Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 122

After sending Melody Fox, a shocking news came from the assistants.

It was that the actual size of Melody Fox was so gigantic that it could cover the city!

‘I overlooked that again…’

I had stupidly forgotten for a moment that some monsters in the labyrinth were always size nerfed.

‘I didn’t think Melody would be size nerfed too.’

Just like with the Hedgehog Summoner.

It was clearly my mistake to assume that Melody Fox would have a fixed size.

I really need to reduce such mistakes.

‘…Well, since there were no casualties, I guess it doesn’t matter much.’


Melody Fox had the ability to shrink.

So it seems that there was no damage in Seoul due to this incident.

Not because she popped up through space like the hedgehog sprites.

I heard that the actual form of Melody Fox had no physical entity and was close to a gas-like state.

Thanks to that, the assistants said there were no injuries and no destroyed buildings.

【Pururu】─I brought Melody home for now. She is back to her shrunken state.
【Mysticism】─She’s cute again! 😋
【Yumi】─She did shrink, but she looks a bit different from how she appeared on the broadcast.
【Boglebogle】─Just how big did she get?
【Mysticism】─Super-duper huge!


【Yumi】─She got this big!
【Rize Nova】─Whoa. What a grand and majestic sight!
【Boglebogle】─That’s seriously huge.
【Yumi】─Anyway, way too many people witnessed this. So many photos and videos were taken.
【Pururu】─The internet is going crazy right now.
【Pururu】─Normally, they would cover up monster-related incidents so well, but this time, they didn’t manipulate public opinion at all.

The internet going wild was actually good.

This incident could raise awareness among the people.

Currently, monsters were sporadically appearing on Earth.

Yet, according to the assistants, most people seemed not to realize the seriousness of the situation properly.

But that should change now.

The appearance of a giant monster must have shocked them greatly.

Monsters are real.

And now, most people would finally realize just how dangerous monsters can be.

And looking at it this way, maybe I should commend the hedgehog…

After all.

The hedgehog had also managed to raise awareness among some people without causing any casualties.

I slightly tilted my head and glanced at the hedgehog.

[Shake your butt vigorously! Dooduru Doombah!]
“Doombah-chan! Doombah-chan!”

[Doombah, Dumdum, Doodoodoodoo Doombah!]
“Doombah-chan! Doombah-chan!”

I decided to skip the compliments.

I should just let her dance her heart out.

“By the way, is Melody doing well?”

【Pururu】─Yes, she’s currently devouring a storm of takeout. She really eats well.
【Yumi】─She seems to really like Earth’s food. Fortunately, it must suit her taste! Hehe.
【Mysticism】─So cute. 😋
【Yumi】─She follows us really well, so at this rate, she might not want to return to the Ancient Labyrinth. Hehe.
【Pururu】─Not at all. She does want to see Geon continuously.

“Alright. I was worried she wouldn’t adapt to another world, but hearing that she’s doing well gives me peace of mind.”

After lightly nodding my head, I decided it was time to invite new assistants.

‘Let’s see, the people currently available…’

The mid-level invitation ticket is only valid for those who are either me or a monster I have tamed and have a connection within 5 days.

And it seems the conditions for that connection are more lenient than expected, as many names appeared on the invitation list.

‘These people must have been near Melody Fox or actually witnessed her.’


It seems the more direct contact or a close connection someone has, the higher they appear on the list.

As evidence, I noticed two familiar names at the very top.

━Sage Lunaris

━Hwang Mir

After confirming their names, I sent the request for assistance to them using the mid-level invitation ticket.


『RED Rank Assistant ‘Unknown – 006’ is flying towards you like a comet.』
『RED Rank Assistant ‘Unknown – 007’ is flying towards you like a comet.』
【Rize Nova】─Say hello.
【006】─Hello, Geon! I’m Hwang Mir, Dan-bi’s friend. Dan-bi has told me a lot about you!

“Nice to meet you, I’m Kang Geon. Thank you for the coin support through other assistants so far.”

【006】─No need for thanks! Hehe.
【006】─Oh! The monsters look really cool! I wanted to see this! They all look so strong!
【007】─Oh my goodness! It’s been a while, Gauntlet! I’m Sage Lunaris! And here’s a shocking fact! I’m actually a girl! ><

“Long time no see.”

【007】─Why are you greeting me so indifferently? ㅠWㅠ
【Rize Nova】─Say hello to us, too.
【Yumi】─You both have a strange concept going on.
【Pururu】─Geon, both of them just received status windows. Damn.
【Mysticism】─😡 Why aren’t we getting status windows!!!
【Boglebogle】─Sage. I’m Alice.
【007】─Alice, it’s been a while! ><
【Boglebogle】─What are you doing?
【Rize Nova】─Hey! Newbies should quickly greet us!
【Pururu】─Stop talking nonsense. Don’t act like an idiot.
【Mysticism】─Rize, stop it. 😠
【Rize Nova】─?
【Rize Nova】─Wasn’t this a tradition?
【Rize Nova】─Tradition.
【Yumi】─There’s never been a tradition.

Hwang Mir and Sage Lunaris.

They were assigned the numbers 006 and 007 right after becoming assistants and immediately changed their nicknames before logging back into the broadcast.

【Mirstin】─Changed my nickname! I’m back!

Hwang Mir is now Mirstin.

Sage Lunaris is now Luna-chan.

Both were ridiculously childish nicknames.

I didn’t like it, but I didn’t say to change it.

That would infringe on personal freedom.

【Mysticism】─😡 Luna-chan! Don’t use emojis! That’s mine!
【Luna-chan】─Oh my! I’ll keep that in mind!!

“Why is Sage so lively? It doesn’t suit her.”

Hwang Mir doesn’t know how she actually looks and doesn’t mind, but I just can’t adapt to Sage’s concept no matter how I see it.

Even though I can’t see her face.

When I think of her and imagine her androgynous voice, it just doesn’t match at all.

【Pururu】─For real. I’m next to her, and she’s typing that with a poker face, so it’s kinda scary. Looks a bit psychopathic.
【Yumi】─She seems to have some mental issues, so I set up a counseling date for her.
【Mysticism】─🤭 That nickname is so childish. Why did you choose it?
【Mirstin】─Lately, Sage has been watching a lot of magical girl animes.
【Pururu】─You should change your speech a bit. Damn.
【Mirstin】─It’s my personality.
【Mirstin】─Anyway, now that I’ve seen enough monsters, time for a coin bombardment!
【Mirstin】─Are you ready, buddy?
【Luna-chan】─Absolutely, Ting!

The moment that chat popped up.

Coins started pouring down nonstop in front of my eyes.

And as the support continued,


◇ Assistant Rank Up ◇

● Target: Mirstin (006)

● Change: RED → BLACK


◇ Assistant Rank Up ◇

● Target: Luna-chan (007)

● Change: RED → BLACK

【Mirstin】─I’ll keep running!!! They said I can reach Gold in just a day!!!
【Luna-chan】─Zooming away!!!

Both achieved BLACK rank.

Not long after,


◇ Assistant Rank Up ◇

● Target: Mirstin (006)

● Change: BLACK → GOLD


◇ Assistant Rank Up ◇

● Target: Luna-chan (007)

● Change: BLACK → GOLD

They completed the promotion to GOLD rank.

Of course, they didn’t achieve PLATINUM. The conditions for achieving PLATINUM also include viewing time.

【Mirstin】─Hehe. How about that? I’ve been saving up my energy for this day.
【Luna-chan】─I borrowed from Mirstin. Hehe.
【Pururu】─With that poker face and “Hehe!” It’s super creepy.

“…Thank you. It’s clear that a third-generation chaebols are different.”

【Mirstin】─Since you’ve supported me like this, next time, I’d appreciate it if you could send just one monster my way. I want to make lots of monster friends!

“Of course. Just let me know when you want a monster, and I’ll send it right away.”

【Mirstin】─Thank you! And there’s no need to worry about size! I have a private island where I can receive send-offs!
【Rize Nova】─It seems you have considerable financial power. Thanks to you, I have a bit less burden now.
【Pururu】─Hmm. It feels like you’re saying we’re poor and you’re carrying the heavy load alone.
【Mysticism】─You’re teasing us! 😠
【Rize Nova】─That’s right.
【Rize Nova】─Ah, no. That last message was my true feelings.
【Rize Nova】─Ah. That wasn’t my true self.
【Pururu】─You jerk.

I once again expressed my gratitude to Hwang Mir.

Even though she’s a chaebol, she supported me with such a huge amount without having met me, so expressing gratitude multiple times isn’t enough.

【Mirstin】─Also, I’m the same age as Geon. You can speak informally to me.

“Ah. You said you were Dan-bi’s friend. Got it, so I’ll speak informally.”

【Mirstin】─Sure! I’ll switch to informal once we meet in person. But for now, I can’t change my concept! Hehe.
【Yumi】─Geon, could you please speak informally with me too? I feel kinda left out if you only speak formally to me.


I ended up speaking informally with Ha Yumi unexpectedly.

【Yumi】─Whoa. I didn’t think you’d switch so quickly.
【Pururu】─From now on, are you going to call Ha Yumi “Yumi, you piece of trash!”?
【Yumi】─Why are you adding that?! …And you should call me “noona”.

I spoke informally to her.

However, Ha Yumi kept using formal speech towards me.

She said she felt awkward and couldn’t drop the formal speech.


Now that I have new assistants, it’s time to update the Assistant Index.

I asked them to send photos just a moment ago.

Sage said she’d change into her favorite outfit and send it, and Hwang Mir said she’d dress up a bit and send a photo too.

After a little while passed,

【Luna-chan】─Catch! Yap! ><
【Rize Nova】─Hmm.
【Pururu】─Your chatting style is really nauseating.


【Yumi】─How do you type that without any expression? Don’t you feel cringy…?
【Boglebogle】─Sage is a bit shameless.

The photos of Hwang Mir and Sage arrived.

“The photos could’ve just been sent in the chat, though.”

As I said that while picking up the photos, I collapsed into my seat and opened the index, where Centauress and Merino slowly approached, showing interest.

[These must be the new assistants.]

“Hello! I’m Merino Ula! Please greet me!”

It’s clear that the Centauress approached because she wants to draw them in the index.

Sorry, but I have no plans to give that role this time.

“Centau, I’ll draw the assistant illustrations myself, so no need to help.”

[Ah… Okay…]

Centau bowed her head.

With a sulky expression, she turned and returned to her seat.

Merino was still waving her hands near me.

“Please greet me!”

【Luna-chan】─>< Hello! But can’t you guys see our chat?

“Please greet me! Greet me!”

“Merino. You’ve been greeted, so stop talking.”

“Did you greet me? Thank you!”

And with that, she naturally plopped down and snuggled up beside me.

“I wanna see the drawing. Is it okay?”

“Do as you wish.”

[I’d like to watch too…]

The Centauress also slowly came back and took a seat next to me.

Ignoring the burdensome gazes from both sides, I started working on the index.

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