Moral Degeneration


I didn’t end up sleeping long. Jerking awake I calmed down when the girls on either side of me held on tighter. The night before was very much a blur. I remembered the beginning of the concert and flashes of the night, but not much else. I did remember the rape though. Struggling to get away had burned it in my mind and my thumb was throbbing like crazy. 


Lifting it up the thing was slightly bloated and purple around the joint. I’d been using it without regard of the pain as I fucked the 2 roommates. Letting out a long sigh I was really pissed I’d let those Gothika girls live. Old me would have taken out the trash. If they were willing to roofie me then they would have most likely done it to other boys. That didn’t sit well with me. I would have to fix that issue someday. 


I had to stop letting things go. Allowing just 1 person to take advantage of me would allow others until I let them walk all over me. It was a vicious cycle that I couldn’t abide. 


“You okay?” Anastasia whispered. I looked over at her. Dark makeup streaking down her face made her all the hotter for some reason. 

“I’ll be fine,” I assured. “You okay?” 

“Of course,” she said, sadness clear in her eyes. “Maybe a little sore though.” She winced as she repositioned her leg on me. 


“Sorry, I was very…into you,” I said, forcing on a smile. 

“I love it,” she said, sniffing deeply as she snuggled up to my shoulders. My hand ran along her back as she quieted. But she asked, “Do you hate me?” I frowned. “It was my f-” 


“Wasn’t your fault,” I said. “Wasn’t anyone’s fault but those that did it. Ana, I meant what I said. I want to be with you. There isn’t any doubt in my mind that I want to stay with you. I can’t be around here all the time, but when I can, I want to spend it with you.” 

“I’d like that,” she said, biting her lip. “Maybe no concerts though.” 

“I would…appreciate that. Let's do some toned down dates for now.” An idea struck me. “Like this coming weekend. I was inviting your brother and some other boys to my house for a party. Something simple on Saturday. You uh, mind chaperoning?”

“To your house?” She asked, smiling wide. I nodded. “I’d love to.” 


“Good,” I said, kissing her forehead. As she let out a content sigh she noticed my growing erection. Her hand moving to it she began stroking me as she bit my chest. 


“Please don’t,” Rebecca mumbled. “My vagina hurts so bad.” 


“Mine too,” Ana said. “We could help him relieve it though.” Rebecca slowly opened her eyes. Ana threw the blanket off revealing my dick and moved downward. Mounting herself over my leg she took a ball in her mouth and began sucking on it. Their juices were caked onto my dick, but she didn’t seem to mind. Rebecca watched for a moment, then shyly looked up at me. 


“Are you uh…going to keep coming around like for Ana?” She whispered, some tears in her eyes. My legs stretched out as Ana took my glans in her mouth, staring up at me hungrily. 

“I had planned on it…I’m not-oh that’s good,” I said as she moved down. “Not much for disappearing. Especially when I take virginities like you and Ana’s. You kind of have a special place with me.” I was sure I grew slightly again, but didn’t think it was worth checking. 


“He took your virginity too?” Rebecca asked.

Ana plopped off. “Yeah. Kind of been thinking about offering you some fun, but you know, you’re a bitch.” 

“I’m not a bitch,” Rebecca said. “You’ve been flaunting the boy for weeks and-”

“Ladies, I’d love to spend time with both of you,” I said. “Let’s uh cool it on the fighting though and appreciate what’s important.”

“What’s that?” Ana asked, slowly rubbing my lower head across her lips. 

“Great sex,” I said. She giggled and nodded, taking me in her mouth again. Rebecca had an internal struggle but slowly moved down to straddle my other leg. Anastasia directed her to the balls and my larger dick was much easier to receive a double blowjob with. Both girls sucking for all they were worth they worked separately. Ana released the head and let Rebecca have a turn and I let my body buck and accept their attention. 

When I came it was in Rebecca’s mouth but she was caught off guard. Pulling back Ana latched on and went deep, taking the rest hungrily. When I was done spurting into her throat she pulled back with a sigh and kept kissing the head. “I love your taste,” she moaned. 

“I love yours,” I said. I frowned though. “I know I promised to hang out until noon, but I…need to punch something.”

“For-” She stopped herself. Sitting up she slowly nodded. 

“What?” Rebecca asked. She sat up as well, a little scared that she had done something wrong. 

“Tell her if you want, but I want it left at that,” I said to Ana. Sitting up I kissed her lips. “Saturday, alright?”

“Yeah,” she said, kissing me back. “I love you.” 

“Love you too,” I said. I looked at Rebecca, she was blushing and looking down. Picking up her chin I admitted. “I really like you. Let's do this again.” 


She bit her lip but nodded, kissing me as well she moved into it. Craving the affection more. “You can come Saturday too,” I said with a smile. Getting out of bed I didn’t want to linger too much. Bad feelings were bubbling up, but I kissed both girls more heavily to help assure them. I was sure they’d be asleep soon enough anyway. 

Once outside I jumped in the Chevelle and got to my house without any outbursts. But once there I ran downstairs and began beating up the punching bag for all I was worth. Letting my rage take me it wasn’t long until my knuckles were raw and bloody. Focusing on the pain in my thumb I let it throb and ache. The punching bag jerking this way and that, it wasn’t till a hand was on my shoulder that I stopped. 

“You alright?” Audrey asked. 

I caught my breath sweating profusely. Shaking my head I forced a smile on again. “Yeah, sorry. Was I loud?” 

“A little,” she said. Frowning, she stared into my eyes for a long while. “What happened?”

“Uhhh,” I said, caught off guard by the surprise worry. “I thought you were busy today.”

“I am. What’s going on? Do I need to cancel?” She asked, her hand moving to my face. I flinched, but she reached out. The older woman was the closest thing I had to any maternal figure. Yes I was sleeping with her, but I couldn’t help but want something from her. Too bad I didn’t know what. 


A frown on my face, the worry in her eyes slowly erode something in me though and I hugged her. Holding her to me with all I had I let out a long shuddering sigh. Her hand moved to the back of my head as she hugged me back. Her other hand at my back, we stayed like that for a long while. 

“Aud! You coming?!” Violet yelled from upstairs. Audrey and I jerked awake with the yell. Pulling back I wiped my nose. 


“Russ? Are you okay?” She asked. 

“Yeah,” I said. “Just…am I a good guy?” I asked. 


“Am I a good person?” I asked. I wasn’t quite sure what I was saying but in front of her I felt like I could do more. “I run around so much. I’m secretive though I don’t want to be. I’ve done…things that I’m not proud of. Do you think…no sorry it’s dumb-” 

“No, it’s not dumb,” she said, her hand back on my cheek. “Russ, I have no idea if you’re a good guy. You’re literally the only one I know.” I chuckled. “I’m serious. I grew up with a boy, Ava’s dad. And to be honest I didn’t know him like I thought I did. With you, you’re secretive but everything you tell me, I believe. I know you’ll be in your kid’s lives. I know that you won’t change. You’ll always be this way, and I’m fine with it. I’d much rather have the small part of you I get than none of you at all. You might disappear now and then, but I always know you’ll come back, because this is your home. No matter what.” 

I actually did feel a tear reach my eye with that. For so long I had been ready to run if I needed or felt pressured or any reason at all. But this really was my home. Not the house, but these women. They knew more secrets than anyone, and I couldn’t picture my life without them. 

“I love you,” I said, hugging her again. “Thank you for all you do.”

“I’d do anything for you,” she said, squeezing me tight. 

“Are we having sex?” Violet asked as she came down the stairs. Audrey and I turned to look at her. The small woman was in a long flowing dress and puffy white coat. 

“No, Aud and I are having a moment, thanks for ruining it,” I said.

“What? I want to be a part of moments,” Violet said running down. “What happened?”

“I don’t know,” Aud said. “Russ was wondering if he was a good guy.”

“Psh,” Violet said. “Fuck no. He’s a great guy. And also the worst guy. Because you’re the only one I know.”

“Got me there,” I said smiling. Pulling her into the hug as well she fell into me. Much smaller than Aud and I, we mushed her head into our chests. 

“Fucking tall bitches,” she mumbled but hugged us as well. 


“Do you want to come with us?” Audrey asked when we finally let go. 

“No, you go have fun doing wine tasting,” I said. “If you decide to come back, call me and I’ll pick you up.”

“Hell no, we are getting a hotel and drinking our hearts out before you knock us up,” Violet said excitedly. 

I laughed and though Audrey was hesitant to leave I assured them I was okay and helped them pack up their car. My day mostly free. I considered what to do. Still unsure, I ended up calling Luna. 

“Heyo,” she said excitedly.

“Hey,” I said.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned. 


“You sound sad, what’s up?” She asked. 

“Nothing, I just miss you,” I admitted. 


“Already?” She asked, a smile in her voice. “I’ll be back tomorrow night though.” 

“I can still miss you,” I said. “When did you all leave?” 

“Like 4 am. We should be there soon. This is out in the boonies and I’m pretty sure they have to spray the snow or something because I’m not seeing any.” 

“Ever been skiing…” And we talked about this or that. Her friends interjected now and then talking about all the fun things they would do and how I should come next time. I agreed with them but then remembered. “Hey, what did you say to Ry yesterday?”

“I don’t know. I feel like I should keep that a secret,” she teased.

“Dang my schedule just filled up, I can’t see you tomorrow.” 

“Fine!” She yelled. “Bastard. No, I just kind of told her how I accepted things. I didn’t realize how close you 2 were, but I should have known.”

“What can I say?” 

“Nothing,” she said. “Just glad you pick the right ones now and then. No, I think she is better. But you’ll have to talk to her as well.” 

“Will do,” I said. 

“Hey, we are about there so I gotta go. Bye, love you.”

“Love you too,” I said and we hung up. Feeling a little better I knew Ry was away as well so I considered who else to see. For some reason I was in the mood for a relaxing Saturday. Getting in the car it wasn’t long until I was at Brianna’s house. 

Knocking on the door my skinny girlfriend beamed me a smile as she recognized me. “What are you doing here?” She asked. 


“Just wanted to hang,” I said with a shrug. Stepping inside her younger sister, Dahlia, froze up as she saw me, but slowly relaxed. She was getting more and more used to me.

“My mom’s working so I need to watch the kiddo,” Brianna admitted with a frown. 

“No problem. What do you think about going to that indoor water park across town?” I asked. 

“What?” Brianna asked. 

“What?!” Her sister yelled. 

“That waterpark,” I said. “We can go swimming all day. Have some fun. Eat overpriced food, waterslides, all that jazz.” 

“You serious? But it’s pretty pricey,” Brianna said.

“I’m good for it,” I assured. The girls stared at me in a stunned silence. “We don’t have to. I can invite-”

“No!” Brianna said. “Dhalia, let’s get our swim stuff.” The little sister was quickly running with her to the back. It took them a while but they came back with their clothes over swimsuits. Towels in hand I could tell they were worried I was joking. Getting them in the car though I drove us straight there. Brianna and I holding hands the whole time. 


We got inside and it was plenty busy, but the tickets were only $50 each. I felt it was worth a day of fun. Dhalia was quickly running to the first attraction then walking as a lifeguard yelled at her for running. Brianna and I walked hand in hand, drawing the eyes of all the other women there since I was the only person without a top on. 


“I don’t know what to say…” Brianna said as we walked and Dhalia ran into the wave pool. 

“Not much to say,” I said.

“No, I mean, I didn’t expect this. Thanks. There a special reason?”


“Today…I wanted to be reminded why I do all this,” I said. 

“Do what?” 

“Running around. Doing what I do,” I said vaguely. “You know I have kids on the way. And your sister is the closest thing I have to that right now. I just…felt like I needed to see a kid laugh for some reason.”

“You alright?” Brianna asked concerned.

“I’m getting there,” I said with a nod. Pulling her to me I kissed her forehead. “You’re with me, right?” 

“Right now? Yes, we are together.”

“No, for the long haul. You want to keep us going too, right?”

She cracked a smile but hid it. “I’m around as long as you want me,” she whispered shyly.

“Good, then you’re stuck with me,” I said. Walking her to the wave pool. “Sound good to you?”

“Sounds great,” she whispered, blushing as she looked down to the water. 

“Good,” I said, then grabbed her arm and leg and threw her into the water. She screamed when she was fully submerged and came back up for air, fuming. 

“You asshole!” She yelled.

“Kids are present,” I said. “Can’t curse.”

“You dick, I’ll get you for that,” she said, rushing toward me. I laughed, pretending to run away but let her dunk me. When she did I picked her up and threw her again, then Dhalia was running to me asking to be thrown. Much smaller she got a lot of air as she soared through the air and then other girls were asking to be thrown. One by one I did so and forgot my worries. I was the only man in the whole place, it was good to show them that we had more uses than just sex. 

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