Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 120

★━━━ 【Supported One Exclusive Vending Machine】 ━━━★

✧・゚: ✧・゚:

『Ticket Purchase』


➤ Dimension Shrine Installation Ticket [Unlocked!]

◇ 1 sheet: 9,999 coins

◇ Purchase Limit: 3 tickets

※ You can install one shrine in a world without an Assistant.

※ You can receive items from that world through the shrine. If you don’t like the items received, you can also receive coins instead. In that case, you’ll receive coins equivalent to the item’s value.

※ If an Assistant is born in the world where you installed the shrine, the shrine will be destroyed.

※ This ticket can be transferred to a monster tamed by the Explorer for proxy use.

➤ Mid-Level Invitation Ticket ▼

◇ 1 sheet: 900 coins

◇ Purchase Limit: 2 tickets

※ This is an invitation ticket for mid-level support requests. You can request support from one of the individuals you interacted with within 5 days, either you or a monster you’ve tamed. You can write the support request text yourself.

➤ Lustrous Evolution Ticket ▼

◇ 1 sheet: 4,999,900 coins

◇ Purchase Limit: 1 ticket

※ Evolves a tamed monster into a higher entity.

➤ Dispatch Ticket ▼

◇ 1 sheet: 1 coin

◇ Purchase Limit: 45 tickets

※ You can dispatch one tamed monster to another dimension for 24 hours. A regular dispatch ticket sends randomly to another dimension.

➤ Designated Dispatch Ticket ▼

◇ 1 sheet: 3 coins

◇ Purchase Limit: 30 tickets

※ You can send one tamed monster to another dimension for 24 hours, and you can specify one dimension connected to the Explorer.

➤ Transferable Return Ticket ▼

◇ 1 sheet: 1 coin

◇ Purchase Limit: 50 tickets

※ This is a return ticket that can be transferred to a Drifter.

➤ Reverse Support Ticket ▼

◇ 1 sheet: 1 coin

◇ Purchase Limit: 300 tickets

※ You can send items owned by the Explorer to an Assistant. Reverse support is only available for Assistants of GOLD rank or higher.

➤ Return Ticket ▼

◇ 1 sheet: 1,000 coins

◇ Purchase Limit: 1 ticket

※ You return to the world you lived in by renouncing your Explorer status. However, using this ticket will annihilate all life forms connected to you, regardless of the dimension. Souls from other dimensions will be absorbed into the Ancient Labyrinth, and the monsters you tamed will also meet their end.

※ You shouldn’t feel guilty. You will lose all memories of what you experienced in the Ancient Labyrinth upon your return.

⚠ Please check your coin balance before purchasing ⚠

⏳ Time left until vending machine disappears: 05:32:29


At the very top.

A ticket I’d never seen caught my eye.

The ticket was for the Dimension Shrine Installation.

Reading the description, I roughly understood what kind of function this ticket had.

‘Ah, it’s a ticket that works in conjunction with the Dispatch Ticket.’

A world without an Assistant.

If I installed a shrine there, I could see it as a ticket to receive support from the inhabitants of that world.

‘It seems I can leave the shrine installation to the dispatched monster.’

Now I understood the meaning of the regular Dispatch Ticket.

I had been wondering why to send a monster to a randomly selected world, but it was evidently designed to be used with the Dimension Shrine Installation Ticket.

And this was a ticket unlocked by the birth of a Trinity rank Assistant.

So before a Trinity Assistant was born, the regular Dispatch Ticket was practically useless.

Except for the fact that you could procure an Assistant from that world, of course.

‘This ticket feels different from inviting an Assistant.’

In a way, those who offer sacrifices to the shrine were almost in a lower position than the Assistants.

To put it in simpler terms using church hierarchy as an analogy:

Assistants are like the Pope or Cardinals.

Those who offer items to the shrine are like regular congregation members.

That’s how I viewed it.

Those offering support through the shrine can only perform offerings and prayers like regular congregation members, while Assistants can watch my broadcast in real time, provide support, directly communicate, and if they reach the highest rank, even meet me in person.

Of course.

It doesn’t mean I’m a god, as I mentioned before; it’s just an analogy.

‘If I play my cards right, it might be easier to get more support by installing a shrine than trying to gather several Assistants in that world.’

The problem is how to request support from the inhabitants of that dimension.

As I thought about it for a moment.

A sudden idea flashed through my mind.

‘Maybe something like salvation… would resonate the best?’

A higher being descending, performing miracles, or solving difficulties faced by that world.

Bestowing grace upon the otherworlders.

Claiming myself as a god, installing a shrine, and encouraging regular offerings.

In that manner.

It would be the easiest way to ask for support under the pretense of protecting the world while pretending to be divine.

‘Doing something like that feels a bit burdensome, but… it’s still helping others, and it’s not like I’m scamming anyone.’

This method is a transaction where neither side suffers a loss.

As long as I don’t die.

If I install the shrine in that other world and keep it under my protection, I can always help whenever that world is in danger.

Provided I have enough Designated Dispatch Tickets on hand.

‘For now, let’s postpone gathering Assistants and focus on installing the shrine to request support. I’ll think of the specific method later.’

With that.

A solid reason to use the regular Dispatch Ticket came into being.

Oh, and just to note.

I was already considering using a regular Dispatch Ticket once.

I wanted to conduct an experiment to see if sending multiple tickets simultaneously leads the monsters to the same world or different worlds.


I hope the monsters will be dispatched to the same world without any gaps.

I want to send a strong monster along with an Iris that reflects that world to me.

I still don’t know if I can view other worlds through Iris.

This is also part of my experimental subject.

I could have found out immediately by using a Designated Dispatch Ticket, but wasting one just for that simple experiment felt like a waste, so I held off.

‘I should’ve sent Iris instead of Dochi before…’


I planned to test what I just mentioned all at once soon.

‘…Alright, now let’s check the next ticket.’

I lowered my gaze and slowly examined the other tickets.

Mid-Level Invitation Ticket.

Just what I was looking for; I found two!

I decided to use these for Hwang Mir, the chaebol 3rd generation, and Sage Lunaris.

They are people that could assist me.

In any case, since I still don’t know how to become a ruler, I wanted to maximize the number of potential Assistants I could have.

In this other world, I don’t plan to recruit Assistants since they already live in worlds where they have Assistants.

After that, I shifted my gaze away from the Mid-Level Invitation Ticket and looked further down.

There were no Low-Level Invitation Tickets.

The Lustrous Evolution Ticket had gone up in price more than last time, so I passed on it without regret.

And then the Dispatch Ticket…

‘What’s this? Why are the prices so low from here onwards?’

For a moment, I thought I misread it.

Dispatch Ticket 1 coin.

Designated Dispatch Ticket 3 coins.

Transferable Return Ticket 1 coin.

Reverse Support Ticket 1 coin.

These prices were practically a steal.

Comparing them to the earlier prices, that is.

‘…As expected, while some vending machines sell tickets at high prices, there are also those that sell them this cheap.’

No matter how much I invest, buying three Dimension Shrine Installation Tickets felt burdensome, but the extremely low prices for the other tickets eased that anxiety.


I quickly skimmed over the Return Ticket.

Wondering why its price was low, it turned out it had some ridiculous conditions attached.

Such things weren’t even worth considering.

After purchasing all the tickets I could, I expressed my gratitude once more to Solorb, who had guided me to this vending machine.

“Solorb, thanks again! Thanks to you, I got these tickets at a cheap price. I even got some new useful tickets!”

[···Looks like there was something helpful by coincidence in the place where I shined.]

Solorb, playing dumb till the end. It was a weird but somewhat cute personality.


Labyrinth Day 64.

After briefly checking the status of the Desert Town construction, I returned to my hideout and was selecting the monster to dispatch.

I wasn’t using a regular Dispatch Ticket.

That one was meant for tomorrow, and today I planned to use a Designated Dispatch Ticket to invite two new Assistants from Earth.

To use a Mid-Level Invitation Ticket, the target had to have had a connection with me or a Tamed Monster within five days.

【Pururu】─Send me the chibi! Chibi!!!
【Mysticism】─Send Dochi! 😃
【Yumi】─Please send the fluffy cute Melody Fox!!!
【Boglebogle】─Send me the Neo Japan.
【Pururu】─What are you? WTF.
【Mysticism】─If you’re not from Earth, don’t get involved. 😠

I wanted to send Iris.

I wanted to find out if I could share sight even if I’m in another world.

It wasn’t a waste of a Designated Dispatch Ticket.

After all, I absolutely had to send a monster today.

One of the options for that experiment gets put off for now since I think I should try it using the regular Dispatch Ticket.

【Pururu】─I don’t want Iris.
【Yumi】─She looks so scary!
【Mysticism】─😨 I’m with you on that…

Since the assistants from Earth seemed to dislike her.

If they didn’t want her, what could I do?

So, I decided to confirm Iris’s ability through a regular Dispatch Ticket and excluded her from the candidates.

“But hey, weren’t you all saying you liked Iris’s pretty eyes before?”

【Yumi】─Her eyes are pretty, but other parts are creepy.
【Pururu】─You don’t have to send chibi, but don’t send Iris.
【Mysticism】─Send Dochi, Dochi! Dochi looks like a normal animal so you can take him outside!
【Yumi】─Melody Fox also looks similar to a regular fox.

Two monsters that look like regular animals were mentioned as candidates.

The Hedgehog Summoner.

Melody Fox.

Ultimately, Melody Fox was chosen.

The reason was nothing special.

The Hedgehog had already made a dispatch before.

【Pururu】─Lol, Dochi. Got eliminated for causing trouble last time.
【Yumi】─When Melody Fox arrives, I’ll pet her lots. Hehehe.

First, I showed the Assistant Index to Melody Fox.

To help her recognize the faces of the Assistants in advance.

The monsters I tamed instinctively know how to identify Assistants, but it’s better if they clearly remember their faces before going.

With the preparations complete.

“I’ll send her near Dan-bi.”


【Yumi】─Anyway, we’re all gathered here now. Mir and Sage are also here with us.

I dispatched Melody Fox to Earth using the Designated Dispatch Ticket.


A quiet park.

Five girls were sitting on a bench.

Three of them were Kang Geon’s Assistants, Seo Dan-bi, Shin So-mang, and Ha Yumi.

The other two were prospective Assistants, Hwang Mir and Sage Lunaris.

They were currently waiting for Melody Fox, who was to be dispatched from the Ancient Labyrinth.

“When will she come?”

Seo Dan-bi murmured while looking around.

At that moment.

Suddenly, a giant shadow loomed over them.

“U-uh?! Guys, look over there…!”

“What is that!!”

Ha Yumi pointed to the sky with trembling hands.

Looking up, Hwang Mir took a step back in shock.

Before their eyes stood an enormous fox so huge it could overshadow cities.

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