Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 126

The Lord of the Invaders.

That being, classified as Danger Level C, appeared with a dignified presence.

But just like that, it was split in half by Iris’s beam and met a pointless death.

【Mirstin】─Wow! That monster was dispatched in one hit!!!
【Boglebogle】─Strangely weak for its appearance.
【Mysticism】─😮 Iris is strong too!
【Rize Nova】─That’s obvious. Don’t overlook that Lady Iris has an S-Class danger level.

【Luna-chan】─Don’t underestimate S-Class~

【Yumi】─Right. Iris was S-Class too, wasn’t she? I’ve never seen her in action, so I kinda forgot.
【Boglebogle】─Honestly, after seeing labyrinth monsters every day, my sense of reality got dulled.
【Mirstin】─I thought Iris had no combat ability since she only kept giving orders to the Black Magma Slime.
【Yumi】─But why did she decide to step up this time?
【Boglebogle】─Maybe she got mad hearing how ugly it was?
【Pururu】─She must have been so peeved that she jumped in! Hahaha.

Beyond the suddenly quiet screen.

The man from the Otherworld still silently stared at the lord’s corpse.

His expression was obvious even behind the helmet.

Is this reality? He must be gaping in shock.


I was kinda hoping to chat briefly with the highly intelligent lord that appeared, but cold-hearted Iris went ahead and did the removal, which was a bit disappointing.

Well, there must have been a reason for her actions.



“Why did you kill the lord just now? You did it for a reason, right?”

─[It was ugly. Removal target.]

“…Any other reasons?”



─[Just kidding. Actually, the hostility of the creature called ‘lord’ was very strong. It was judged that communication would be impossible.]

【Luna-chan】─Then you should’ve knocked him out! Good job, good job! >///<
【Boglebogle】─I didn’t know Iris could joke around. That’s new.
【Pururu】─Iris, stop lying. Just honestly say you killed it because you got offended about being called ugly.
【Mysticism】─😟 Iris is emotional.
【Yumi】─But does Iris even have emotions?
【Mirstin】─Well, she is a being, so wouldn’t she have them?
【Yumi】─All the Irises I’ve seen seemed emotionless. She looked more mechanical than Omega.
【Rize Nova】─That’s not true. At first, maybe, but recently there have been some Irises showing emotions, and I think you just haven’t seen those, Yumi.

I secretly glanced at the assistants’ chat.

Just as Seo Dan-bi said.

It seems Iris acted emotionally.

Maybe it was due to Melody Fox’s buff influence, but this Iris has become more talkative and gained a bit of emotion.

“Iris. You didn’t really jump in because the lord called you ugly, did you?”


“You can answer comfortably. After all, saying the lord had hostility isn’t a lie, so I won’t hold anything against you for being emotional about removing it.”

─[Emotion mixed in 20%.]

【Pururu】─Is it really 20%? You little!
【Mirstin】─Pururu’s got a mouth on her.

So there was indeed some emotion mixed into the removal judgment.

Since she was honest about it, I decided to let it go.

“Oh, and don’t put someone on the removal list just because they’re ugly. That’s also discrimination based on appearance, and it’s not a good reason to kill anyone.”

─[Confirmation. The recently removed lord was trash for belittling others while being ugly himself. I will not kill simply for being ugly.]

【Mysticism】─😶 Seems like Iris has a complex about appearance.
【Yumi】─Hey! Be careful with what you say! You could end up on the removal list!
【Luna-chan】─Our Iris has beautiful eyeballs!

After chatting with Iris, I turned to the still vacant-looking man.

“Excuse me, you’re not fainting while standing, are you?”


“Excuse me?”

─“Ah, ah… yes!”

He seemed to finally snap out of his shock.

Well, it’s not surprising.

He just saw the one who decimated the leader of the invaders who brought ruin to their planet in one hit, after all.

It was completely natural for him to react like that.

I spoke to the man again.

“I’d like you to guide us to where the survivors are.”

─“Yes! I’ll guide you right away!!!”

【Mysticism】─🤭 Suddenly he’s straightening up!
【Pururu】─Now he might really think you’re a god.
【Mirstin】─When you witness extraordinary power, even disbelief turns into faith.
【Boglebogle】─Weird, though. If I were him, I think I’d actually be more on guard after witnessing that power. He’s surprisingly lax considering the first impression.
【Luna-chan】─I think the same! Bringing someone with such power could mean annihilation for his kind, so it feels right to be more suspicious and cautious. >///<
【Yumi】─I thought he was a person with good judgment.
【Rize Nova】─I think fear clouded his judgment.

So we followed the man’s guidance.

To the last remnants of humanity.

About 700 survivors gathered.

Of course.

We still hadn’t decided whether to side with the invaders or the natives.

For now, we just wanted to meet and think.

Later on.

As we descended a steep mountain path following the man’s lead, the weathered cliff base came into view.

The man approached the cliff face and removed the vines and moss.

Then, a large iron door that had been concealed revealed itself.

That seemed to be the underground bunker the man spoke of.

─“Um… Since Lady Iris resembles the invaders, the people on our side might misunderstand and cause trouble upon entering. I ask for your understanding regarding this matter.”

─[Warning. I do not resemble the invaders. I look very different.]

─“I-I’m sorry!”

─[Caution advised.]

【Pururu】─Iris, let’s just admit it. You look just like them!
【Luna-chan】─No, the invaders look gross, but Iris is radiant and beautiful!
【Pururu】─You resemble Iris.
【Luna-chan】─Don’t insult appearances.
【Mirstin】─Luna-chan is the worst.

Around the huge iron door.

The man skillfully operated a concealed control panel.



With a heavy mechanical sound, the door was pushed inward.

And the internal emergency lights sequentially illuminated the inside, brightening deep into the bunker.

─“Please, come in.”



As the man and the team entered the bunker, the heavy door automatically shut behind them.

Seeing that, the man slowly removed his helmet.

Hiding a scruffily grown beard was his face.

The face revealed beneath the helmet looked no different from that of a human on Earth.

【Pururu】─Looks like it’s okay to take off the helmet in there.
【Mysticism】─😮 Just an ordinary guy.

─“Speaking of which, I realize that I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Amuterso, and I am the captain of the search team among the survivors.”

The man finally introduced himself.

“Captain of the search team? Then what about the other team members…?”

I trailed off.

I figured probably everyone from this search was dead.

─“The other search team members are resting inside the bunker. Today, I came out alone for the search.”

Oh, so that wasn’t the case.

I was about to express my condolences.

─“Alright then. Please follow me. I’ll guide you to the survivors’ living area.”


Just as I expected.

When we arrived at the survivors’ residence, all chaos had broken loose.

People gasped upon seeing Iris and fled.

Rapidly arming themselves and aiming their guns.

Negative reactions erupted everywhere.

The uproar was barely calmed by Amuterso.

He began explaining that we rescued him.

That Iris is of a different race than the invaders, that I, appearing on Iris’s screen, am a god, and that we accidentally took out the lord in one hit, among other things.

For quite some time.

He meticulously communicated everything experienced outside and introduced us to the survivors.

Of course.

Only a few believed the search captain’s words.

Most didn’t believe we killed the lord.


As people’s suspicions continued endlessly.

Iris transmitted evidence footage.

It appeared she recorded the moment of removing the lord.

─“W-what… The lord really died…?”

─“You killed the lord? No way…”

─“It could be a manipulated video, right?”

─“But didn’t the search captain say he witnessed it personally? There’s no reason for him to trick us by making a manipulated video.”

─“Unless the captain has betrayed humanity, he has no reason to lie to us.”

─“Is there a possibility the captain was possessed by the invaders…?”

─“If that were the case, we would all have died by now. Have you seen the invaders doing such bothersome things?”

─“That’s right. Killing us would be easier than squashing bugs, but unless they want to toy with us, there’s no way they’d go through that trouble.”

Various opinions were gradually converging.

Of course, leaning toward believing us.

‘It seems we have roughly proven we aren’t enemies…’

After a little time passed.

When people’s guard had somewhat eased, I gathered everyone.

And as I briefly explained about the altar.

I was telling them that if they offer sacrifices periodically, I could provide help.

At that moment.

─[I see.]

A chilling voice suddenly echoed.

Iris, as if she had already sensed it, slowly turned the view.

─“The Great Lord?!”

─“How did the Great Lord come here…!”

─“See! What did I tell you! The search captain has betrayed us!”

The Great Lord’s appearance caused a stir among the people.

They must have been terribly frightened, as they trembled, unable to even think of gathering their weapons.

‘Is that guy the Great Lord?’

It seems he sensed the death of his lord and had secretly followed the search team.

Iris had probably caught on long ago but chose not to address it.

Since she judged the Danger Level was A and deemed it not a threat at all.

‘Having the Great Lord come here is perfect. Once I finish chatting with the survivors, I’d like to speak with the leader of the invaders as well.’

Invaders and natives.

In such a situation where representatives from both sides were gathered in one place.

It was clear that constructive dialogue could take place with this Great Lord.

Seeing that he didn’t recklessly attack the search team and followed discreetly meant he had correctly gauged the gap in levels between himself and the search team, unlike the other invaders.

─[Ah. First of all, I sincerely apologize for the rudeness shown by one of our lords towards you kind individuals.]

The Great Lord bowed respectfully towards Iris.

─[And I apologize for stealthily following you like this as well.]

【Yumi】─Unlike every invader we’ve encountered, he’s surprisingly polite.
【Mysticism】─😮 He seems quite intelligent!
【Pururu】─Is that really the Great Lord? He looks so weak.
【Mirstin】─Agreed, he looks weaker than the lord.
【Pururu】─And didn’t they say the invaders never initiate dialogue? They treat anything outside their race like insects.
【Mirstin】─That seems to apply only to weak races like us. Might be that they respect the strong.

The Great Lord raised his head again.

He then proceeded to introduce himself.

─[I apologize for the delay in introduction. My name is Bururu. I am one of the five Great Lords.]

【Mysticism】─😱 Bururu?!!
【Mirstin】─Haha, it’s Bururu! Sounds similar to Pururu!
【Boglebogle】─He might actually be one of your kind?
【Rize Nova】─Pururu, your origins may be revealed here.

【Luna-chan】─They do look vaguely alike, perhaps~

【Pururu】─Not alike! And Rize shut up! Pssh!

Bururu continued speaking.

─[I overheard part of your conversation. You mentioned you are a god, and that providing sacrifices to the altar will grant assistance… Is that applicable to our kind as well?]

“Correct. I’ll be offering first to the survivors, and if they refuse, I was planning to meet with your race to discuss further.”

─[That’s a relief to hear, oh revered one. It would indeed make sense for the altar to be set up on our side since the lowly beings wouldn’t have anything to offer.]

“Well, that’s true. But what can your race offer?”

─[We have plenty to offer. When it comes to giving to the revered being, nothing is too precious.]

【Pururu】─Dude, just reject that. That’s trash.
【Mysticism】─🧐 Can we even offer lives to the altar?
【Boglebogle】─Is that even possible?
【Yumi】─Even if it is, how would we use the lives we receive?
【Rize Nova】─If something received is unsatisfactory, since we’ve been told the value can be received as coins, it should be possible to convert lives into coins too.
【Boglebogle】─And maybe, it’s possible to convert souls into coins too? According to the Gauntlet’s guess, coins could be desires, and for that race, the lives of other races might be desires.


─[Yes, god.]

【Pururu】─It’s Bururu, dammit.

“Besides lives, what else…”

I paused mid-sentence.

Then, I sighed and called the Black Magma Slime.

“…No, never mind. Black Magma Slime.”


“Kill him.”


Hearing the talk about offering lives made me completely lose my intention to trade with that race.

Even at a loss.

It’s undoubtedly better to avoid dealing with beings like invaders.

My thoughts had completely gone wrong.

─[Wait! Oh revered one, please just listen to me for a moment longer! If you aren’t satisfied with the sacrifices I mentioned, we could choose the most beautiful members of our race to offer—]


The magma of the Black Magma Slime engulfed the Great Lord.

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