Movie Witcher

Chapter 115: : 3 people

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The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the rain was getting heavier. In the fine and cold rain, Luo Ning was still alone, walking on the street alone.

The rain blew on his body, and the red blood was continuously washed down, flowing from his body to his feet, and then falling on the ground full of stagnant water, and finally disappeared in the stagnant water.

His steps became a little heavy, and his movements became slower. He stepped on the ground with one foot deep and one shallow, and it didn't take long before he came to the street where the Continental Hotel was located.

Because the rain is getting heavier and the night is getting deeper and deeper, there are not many pedestrians on this street, and the surrounding shops have also received wind.

There was only one pole of street lamp, still under the wind and rain, insisting on his job, showing a barely bright road for Luo Ning, leading directly to the hotel at the end of the street.

Luo Ning did not speak, his expression remained calm, he took slightly heavy steps and walked slowly forward.

Suddenly, in the heavy rain, under the street lights, the two turned around and walked out, besieging Luo Ning in the center one after the other.

Luo Ning stopped, glanced at the person standing in front of him, then turned to look at the man behind him with a face very similar to him, still without a word, just put down the weapon box in his hand.

The two young men who were like twin brothers did not speak, and drew out their daggers in silence.


"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

The man in the back took the lead, stomping on the rain and rushing out step by step, and then he used his strength to get up and spin.

After that, the man who was staring at Ronin in front also moved. He rushed out and pulled out the second dagger on the way. The two daggers slammed into each other, and rushed towards the key point of Ronin's lower body from bottom to top.

One after the other, one up and one down, the tacit understanding of the twin brothers made them work closely together.

Unfortunately, no matter how close the cooperation is, it cannot completely erase the gap in strength!

Luo Ning leaned forward, avoiding the sharp blade that was spinning. At the same time, he pressed his hands from top to bottom, grabbed the pair of arms that were slashing towards his lower body, and pulled and pulled!

With a pull, both arms were dislocated, and with a pull, the body couldn't help but move forward. The man looked at him in horror, and was dragged in front of him by Luo Ning, and then his right leg bent his knee and slammed into it.


With a dull sound, mixed with the sound of broken bones, the man's body flew out involuntarily like a kite with a broken string.


The body that was hit hard fell, splashing the water on the ground, and the man fell into it, struggling with his brother, opened his mouth to think about something, but the overflowing blood blocked his throat.

In the end, he couldn't spit out anything, just fell to the ground, his unwilling eyes were quickly replaced by the rigidity and gloom of death.


The death of his companion deeply stimulated the remaining man. He roared in grief and anger, grabbed a pair of daggers and killed him in front of Ronin, stabbing him recklessly.

I don't know if it was anger and grief that stimulated his potential, or whether the battle all the way exhausted his stamina. Facing his crazy assassination, Ronin's speed actually slowed down.


Slow speed, difficult dodging, Luo Ning was accidentally stabbed by the man who did not care about his life and death, and the tip of the dagger sank into the waist and abdomen that the crimson demon hunter could not defend.

Although Luo Ning also wore two special bulletproof and stab-proof combat uniforms, the man's dagger was not an ordinary dagger, and it was sharp enough to pierce the combat uniform.

The tip of the sharp blade pierced into the waist and abdomen, seemingly inflicting heavy damage on Luo Ning, and a large amount of blood spurted out along the way, dyeing the cold dagger scarlet.


Once the blow succeeded, it wounded Ronin. Before the man could get excited, he was disrupted by a crisp cracking sound and the severe pain that followed.

Luo Ning punched out, and a terrifying power erupted, hitting the man's shoulder hard, directly breaking the connection of his shoulder bones.

The arm was broken, the bones were shattered, and under the severe pain, before the man could cry, he saw another outrageous shadow hit his face.


With a loud bang, the blood mist exploded, and the man's body flew out, fell into the rain, and fell on the ground. After a twitch, the sound disappeared.


Luo Ning straightened his body and pulled out the dagger that had pierced into the lower half of his waist and abdomen. Blood flowed with it, but he didn't care, he picked up the weapon case and continued to walk towards the hotel.


Just a few steps forward, I heard a sneer, and then, in the alley of the street, a terrifying figure slowly stepped out.

It was a fat sumo wrestler with many hideous-looking ghosts engraved on his naked upper body. Layers of fat were stacked together. When he moved, it seemed that waves of flesh were rolling, giving people a very terrifying oppression. feel.

He walked out of the fairly wide alleyway, and every step made the ground shake slightly. UU Reading came straight to Luo Ning, like a mountain of meat, standing there, blocking Luo Ning's way to go.

Luo Ning stopped and looked at the sumo wrestler who was a little taller than himself, and his physique was even more exaggerated, and said coldly, "Honda Henggang."


Honda Henggang laughed loudly and said, "Luoning, long time no see, your head has become so valuable!"

Luo Ning's expression remained unchanged, and he said in a low voice, "It's up to you, I'm afraid I won't be able to take it away!"

"What about adding me?"

Luo Ning's voice fell, and a slightly sharp female voice rang out.

Luo Ning looked at the reputation, and saw a Miaoman figure floating up, falling to his left, standing with a sword.

It was a woman, wearing a black night suit, carrying a beautiful yet sharp long sword, with a delicate face, although she couldn't say she was stunning, she was also a beauty.

She floated over and landed on Luo Ning's left side, with a charming but murderous smile on her face, and said in Chinese, "Luoning, long time no see, do you still miss me?"

Luo Ning glanced at her and replied softly, "Are you alone?"

"Can't I satisfy you alone?"

The woman Yingying smiled and said, "It seems that in the past, leave your life to me, and I will make good use of it!"

"I have no sympathy for you."

Luo Ning glanced at her, then turned to Honda Henggang, and said, "Just the two of you?"


Honda Henggang didn't answer, but a low sneer sounded from behind.

Luo Ning turned around and saw a blond man in a suit standing behind him, those blood-red eyes staring at him, looking at the food and said, "Ronin, your blood is still like this. Delicious!"

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