Moral Degeneration


It was Wednesday, a school day, and I already regretted coming to school. I’d been asked by 3 separate groups of girls about the party I was throwing. Somehow an excuse for a birthday party had blown up, especially after it got around that all the guys in school were going. I was ready to cancel if it got too crazy. I didn’t want these guys to get gun-shy. 


Instead I let the people know that it was a private matter, but I was planning another party at the end of the school year. Granted I was going out of town to the Florida Keys as soon as school ended, but they didn’t know that. They accepted it, and I sent them on their way. 

I did invite Brianna though, who was pissed until I said her sister could come. Since her mom worked Saturday she had to watch her sister. When she accepted it led to a very fantastic blowjob during my study hall and her gym time. With my increased size none of the girls had been able to deepthroat me, but she tried her best. Hungrily swallowing my semen it turned me on all the more and we had a quickie before the bell rang. 


I’d been going to school 3 days a week for a little while by that point. I’d missed a few tests, but worked it out to take them at the beginning of class. Breezing through them I was considering simply skipping a few grades, but I forced myself to slow down. I could skip up to 3 days of school a week, where if I skipped grades I would probably have to show up. 

With my plan for dealing with Florence set up for that night I counted down the hours. Since I hit both the Nightingales and Hermanas the day before they were probably going through a shitstorm. I hoped that Florence kept her normal schedule for her morphine hookup at least. 

The day went on. Eventually it was my gym class. The class was usually running and volleyball lately but for some reason we got a free day. Ry and I walked around the track side by side.

“Why aren’t you lifting weights?” She asked, giving me a side eyed all knowing stare. 

“I missed you,” I said with a shrug. “Wasn’t uh too sure where we left things.”

“Where you admitted to meeting the mothers of girls you knocked up,” she said, squinting her eyes. 

“Nnnn-yes,” I said with a sigh. “I’m sorry, Ry. I know our agreement. I’m just…I don’t like lying to you.” 

She was quiet for a few steps. “Why is that? Why don’t you like to lie to me?” She whispered. 

“Cus I like you. I like like you. I like spending time with you. Looking at you. Joking around. Hell half the reason I stay in school is to see you away from your folks.”

“Really?” She asked, her eyebrows raising. “What’s the other half?”

“A mix of Aud being pissed at me and my own desire to not rush my life,” I said. “I don’t know. After our first dinner date with your folks. I wasn’t sure if maybe your stance had changed.” 

“It did,” she said with a small nod. “My mom-” 


“Linda mom,” she clarified. “She talked about it.” I could feel her working through something so I waited for her to continue. “For years they told me my dad was a friend of my mom’s at dental school. They always said it was a friend of theirs that did them a favor. They sat me down and told me the truth. They bribed some guy.”

“Ah,” I said, nodding. I had thought it was a little weird that a guy was a dentist but dropped it.

“Yeah,” she mumbled. “Didn’t realize how much I preferred the other story. The more I think I know how the world works. The more surprised I am,” she said. “I’ve heard about 20 girls begging me to beg you for an invite to your birthday party. I get random girls asking me how I nabbed me a boy. And I keep telling them that you just came up to me and they don’t believe it.”

“I was new in town. I wanted a friend,” I said with a shrug. 

“And why did you stick around?” She asked.

“Because you’re my best friend,” I said. “Ry, I can’t explain it, but I’m happy when I’m with you. Playing video games, sports, kissing. God I miss our kissing in your basement. Your mom always interrupted us, but still. I’m just hoping to not mess things up with us so we can do it again someday.”

“Me too,” she scoffed. “What then?” 


“Maybe some hand stuff?” I asked with a wolfish grin. 

“No, what happens after...if we ever…you know….do stuff more than kissing. Will you um disappear?”

“I don’t want to if that’s what you’re asking,” I said. “I’m building a life and everything part of that life. I’m growing-” 

“You’re telling me,” she whispered. I kept on. 

“Getting stronger. Building relationships and part of that is keeping them. I want you in my life as long as you’ll have me. I don’t want to keep secrets from you. But I also don’t want to hurt you. And until we get to a spot where we can share more than the moment, this is all we are going to be.”

“Moment? What moment?” She asked. 

“This, right here. This is the moment. We don’t talk about our pasts, we sure as crap don’t talk about the future. Like what do you want? Do you want to be a cop? A dentist like your moms? Do you want to go to college? Do you want to be a housewife and push out a bunch of babies?” She blushed deeply.

“Ry, with me, you could do any of those things, and I’ll be there to cheer you on. If I can’t ever talk to you about things you don’t want to hear, I can’t tell you about my future or past. Right now is all we get to be.” I couldn’t tell her about pregnancies coming up. Trips I planned. My future goals, nothing. Because those plans included my women. For now I wasn’t sure that Ryleigh would be one of those women. I wanted her to be, but I couldn’t control her. It was up to her.

We quieted and continued our walk. When it felt like she got closer to speaking she was interrupted as one of the coaches ran over. “Willard,” she said. “You missed one of the National Evaluation Sheets.”

“What? I did that Monday,” I said.

“We can’t find it,” she said. “Come on, let’s get it over with.” 

“Fine,” I said with a defeated sigh. “Think about it.” I told Ryleigh. Eyeing Luna she signaled that she wanted to have sex. I nodded and blew her a kiss. Ready to be over with the stupid testing I followed the coach. 

Her name was Tina Wyatt. Shorter black hair tied back in a ponytail she had a rocking body. Her ass jiggling with each step in the gym shorts I watched it mesmerized as I followed her back to the office. The yard sticks for measuring height inside the office everyone had done this the week before. Getting information on height, weight, heart rate and a few other things, it was yet another way the government gathered information and probably sold it to corporations. 


“I’m not doing the pushups again-” I said but was stopped as she turned around to face me. Lust clear in her eyes I took a step back toward the door as I pictured the girls from Gothika. 

“You were supposed to stop by Monday night,” Tina said. I thought back to Monday. I’d dealt with the Nightingale crap. I couldn’t remember promising…

“Pussy?” I asked, as I looked at her body again. Picturing her naked she had the right curves. When she had spoken during our intense sex session she had been crying out in labored breathing. As I continued to stare at her she had a few tears in her eyes as she bit her lip and nodded.

“Fuck, I’m sorry, I got held up,” I said. “How long did you wait for me?” 

“All night,” she said, exasperated as she fought more tears. “We waited all night.” 

I caught myself. “Good,” I said. Slamming the office door shut she jumped and I took a step toward her. She practically shivered in fear as I got right up in her face. “Look at you, acting like it’s my fault I didn’t show up. I have a life outside of you. Leland should have double checked with me. But you, too much of a Pussy to reveal yourself?”

“I-I was trying to-” 

“What?” I barked, making her jump again. “Trying to what? Stay a secret? No, Pussy. I would have found out who you were soon enough, because I’m going to make you pregnant, remember?” 


She exhaled, nodding as she bit her lip. Staring up into my eyes her chest heaved as she became more excited. Her pupils dilating she fidgeted so close to me. It was easy to see I was much taller now, but I doubted she noticed. She already saw me as bigger and stronger than her because of me dominating her. 


“Now, I plan to knock you up…but you need to be punished,” I said. Her entire body quaked as she moaned, nodding quickly she froze up too scared to move. “How should I punish you?” I mused as I looked around the office. The other gym coach had an office next to Tina’s. A glass window shared between the 2 there was a wide open window to the offshoot hall of the gym. There was no privacy whatsoever. 


“However you want,” she whispered, her fingers stretching out at attention.

“Then I should make you wait,” I said. “Not give you anything.” 

“Please no,” she whispered as I came back around to her front. She had more tears in her eyes. 

“I gave your girlfriend a mouthful of my cum the other day,” I said, remembering back to Leland blowing me in the stairwell. “She ran off in a hurry with it. Did she share it with you?” Coach Wyatt nodded quickly. “How was it?” 

“Delicious,” she moaned.


“Good answer,” I said, tapping her cheek. Her eyes fluttered as she leaned toward me expectantly. “You weren’t supposed to reveal yourself to me, were you?” She shook her head. Her pony tail of hair moving back and forth quickly. “Why did you?” 

“I c-couldn’t stand it anymore. Being so close to you,” she said. I held back my lust for her. Since she liked to be dominated she must have imprinted on me heavily or something. Since I doubted she had ever been with a man, the normally submissive girl had been more than pleased with our fun. “I-I-I need more. I can’t get it out of my mind. And I was told you wouldn’t let any other man touch us.”

“That’s right,” I said. “Only I get you. You’re my property.” She nodded up and down, her eyes darting to the door now and then to make sure now one was there. 

“I tell you what,” I said. “Here is what is going to happen. I’m busy tonight. But I don’t come to school tomorrow. You will take a half day. I will come to your house at noon. I expect to find you inside your house waiting, naked. You can only wear that leather strap outfit I saw hanging on your wall. If you’re good. I will proceed to fuck you the rest of the day.”

“Fuck,” she said. Her teeth gritting. “Do you promise?” 

“Yes, you did good waiting without me Monday, and you deserve a reward. Now you are going to go to your girlfriend…what do you call her?” 

“Mistress,” she said with a blush. 

“Good, you’re going to go to her and beg forgiveness for outing yourself. You will tell her that you’re taking a half day. If she forgives you I will be waiting in the supply closet,” I said. 

“Where you fuck your other girls?” She asked shyly. 


“That’s right,” I said, unashamed. It looked like she had known and was the one who outed me to Leland. “Question is, do you want to be one of those girls that I fuck daily.” Her eyes widened and I pulled her to me. Kissing her she exploded with passion as her hands released and moved all over me. Her hands moving to my dick she rubbed it on the outside, but I was in charge. Moving my hand into her gym shorts I found her drenched and willing pussy begging for release. 

“You’re a hungry slut, aren’t you?” I asked. 

She nodded, rubbing her hands along my dick. I stuck my middle and pointer finger inside of her and curled them toward me. Hitting her G-spot she gasped and held onto my arms. Hornier than ever she gushed liquid and was cumming within 30 seconds. Her teeth biting into me she jerked forward as my fingers stayed inside of her. 

When I pulled them out I moved the drenched fingers to her face and she opened her mouth dutifully. Licking her own cum off she moaned until I pulled them out. 

“Go ask for forgiveness. I’ll be waiting in the closet.” She nodded and was practically running out the door. Forcing my erection down I walked out. Finding Luna with her friends she branched off over to me. 


“We don’t have time for fun,” she said with a frown. 

“Yeah, sorry. I think Ryleigh’s mom is picking her up. How about we do it in the car?”

“While you drive?” She asked excitedly. 

“Sure,” I said with a chuckle. I went into the locker room and changed clothes. The bell ringing I pretended to use the exit near the supply closet. Ducking inside it wasn’t long until a winded Tina burst in the door. 


“Did she forgive you?” I asked. Principal Leland followed in after her, a little winded as well. “Oh, well I think you owe Pussy a favor. This time she gets my full load.” I began to undo my belt buckle. “And we will see if she is nice enough to share it with you.”

Both women moved closer dutifully after locking the door. Tina was on me first. Her eyes crossing she stared up at my dick and tried to inhale it. Bigger than she remembered though she sputtered about 3/4ths down. Choking on my dick she began a back and forth motion like I had forced on her. 


My hand grabbing a fist full of her hair, she stayed still as I humped into her throat. She struggled and sputtered but took all of it. I grabbed Leland then. Pulling her to me she moaned and fell into the kiss. Her thick lips on mine, our tongues entwined and I felt like a king. Forcing my dick down Tina’s throat, manhandling the principal. It was what I needed to get some of the control back in my life. 


“Help her,” I ordered Leland. She dropped down to her knees. Staying still Tina continued to move up and down my shaft. Leland moved to the balls and sucked hungrily. 


“Work together on the head,” I said. They shared a look, unsure what to do. Tina pulled back and began to lick the head slowly. Leland moved up to it as well. Barely licking it I was disappointed. “What? I thought she was your girlfriend. Fucking kiss her.” The girls jolted and began to do so with my glans in the middle. Moaning they grabbed one another’s chests as their tongues moved along my head into the other’s mouth. Lips running along the sensitive glans I groaned and bucked as they got more into it. 

Their kiss only becoming more passionate Leland began caressing my balls as Tina continued to grope while hungrily kissing my head.

“Fuck, okay Pussy, where do you want it?” I asked. 

“In my pussy,” she said, standing up. I nodded and she stood up, dropping her black gym shorts. I shoved all the way in causing her to gasp and almost fall to the ground. Holding her up I humped a few times and was unloading in her. She came as I did. White ropes of semen hitting her she cried out. Leland moved to kiss her as she came and I filled her up. My hips thrusting hard into her she sputtered with each thrust. 

Breathing in and out heavily I pulled back then slammed in again causing her to jolt. I pulled out and did it again. “Fuck,” she squeaked. 

“Did I say you could speak?” I growled in her ear. She shook her head. 


“Good girl,” I said, grabbing her chin as I turned her to face me. We kissed hard and Leland watched, her legs rubbing together as she got more turned on. “Now, tomorrow I plan to put a baby in you no matter how many times I have to cum in you.” She nodded, her legs crossing as she spasmed with each thrust. “Are you joining?” I asked Leland. She nodded. 

“Good,” I said, pulling out. “Now suck my cum out of her. I’ll give her enough tomorrow.” Tina moaned, laying down on one of the mats Leland’s face was buried in her pussy licking and sucking my cum out hungrily. When she got all she could she moved back up and shared it again. Both girls moaned from the taste.

“Now mount her face while I fill her again,” I said. Leland didn’t hesitate. Lifting up her skirt she moved to sit on Tina’s face and I was fucking her drenched pussy again. It was freeing to be in control again. I wasn’t sure why, but I could feel that these 2 would have to be part of my daily schedule. 

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