Movie Witcher

Chapter 150: :ballroom

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Atlanta is divided into the upper city and the lower city, but the standard of the upper and lower divisions is not the location, but the status class. The upper city is a normal urban area, and the lower city is a poor and backward chaotic neighborhood.

Most of the vampires' dens, strongholds, and hiding places are located in the lower city, because the upper city is the domain of the pure-blooded nobles. Every pure-blooded vampire family occupies a fertile area. .

They are supported by blood slaves, do not need to hunt, and strictly prohibit other vampires from entering their territory to attack humans, because they need to maintain their "legal" status and avoid being hunted by hunters or federal agencies as illegal vampires.

A large number of non-pure blood vampires cannot enter the upper city to live, and can only accumulate in the lower city, making the lower city more chaotic day by day.

In order to place these vampires and control the ratio of humans to vampires, the Vampire Council has established many gangs to manage these non-pure blood vampires, so as to prevent them from spreading to other cities or regions, attracting the encirclement and suppression of federal agencies.

These gangs run dance halls, bars, casinos and other places, and half of the funds they get are handed over to the parliament and half to support themselves. Basically, there will be a blood party every few days and an all-night carnival.

This is the life of a vampire, intoxicated and depraved.

Although Deacon Firth is the manager of these gangs, he rarely appears in the lower city, and his younger brother Quinn is in charge of all related matters.

As the spokesperson of Dicken Firth, Quinn, who is more than ten thousand people under one person, did not treat himself badly. He lingered in the dance hall every night and participated in various parties. It was not too comfortable.

Tonight is the same, the blood party is about to start. Under the confused lights and deafening music, Quinn is holding two female companions, one black and one white, enjoying people, oh no, ghosts.

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the frenzied crowd on the dance floor, Quinn, who had just smoked contraband, burst into laughter, ignoring the people nearby, pressing the head of a female partner, about to...


Before experiencing the pleasure, a shadow shrouded his bento face, and Kun En, who was just about to enjoy it, noticed something was wrong and hurriedly raised his head.


Looking at the majestic mountain-like figure in front of him, Kun En was stunned in an instant, and he couldn't care about the rest.

As the number one younger brother and top thug under Dicken Firth, Quinn's eyes are still very vicious. He saw at a glance that this oriental man in a red coat is a very terrifying character, so he got up and ran away without thinking about it. .

It's a pity that his actions can't catch up with his eyes...



Kun En just got up, and a heavy punch slammed down, hitting his shoulder like a collapsed mountain, and suddenly a loud noise, mixed with a crisp cracking sound, came out.


Quinn was smashed back to the seat by this punch, and the bones of his right shoulder were all smashed. Now the entire shoulder has collapsed, hanging limply in the air, panicking with the continuous twitching of the nerves.

With such an injury, an ordinary person would have already fainted, but Quinn is not an ordinary person. The powerful physique of a vampire keeps him awake, and he even has the energy to shout: "Kill this bastard, he is a vampire hunter. ."


In fact, he didn't need to shout, the vampire who found the situation had already rushed over and rushed towards Ronin from behind, trying to crush him to the ground.


Luo Ning swung his backhand, and the heavy weapon box swept out. Several vampires who flew over could not escape, and were directly smashed by the silver weapon box, which turned into a flame in mid-air and exploded.

The flames exploded, the embers flew, and the air was filled with a strong smell of burnt stench.

"Fa, Faq!"

Looking at the weapon box that weighed at least tens of kilograms, and recalling Luo Ning's understatement but extremely fast action just now, Quinn's already pale face became even paler, and he couldn't care about the pain in his right shoulder, trembling If you move your feet, you should take the opportunity to crawl away.

Luo Ning glanced at the corner of his eyes and noticed his movement, but he ignored it. He carried the weapon case behind his shoulders and looked at the numerous vampires in front of him calmly.

"Yes, is it him?"



"No, not him, Oriental!"


The deafening music suddenly subsided, and the vampires who were swaying wildly in the dance hall stopped moving and turned to look at Ronin who had entered here at some point, with fear in their eyes.

But there was also no shortage of characters with crazy personalities or those who were dazzled by drugs. They pushed aside the frightened and stiff crowd, and stepped forward to roar at Ronin.


"Vampire hunter!"

"Tear him, tear him!"

The roars of several vampires aroused the bloodthirsty of the entire group, and the fierce roars and roars echoed in the dance hall, stimulating people's eardrums and nerves.

In this regard, Luo Ning didn't care, he stretched out his hand to tick the few vampires in front of chuckled and said, "Come on!"


Although they did not speak the same language, their movements and postures were basically common. Facing Ronin's provocation, a few vampires who were dazed by the drugs roared, rushed away from the crowd and rushed towards him.

However, they were greeted by a bright red rose, and...


Ronin flipped the switch, threw the weapon box to the ground and stepped on it, and a dazzling bright light followed, like the sun's brilliance, instantly drowning the sight of all vampires.

There is a very important part of the blood party, that is, the blood bath, which is also a rare opportunity for these vampires in the lower city to have a feast.

For this reason, the vampires who came to the blood party wore cool clothes, and many of them were bold and naked.



The light bloomed and was extremely dazzling, illuminating the dimly lit dance hall as if it were daytime. Many vampires on the dance floor could not escape and screamed shrilly.

"Puff puff!"

Afterwards, flames spewed out, and the body exploded. I don't know how many vampires were turned into ashes under the irradiation of ultraviolet light.

After a while, the screams were silent, the firelight dissipated, and there were no vampires again. In the huge dance floor, the embers were removed, and the ashes were still there.


Ronin picked up his toes, and the weapon box flew up. He grabbed it in his hand and extinguished the dazzling light.

The strong light went out, and Luo Ning looked at the hot weapon case in his hand, nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and left the ballroom.


Half an hour later, a black man wearing a black coat, carrying a long sword, and wearing sunglasses walked into the dance hall, looked at the ashes all over the floor, and tilted his head involuntarily.


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