Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 075

Chapter 75. Kids These Days Lack Effort (1)

A gigantic Great Barrier settles into view:

A massive gray wall without a single seam in sight.

To ordinary people, it looks just like that,

but to my eyes, it reveals something else.

A small distortion—a flimsy wall where reality meets reality.

Is that it?

I realize there’s a door over there.

I focus my eyes, gathering strength,

and two scenes appear in my mind simultaneously.

An empty gray wall and a black metallic door attached to the wall.

Reality crumbles like that.

A headache arises from the side effects of breaking through this fake reality.

Looking at Iriya, who’s pushing a Ricar beside me,

he doesn’t seem to share my pain.

Could it be he already knew there was a door there?

Ugh. Why bother.

I could get it unlocked if I get closer,

but now I feel like I wasted my efforts.

“Hey, can you see that?”

Has Iriya sensed my change in direction and started talking?

“Why? Is this your first time seeing someone perceive reality without magic or superpowers?”

“It is my first time.”

They all say that.

Finishing our conversation, we dashed toward the door,

but one person remains in confusion.



“What’s over there?”

She thinks it’s odd we’re running toward the wall.

Han Ah stretches her eyes wide and begins attempting to peer through the wall.

Naturally, it would look like just a wall to her.

So, what should I do?

If I mention it, she’ll likely suffer an immense mental shock,

but if I brush it off, she might just think I’m hiding something.

The best bet would be not to let her notice anything strange until we arrive,

but it seems I’m already too late.

“There’s nothing, so just close your eyes.”

“Hey, the mana flow is odd, right?

Normally, a wall like that shouldn’t be strong enough. Wait, why are there two of my hands?”


Did she notice?

There are countless things out there that are better left unknown.

Having too much talent could also be a problem:

Reaching a level of certainty about the discomfort of beauty.

“Well, let’s run then.”

Now that it’s come to this, I have no choice but to hurry up and reach our destination to get this done with.


Iriya, the Monster, seems oblivious to what’s happening and responds with a blank stare.

“Ah, Han Ah has recognized reality at the same time.

If it stays like this, it’s likely to leave a mental impact, so we have no time.”

“Can we recover her?”

That’s the implication.

How did she decipher it?

Thankfully, she only acknowledged the reality without having experienced it like me.

Looking back at Han Ah in the Ricar, I see her perilous state trembling before my eyes.

Drool pours from her mouth like a waterfall,

and her tired eyelids flutter as if her eyes are going insane.

It’s a pitiful sight, but at least it’s fortunate she’s in this state rather than glued to the wall.

If she keeps staring at it, there’s a possibility she might suffer brain damage due to information overload.

Closing her eyes, she seems to protect herself instinctively against the things she shouldn’t see.


The Ricar shakes like crazy, the wheels bumping into rocks and it keeps lifting off the ground.

Thank goodness it was secured well enough to keep the cargo from spilling.


Yet, without any securing devices, Han Ah’s body is thrown against the cargo, colliding here and there.

Worrying about her, I turn my head,

and all I see is her body trembling with the shock of crossing a junction along with Kyunhyeon.

“Are you okay?”

“Go ahead!”

“I’ll take care of the Ricar!”

He doesn’t seem to grasp my intentions.

I’m holding the Ricar and my frail student is in my arms.

While she may be taller than me, her internal strength is that of a fragile little student.

She’s someone I must protect.

This soon-to-be hero, even in a safe place, has to face death. This fragile, fragile student.


My foot catches a bump.

Due to sudden acceleration, my field of vision rapidly shrinks, and the environment shifts around me.

Wrapping my hand around her eyes to stop her from lagging behind,

the intense heat transmits through my palm.

Is it just my imagination?

It feels like her convulsions have weakened.


Her feet start moving again.

The target point comes into view.

An empty gray wall.

No matter how you look at it, it’s just a giant gray wall,

but I can see the hidden black metallic door behind it.

The world is split between a great place and a power using technology from the otherworld—a security master.

The wall exists in one world while the door exists in another, forcefully merging them in this reality.

Knowing that the wall shouldn’t exist there, I throw my body forward.

As I pass through the wall in front of me,

a feeling of impact—no impact—invades my body as I breach the wall.


Is it only then that I realize where I’ve reached?

Fueled by a slight scream, I find myself surrounded by armed guards of the Association.

With this urgent situation, one wonders if it’s necessary to follow the rules,
but I shout out.

“Registration Number 01-005-M Hero Lee Haram is here!

I have a permit for entry,
so please verify it.”

Feeling my student’s tremors, I collect my mind.

Cooperating with them will definitely result in a faster resolution than creating chaos.

“While you check, I kindly ask you to wait patiently, Ms. Haram.”

At my calm demeanor, they scale back their sharp atmosphere to a businesslike one.

The guns pointed at me remain locked in place, but they seem ready to listen.

Finally, the reason I rushed in like this escapes my lips.

“I have been made aware of reality and have remained in a state of insanity.

I request immediate supplies for emergency treatment.”

“According to regulations, that’s prohibited…”

I know the situation by now.

“However, there are exceptions to every rule.”

“This is an emergency. The pace of progress is faster than expected, and it’s required per the life-preserving exceptions.

Though I can’t promise tool preparation, is emergency treatment not within possible bounds?”

I needed to make them understand that I had no malice,

setting down Han Ah on the floor and stepping back.

Han Ah… her warmth leaves my hand while turning it back.

It’s okay; right now, she’s still safe.

Did they understand what that meant? A guard wearing a squad leader’s insignia steps forward to Han Ah and begins checking her condition.

“Is she also a Hero?”

“Registration Number 26-1943-M.”

“Is she your student?”

I did well to memorize the registration numbers.

“It doesn’t seem like a lie.”

Continuing to check her condition, he said that and carefully took out a auto-injector from his pocket,
sticking it into her thigh.


With a clear sound as the surge of liquid spouts,

Han Ah’s convulsions begin to settle down.

I let out a sigh of relief.

As the situation stabilized, my natural sigh slips out.

Did she hear my sigh? The squad leader addresses me.

“Don’t be too relieved.

This is merely first aid.

We need to confirm precise action before proceeding.”

I know that.

“I can wait for that much.”

Having passed the hazard, I spread both arms,

slowly sinking to the ground.

The guns still follow me, crafting an amusing scene.

So, shall I sit and wait then?

Once confirmative checks are over or if Iriya arrives, things should be resolved.

I ease my heart, feeling a mix of relief over the situation being resolved.


“How could someone nearly die just trying to get over the Great Barrier?”

I really don’t know, you fool.

Who would ever think it possible for someone who knows nothing to decipher it over there?

“I also didn’t think Han Ah would reach that level of ability.”

That talent for deciphering must be akin to Meteor or Infinite Architect level.

Even if talent exists, there’s got to be a limit.

I knew she had talent, but if she could read the distortion of reality,

we would have taken action long before it got to this.

“Thanks to you, this little ordeal has popped up.”


Iriya seems to be familiar with this door,

and upon his arrival, the guards quickly move Han Ah to a treatment room,

leaving us to pass the time in the guardhouse’s chairs.

How long has it been since we exchanged some casual jokes?

The squad leader opens the door and steps in.

“Are you waiting much?”

“What’s the situation?”

Of course, there can’t be any sign of things going wrong, but I demand results immediately.

“In about two hours, she should regain consciousness.

It’s crucial to address things quickly to prevent damage to her brain or senses.”

Thank goodness.

“Regarding the information filtering algorithms for reality?

Can we embed them into her brain?”

That’s a request I’m forcibly making.

Knowing Han Ah’s talent, I figured something might arise before this became an issue.

“About that…”

Why does the squad leader suddenly lower his head?

“Why? What’s going on?”

“Could you come this way for a moment? It’s a matter related to privacy.”

Forcing me to move to talk indicates they can’t disclose it to Iriya.

It feels as though he’s telling me to go talk, leaving Iriya out.

After ignoring Iriya’s waves, I step outside the guardhouse.

CREAK. The door shuts behind me.

”What seems to be the issue?”

I don’t want to waste more time, so I immediately open my mouth.

“We failed to install the algorithms.”

“Why is that?”

If it were back in the old days, I’d understand, but nowadays, anyone should be able to implant those.

The guards here could pull it off too, and it’s impossible for Han Ah’s intelligence to be lacking.

“There’s an S-Rank secret project in her brain.

Have you heard of it?”

S-Rank secret project?

What do you mean?

Why on Earth is there such a thing attached to Han Ah?

I have one too.

“Am I implicated in this?

Hey, squad leader. Do you know much about such brain algorithms?”

“You’d understand if you saw the placement here, right? Above average.”

“Then can projects be transmitted?

S-Rank secret projects are hard to nail down.

Even Cheonha Ilgyeom got classified as a standard A-Rank.”

So why are two individuals hanging around this conversation, specifically me and Han Ah?

What on Earth is going on?

“Then I recommend you check with the Association.

It’d be best to definitely clarify before similar situations occur again.”

Is the squad leader genuinely concerned about Han Ah?

His words are filled with sincerity.

“I’ll make sure to heed that.”

Whether I should ask directly or submit a confirmation request to the Association

will be crucial.

Given that this involves an S-Rank secret, it’s likely that even if I inquire, they will refuse.

But if they’re in opposition, that alone would prove the existence of such secrets.

“If Han Ah awakens, I’ll inform you immediately.”


After parting with the squad leader, I sink back into the guardhouse chair.

“What do you suppose you’ll be discussing?”

The Monster next to me seems to have a fondness for events such as this, hiding his interest as he quizzes me.

“Do you think I’d share my student’s privacy?”

“Well, I see.

I have heard everything indeed.”

“Ah, this little devil is quite the monster.”

“Impressive. An S-Rank secret project sounds related to the establishment of the Association, doesn’t it?

Is it possible your student might actually be a former hero who’s lost her memory?”

“I generally remember every child, but not Han Ah.”

If that were the case, how could it connect to her magical girl antics from years five to seven?

“It’s possible there could be some mystical secrets. For instance, the existence of other worlds or parallel realities!

Memory loss or reincarnation could be in play!”

Why is he suddenly so excited? Doesn’t he have a taste for such matters?

Reincarnators are all con men.

There may be one or two who flipped timelines, but the conversations about those years seem endless.


“Am I being called?”

“Are you trying to do this during the conversation?”

A strange voice rings out, catching my attention, but all I see is the Monster beside me talking away.


A bit louder and clearer this time.

“Who is calling? ”

“I don’t hear anyone,” I reply.

Not hearing it? Such a clear voice?


Where are you, Han Ah?”

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