Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 052

Chapter 52. The First Conclusion

I feel a refreshing breeze.

The merciful flow of mana soothes my prickly skin.

As I open my long-closed eyes, countless flows of mana come into view.

Green, red, black, blue. Mana flows of countless colors.

This place, where a storm of mana is created, crosses the space.

It’s a place I have seen many times, a place where another me manifests.

As the mana storm brushes against my body, my clothes flutter.

A space where I alone exist.

An otherworld that Unho and Yumil do not know.

Why am I here?

My last memory is clearly the scene of the Hydra’s red energy disappearing.

It’s neither Unho’s magic nor did I touch someone else’s body.

I merely defeated the enemy in the story.

I had no reason to be here.

Continuing my thoughts, I looked around my body.

Not a single injury on my body.

No burn marks, just clear skin.

My sensory organs are functioning well, hearing and seeing clearly.

My voice works fine too.

It wouldn’t have healed from such a wound so quickly.

I should have been recovering for a long time.

So, did I lose consciousness for a long time until my body healed?

Or could it be that…

“Am I dead?”

Is this the afterlife?

It’s a pretty good assumption considering my thoughts.

It’s quite strange to still be in the form of a magical girl after dying, but whatever.

If I really died, I would only regret not teaching my students much.


“Who died? Have you lost your mind?”

The owner of this space stepped out, dispelling the storm.

With a white stick in her mouth, she glared at me.

She swung her hammer, embedding it into the ground, leaning her body against it as she spoke.

“Have you been coming here often lately?”

Why does her behavior seem oddly similar to mine?

Is it just my imagination?

“I didn’t come because I wanted to, but I don’t even know how I got here.”

That’s why I thought I was dead.

“Oh. So you thought this was the afterlife? Impressive.”

The identity of this girl who remains unknown just keeps laughing.

With pure joy that makes my ears shake.

“Identity? I’ve told you so many times. I told you my identity, and I’m that kind of girl.”

Reading my mind is such a nuisance, huh?

Answering unasked questions, the conversation flows at her pace.

If so, then it’s time for me to take the initiative.

“I borrowed Unho’s power and tried to revert to memories from that time. There was nothing. You didn’t say who you are.”

“I did. It’s probably a recognition issue.”

A strange girl who teaches me nothing. This is only the second time we’ve exchanged words, but she has a clearly odd personality.

“You too.”

Clatter. Giggle.

The sound of that girl’s laughter mixed with the clatter of the white stick.

“So, why not tell me? Why am I in this space?”

It seemed she was waiting just for that, pulling out her hammer and spinning around.

Her skirt spread widely in the air, and the surrounding mana wrapped around her according to the flow of her hammer.

“You defeated the story’s formidable enemy. So what’s next?”

She provides no answer.

She simply babbles and chooses on her own.

“Not gonna answer? Searching for me is meaningless. I’ve told you everything.”

It’s noisy.

Far too many incidents have happened, and my head is a mess.

“No words? Then, since you’re busy, let’s cut to the chase. It’s a reward. You defeated a tremendous foe and gain greater power. That’s the conventional flow of the story, isn’t it?”

“If that were the case, wouldn’t it usually be during a fight when one awakens?”

“There’s that, and there’s also this. Not every story is the same.”

She stopped spinning and placed her legs together, assuming a relaxed posture.

“But you don’t need new magic, right? Can you use new weapons? Do you need them?”

She straightened up and leaned her body toward me.

“Stronger power? Isn’t that excessive? It’s tough enough managing my emotions right now?”

Blood rushed to my head.

An obvious provocation.

Why am I being polite to this unknown person?

Such childish wordplay isn’t even my taste.

If the conversation doesn’t continue, there’s only physical negotiation left.

Summoning my hammer immediately, I swung it at her.

With all my strength. With all my emotions.


My hammer collided with hers.

The shock of the hammerheads clashing.

Power is equal.

Immediately, I turned my hammer back and continued spinning.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Again and again.

The heads of the hammers continued to clash, but nothing happened.

Same strength, same rotation, same point of impact.

The first strike was my ambush, so it was a little faster, but as the attack continued, our forms transformed into identical shapes.

Completely identical strength.

Completely identical techniques.

Completely identical trajectories.

It was like extending a hand to an opponent in a mirror.

…So annoying.

It was a completely meaningless act. What does it mean to fight against an opponent who performs exactly the same actions?

Even if I mix paint, both would just take the form of paint, creating a bizarre situation where both attacks would delay.

Since it wasn’t aimed at a draw, the attack itself was pointless, so I withdrew my hammer and silently spread my arms in surrender.

“Do as you like. Let’s finish this quickly.”

“Already done? Why? Why not go a bit more? I can fight with you until you feel like it.”

She continued to speak while shaking her hammer.

“When both of us exhaust our strength and collapse, we acknowledge each other. Isn’t that okay?”

Sure, that sounds nice.

In fact, I’d enjoy a situation like that.

If it were someone else.

“Didn’t you say you were busy? Let’s just finish quickly and go our separate ways.”

“Right now, I’m not very busy. The busy times have passed.”

What the heck is she saying? Is that even a proper sentence?

“Well. Since I’m busy right now, just tell me quickly and finish it. A normal reward doesn’t matter to you. Should I pay you instead?”

Pulling her hammer back, she also spread her arms and continued her words.

“Knowledge. The knowledge to awaken the power you have. Isn’t that the most valuable reward?”

“Whatever it is, let’s wrap it up quickly. I want to see if the others are safe.”

“Sure. Friends are important.”

She nodded.

As if it were a matter of course, she wore a triumphant expression.

“(The mind is the body) I’ve heard that somewhere?”

Lisa Dahlgren. The otherworldly cuisine from Happiness Drop.

“What does that…”

“You appeared in the form of a magical girl in that otherworld in an instant. Not perfect, but truly, the form of a magical girl.”

She interrupted me and bombarded me with information like a rapid-fire gun.

“What is a magical girl? Why does everyone else change slightly when they transform but you are special? These questions.”

“Of course there must be a reason. But what I’m trying to tell you isn’t that.”

She closed in on my face.

“The body of a magical girl is a high-density mana substance created by your mind. Throw away your common sense, forget that you’re in pain. Then it will reconstruct itself again.”

She pulled her face back, changing to a light expression as she resumed her proper posture.

“To put it bluntly, if your body dies, as long as the mind lives, it remains intact.”

A storm-like sentence.

She didn’t even give me a chance to respond as she finished her words.

“Human thoughts come from… What kind of nonsense is that?”

“That’s an old story from 30 years ago. You idiot.”

“Well. Think about it carefully. I’m busy so let’s meet again later.”

She said that with a smile and turned her back into the storm.

Once again, she revealed nothing.

She just spoke what she wanted and disappeared.

“Oh. This time is a service since I’m not busy. I’ve fixed your body, so when you wake up, you should be fine.”

A strange electronic sound echoed in my ears.

My vision was blocked by the original view, and I could see nothing. I could tell I was in a bright room, but…

What’s so uncomfortable about this?

I tried to check my situation by lifting my body, but something stiff obstructed my movements.

A restraint?

When I tried to open my mouth to call for someone, a hose-like object was inserted into my mouth, preventing me from making a sound.

Fine. I’ll just destroy it all.

Swinging my arms widely, the things obstructing me flew away.

With my freed arms, I tore away the soft material covering my eyes.

As my vision cleared, I could see where I was.

A room made of white vinyl on one side.

Is this an isolation room?

Then this must be a hospital or the Association.

As I wiggled my legs, numerous things that had been sticking to my body fell away.

An uncomfortably large number of IVs.

Bandages coiling around my body.

Heavy metal wires forcibly inserted into my skin, perhaps to prevent torn flesh.

What on earth happened to my body to result in such a mess?

The metal fastened with screws was uncomfortable, but I thought tearing it off might lead to trouble, so I chose to move my body as it was.

The staff seemed to have gone somewhere since there was no one on the other side of the clear vinyl.

Bang. Bang.

“Is anyone there!”

I banged on the sturdy door blocking the isolation room, but there was no response.

It felt awkward to just walk out like this.

Thinking that, I looked around my body.

Pale skin.

Only pale skin and metal wires.

A multitude of iron embedded in my naked body.

Since my skin and flesh had practically been cooked, it was only natural for me to be treated.

That’s that, but isn’t it strange that I’m moving around naked?

It can’t be helped.

Summoning my hammer into my hand, my mana began to weave clothes.

The magical girl outfit I’ve worn for 30 years.

Now so familiar it feels like my skin.

After changing into the magical girl outfit, I pressed the switch next to the door.

I crossed the door, passed through the disinfection room, and entered the next room, but still, there was no one in sight.

Shouldn’t someone be waiting next to a person on the verge of death?

Thinking it suspicious, I scanned the inside of the room.

Things like a phone, a red button, numerous medical tools.

And a door that emanated a presence.

Ignoring what has nothing to do with me, I walked toward the door with the presence.

“As I said, there are no signs of improvement in the condition of Hero Haram Lee. We must prepare for the worst circumstances…”

“Why isn’t the healing magic working!”

“The entire body is contaminated with otherworldly power. Before we can remove that, there’s no other solution…”

As I approached the door, I heard someone speaking, and I kicked it open wide.

A neat white corridor, people gathered.

The sound of weeping filled the air.

“Unni Oxymoron! You can save Senpai, right?”

“No, I’m doing it! Why are you blocking the way?”

One of the students clung to Oxymoron.

Another was swinging a hammer at the doctor while being held back by Oxymoron.

“What are you all doing?”

All eyes turned toward me.

The faces of my old comrades and students, those connected to me, came into view.

Each wore a face drowned in sadness.

Tears streaked their faces, lines etched with sorrow, small scars remaining on tightly shut lips.

But those marks of sorrow were painted over with different emotions.

Eyes wide open, foreheads creased in confusion, lips parted in a vacant gaze.

A clear panic.

Translated into my words, it means: ‘Why are you there?’


Breaking the peculiar atmosphere was my first student, Baek Sihyeon, who rushed to me.

She lifted my small body and hugged me tightly.

“Teacher! It’s really you, right!”

“It hurts, you idiot.”

“I’m sorry! You’re still not fully healed!”

With my retort, Sihyeon flustered and set me down. Perhaps because she caused quite a stir.

In the softened atmosphere, others drew closer, each offering a greeting.

Unable to believe the scene before them, they pinched my skin, and some rudely cast magic.

But everyone smiled brightly, rejoicing that I was alive.

After exchanging words of congratulations and jokes with those around me, the last one remaining,

A man with an awkwardly stiff expression opened his mouth.

“You’ve come back alive, Haram.”

“I told you I won’t die, Park Hyunseok.”

“Right, you kept your promises except for the money issue.”

How much did I borrow from him again? I can’t remember.

“I’m sorry for making you anxious. Let’s go eat something nice later.”

“Sure. I’m busy, so I’ll take my leave for now.”

As he finished speaking, he turned away and started to leave.

Such a stuffy guy.

He could at least show a bit more joy. If he keeps that stiff expression, he’ll ruin the atmosphere.

After Hyunseok left, conversations continued to echo through the white corridor.

Words of congratulations for my return, inquiries about how long I had been unconscious, results from the battle.

Amid the joyful clamor, the first battle of the senior staff wrapped up.

My nemesis in the story, returned after 10 years. This battle will create a great ripple in the world again.

The first public declaration of achievement after the era of peace.

A significant number of casualties.

Widespread contamination from otherworlds.

The Association will become busier than ever.

Questions about the decline in the quality of heroes.

Compensation for numerous casualties.

Restoration of the Pacific Ocean.

I too cannot escape that cycle. Because I was insufficient, I brought many others into it.

I have to become stronger.

The nemeses I’ve summoned must fall by my own hands.

Sacrifice is enough if it’s only me.

But that’s all a story for the future.

Nobody around me died.

Then, this battle is surely enough.

Let’s enjoy this happiness and continue to build upon it.

Let’s soothe our exhausted bodies.

To establish justice.

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