Moonlight Demon

Chapter 52: Vol. 2 - Chapter 17


The Other World, as the deities called it, felt especially cramped today. Logically, to the goddess, she understood that this made no sense, as the Other World was a realm completely under her control. It was, essentially, a room she could turn into an entire world if she wanted to. 

But it wasn't the Living World. Sitting on a glass chair, her golden legs crossed and a hand under her chin, the goddess sighed. She longed to stretch her legs and walk over real grass and feel the world around her. And yet,  she thought.  Because of Niven's petty little war, I'm not allowed to do that. 

What to do, what to do? 

An idea came to her and she smirked. A certain half-demon popped up in her mind and she waved a hand, creating a rectangular ethereal screen in front of her. Then, with a second wave of the same elegant hand, her image appeared. Ash, and the other, far less relevant humans, had just reached the human capital of Jade. 

Ah!  Magia put her hands to her cheeks, grinning as she saw her champion standing ahead of the survivors.  She's so magnificent! 

Without hesitation, Magia's right hand snaked its way between her legs.

Magia watched Ash, remembering the feeling of the woman's body on hers and the taste of her lips. Just the thought brought elation to her body. Spreading her legs, the intensity of the love she felt for her prized creation grew as she began to slowly work her clit. 

Meh, this isn't enough. She sighed, and with a snap of her fingers, two figures were created at her sides. One was a woman with skin as golden as her own and hair like white smoke. The other was a tall man with a strong frame. Both of them approached her and quickly began to caress the goddess.  Ah, the perks of divinity. 

However, her time with her creations was cut short when a pinging sound emerged. 

"Ugh," as the feminine figure licked the side of Magia's neck, she waved her away, and the two humanoids she'd spawned dissolved, fading into the air. "Who... is this Alkoth?" She wondered as she went back to the screen she'd made earlier. 

In front of her, the following words appeared:

Meeting request from: Lumina


Yes No

Magia raised a brow, clenching her hands into fists. 

What? The goddess stood from her chair, feeling it fade as soon as she left it.  Lumina?  She gazed upon the words for several minutes.  What could she want after all this time? Or... Magia tilted her head.  Is she getting that desperate that she would actually call me?

So, hesitantly, Magia mentally accepted the request and in an instant, Lumina appeared in front of her. 

Magia took a step back, narrowing her eyes at the woman. 

She didn't know what to say. She hadn't imagined this would happen anytime soon. Her eyes roamed over the other deity, remaining on her missing limb for a few moments.  So, that's how Kaori got her strength. Magia understood.  She really must be desperate then. 

"What in the world could you possibly want with me, Lumina?" Magia asked. "I believe I was clear the last time we spoke, no?" 

Lumina took a few steps closer. Magia instinctively wanted to take a step back, but she resisted that urge. She couldn't help it though. It was an effect that only Lumina had on her. No other being, not even the Higher Powers, could make her feel this small. 

"How have you been?" Lumina's kind voice asked and Magia rolled her eyes. 

"How is that any concern of yours?" Magia asked. "What do you want?" 

Ignoring her words though, Lumina got even closer. This time, Magia's confidence was shaken and she did back away. Lumina didn't stop though. She got close, far too close for comfort, and placed a hand on Magia's cheek. 

She hated Lumina, sure, but at that moment she hated herself most of all for wanting to sink into the touch. 

She slapped away Lumina's hand and glared. 

"... You came here to toy with me?" Magia asked with as much spite in her voice as she could muster. "Still a wolf in sheep's clothing, I see."

Lumina smiled sadly. 

"No." She shook her head. "I did not come for that purpose, though I'll admit, I had hoped we could catch up. It has been, what, a millennium? Regardless," Lumina shook her head, "no. I am here because we need to talk." 

"Hm?" Magia raised a brow. 

"All of us. Call him," Lumina said with an imposing tone and Magia's glare only intensified. 

But, the sooner they got this out of the way, the sooner Magia could create more figures to please herself with. So, she shrugged. 


And so, with a wave of her hands, she sent the same message Lumina had sent her, but to Alkoth. For a few seconds, both deities stood in front of each other in silence. Magia crossed her arms, looking to the side. 

Then, thunder cracked. A grey cloud appeared above them and from it, lightning surged. It reached the place they were standing in, and the lightning transformed into a man dressed in the armor of a knight, carrying a trident and a shield. 

Alkoth looked between the two of them with raised brows, likely just as confused as Magia had been when Lumina called her. 

"Ask her," Magia pointed at Lumina, "she's the one who set this all up." 

Alkoth gestured at Lumina with a hand, his trident fading into the wind as he approached. Magia narrowed her eyes, noticing the scars on his throat. 

Of course, because any injuries dealt to a god by other gods could not heal, he still had it. Though no deity could ever truly die as the Higher Powers would never allow it, when Niven first began this war, he'd nearly done the equivalent of murder to Alkoth. 

Alkoth had been the first of the three other deities to stand against Niven, and he did so alone but paid for this arrogance with his ability to speak as Niven had slashed his throat in battle. 

Lumina kept her hand behind her back and bowed. 

"Well then," she started, "onto business. As you both know, the human city of Pearl fell yesterday." Lumina began to pace back and forth. "Every minute, Niven gathers more power in his Other World. A power which he has somehow found a way to externalize onto the Living World. I believe it is time to accept that, if left unchecked, he will find and decimate what remains of the human forces." 

"You must not have much trust in your champion then," Magia smirked. "Mine is getting stronger every day. She will defeat Niven's army easily. If this is why you've called us both, you are wasting our time, I see." 

Lumina sighed. 

"Your champion may be progressing well, I will admit, though... I do not like your methods," Lumina showed her a brief glimpse of anger, and Magia scowled. Not at Lumina, but at herself for feeling even a hint of fear. 

Ugh, cease being so pathetic,  Magia told herself. Does she truly still have you under her thumb?

"The same cannot be said for anyone else," Lumina continued, "and, I doubt even you believe that Ash can fight this battle single-handedly, do you?" 

When Magia didn't give her an answer, Lumina nodded. 

"Therefore, I believe times are getting desperate. Because of this, I think sacrifice is due." 

As she said that, both Alkoth and Magia were taken aback. 

"Are you that eager to lose another limb?" Magia asked. 

"If it means the survival of the human race, I will. You know of the love I hold for them. For the both of you," she gestured at them with her remaining hand, "I would sacrifice anything so that they, so that you both, could prosper." 

Liar...  Magia thought.  If that's true, then why did you reject my proposal? 

"Because you were greedy, Magia. Remember?" 

As Magia realized what just happened, she gasped. 

"What? Yes, I can read your thoughts here." Lumina smiled. "My connection to your Other World is still strong, my love. I wonder why that is." She said with a teasing tone and Magia felt enraged. "But, moving on to the matter at hand, yes." Lumina looked at Alkoth. "I believe you would agree, no?"

Alkoth crossed his arms and closed his eyes. Then, he nodded. 

"So you too sense the gravity of things as they are. Our champions require more of our strength if they are to help the rest of humanity succeed. Therefore," Lumina took a deep breath. "I believe it is time to perform the Bonding Ritual." 

When Magia heard that, she would have paled if she were actually human and had blood running through her. 

"You're joking." 

"No." Lumina shook her head and narrowed her eyes. "I truly do believe this. Niven has spread so much of his power into the Demon Army, I believe the reason he is winning right now is that he too understands that sacrifice is necessary to win this war. Therefore, we must be willing to give more of ourselves to our champions than he is to his army. Without the Bonding Ritual, I doubt humanity will live past the next month." 

Magia fell to her knees, the other goddess's words weighing too heavily on her shoulders.

"You... You are mad." She muttered. "What is winning the war worth if we do not get to enjoy the world afterward?" 

Lumina walked up to her and smiled sadly. 

"We would," Lumina said. "Maybe we'd have to wait a while to get our strength back, but... My loves," Lumina went up to Alkoth and placed a hand on his cheek. The god of Justice did not react. "We would walk the earth again. But, we need to win this war first before that can happen." 

As Magia internalized what she said, she sighed. 

"This changes nothing between us," she stated meekly. "But... Maybe you are right." 

Lumina nodded. 

"Think on it. When the two of you come to a decision, let me know, so that we can then let our champions know." 

And with those words, Lumina disappeared, leaving just Magia and Alkoth alone in Magia's Other World. 

Magia shook her head. 

"By the Higher Powers, how I hate her," Magia muttered. 

Alkoth simply shrugged. Then, he helped Magia to her feet. 

Above him, words appeared. 

I will need to think about this. 

"Yes... I as well." Magia nodded. 

And after that, it was Alkoth's turn to disappear. 

Magia was left alone. 

Nothing but the swirling of colors in her Other World and her own thoughts to keep her company. 

Fuck this, I need to cum just to get my mind straight. 

With a snap of her fingers, both of those figures from earlier appeared. Magia looked at the woman and aimed an index finger at her vagina, watching as it quickly turned into the same genitalia the man possessed. 

"Double penetration. Now." She instructed and the figures looked at each other, shrugging. 

The fucking Bonding Ritual.  Magia thought as she pushed the feminine figure down and got on top of her.  How dare she suggest something so ridiculous... Even if it might be necessary. Have some decency, you snake. 

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