Moonlight Blue

Chapter 26

I visit Isaac in his lab. His lab is humongous. I gave him a good location to build his own lab. The area is a bit further from the castle and the village. I had tasked the construction crew to help build Isaac’s lab based on however he wanted it.

Not only Isaac but Sabrina too. And the end product was this. The exterior is crafted with beautiful face bricks. A cement is also used. The interior hasn’t been finished yet. Since Isaac is the only person here for now, he decided to leave the rest of this place for when more people come to work here.

Right now, he is only using a small room. A beautifully designed chair comes floating from the room. The chair is made of metal. It has a blue glow coming from the bottom of it. In the handles of the chair are controls of sort. Like a keyboard or a remote control.

The person sitting on this chair is none other than Isaac.

“Father. What bring you here?” asks Isaac as he pulls out the lollipop in his mouth.

“I came to see how you were doing?”

He shrinks his eyes at me.

“You never just visit.”

“Well, I did this time. Nice chair. It seems your magic-craft is improving.”

The chair slowly rests on the ground as Isaac pops out of it.

“Yes, it has.”

“Tell me about the chair.”

“Well, since someone didn’t give me magical abilities like the rest, I had to be creative.”

Does he hold a grudge? Well, I did give him knowledge on magic circles. He also does have the ability to imbue magic into thinks. That was so he can create magic items and tools.

He continues talking, “This is my gravity chair. As the name implies, it floats. I have carved a magic circle of gravity under the chair and imbued it with a gravity spell. I created a circuit board that would connect the magic circle with the mana crystals that I used as a power source. I also connected the circuit board to my controllers on the chair so that I can move the chair however I want. I also created another circuit board that would create a projection on my chair. Of course, I used the computer as reference and thanks to mindscape, I was able to copy some knowledge from there to the chair. But that’s not all. The chair has other magic circles like defensive magic circles and attack magic circles. Of course, I used magic crystals for the attack magic which should be able to create magic spells that reach the high-level. I’ve also placed a recognition programme to recognise me and if someone else were to even touch the chair, a defensive attack would be activated.”

I forgot; he is crazy when it comes to these things. All the Pillars have access to my mindscape. The thing about my mindscape is that it’s vast. It’s like a different dimension in a way. Each Pillar can access it without a problem, but they are unable to communicate with Ariel (since she’s within my body). The only thing they can do is access knowledge like Isaac did.

“So, did I pass your test?” he asks.

“What about when the energy is depleted whilst you’re still in mid-air?”

“The chair has a safety programme. The chair will notify me if the energy is depleted. I’ve also carved an absorption magic circle in the chair so it can continuously absorb mana in the environment. I might as well say that the energy will never be depleted.”

“Yes. You passed the test.”

I had told Isaac that when he decided to create anything he wanted, he should make sure that no mistakes arise from it. It should be full proof to the point that if someone decided to steal it, it becomes useless to them. I bet he also has a self-destruct on that chair too.

“So, now will you tell me why you are here father?”

“Yes. I want you to create three things. Namely, a battery that stores mana instead of electricity, a mana generator, and a mana engine.”

Isaac grabs his chin and ponders.

“A mana battery will be tough, but I think I can pull it off. A mana engine isn’t a big deal but a mana generator… I’ll have to consider the process of mana crystallisation and condensation and also the heat generated by it which could cause-”

“Okay then, see yah.”

“Wait, you’re leaving?”


“You can’t just come in here and hand me work then leave me without explaining anything.”

I am already gone.

Damn. I guess it can’t be helped.

Isaac jumps on his chair as it floats up in the room. He then opens and types on the controllers and a display panel shows up.

Let’s start with this mana battery.

A simulation appears on the panel as Isaac begins his work.

I can already tell what father is trying to do. Right now, the magic items I have created have been using mana crystals as a power source. The thing about mana crystals is that they can’t be recharge. When the mana within them runs out, you’ll have to change them and put new ones.

But if we have a battery, that’s different. A battery can be recharged, and it should be easy to use. He’s probably thought to as far as creating electric devices like kettles, microwaves, cell phones and more but instead of them being ran by electricity, they can be run by mana.

That means I’ll also have to come up with different sizes for different devices. I have a feeling that I won’t be sleeping tonight.

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