Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 11 Harvest

At daybreak, Lawrence walked out of the cabin.

Andrew was cooking, and Salyl was tending Dom, as well as several goats and sheep.

Apart from three chickens, the only domestic animals here are sheep, and the output of these animals and the surrounding fields is enough for two people.

There is even some surplus, and we can use meat and grain to exchange for some supplies down the mountain.

Lawrence saw Salil coming out of the sheep pen, and said to Salil: "I'm going for a walk and I'll be back in the afternoon."

Sophia quickly ran out of the house, "Master, I'm with you too!"

Lawrence quickly said: "No, you are here to help with something. The food I brought before has not been finished yet. I want to find a place to stay before finishing."

Lawrence also brought some dry biscuits. Although they didn't taste good, holding them in his mouth could provide some energy and he could barely survive a few days.

"By the way, I saw a lot of pine cones in the pine forest on the mountain yesterday. Can you eat those?"

Lawrence looked at Salil, if she could eat, she could have a little more food.

Salil nodded, "Okay."

Lawrence said quickly: "Then let's go pick up some pine cones together. These can be kept for a long time. I see there are many more there!"

Sariel acted calmly, "I still have a lot of things to do. If you use your energy elsewhere, it will be much better than wasting your energy on those things."

The pine forest is an hour or two away from here, and it's not like there's nothing to eat at home. Neither Salil nor Andrew will waste their energy on those poor pine nuts.

Here in the mountains, if you can't go out, try not to go out.

Even Andrew, who had lived in the mountains all his life, almost died in the mountains.

People who live in the mountains should be in awe of the mountains.

Lawrence could feel Salil's attitude and said awkwardly: "I'm going out and will be back early today."

Sophia saw Lawrence walking out and followed him, "Master, remember to come back early..."

"Yeah." Lawrence waved his hand and quickly walked towards the mountain.

Andrew's Dom sheep is a good mount, but the relationship between the two parties is not familiar now, and Lawrence did not ask to borrow the sheep.

Lawrence quickly returned to the mountain. Today he did not go directly to the pine forest to check the traps, but to check the terrain nearby.

After searching for many days, Lawrence finally found a relatively gentle mountainous area after climbing up a hillside.

In front of you is a grassland with an inclination of about fifteen degrees. If you can flatten the roughly twenty-square-meter hill at your feet, you can get a gentle foundation covering an area of ​​at least 30*25.

Of course, there is another premise, that is, there are more than a dozen pine and fir trees standing in the wind. They are basically more than ten meters high. It can be seen that they are still young trees.

To cut down these trees, you must have an ax tool, and it also takes a long time from processing to building a house.

"Building a house still needs to be looked at again. We will check the situation here in the past few days. From the lighting to the wind direction, it will not be too late before we review everything from the lighting to the wind direction."

Lawrence quickly looked around around this base. There was a lake formed by accumulated water three hundred meters down the hillside on one side, and there was another river passing nearby.

You need to fetch water yourself for draft water. Although it is more laborious, the distance will be much closer when irrigating. If agriculture is the priority, it is actually not bad.

The nearby soil also supports many plants and should also be suitable for the growth of crops.

When you have time later, you can continue to develop the surrounding wasteland.

"Perhaps we can make a simple wooden house and shed first, don't rush to cut down the trees first, build a shed among the pine trees to live in first, and then slowly build a house?"

Lawrence had a new idea. The weather was not bad now. Although the temperature would drop significantly at night, as long as there was a shelter from the wind and rain and a blanket to cover him at night, he should be able to get through it.

"People in ancient times could survive winters in caves without cotton-padded clothes and quilts. There's no reason why I can't."

"There must be something to keep warm. After all, I can't count on the survival rate of ancient people. It's a pity that silver can't be used to buy things here, otherwise I can just buy some daily necessities."

To build a house, you must have tools, and you will definitely need Andrew's help. Although there are some things that one person can do, the efficiency is too low.

Lawrence sighed, "You can't always trouble Andrew. It's not good to always cause them trouble."

There are so many things to worry about, and most of them are difficult to resolve quickly.

Lawrence's frown and depressed mood soon changed after arriving in the pine forest.


Lawrence looked ahead excitedly. In the place where the trap was set yesterday, a fat gray rabbit was hanging by the waist and swinging under the branches.

When Lawrence came closer, the motionless rabbit seemed to feel something and swayed violently.

Its body was tied to a thin grass root. As its fat body struggled fiercely, the branches above it were also constantly swaying.

Lawrence didn't want this unlucky rabbit to escape. In that case, he would be the unlucky one!

Use another branch to hook the branch above your head, and when the rabbit comes close to you, use your coat to catch the struggling rabbit.

Lawrence broke the rope and pinned the rabbit to the ground.

After two minutes, the rabbit with its head and mouth on the ground stopped struggling.

"Sorry, buddy." Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief, quickly picked up some clean pine cones, and walked down the mountain with the rabbit in hand.

On the way back, Lawrence saw an eagle flying in the sky.

"Everyone is looking for food. The eagle is looking for prey such as rabbits, foxes and mice!"

The road that originally took an hour or two was completed in more than an hour by Lawrence, and today's pace was particularly relaxed.

Before he even got close to the house, Lawrence saw Sariel and Sophia, who were watching over the feeding of the sheep.

Sophia was very happy to see Lawrence, and she became even more excited when she came to say hello and saw the fat rabbit in Lawrence's hand.

"Master! You caught the rabbit?!"

Lawrence raised the rabbit in his hand and said with a smile: "I just caught it. It was still alive when I found it. We have rabbit meat to eat today!"

Salil looked at the fat rabbit in Lawrence's hand and said, "This rabbit is very big. It can be made into meat strips and eaten for many days."

Lawrence nodded: "Yes!"

Sariel thought about it and said, "It should be heavy."

I don’t know how much it weighs specifically, Salil doesn’t know the specific unit of measurement.

"Yes, when I caught it, it was very strong. I'll ask Uncle Andrew to make rabbit soup tonight!"

Lawrence said and walked towards the house, "I'm going to find Uncle Andrew!"

"Andrew! Look! Come out and see what I caught! A big rabbit weighing at least ten pounds!"

Andrew was busy in the house. He came out of the house after hearing Lawrence's cry, and soon saw the rabbit raised by Lawrence.

"Oh! Lawrence, did my trap catch rabbits? Thank you for helping me check them! This is the sixth rabbit I have caught!"

Andrew was also very happy and obviously regarded the rabbit as his trophy.

Lawrence quickly stood on the spot and said: "No, no, no, this rabbit was not caught in your trap. You can go and look at your traps. I have no direction to go there today."

"I caught this rabbit over there in the pine forest. I caught it with my hands and my wits. You can see clearly that there are no wounds on it!"

Andrew looked suspicious, "Did you catch it? You ran faster than a rabbit?"

Lawrence said angrily: "Of course I caught him!"

"I don't believe it." Andrew is usually very talkative, but now he had a disagreement with Lawrence on such an insignificant matter.

Neither of them could convince the other, so they went out to check the trap.

After Andrew was sure that all his traps were fruitless, he reluctantly believed that Lawrence had caught the rabbit, and took the rabbit to cook under Lawrence's smiling gaze.

Hunting and bringing the prey home is a man's romance and honor!

Starting from this rabbit, Lawrence's label of idleness was torn off.

He is no longer a freeloader, but a man who has the ability to make meat for his family!

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