Chapter 8: Zone
My mind in its current shattered state from deleting part of my own memories was scared of many things. Was the world outside always this dangerous and I forgot it? Was I always who I was before this change? So many worries, so many fears, I could only hide them away while talking to big sis hoping they might simply fade away.
'Then he arrived and everything bad swept away and now I know I will survive just fine.'
Sure every sexual desire was now filled with sex with a monster. However was he truly the monster if he kept me safe? Was it so wrong to feel this way, knowing inside of me more of them were going to be created. Maybe he wasn't the monster, it was the people outside that were the real monsters.
'Enough big thoughts, sex with him makes all that go away.'
Every sexual urge I felt involved a goblin doing something to me, every tinge of my body made me long for him even more. Submitting to him felt natural, something that was simply meant to happen.
He already showed who was in charge and held me down easily. While I am too tired to even move my body anymore he is always fit and fully energized. Finished with ejaculating down my throat one last time, he climbed above me standing upon my back. His body holding me down with my head to the side, I glanced up at his green muscular body.
"Is he going to hurt me?"
"No, that won't ever happen. Goblins would rather die than hurt a woman, after all they need you for giving birth to their new young ones."
"Giving birth.."
"Just relax, give up for once and let the little guy enjoy himself. In goblin culture standing above you is to scare away human males if they are watching, he is showing who owns you."
'It doesn't feel bad, it feels like a massage actually. Maybe he can do this again for me.'
Resigning to my fate, I fell into a weird mental state disconnected from the world as I felt what he was doing. My mind drifted to sleep when he finished, and we fell asleep together with him rubbing his hands over my body all night long.
His fingers covering my privates as his love juice dripped through them in a vain attempt to hold it in. He slept between my large breasts as I enjoyed the feeling of his coarse tongue licking the underboob he reached. These newer sensations filled my head of what a comfortable rest was like, as I felt it mold inside of my head.
'If it feels good, maybe it is good.'
Waking up in the morning, I was awake before he was. Slowly pushing myself off the bed, I struggled to get up and felt my body being slightly off. For some reason my breast swung as I moved my body on the bed. A weird sensation of my legs sticking together as his little hand still held my privates, coated in a syrup of white.
A sweet delicious after taste lingered in my mouth, with every new breath from my mouth bringing in the flavor. Gently with my hands reaching to his body, I slowly pulled his hand out from between my crotch. Resisting the urge on the inside to squeeze my legs together as I felt the green hand pull away, I couldn't help but let a small moan escape my lips.
'Got to be quiet, otherwise I can't get up and bathe.'
If he were to wake up, I probably couldn't control my urge to let him enjoy himself. Every time my hard nipples felt his hot breath rub against them, I felt the urge to let him go crazy. With his mouth licking the area below my right breast, it was like a beast claiming his prey with his unconscious actions.
Putting a hand to the side of the mattress, I pulled my body away slightly. With each pull my body inched further away, reaching the edge of my mattress he remained asleep. Pushing my body upwards, the skin of my breast slid following my movements. My hand went to my mouth trying to hide the fact my breathing was exhilarating.
'Don't wake up please, not yet. When I am done bathing we can have more fun together.'
"Hey you do realize you don't need to bath, it is completely hygienic his semen. Trust me, it feels amazing to do it so slimy with a bunch of horny goblins."
"Maybe later.."
My body dripped sexual fluids as I stood up, some still hot from my nether region. Each step felt heavy with a wobble to my gait. It was a mix of his fluids and my own dripping fresh my body, with a strong refreshing smell.
It wasn't unpleasant, instead it was arousing as I felt goosebumps form in anticipation of the sex that might be soon. The smell was intoxicating to such an extent the more I breathed in the more I felt the urge to wake him up and go back to sex. Whispering to big sis, I was desperate to calm myself.
"I feel like a complete pervert now, why does sex feel so damn good!?"
"It is the goblin semen on your skin, it is soaking into your body and arousing you. The mere smell of goblin semen alone is an incredibly strong female aphrodisiac, and your bedroom is covered in it."
"This is crazy, won't I become a sex addict at this rate?"
"That is the goal, goblins don't have females so they need the few they capture to be always sexually active. Literally nothing biological will inconvenience this breeding now, your body is changing on the inside right now.."
'What am I turning into a rabbit?!'
Going out of the bedroom area, I silently opened the bathroom door. Closing the door behind me, a massive sigh of relief erupted from my chest. Marble counters with soft edges, a large bathtub for two, and a shower with a washroom intended for more than one person.
The design wasn't my choice, it was her coupons that made me select it all.
'It is all built for sex, literally everything in here is.'
Turning on the shower, I climbed into it feeling the water jets come out from the sides and atop. Washing my back and turning off when I turned to face the jets, the system was perfectly designed to not get in the way for shower activities. A large mirror wall to one side of the shower captured my attention. I couldn't help but stare at myself, in a mix of shock and confusion.
'Is that really me?'
White semen still liquid in texture similar to honey splatter all over my hair, a stench of delicious sex emitting from me. A long stream line of white from my meals came from the edge of my lips, giving me an urge to lick it. Giving in to the desire a little, my tongue slithered out and licked the little bit remaining.
"Congratulations! You have had your first fun night with a monster! So, are you ready for the week of pleasure?"
"Don't scare me like that."
"Relax, aren't you a little curious as to what the week of pleasure is?"
My hands coated in soap stopped rubbing the sides of my thigh at her words, I did want to know. From the title alone it sounded like something I wanted, something that would be even more thrilling than what I just experienced.
"For one solid week you experience near constant non stop sexual pleasure in ways no human man could ever give you. Your solo little goblin will be working overtime that is for sure!"
"So just a week of sex?"
"That sounds…. fun?"
Standing in the shower as she spoke, I was listening while trying to clean this stuff off myself. Her descriptions of the goblin penis were over the top, and something I already slightly knew. Still what she said made me stop moving at times as I recalled last night.
"The ridges naturally formed into its rod rub against the most intensive pleasure points in a woman, while the slightly curved shape hooks you in making pulling out even more difficult."
"Uhh, what else…"
"Interested? Of course you are~ His veins are made to pulse while inside giving you a slight massage, with soft ridges formed into his rod. His body is sure to stimulate you while plugged in with his addictive semen as a finisher. Do you know the best part?"
"The knot at the base of his penis formed to lock itself in you, only by releasing in your deepest most sensitive places can you pull it out. You should know the sheer raw stimulation it gives when he locks into you and you're helpless to his every desire."
Her biology lesson on goblins continued as I showed, with her every lesson I recalled exactly what she said. With near constant reminders of last night, I felt my nipples harden in the shower. The skin tingles in the shower as I felt my heart beat increase with her words, and I could feel moist in the sensitive entrance.
"A goblin semen acts as a natural meal for his prey, both arousing and intoxicating; capable of sustaining the prey it incapacitate any meaningful resistance. It is biologically the most ideal thing any woman can consume in existence, while simultaneously the most potent venom of their invasive species."
"Uh huh, but how do I wash this off?"
The goblin juices didn't want to come off no matter how hard I seemed to scrub with normal soap, it was like a glue to my body that wouldn't come off. Clinging to my skin in this syrup-like texture, I felt annoyed trying to wash it off my thighs. The hand towel would absorb it removing somewhat, but I wanted to use soap to remove the sticky stuff.
"Why isn't this coming off me?"
"The time since it was released, goblin semen glues itself to females naturally. It clings to female bodies while in a liquid like state for twenty four hours until the air hardens it."
"Why would it go that far?"
"It releases pheromones through the skin to arouse her for sex, and there is always a chance she self inserts the semen by accident into her inner sanctuary. Even after the outer residue is removed it can still exist at the location it was on her body for days, hoping for the moment she touches that spot to cause self impregnation by accident."
'Scary stuff…'
"Don't worry, you already had several loads released into your deepest areas. Your 100% impregnated by now, there is no way around it."
A daydream of some imaginary girl being aroused as she didn't notice the semen stuck to her fingers. She self inserted her finger coated in white syrup into her hole as she gasped for air feeling the stimulation.
Her face blushing from semen sprayed upon her from some goblin on her exposed body, she was so aroused she didn't even realize she was going to be impregnated by her fingers she thought were clean.
Her body eagerly accepting the semen she was unaware the simple act had already sealed her fate. Then another more devious idea came to mind, and I couldn't shake it off. It was simply too evil.
'I couldn't, that is too evil to do..'