Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 93

Day 50 of the Labyrinth.

Just to check on the liberated power, I engaged in mock combat with the spirits of the Hedgehog Summoner.

At first, I focused solely on dodging without any counterattacks.

Boo Doom Baah!

Doodo Doom Ba!

The movements of the spirits appeared vividly, like a slow-motion scene in a movie. I cut down unnecessary movements and effortlessly brushed aside all attacks with minimal motion.

‘Dodge ability is good.’

Next, I decided to take all attacks head-on. I was confident that there wouldn’t be any life-threatening injuries, which inspired this reckless act.

Unless they targeted my vital spots or concentrated damage in one area, I wouldn’t receive a single scratch.

Doombah Aaaak!

Doom Ba! Doodo Doom Baah!

As expected, I sustained no damage whatsoever. Even taking the spirits’ attacks head-on felt like a tickling spring breeze brushing against my skin.

Of course, I intentionally dodged attacks aimed at my vital areas. Even the strongest beings have weaknesses, after all, and it wouldn’t be good to get hit there.

Doom Ba! It’s hard!

“Hardy! I read in a book that being hard is good!”

Pururu—What book on earth did you read?

The Hedgehog and Merino, who had been watching the scene, clapped enthusiastically.

Finally, I decided to counterattack. I threw my fist with all my might at the spirits rushing towards me.


With a thundering strike that cut through the air, one spirit’s form was cleanly obliterated.

The destructive power was decent. It wasn’t bad at all.

“Ooh! What a terrifying punch! If I got hit by that, I’d be dead too!”

Ooo! You’re amazing, explorer!

The Merino and the Centauress cheered.

Pururu—Both attack and defense are perfect.

Mysticism—You dodge well too! 😀

Boglebogle—You still have a long way to go.

By the way, other spirits danced the Doom Ba, dodging my attacks. That dance really had some good effect. I wondered if it was one of the finest dodging techniques in all dimensions. Though I had no intention of learning it, given how cringy it was.

“Hedgehog. Let’s end the mock battle here, so you can dismiss the spirits.”

Doom Ba! Got it! You worked hard!


Originally, five seal symbols were engraved on my back. But now only three remained. Melody Fox erased one, and Niarah Nepensys removed another. Currently, my power had undergone a second-stage liberation.

With this, I possessed power equivalent to A-grade on the danger level scale, capable of facing SS-grade labyrinth monsters. The SS-grade monsters surrounding explorers were weakened to A-grade, after all.

And sadly, attempting to unseal further was beyond Niarah’s current weakened strength.

The reason was simple. Niarah’s power remained at A-grade level, hence unable to unseal beyond that. She directly admitted it was impossible, and despite a few attempts, they all ended in failure.

Mom, I’m sorry, son.


Once intimidating, Niarah now spoke in a gentle tone. It was hard to adjust to her motherly expression mixed with that terrifying face.

Yumi—If Niarah hadn’t been nerfed, she could’ve unsealed up to the fourth stage.

Anyway, even having regained A-grade strength, I had no intention of engaging in direct combat with monsters unless absolutely necessary.

Whether the enemy was SS-grade or S-grade, my plan was to always retreat if the situation allowed.

“Why avoid S-grade?” you ask?

Because there are unpredictable monsters out there.

Just like the Curse Devil Gentleman standing right in front of me.

Woohoo! Even if the explorer has grown stronger, it’s best to stay in a safe place! Encountering my kin could put your life at risk!

The Curse Devil Gentleman. They say countless explorers have perished at the hands of his kin.

Though there’s no official tally, I hear the tribe that has killed the most explorers is likely their own.

And the Curse Devil Gentleman can also lead even those of higher ranks to their end.

Last time, he showed me his ultimate curse—a decay curse activated upon death.

It weakens the target’s strength upon dying, allowing the curse to consume them while remaining potent.

Needless to say, he cannot use that curse right now.

Currently, he’s in a puppet state without a soul.

Since the ultimate curse requires a soul as a cost.

In any case, given the existence of such monsters, I had to remain on high alert despite the unsealing.

Getting cocky and roaming around in my newly found power could quickly lead me to doom.

‘If I find myself in a situation where I absolutely must fight… I’ll only engage those one rank below me; if they’re the same rank, I must retreat at all costs. There are no guarantees in battles of the same rank.’

To face SS-grade (nerfed A-grade) monsters, I’d need to liberate three stages.

For SSS-grade (nerfed S-grade) threats, liberating four stages would be necessary.

If there were monsters of an even higher grade, I would only consider combat after liberating all stages.

‘Taking on enemies at a higher level is simply too risky.’

As I mentioned before, I seek battles I can win for sure.

Especially now that I have many dependents to take care of; it’s only wise to retreat in defeat, even disgracefully.

‘Well, I doubt such a situation will arise. I plan to keep monsters nearby.’

Just as I wrapped up my thoughts…

Pururu—Buddy, I have a question.

Seo Dan-bi sent a chat.

It had been a while since they inquired.

“What is it?”

Pururu—You said Azelas was about S-grade when he was an explorer, right? Could he face SSS-grade monsters?

“Probably, yeah?”

Pururu—What about those like Solorb?

I called Azelas to ask if he had fought anyone at the level of Solorb during his time as an explorer.

To that question, Azelas responded like this:

“I never fought Solorb… but I faced the Giant Bonphind.”

“Giant Bonphind? Sounds familiar.”

When I tilted my head in confusion,

Neo Hyeong-seok chimed in.

“That was the monster that killed Min Hyeong-seok, the original owner of my body. The enormous skeleton monster you’ve seen, Master.”

Only then did I recall the name Giant Bonphind.

“Oh, that’s right! I completely forgot! Wait, Azelas, you fought that guy?”


“What was the outcome?”

“The only one I was utterly defeated by… I felt we were of similar level… but I stood no chance… That made me anxious… Am I really getting stronger…?”

Pururu—Even though they were supposed to be the same rank, there must have been a huge gap in levels. 😱

Boglebogle—So, even if they were nerfed to S-grade, the fundamental level difference remains?


It seemed my judgment was accurate. The idea that I’d have to face foes a rank higher was absolutely right.

“But how did you survive even after losing?”

“I apologized, saying I was sorry.”

“…The Giant Bonphind forgave you for saying sorry?”

“He told me not to come again and left…”

Hmm. Contrary to appearances, it seems the Giant Bonphind was a surprisingly gentle monster.

Pururu—Does that even make sense? Isn’t that just a lie?

Mysticism—Azelas seems to be bragging. Perhaps he’s never fought at all? 😠

While I was conversing with Azelas, I heard Merino’s voice from a short distance away.

“Yang Yang! Everyone, gather for a meal!”

Looks like dinner was ready.

Azelas and I moved toward Merino.

Tonight’s menu featured pancakes made of meat.

As expected from a dish made by Merino, it tasted absolutely excellent.

While enjoying the meal with the monsters, suddenly…

Intruder detected!

A message appeared before my eyes, but it wasn’t the usual translucent lettering; rather, it was a thick and bright red font, estimated to be 100% opaque.

An uninvited mortal has invaded the Ancient Labyrinth!

Number of intruders: 31,390

All explorers exploring the Ancient Labyrinth, please take refuge in a safe location!

What the heck is this again?


Somewhere in the Ancient Labyrinth…

A massive rift connecting to the celestial realm had opened.

Countless celestial beings began marching orderly, entering the Ancient Labyrinth with disciplined formation from the other side.

“Hmmm. Is Niarah around here?”

“This place gives off a rather chilling aura. It doesn’t feel like an ordinary world.”

“Ugh. Did we really need to come here? Isn’t worrying too much unnecessary? Surely nothing has happened to Niarah?”

The total number was 31,390.

Based on Kang Geon’s standards for assessing danger level,

7 SS-grade, 1,383 S-grade, and 30,000 A-grade.

Their identities were none other than the followers of the creation god, Niarah Nepensys.

After Niarah crossed into another world chasing the Corruption God, Lilith Morphea, her followers became worried when she did not return. Thus, they formed a large-scale search party.

“O God of Dimension, I appreciate your trouble.”

“It’s merely in search of my mother. This much is no trouble at all.”

In truth, opening a portal linked to the Ancient Labyrinth was nearly impossible.

However, it wasn’t entirely beyond the realm of possibility.

Niarah’s followers had formed a soul bond with her, and so had those known as Gods of Dimension.

The abilities of a god governing dimensions.

Soul bond-induced location tracking.

After repeated attempts of sacrificing a world among countless realms governed by the celestial domain, they finally created a portal leading to Niarah’s current location.

Of course, this was also due to the fact that the intruder blocking features of the Ancient Labyrinth were lax after being left unattended for a long time.

Nevertheless, they were unaware of what kind of place they had arrived at.

They didn’t know they were in the Ancient Labyrinth.

Nor did they know that Niarah was dead.

Her soul still wandered the Ancient Labyrinth, reduced to a blank slate.

Believing without a doubt that Niarah still lived, her followers successfully entered the Ancient Labyrinth.

And when the dimensional rift sealed shut once more…

For another world’s beings to invade the Ancient Labyrinth… How rare this occurrence is… I guess the dimensional barrier has indeed loosened?

A figure slowly emerged before the celestial army.

It’s quite unusual to see this many intruders gathered together.

That figure was an alligator.

A wandering merchant named Crocodile Merchant.

Greetings! I am the Crocodile Merchant.

The eyes of the celestial army all focused on Crocodile.

Let’s keep the introductions brief and get straight to the point. This is a world you cannot cross forcefully.

In the Ancient Labyrinth, intruders were not welcomed like drifters.

The Ancient Labyrinth only accepts those who are invited.

Only explorers personally chosen by the labyrinth or drifters caught in a dark portal are treated as invited guests. However, intruders who forcibly crossed dimensions were always excluded.

And the role of excluding intruders had been handled by neutral monsters like the Crocodile Merchant.

So, will you kindly turn back?

They found it strange.

What was this alligator?

What kind of confidence did he have to speak that way in front of them?

They could not comprehend at all.

After all, the celestials felt no power emanating from Crocodile.

It was only natural that he appeared to be of little consequence, feeling like an inferior being.

His level didn’t seem high at all.

Thus, they thought that some insignificant bug was merely posturing.

“How dare an insignificant creature speak about safety so irreverently?”

“It seems these beings from this world cannot even recognize a god.”

“I could’ve sworn I felt a higher level than the celestial realm, but was that merely an illusion?”

“How bothersome. Dispose of that bug right away!”

They regretted their decision to dismiss Crocodile.

How regrettable. I did give you a fair warning.

As Crocodile slowly brought his hands together,

Before beginning, beyond the end, I shall send you all back.

As he chanted the spell, the moment they felt Crocodile’s true soul within them…

Crocodile lightly clapped his hands.


As the small sound of the clap echoed out, thousands of celestial souls vanished from the world in an instant.

The celestials that stood on the ground toppled as if the strings of their puppets had been cut, while those soaring through the sky fell like rain, their flames of life extinguished. Like a massive flock of birds suddenly losing their wings.

Hmm. All the impure souls have been erased… The soulless corpses shall serve as good nourishment for the labyrinth. Perhaps life forms bearing their characteristics may be birthed in the future.

Crocodile strolled toward the pile of celestial corpses.

He rummaged through the bodies, collecting any decent loot.

It was a bother to take care of, but thanks to the invaders, there will be many items to sell to our explorer. This looks good, and that too…

With a faint smile on his face, Crocodile continued gathering the loot for a while before stepping away, as if nothing ever happened.


All uninvited mortals have been eliminated.

Number of intruders: 0

Not long after a warning message appeared, the number of intruders dwindled to zero.

Explorers, please resume your exploration.

Kang Geon and Azelas had no idea what intruders were.


“Why the long face? Is something bothering you?”

“Not really, it’s nothing.”

“Yang Yang.”

Well, it didn’t seem like an issue worth worrying over.

I’d find out later anyway.

After all, they were all dead, so I decided to divert my focus for now.

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