Moral Degeneration


“Rise and shine, girls,” I said as I opened the curtains. It didn’t have quite the effect since the sun was already on the other side of the building. 


“Ugh!” Penny groaned as she threw a pillow at me. “What time is it?”


“6,” I said. 


“That’s impossible we…oh 6 PM,” she said sitting up on the bed. “What the hell. Did we sleep all day?”


“Pretty much,” I said. Luna was still sprawled across the bed. Her naked ass staring at me. Penny slapped it causing her to jolt upward. 


“Wake up. We slept all day,” Penny said. 


“What?” Luna asked. 


“It’s as it sounds. You 2 slept all day after our night of fun,” I said. I had been in rare form the night before. Fucking both girls over and over it was a rare treat to just have the 2 of them so I let them experience the full course. 


“My everything hurts,” Luna said as she sat up. “Are you going to be like this every birthday?”


“Maybe,” I said. “Your birthdays what? Friday? Should we do an encore then?”


“Hell no. I’ll still be sore until then. I want cuddles and to be fed ice cream,” Luna said. “Can’t believe we slept all day. We were supposed to see the city today.”


“Were you 2 serious about that?” I asked. 


“Damn right,” Penny said. Her hand squeezing Luna’s ass cheek. “We didn’t come here just for you.”


“Consider me honored that I was allowed to take up one of your precious days off,” I said. “How’d you swing the days with Farrah, anyway?”


“I’m an outside contractor,” she said. “I leave when I want.”


“I thought you had benefits with the Club and were full time.”


“I am. So I’ll have to make up the time, but worth it. Are there any shows playing?”


“I actually need your help tonight,” I admitted. “If all goes well you should be able to do your own thing after that. Maybe you can talk Rowan into showing you around town.”


“Whatcha need?” Luna asked as she sat up. She yawned as she rested her head on Penny’s bosom. 


“Dress up,” I said. I unzipped the 2 long dresses I’d bought for them. They were both sparkly. Luna’s was gray/silver and Penny’s was ruby red. 


Both girls gasped as I picked the dresses up to show them off. They were quickly off the bed and trying them on. Large naked breasts bouncing the dresses were worth the cost to see them both in them. Strapless, their chest stuck out, and legs were shown off through a slit in the long skirt. 


“I love it,” Penny said. 


“I feel so sexy,” Luna said, studying herself in the mirror. “Oh right. You said you needed bodyguards for this Boys Club, right? Do we need to dress this fancy?”


“The way I hear it, yes,” I said. “Everyone there will be millionaires. They pay for the connections of those at the club, and the opportunity to pick and choose boys.”


“And you need us to protect you?” Penny asked. 


“Supposedly. Play interference. I’m trying to seduce specific people. Get a feel for the execs at my dad’s business. Hopefully use that to learn about him, maybe his weaknesses,” I said. 


“Sounds like a lot of work,” Penny said. “Why not break into his house and burn it down?”


“I don’t know where he lives, for one. When he will be back. Last I heard he was working on a deal with the Chinese. He’s probably in China now.” Which reminded me, I had to test Farrah’s mom to see if she knew about the last attempt at the kidnapping. “If he’s not here it’s perfect for me. I can get the information I need. Learn when he least expects a visit.”


“Whatever,” Luna said. “You’d know better than us. Hmm this dress is nice but I have sex hair. And I need my makeup done to match it. When do we need to go?”


“An hour or so,” I said. “I have an interview set up with the person that runs the Menagerie.”


“Cool, send Rowan in here,” Penny said. “We need to get to know our future sister in law.”


“Okay,” I said. Stepping out as they disrobed. I’d been pretty busy all day after the girls passed out and had taken Rowan around with me. She was still pretty lost but was going with the flow. I knocked on her door and she answered it in her pajamas. 


“What the hell, you know you don’t have to hang out here all night,” I said. “I gave you plenty of money to have fun.”


“Russ, though I appreciate you dragging me halfway across the city for dress shopping and to check out that drug den, I want to sleep,” she said. “I’ve been working doubles and triples for months on end to get ahead of my bills. And this is the first time I’ve had a chance to sleep. I’d like to enjoy it.”


“Fair enough,” I said. She still appeared tired, but was looking better. Rowan appeared more her age now which was 21 years old. “Not interested in that Boys Club?”


“Hell no. I wouldn’t even know how to act around a bunch of rich people,” she said. 


“Then why’d you want your own dress,” I asked. 


“Who doesn’t want a free dress?” She asked, rolling her eyes. 


“Yeah yeah, well the girls could use your help to get their hair done up and makeup on,” I said. “After that you can go back to sleep.”


“Works for me. Are you really banging those 2?” She asked as she stepped out. “They look my type.”


“Please don’t hit on my girlfriends,” I said. “Get your own lesbian action.”


“No promises,” she said with a wink. Opening my hotel room door we heard Luna and Penny giggling. Rowan smiled wide as she stepped in and slammed the door in my face. Shaking my head I headed to her room to make a few calls. I’d been getting a lot of messages recently and needed to assure the girls we could celebrate my birthday when I got back. 




“And what brought you to us, Mr. Williams?” Orlin asked. She was the manager of the Menagerie. Wearing a tuxedo and bow tie she acted much like a butler. But scars on her hands and a very slight accent said she lived a very hard life in Europe. My guess was Sweden. 


“Money,” I said as I crossed my legs. I was trying to portray myself as one of the effeminate men. My hair slicked to the side, some makeup on to make me appear older, and a fake name, it was helping. “I’m new to the area and was hoping to make as much as I could.”


“And where do you originate from?” She asked. Her hair was black, slicked back with gel. She had a very serious gaze that studied my every movement. Thick mascara, she didn’t wear any lipstick. 


“England, originally,” I said in my Yorkshire accent. “I’ve spent time in Paris,” I said in French. “Russia is nice as well,” I said in Russian. “But most recently Canada. I have a very diverse heritage. I don’t like to stay anywhere too long if it doesn’t suit me.”


Her eyes widened as I explained all the places I’d been. She understood every word. “One of the foreign exchanges then?”


“Exactly,” I lied. “It suits me for now. But as of late I’ve considered settling down.”


“So you are contemplating New York?” She asked, becoming more intrigued by the second. 


“I am,” I said, switching back to my English accent. “Sorry, it can be a pain to keep my accent hidden. I try to match the clientele. But you seem to be from Europe as well.”


“Good catch,” she said. “I try to hide my accent, but it lingers like a bad name. Which is why I’m surprised I’ve never heard of you, Rory Williams.” She read from the fake ID Maeda had been able to hook me up with earlier in the day. 


“Like I said. Never stayed anywhere long,” I said. “And I’m still rather young. I figured I might as well get my traveling done while I still have my youth.” I gave her my best smile. My hand on my knee that was crossed over my leg. She continued to study me but eventually tossed the ID back to the table between us. 


“What are you looking for?” She asked. “You can get money from most any country. The rich love to pamper those boys they can have all to themselves. So why are you really here?” 


I held my anxiety back. I wasn’t sure why I never thought of it. Of course there were women that were billionaires who men that loved the lifestyle would sell themselves to. That was something I should have asked the corporate guys about, but hadn’t thought to ask. I needed another reason to be traveling all around the world selling myself at establishments like this one. 


“Money,” I said. “Is a big draw…but like my home, I like to find the right women as well.” I gave her my best boyish look. “What can I say? It’s empowering to have my own…loved ones in each country of the world. I like the assurance it gives me that no matter where I go I have a woman ready and willing.”


“So a girlfriend in every country?” She asked. 


“Something like that,” I said. “My government has me on retainer as long as I spend a certain amount of time with a certain amount of women back home. My other time is spent seeing the world and the various local…talents.”


She scoffed and rolled her eyes but nodded. Leaning forward she explained, “fine. Lucky for you, American girls love accents. So you’d be quite the draw just with that. These women aren’t girls at some local bar though. They’re the top women of this city. They pay a lot of money to be a part of this club. Which entails a certain amount of sophistication. Something that I must admit, you have more of than any other boy that walked in off the street.”


“Do tell,” I said. “Have to train the new boys how to hold a cup of tea?” I asked. 


“And not say uh or um and can use words with more than 3 syllables, yes,” she admitted. “So, here is what I propose. A trial basis. Normally I sign boys for the long haul. But you seem the cut and run type once you get bored or find the right target. That means I’ll be taking half of what you make.”


“Half?” I asked, pretending disgust. “I heard you don’t take any.”


“From boys on contract, no,” she said. “But I’m taking a risk on you. You work the nights you want. We have standard fees for different services. We get half of that. You get to keep any tips you make.”


I frowned, pretending to think it over. “Fine,” I said with a sigh. “But my 2 companions stay with me.”


“That’s fine. I’d hate to have your girlfriends or whatever to feel left out,” she said. “Do we have a deal?”


“Yes,” I said, shaking her hand. We both smiled as if we had gotten one over on the other. She stood up and escorted me out to find Luna and Penny awkwardly pretending like they weren’t listening in at the door. 


Luna had her hair done up, Penny’s was in a long braid. Their makeup was subtle but noticeable. All of it was tied together nicely with their dresses. 


Orlin eyed them but kept walking. I waved the girls to follow and the clack of their heels were quickly chasing after us. “Every customer here has a retainer set aside. Pretty standard pricing on our end. If a woman asks to buy you a drink, they’re charged for the drink. They ask for privacy and to keep you to themselves, that gets another charge. You handle no money unless it’s a tip. Here’s a quick guide on pricing. So you can know what you’ll be making.” She handed me a small card. 


It was black with white lettering etched into it. There were terms like Companion - $500, Solo - $750, In Depth - $1,000, VIP - $5,000. I tried to not let my eyes bulge. These prices were way more than I expected. 


“What about my…girls?” I asked, eyeing Luna and Ava behind me. They tried not to gawk at the women in suits and fancy dresses like them. The interior of the club was dark, and felt like some weird mix between a high class bar and sex club to me. There were lots of shady corners and random private rooms around us. 


“They can go where you go,” Orlin assured. “But the more they stray from you, the more our clients will want to approach you. They drink for free as long as they wear these.” She moved to the bar and the bartender handed her 2 necklaces. The necklaces were black pearls with a gold pendant. 


“Okay,” I said, handing them to the girls. “Anything else?”


“Ladies don’t show up till 9. You work as long as you want. And one thing you should know is the more often you say no, the less likely ladies will want to stop by,” Orlin said. She looked me up and down again. “Who knows. You might do well. Boys room is back there. Get to know the others if you can. But it’s you against them on the floor. Don’t forget that.”


She gave me another nod then walked away. Luna and Penny stepped closer. Wide eyed but more than a little excited. “This place is nice,” Penny said. “How do I start working here?”


“Grow a dick,” I said. My eyes focused all around me. I prepared for a long night. It was going to be tough to get done what I wanted. 

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