Chapter 3: Invincible is born
At school Todd came to me before I could even leave my locker trying to pick a fight.
I smiled to myself knowing I can finally beat him without showing I have powers.
I let him hit me a few times and didn't feel a thing. I went to hit back. But I stopped as I realized I could actually hit to hard and kill him.
"I need to hit something."
William: "You just let him go. What's wrong with you?" - "I need to leave. Please send me the homework."
'I have an earge to hit something now. Let's go see if my training payed off. Might of been once. But with my strength. I should be fine.'
I put my bag in my locker and walked out of the school.
I walked a bit away, changed my clothes. (His original pre-suit costume.) then flew off.
I flew towards the gun fire and alarms and found a guy made of stone and two men in suits with duffel bags jumping over a fence.
I grabbed the stone guy and flew him over the fence.
The two guys in the suits fell and I used blue tendrils to knock them out.
I slammed the guy into the ground as I flew. I was about to punch him, but he kick me off.
I slid to a stop and we both stood up.
"I meant to let you do that."
Titan: "Who the hell are you." - "I... Uh... am currently undecided. Mind throwing me some ideas?"
As he charged. "Captain Guy with goggles with a hole punched through him."
I blocked the attack to my head with my right arm then punched him in the gut with my left, the across the face with my right. "Another?"
He punched me in the face and broke my goggles.
Whips shot out of the ground, and held him in place as I gripped the ground to stop my backwards momentum.
"Not cool man. Not cool."
The ground moved up and surrounded his feet to help keep him in place and I flew up and kneed him in the chest. At the same time I let go of the tendrils and he flew back into a wall.
"See how do you like it?"
I grabbed him and started to fly to the road and I bounced him off the ground while hitting the stones off him.
Once all the stones are off I hit him one more time to knock him out which is about the same time I made it to the sidewalk.
I sat him against the wall and metal wire wrapped around him.
"There that should hold you... oh, I got a name Stone Grinder... No. that only works for you... I'll workshop it."
Noland: "You look ridiculous."
I turned around and up to see dad flying above me. "Hey." - "Let's get out of here."
After my less then graceful landing, I was standing in front of Dad on the roof worried about getting in trouble for skipping school.
Noland: "Honestly, I think you might've missed a few steps."
'Few. He's not mad about the school thing. Let's just hope he doesn't Tell mom.'
"I think I did fine. I saved the fence. Saved the money, and the stone guy is probably in a police car right now." - "I can't lie. For your first time, it wasn't bad. But you still did far more damage down there then you needed to." - "I... Whatever." - "Don't worry. I'll train you and you'll learn. This just takes time." - "Come on dad. This is all I've ever wanted to do for as long as I can remember. I want to be just like you. Now that I've got my powers, I want to help. Please help me." - "I will. Hey, I haven't given you a gift for getting your powers. Come on." - "Huh?"
He flew and looked down at me. "Follow me."
We flew to a nail shop and went down into the basement where there was a bunch of super suits.
Art: "Prom Dresses by day and indestructible super suits by night.
I'm Art Rosenbaum, kid. Pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."
I shook his hand nervously. "I'd like to say the same. But..." - "Your dads never mentioned me, has he." - "No."
Noland: "He's a teenager Art he can barely remember anything he doesn't see in the mirror every morning."
"That's not true and you know it." - "Fine. If it's not something you see every morning or part of one of your projects." - "I'm Fine with that description... wait a second. Suits There's Super Suits around us. Do you make dad suits? Am I getting my own. I have so many ideas."
Art: "Quick one, this one."
Noland: "I can't have you running around in your pajamas all the time."
"Yeah! Do you have one already made if not, I have a design." - "No. usually, we start with a conversation and I make something custom, but ideas are always welcomed."
A piece of paper with a drawing almost identical to the one I have at home of a suit appeared in my hand, and I gave it to him. "Here. I've been designing this for ages." - "Have you thought of a name yet?" - "No. i've been Work shopping names. Any ideas?"
Noland: "Is that What you were doing with that criminal earlier?" - "I thought I'd try. But his ideas were horrible."
He shook his head.
Art laughed. "I like this one." He looked at the paper. "I'll see what I can do... if I might. I'd suggest you Somehow implement your name with an I. It looks like one right here. It'd go better. "Thanks."
After a long night where I had a nice talk with mom, I woke up early and went to the sky with dad to throw a ball around the world.
Noland: "What's wrong? You seem tired. Out of it." - "I don't really want to talk about it." - "Come on Mark." - "You're not going to let this go will you?"
He didn't say anything which is the answer. "Fine. I'm tired because I was practicing last night. I have so much to catch up on if I'll be anywhere close to you... I guess. It's childish but I'm scared. Scared I can't do it."
He turned around and looked at me. You hear it?"
A whistling noise is getting louder. "Yeah." - "Get ready."
I caught the ball in the mit which forced me back a little.
Noland: "Where you nervous?" - "No." - "Really?" - "Okay. Maybe a little." - "But you caught it." - "Yeah." - "Being a superhero there's no difference. This is the beginning of a long journey for you and me. Along the way you're gonna need to do things you don't wanna do, or might not think you can do.
It's okay to be scared. It's natural to doubt yourself, but if you can push through that, and do what needs to be done, you'll do just fine.
Do you think you could do that Mark?"
I played with the ball in my hand. "I heard something a while back. Saying yes, and not meaning it is worthless.
So when I say this, I mean every bit of it, I will try my best to be everything you are."
I threw the ball as hard as I can.
I Scrunched my face 'Did I almost hit a plane. Two times in a few days. I have to watch out for those.'
Dad caught it and turned back to me. "Son. Kids your age think they're invincible and it holds them back, Makes them careless. The thing is.. you're different. The thing is. You actually are." I grabbed the red hot ball and felt no pain. "Invincible."
I smiled a huge grin and threw the ball.
"Dad you're a Genius."
I took off at full speed to Arts shop.
I ran in at the top of the stairs. "I thought you should be the first to know. I have my name." - "Good. I'm almost done with the suit."
I stood up on top of a Crain in my suit.
I fell forward and let myself fall. When I was halfway down the skyscrapers, I took off forward and then eventually went straight up above the clouds.
I let gravity take control, and I added an arch above the clouds, and then started heading back down towards the ground.
Right above water I took off again breaking sound barrier three times.
I sored through the buildings Enjoying the breeze when part of a building exploded.
'No Rest for the heroes.'
I flew over there to see a Guy with a gun for an arm.
I flew by him and grabbed him and spun to throw him down the road.
I caught up and punched him down the street a few times before I stopped and hovered in the air.
"I'd surrender now if I was you. Because I'm...