Movie Witcher

Chapter 85: :hostage?

Although the people who kidnapped Bai Chuan Qingya were all desperadoes, they would never mind if a fish died, the net was broken, and the jade was burnt, but it still couldn't change the fact that they were still human.

Since it is a human, there will be a human instinctive reaction!

Therefore, in the face of Ronin, who jumped down and crossed the middle of the road, the driver did not step on the accelerator and rush through the obstacle at the first time, but instinctively braked to avoid danger and turned the front of the car to the side.

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This instinctive reaction made them lose their last chance. Facing the decelerating and turning SUV, Ronin, who was sitting on the wolf horse, pulled out the silver eagle without hesitation.


A roar filled with gunpowder smoke, and the bullet with powerful kinetic energy accurately penetrated the window of the SUV, shot into the cab, and burst into a cloud of scarlet blood.


Because of slowing down and avoiding danger, the driver smashed half of Ronin's body, but he still stepped on the brake with his right foot, causing the out of control SUV to sway from side to side, and finally crashed out of the guardrail and stopped outside the road. of wasteland.

Although the car stopped, Luo Ning didn't have the idea of ​​rescuing Bai Chuan Qingya immediately. He turned the car and rushed towards the three SUVs that were chasing after him.


Seeing Ronin rushing towards the car, this group of desperadoes finally showed their madness and courage. The three SUVs accelerated in an instant, marching head-to-head, and they were about to collide with Ronin head-on.

However, Luo Ning cherished his car very much and had no idea of ​​colliding with them at all. The wolf rider hurriedly braked, threw out several grenades and landed on the road.


The outlaws didn't expect that Luo Ning would do this again. They were completely unprepared. They didn't even have time to step on the brakes, and the exploding grenade overturned the body.

"Bang bang bang!"

The three SUVs flew up, fell heavily, collided with each other, and turned into three pieces of paralyzed scrap iron.

Not knowing what was going on in the car, Luo Ning didn't pay too much attention to it, he turned the car around and rushed towards the SUV where Bai Chuan Qingya was.

The collision just now seems to have caused a lot of impact on the people in the car, and no one has come out of the car until now.

In this regard, Luo Ning didn't care, he turned over and stepped off the wolf ride, came to the side of the SUV, and opened the door.


Just as the door was opened, a flash of fire was seen spraying out? On the contrary, Luo Ning had already anticipated that, and turned sideways to avoid the bullet? At the same time, he grabbed the hand of the man with the gun? He pulled him out of the car with a gun. Step on it with one foot.


The gunman who fell to the ground didn't realize what was going on, and he stomped on Ronin's neck and broke his neck? He lost his voice in an instant.

Although the sneak attack was unsuccessful? But with the time gap? Several people in the car seized the opportunity, opened the car door from the other side, picked up Shirakawa Qingya in the sack and fled quickly.

Luo Ning just wanted to chase, but saw the door of the passenger cab slammed open, and a person jumped out from the car? Landed on the ground and rolled for a while? Instantly stabilized his body? Picked up an automatic weapon? straf.

"Bang bang bang!"

A large number of bullets flew in. It was difficult for Ronin to dodge at such a close distance? He didn't plan to dodge, so he pulled up the hem of his clothes and threw the bullet back.


Although the gunman was a first-order superhuman? He didn't expect that Ronin would block the bullet like this. He didn't know what was going on, so the bullet was thrown back by Ronin.

Facing the flung back bullet, the gunman tried his best to dodge, but his right leg was still covered, and he fell to the ground with a scream.


Luo Ning pulled out the silver eagle and shot the gunman who was struggling on the ground. The bright red blood blossoms burst out immediately, leaving a dilapidated corpse lying in the wanton flow of blood.

After the shooter was dealt with, Luo Ning turned around and chased after the people who had kidnapped Bai Chuan Qingya.

Although these people are all first-order superhumans, and their physical fitness is extremely strong, how far can they run with a big living person in such a short period of time?

However, two or three hundred meters away, the panicked people turned around and saw that the companion who was left behind was shot by Luo Ning and fell in a pool of blood without making a sound.

Although not very afraid of death, this scene still caused a huge impact on the psychology of several people.

"No, I can't run like this!"

The woman in the lead gritted her teeth and stopped her escaping footsteps, took the unconscious Bai Chuan Qingya out of the sack, held her hostage in her arms, and shouted to Luo Ning who was chasing after him, "Stop, or I will kill her. kill her!"

This threat was unexpectedly effective. Seeing that Baichuan Qingya was being held hostage by several people, Luo Ning, who was chasing after him, stopped immediately, and stared coldly at the few people at a short distance.

Seeing the murderous Luo Ning stop, there was a burst of surprise in their hearts, the woman who held Bai Chuan Qingya hostage even said, "Mighty hunter, we have no intention of being your enemy, let us go, you can get the Anthony family. Friendship and gratitude, and great rewards!"

Luo Ning didn't answer and didn't do anything else. He just stood there, staring at the few people with cold eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

This kind of reaction made the few people who had just seen the hope uneasy again. The woman even used a pistol to hold up Bai Chuan Qingya's temple, and said sternly: "If you don't let us leave, you can only take back one corpse, other than that. Other than that, I can't get anything..."

Before she could finish her words, she felt an abnormal fluctuation in the air. The woman's eyes narrowed, and she just wanted to move...

A powerful big hand emerged from the air, brazenly grabbed the woman's hand holding the gun, forcibly shifted the direction of the muzzle, and pressed the trigger to the person beside her!


There was an unexpected light sound, and there was no bullet in the pistol. Luo Ning frowned, but his movements were not slow at all. His left arm swept out, knocking the two on the left to the ground, and the right hand holding the woman's palm relaxed at the same time. , turned into the woman's arms, and took out the unconscious Bai Chuan Qingya.

what happened?

The woman didn't know, she only saw a big hand that fell into her arms, grabbed Bai Chuan Qingya's body, and snatched her out. A silver-white pistol pointed the cold muzzle at himself.


With a roar, there seemed to be ripples in the air. The woman didn't even have time to ask a question, and was shot by Luo Ning and flew out and fell to the ground, her eyes gradually losing focus.

At this time, the two people on the right who were not attacked by Ronin reacted and raised their guns to shoot.

"Bang bang bang!"

Luo Ning pulled the hem of his clothes with his left hand, wrapped the unconscious Bai Chuan Qingya in his arms with the crimson demon hunter, pulled the trigger of the silver eagle at the same time, shot three times in a row, and blasted the two people who were just about to shoot their lives. .


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