Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 069

Chapter 69. The Old Saying: A Student Must Not Kill or Save

“Don’t bother!” (4)

The stormy wind and salty waves slammed into our boat relentlessly.

The students were caught up in it, screaming.

For me, however, it was just a refreshing breeze soothing the heat of the flames, so I calmly steered the boat.


The boat bounced once off the sea and flew back into the air.

It was not energy meant to race across the ocean, but rather energy that seemed poised to leap into the sky.

As the boat glided through the air, it gradually descended, touching the waves before bouncing back up again.

This movement came from adjusting the power of the hammer.

Time spent traveling was precious, so I thought I might as well train during it.

“People die…”


The students seemed unwilling to die, gripping the handles tightly.

To be precise, they were just holding onto them—reality was that their bodies danced in line with the movements of the rubber boat.

At this rate, if they let go of the handles, they would head straight for the afterlife.

As for me and Prohibition, we were integrated with the boat, so we had no problems. It was even quite comfortable.

“Slowly connect your mana with the rubber boat. Mana possesses that kind of strength. The mana released externally…”

“How do we do that?”

Maybe it was because she had opened her mouth, but Han Abin lost her grip on the handle and floated up into the air.

I caught sight of her astonished expression as she hovered above.

Usually, I would catch her, but I simply slowed down the speed and watched calmly.

“Hey, be careful. It’s dangerous, so hold on tight.”

Han Abin, who was about to fly away, got snagged on Prohibition’s outstretched rifle and returned to her original position.

“Grab the handle. Or you’ll fly away again.”

Seeing her pale expression as she grabbed the handle again, it seemed she still had some wits about her regarding the lifeline.

“Alright, let’s continue the lecture. If the weapon is at hand, can we see it as part of our body? Does mana or qi flow through it?”

The boat lifted again off the sea and both students found themselves airborne.

“Ahhh… What the…”


Their voices were drowned by the waves, but I ignored it and continued my lecture.

“The answer is that mana and qi do flow through it. This idea pushed to the extreme evolves into the martial art of weapon mastery. Treating weapons as part of one’s own body and enveloping them with internal energy…”

Whether it’s a sword or an aura sword… Who cares?

What matters is the theory behind it.


“Master! What’s this got to do with the chaos we’re in…?”

Baek Sihyeon seemed to be listening, starting to mumble loudly. Meanwhile, Han Abin remained silent, staring blankly into space.

I hoped Han Abin would catch the more important parts, but if she didn’t remember, I could always explain again later.

At that time, I wouldn’t be as merciful.

“Take a look at this. Doesn’t it seem strange? Despite this speed, the rubber boat maintains its shape. Prohibition’s just sitting there without holding the handle and is perfectly fine.”

Suddenly, Prohibition slapped my face.

“Why did you hit me, you punk?!”

“Using the term ‘butt’ when referring to a woman isn’t proper… Hammer Kid.

Has she gone nuts?

Well, she was always crazy.

There was no point trying to talk reason to a madman, so I shot her a glare before returning to the lecture.

“Even though this discussion got weird, it means that a hero’s power is connected not only to their equipment but also to external objects. Thus, they can enhance those objects—though that doesn’t mean it’ll become ordinary; they must be aware of it.”

Prohibition connected herself to the rubber boat.

I wrapped the entire rubber boat in mana through the hammer.

If it were a regular rubber boat, it would have deformed long ago, yet it was still maintaining its shape intact.

“Han Abin, Baek Sihyeon, if it’s you two, you probably use this actively. When you wield a weapon or an arrow, it’s about enhancing them. This is a technique to consciously utilize them, not unconsciously.”

As I said this, I glanced again at Prohibition, who belonged to the upper echelons of enhancement arts.

Earlier, I had described her as a representative hero from the martial artist series, but in reality, specialists with such powers were modern gun users.

You could enhance with bullets in a firearm, but because there are limits, you need to surpass those limits with such enhancement arts.

In Prohibition’s case, her schizophrenia mixed in, allowing her to transform the very shape of firearms at will, reaching a high level.

But that’s unique to Prohibition.

“So now…”

“I’m gonna try zero—”

Both students were flung out.

Oops, rejection!

Yeah, how could they think of this slippery rubber boat as their own body?

Zip. Zip.

Once again, her rifle swung, successfully rescuing the airborne students.

“Hey, Hammer. Drive carefully.”

“They’re at fault!”

In dire situations, they’d learn on their own, right?

From Donghae to Hokkaido, it’s roughly 1000 km, right?

Even if they don’t learn, they can hold out for 2-3 hours.

“Well, they won’t die, so let them figure it out.”


The rubber boat landed again as the seawater swept past, and where the water receded, no one could be seen.

“Where’d they go?”

“They got swept away by the waves. I’m exhausted.”

I jumped into the sea.

Stupid students.


Land started coming into view, so I turned off the afterburner of the hammer, submerged it in the ocean to cool off, leaving a trail of boiling steam behind.

The remaining momentum allowed the rubber boat to slowly decrease its speed and eventually beach itself on the sandy shore.

“Alright, we’ve arrived.”

“Land! Mother Earth!”

“We’re alive! We made it back! Sihyeon!”

The two students exclaimed strangely as they jumped off the boat.

I wonder if they were checking if the land was real, kneeling on the ground and scooping up sand to throw at each other.

They looked even worse than when I had them flying through the air in my grasp yesterday.

Even Baek Sihyeon, who seemed fine yesterday, was making odd faces as she dumped sand on Han Abin.

…Nature really is terrifying.

“You did better as a master than I thought.”

“It’s alright? Those guys will become strong soon.”

“If their sanity doesn’t crumble.”

What a horrifying thought.

In such circumstances, I managed to push through and learn new techniques.

Such spirits wouldn’t break easily.

Though they might be acting strange now, in the end, both became aware of the rubber boat as part of their bodies, albeit weakly.

Especially after falling into the ocean, Han Abin’s skill had suddenly taken a leap, reaching a point where she was merging her hands with the rubber boat’s handle.

While Baek Sihyeon flattered around wildly, Han Abin was muttering something strange like, “The black candy won’t eat me… I won’t let it…,” throwing herself into the movements of the rubber boat.

In a crisis, releasing all tension and entrusting oneself to the power of others? She truly has a keen sense.

I wonder if she has some trauma with Salmiac.

“Is this Hokkaido…?”

“Yeah. I think we’ll cross the Great Barrier.”

“I misjudged the hammer; it’s softer than expected. My bad.”

“Misjudged? Then you followed us thinking you knew where we were going?”

“If it were the hammer, I thought you’d charge into the Atlantic… They say facing overwhelming battles raises your skills!”

Unless I’m crazy, why’d I take a rubber boat there?

Am I really gonna summon a 0-Rank Monster due to a failed hunt?

“Then let’s first submit a passage request at the branch.”

“Sounds good…”

She wobbled past the two students as if ignoring them on the sandy beach.

The students stared blankly at her, but wanting to feel the joy of the earth, they continued throwing sand at each other.

“Come on, let’s go.”

I pulled the two of them by the hands.

“Senior, just a bit more! Let me feel the joy of being alive!”

“Master! Enjoy the sensation beneath my legs…”

Are they foolish?

“Shut up, feel the joy of the earth!”

As I began the forced march, I needed to find the Deity too; I had no time to waste on them.

The students were desperately trying to embrace the earth, flailing their arms and legs as if they were newborn deer lying on the ground. But they couldn’t withstand the pull of my strength and finally started walking on their own.

Their wobbly legs and loud shouts resembled newborn deer, but that wasn’t my concern.

After leading the fawn-like students for about ten minutes, the enormous tower finally came into view.

“See that?”

They nodded, pointing toward the tower.

“I can’t see anything.”

“Me neither, Master!”

Well, that’s because you two have your heads buried in the ground, making eye contact with the earth.

I released their hands, grabbed their chins, and forced their gazes toward the tower.

“That’s the Hokkaido branch that manages the Great Barrier.”

Finally finding some interest, the students began to scan the dark tower.

“It’s smaller than the Korean branch, which oversees all of East Asia, but it’s quite large since it manages the Great Barrier.”

If the U.S. branch is a 9, and the Korean branch is an 8, then this must be a 3 or 2.

But, given its proximity to the Great Barrier, most of its strength lies in military forces.

“You might be staying here for a long time, so remember this location. I might need a place to stay at the Deity’s residence.”

I might have to stay at the Association’s lodging if worse comes to worst.

I felt their nods of understanding resonate through our gripping hands.

Maybe it was seeing the towering tower, but their trembling legs seemed calmed too; I felt it was okay to let go now.

At least my little fawns had managed to outgrow the noisy stage of youth.

As I was moving toward the tower with the little deer in tow,


A short pain shot through my head.

Someone was directing mental attacks at me with intent.

To ensure the students wouldn’t suspect me, I held a stiff expression and loosened my mind just slightly.

– Did you arrive?

Is that telepathy?

Well, if it were a phone call, I might’ve been exposed, so this is a safer option.

I glanced at my students.

Not realizing I was receiving telepathy, they continued to chitchat loudly.

Should I prompt them to think about what lies beyond the barrier?

– The faction…

– Yes, Linshua is also present.

The leader Linshua is out too?

That means the faction is willing to cooperate with my intentions.

– Have you confirmed Linshua’s influence? Is she connected?

– She is connected. Once you destroy the barrier, we can push through.

The details I’d shared earlier began to unfold.

The next measure to shake the Association and society.

To destroy part of the Great Barrier.

Thus Japan would lose part of its eastern region, but considering most of the population has migrated to the West, it won’t be a huge loss.

– Have you prepared an escape route for Linshua?

– Isn’t that a given? If we lost Linshua, we’d be finished on our end.

– Of course. But I’m asking if you can save Linshua even at the cost of your lives.

– Yes. Even if all the troops here die, we will ensure Linshua survives. In the worst-case scenario, we have arrangements for her to move to Haram Lee.

Good. That’s all I needed.

Now for the next question.

– You know, right? Actions causing harm to civilians are prohibited.

– From the start, the faction’s rules state there should be as little civilian harm as possible.

– Then. Contact Yumil. Once the Great Barrier collapses, tell him to halt activities.

– Understood. For the assistance we’re providing, you must demolish a branch of the Association.

A branch, huh.

Hokkaido’s one branch. How much blood has been spilled establishing that?

And I’m thinking of taking it down?

I must really be losing it.

– Don’t worry, their downfall is necessary to shake the Association.

Got it.

Now, let’s wrap up here.

– Have you found the Deity?

– Well… should I say I’ve found her… or not…?

Why was the guy who just sounded sure acting like this now?

– Just answer. Have you found her? Yes or no? Is that too difficult?

– I found her, but… um… she’s still powerful despite claiming to have retired?

– Right?

…That’s some nonsense right there!

An retired hero shouldn’t retain her strength. What nonsense is this?

She must have mistaken her for another hero.

– It’s a retired hero…

An electric hero. East Asian. Female. Blind. Living alone away from people. Is that all correct?

– Yes. All accurate. However, the fact that she holds significant power is a little odd considering she’s supposedly ‘retired’.

Sounds like a mistake again.

I’ve never heard of a retired hero restoring their strength.

But should I just ask her location?

– Where is she?

…Uhm, about that…

Why is he acting like this again? He’s not just throwing random words out there, is he?

– Do you know the organization called the Purification Volunteer Organization beyond the Great Barrier?

– I know. It’s one of your disguise organizations.

– She’s been working there as a volunteer… for quite a while.

A headache began to take shape.

Words need to sound coherent to accept them.

– Are you sure?

A sigh almost escaped me, but I barely held it in.

I couldn’t show any suspicious emotions in front of the students.

– What’s the location?

– It’d be better to ask them directly when you go to the Association instead of having me explain.

– Got it.

– Well then. Until next time.


Once again battling the headache washing over me, I lifted my head.

The telepathy was cut off.

At the same time, I opened the door to the tower of the Association with the little deer in tow.

Alright. How heroic will these heroes turn out to be?

I need to save that one branch, and as a righteous villain, that should set me straight.

Then, let’s get started.

To shake the society with the first move.

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