before walking up to this guy and tapping the final weak point on the top of his head.

"I just showed you a thing or two. Now get lost and never come back," Lucas said with an intimidating tone.

"Arghhhh~!" Sam moaned as he felt a strange feeling flow through his body. The man shivered as two blue spots on his pecs appeared right where his nipples were located, and they started to glow brightly.

"Ah~! Mmmmmm~! O-Okay, I get it. I'll leave. Just... don't do anything else, pretty boy," Sam moaned as the strange sensation was turning him on even though his manhood refused to get hard.

'Oh? Two blue spots?' Lucas thought as he stared at them in surprise.

<Hit those two spots, and he'll leave you alone for the rest of the day. Maybe he'll avoid you forever after this.>

'Alright. Let's end this,' Lucas thought. He took his two index fingers and pressed the blue spots.

'Nnnn! What the fuck!? Is this guy gay or something!?' Sam thought as he began to panic.

"H-Hey!? W-What are? Mmmmh?" the man moaned as his nipples poked out of the two glowing blue spots tenting his shirt. Lucas' chakra was halting Sam's testosterone production and stimulating the fat cells that were responsible for producing breast tissue in the male body. And his nipples started to look more feminine as the cells changed shape.

'A-Are my nipples getting hard!? I must be hallucinating. There's no way that's happening. I need to get out of here. But my legs won't move. I should have never messed with this guy,' Sam thought as the sensations were beginning to drive him insane.

"Hmm?" Lucas was surprised to see Sam's nipples poking out through his black shirt. He didn't know why this guy was getting erect in a place like this. But the blue spots were still there, and Lucius told him that was the key to ending this conflict. So Lucas pressed his index fingers into Sam's nipples.

'Whoa! What's happening to him? It looks like his nipples are growing... I guess I should twist them to teach him a lesson?'

Lucas took his left index finger and started to twist his right nipple lightly.

"H-Hey. T-That hurts," the man whined as his nipple became erect and hard. The blue lights started changing colors from blue to purple.

Lucas took his left index finger and started to twist his right nipple lightly. Sam's angry demeanor disappeared as his face became a deep red. He could feel the heat radiating off his face and breathing heavily through his mouth as he let out a cute moan. The two glowing blue spots were solid purple now while Lucas continued to teach him a lesson.

'Geez! This guy is acting weird. But I can't let up until he's begging for forgiveness.'

"A-AH. S-STOP IT. You're making my nips hurt!" Sam squealed as his body twitched, and the heat deep in his gut was getting hotter.

Lucas shook his head. "Sorry. But this is what happens when you try and steal other people's girlfriends. They get punished. So take it like a man, and you'll be out of here in no time."

Lucas twisted Sam's other nipple a bit harder, and the man groaned loudly as the heat was building up in his core. The glowing purple stop started turning into a pinkish color.

Sam wasn't sure how to respond. His body was feeling really good, and his nipples were sensitive. He could feel the cold air blowing from the vent above as his nipples continued to swell and grow. His body was becoming hot, his shirt was becoming looser around his torso for some odd reason, and the tattoo on his arm looked like it was beginning to fade slightly.

"Aunh! S-Stop, please! I won't bug you again! Okay!?" the guy whined in a way that sounded submissive.

"Alright, I'll stop. When I know that you won't try this with anyone else again," Lucas pulled hard on this guy's nipples once more, causing the glowing spot to turn bright pink.

"Eep! Haaah~! Okay! Okay! I'll never do it again. Just stop. My nips are too sensitive. They feel like they're gonna die. Ah~!"

Sam couldn't understand why this was happening, but he didn't think it was possible for him to feel this good. His nipples felt hot and wet, and they were throbbing for some odd reason while deep inside his pecs, they started to arch underneath his nipples as if something was growing.

"Are you sure? Cause it sounds like you are enjoying this punishment," Lucas said with a smug tone as he pinched the guy's nipples.

"Aah~! Yes! I promise I'll never mess with your girlfriend ever again. So please stop. They're starting to hurt," the man whimpered.

Lucas let go as the glowing pink spots became brighter than they ever were when they were blue. The damage was done as Sam's nipples began to grow and expand like a female's nipples.

Once Sam was finally free from Lucas' grasp, his hazy mind recovered enough to become embarrassed and ashamed. His face turned red, and he quickly covered his chest.

'T-This fucking asshole nearly ripped off my nipples. They're still sore, and they're probably buried. Aungh! I-I need to regroup and give this pretty boy a taste of his own medicine. OH, FUCK!? B-But I can't get him back right now. Not with my nips hurting this badly. Oh, man! He's probably laughing his ass off at me. Damn you, Pretty Boy! One day, I'll have my revenge and then some,' Sam thought as he looked down at his chest, which looked like it was starting to get swollen.

Lucas just watched as this guy's nipples looked like a woman's nipples that were tenting out his shirt when Sam pulled his arm back for a second.

'Yikes!... Maybe I went a little too far,' Lucas thought as he wanted to grimace at this guy's poor abused nipples, but he couldn't.

Sam gritted his teeth when the cold air hit his nipples. He covered them up again and moaned, "AH, FUCK!... I-It hurts! M-My nips! Ahh!"

"What's your name?" Lucas asked as he looked down at the pathetic guy.

Sam looked up at Lucas, and he wanted to glare at him, but when he locked eyes with Lucas' bright blue ones, his anger turned into fear, and his voice cracked, "S-Sam."

'W-Why is my heart racing? Why can't I look away? What's wrong with me? Why can't I hate him? What did he do?' Sam thought to himself as his mind was panicking. All he knew was he couldn't fight this guy in a straight-up fight, and he needed to play dirty in the future after he recovered.

"Well, Sam. This is what you get for thinking with your dick. Next time, keep your dick in your pants. And don't try to steal other people's girls," Lucas said with a stern expression, trying his best to look tough.

His glare made Sam's core feel funny, and his cheeks felt hot. Sam couldn't find his voice, and all he could do was nod his head, 'I-I'll never steal your girlfriend, Pretty Boy. Please let me go already. My nips hurt too much. Ah, damn it! Why am I thinking about him instead of her?'

Sam wanted to leave, but his legs were still weak, and his dick wouldn't get hard for some reason, but deep down, he was relieved that this guy didn't do something worse. All he could do was nod his head at Lucas.

"Good... Now, get out of my sight before I decide to do something else to you," Lucas said in an intimidating tone.

'I hope he learns his lesson. Because I don't have any more patience for guys like him. But I did enjoy watching him squirm and moan,' Lucas thought as he chuckled to himself.

Lucas watched as the man struggled to get back on his feet. His pecs had become a bit swollen, and his arms were shaky and weak. Sam's tattoo was completely gone now, but no one had really noticed.

"What are you waiting for, Sam? Get out of here," Lucas said with a cold glare, and his eyes were a lot brighter than before.

Sam looked around the room, and everyone was staring at him with either disgust or confusion. He didn't understand why they were staring, but it made him feel weird and awkward. He was still in pain, and his nipples were still hard, and he was embarrassed by his appearance.

'I need to get the fuck out of here and call my friends for help. But first, I gotta get home and recover from this,' Sam thought. He took a deep breath and began to stumble his way out of the bar.

"And if you ever come back. I'll be sure to twist them off," Lucas shouted from behind, causing Sam's entire body to shiver, and he nearly tripped over his own feet.

'I-Is that even possible? I better get the fuck out of here before this guy tries something else,' Sam thought.

Sam hurried out the door while he was holding his chest, and he luckily felt his legs grow stronger, and the cold air was making him feel better.

Lucas chuckled to himself as he was relieved that it was finally over. He was surprised that it didn't end with a punch, and he felt good that he managed to scare the guy.

Hana watched the whole thing go down and was impressed. She didn't know how he was able to do that, and she was a little bit worried when that guy started throwing punches. But Lucas dodged all of them effortlessly and made Sam look like nothing.

"L-Lucas... Did you just? How did you do that?" Hana asked in amazement.

Lucas' stern demeanor disappeared, and he turned around with an embarrassed smile, "Hahaha... Well, it's a long story. And I really don't like fighting... Are you okay? I'm sorry you had to see that."

"N-No... I'm fine. I just... I can't believe you stood up for me. Thank you," Hana said and hugged him.

'Aunh! I-I think I'm in love with him. I found a really good guy. I want him. And I can't wait for him to be inside me again.' Hana thought as she closed her eyes.

Lucas was over the moon as he felt Hana's big breasts press against his chest, and her scent was invading his senses.

'Her body is warm and soft. I feel like I'm home.' Lucas thought and closed his eyes.

<Great job, kid! Not only did you unlock a new ability. But you also protected your first girl—way to go. Now, I've unlocked a few new features for you and a few for her. Just check your screens. You have a lot of stuff to go through. Also, that woman, Amy, might need help getting home... You should tell Hana to find her.>

'Oh, right... I almost forgot. Did I overdo it with the massaging of her hands? She was moaning a lot. And she didn't look so good when we left her.'

<Don't worry. She'll be fine. Just go tell Hana to find her. Oh, and here is a gift for being a good boy. Wink, wink.>

'Okay. Thanks... Wait? What gift? And why did you say, wink, wink?'

<Hehe! You'll see...>

Lucas broke out of his thoughts as he looked at Hana. "Hey, we should probably get out of here. We can't stay all night."

"Huh? You're right," Hana said, and then a question popped into her head. "Hey? Can I stay at your place tonight?"

Lucas was doing an internal fist pump when he heard her question.

"Yeah. But I'm a little worried about your friend Amy... She's been in the restroom for a long time. Do you think she's alright?"

"Ah! I totally forgot about her. I have to go find her," Hana said, letting go of Lucas.

"Okay, I'll wait here for you," Lucas said as he stood by the booth.

"Thank you. I'll be right back." Hana said and ran towards the restroom.

As Lucas sat back down, the screen popped when he opened both of his hands with his glowing tattoos, and he read the text.

(Ability Acquired)

Enhanced Speed: Gain the ability to move faster than normal. No one will be able to hit you or keep up with you as long as you see your attacker coming.

(Ability Unlocked)

Pacifying Pressure Technique or P.P.T.: When the master is challenged by another man. He can tap vital points on the man's body, making him less aggressive and more passive and making them more pleasing over time. Target can become less manly if the master wishes to.

(Feature Unlocked)

Double Clicking Clothing Morph: Allows Master to change his women's clothes to fit her new body.

'Damn! I can't let this stuff go to my head. But I'm glad to have all these abilities and features. Wait, did you say that there's a special gift? I don't see it. Or were you joking?'

<I can't joke about this. You've been a good boy, so the system is giving you a gift. You should open it. And before you ask, yes, it's for free.>

'Okay. Do I push a button or something?'

<Look under your passive abilities tab.>

'Alright. Let's see what this new ability does.'

As Lucas looked at the list of abilities and saw a new ability titled:

(Passive Ability)

Tongue Tease: Allows Master the ability to extend his tongue to whatever length he desires. It can cause a woman's body to become extra sensitive, and her sexual desire will rise to a new high. Also allows the master to extend his tongue to the deepest parts of her body.

'That's a weird one, but I guess it will come in the clutch when giving head. Huh, maybe I should test this out later. And why is the P.P.T. ability so vague? Less manly? What the hell does that mean?'

<Geez! You can be such a worry wart! You can only use it if another dude like Sam challenges you to a battle. If that happens, then it's game on. I mean, look at the guys in this bar.>

Lucas looked around the bar and saw all the men looking at him, but he turned away in fear or envy.

'Huh!? Are they afraid of me? Or jealous of me?'

<Most likely both. After the little stunt you pulled. I would be afraid and jealous. But I wouldn't worry. The P.P.T. Ability has no side effects. Only making them less aggressive and more passive. Like the system said, he won't be able to fight or even fuck his woman anymore. Justice served.>

'Is that the only side effect? His nipples did look a little more swollen than they should.'

<Totally! So stop worrying about it and enjoy your new girlfriend. It looks like she's coming back.>

'Really? Alright.'

Lucas closed the screen and went towards the restrooms.

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