Monster of The School

Chapter 8: Golden Rider

The handful of minutes have passed, and it appears that the whole arena was on the brink of destruction caused by the two people who fought on the top of it. Towards the next scene, the first sword comes from behind, but Ryuma dodges it and gives a counter to Cheris. But Cheris seems to have an adaptability to Ryuma's movement. Mostly caused by muscle memory and instinct. But when Cheris thought he could surpass Ryuma at that moment, the damaging blow was hit right on his rib, thus crushing it.

"You'll need to do better than that! Just to give you a hint, never stop thinking when you're fighting against me."

"Tch, Molus Megolus!" Cheris summons a large golden wave to push Ryuma outside of the ring. Ryuma was caught up by the wave but didn't move an inch from his spot. He's on all four with his finger digging through the ground. Ryuma then came to Cheris with great speed.

Cheris is anxious.

 "Magin O Megolus!" Cheris summons a golden minatour with a single handle axe. The golden minatour swung the axe on Ryuma but he managed to dodge it by an inch of his life by backing off.

"Oooh... that was close..." Ryuma then jumped on the minatour and tried to punch him but the minatour instinctively raised his arm to block. And then the minotaur could feel his arm was grabbed. Just before he knows it, the minatour then realized that Ryuma has leglocked him on the waist. Ryuma then moved the minatour's arm.

"This arm is in the way." Ryuma used his raw strength to force the minotaur's arm out of the way, and punch the Minotaur's right cheek. But Ryuma didn't stop there, his punch slipped through the minotaur's other arm and punched the minotaur's head countless times and then gave a final finishing blow at the end.

The golden minatour disappeared. But Cheris made a surprise attack by launching his sword. Of course, Ryuma dodged it but it scratched his cheek. Despite that, Ryuma is still coming onto Cheris, knowing he could land a blow as he passes the flying sword. 

"Migo Megolus!" Cheris summons a giant-sized golden hand and punches Ryuma. Thus, Ryuma was sent far by a great distance.

"Whale O Megolus!" Cheris summons a large golden whale on the top of the ring. Everyone was awe-struck by the shine and brightness of the whale in the golden light. Cheris then commands the whale and points his wand at Ryuma. The Whale then immediately dropped himself on Ryuma as Cheris ordered.

Just as Cheris wished, the whale exploded himself in the center of the arena where Ryuma was standing. Which also destroyed most part of the arena except the part where Cheris was standing.

"Omg, who would even survive that attack?"

"Did he live?" That was the question that most people in the arena were thinking. Meanwhile Harris was sitting on the VIP chair, grinning.

"Hah! This is what happens when you go against the royalty, Ryuma Ochirou. Also thanks to Cheris's new ability, now he'll be a good stepping stone for me to get rid of you, and also to gain the throne!"

(About a month ago, after he was defeated by Ryuma Ochirou, Cheris gained an ability out of nowhere called Megolus(Golden Light). It was the ability to recreate any object and lifeform with a golden color.)

Both Cheris and Harris didn't know the principal behind this mysterious power. That is also the same for Jacob and his iron abilities.

"Now, with Ryuma gone and our family social's standing increased. I can still reach the throne before him-."

But then Harris realized that Ryuma is still standing on two feet while holding his knee.

"Whaa-!" Harris was left speechless. That goes the same for Cheris.

"You done? then it's my turn now." Ryuma then raised his leg and kicked the flat ground, creating the speck of dust. Cheris then raised his wand 

"Migo Megol- urrrgh!" Ryuma used a wind magic to send the speck of dust he created to Cheris. Right onto Cheris's eyes. Disable Cheris's ability to see.

"Urggh! there's a dust in my eyes! I can't see anything!" Cheris heard the footsteps coming his way and instinctively swung the flying sword on his way, but it didn't hit anything. Thus making Cheris felt anxious.

"Where! Where is he?!"

Before Cheris knew it, he could feel the presence behind him. The moment he knows it, he immediately commands the sword to attack the presence behind him. But it didn't hit. The stone was thrown, hitting Cheris's hand, which also made him lose grip of his wand.

"M-My Wand!" Cheris then felt someone just grabbed him with both hands. And then hit on the abdomen. Cheris vomited and then was on his knees, holding his stomach at the same time. Cheris slowly opened his eyes. It was Ryuma who was looking down on him. Then Cheris immediately remembered his past duel. 

It was the same gaze Ryuma gave him at the duel before.

"What's wrong? You're gonna give up despite what I do for you?" Ryuma then kicked Cheris on the head. Sending him about 15 meters. Ryuma slowly coming to Cheris. 

"Ckh! Water Cutter!" Cheris is trying a last resort attack thinking he can win against Ryuma. But Ryuma then dodged the attack and kicked Cheris once more. Cheris was sending almost outside of the boundaries of the ring.

"Now let me say this, the examiner was using appraiser magic right before the duel, thinking I was gonna bring anything fishy into this duel. But instead he used some weird magic that weakened me. But good thing I bring this here"

Ryuma opened his mouth and showed the piercing on his tongue. Harris was surprised.

"It was a magic tool to prevent any debuff on the wearer! How did he know about the debuff magic!?" Said Harris

("Well good thing I got this from "him") Now then, I'm gonna ask you a question, Cheris. Why do you hate me? Is it because I'm attributeless? or is it just because I'm commoner?" Cheris didn't answer. Ryuma then grabbed Cheris and kicked him to the center of the arena.

"Now let me tell you a story, Cheris. There was one family without an attribute. What do you think gonna happen to that family? Were they hated and ignored by Society? NO! they were not hated nor ignored by them! Why you ask? It's because they are also the normal people! A breathing human! They've got affection and praise if they do it right! They can also have friends and lovers if they want to!"

"Because they've accepted failure like us! We can also be in society if we want to! And now those who you called failure... you just lost to them. To this failure. Are everyone in this arena are gonna accept you after this?"

Ryuma walking to Cheris and lend him his hand.

"Nobody's the failure here. Not me nor you. Or even every attributeless in this world." Cheris is looking at Ryuma's hand and raises his hand and hit it. Cheris raised his hand not to accept him but to reject him as he slapped Ryuma's hand away.

"Ryuma Ochirou, After I've been defeated by you a while ago... I've acknowledged you... you are strong. That goes the same for every attributeless in this world. But I can't accept it. Because I'm the one with pride and ego! And you're gonna get rid of them right here right now!"

"Megolus Melodas: RIDER!!!" Cheris summons a Golden horse, triple the size of him. Cheris has also been equipped with the golden armor. Cheris gets on top of the horse. And then a Big Golden Sword just appeared on his hand.

"Let's finish this Ryuma Ochirou!"

Ryuma smiled "Hah! If that's what you want... BRING IT ON!!!"

The two were on the ready set stance.

Cheris is the one who's charging first. He's coming at Ryuma with all his might.

(I'm coming, Cheris!) But Ryuma instantly felt something was wrong. Was Cheris too fast? Or was it he's on his limit? It was neither of those. The time is moving slower. He's trying to lift his finger, hand, leg, his whole body.

Ryuma realized that he was immobilized. He then tried to figure out the reason behind it. Ryuma is looking at the crowd. It's mostly civilians, students, and teachers judging by their clothes. But Ryuma saw two people wearing a robe among them, one of them was smiling at him. At that moment Ryuma instinctively knew they were behind his immobilization.

At the same time, Cheris was charging at him with his full force. He's trying to move his body with all his might. But couldn't. All Ryuma can do is watch Cheris coming at him. The second he realized he was on the wall. Out of the boundary of the ring. He coughed up blood, his mind was blurred. He still couldn't move his body.

At the last moment, he looked at where the robe guys were. But they're gone. Ryuma slowly closed his eyes thinking everything was over.

When he opened his eyes back, his head was facing the ceiling. He was in the school infirmary. At Ryuma's side was Vesmon. 

"Ryuma! you're awake!"

"Vesmon..." Vesmon is not the only person who's there. It was his whole classmate.

"Ryuma! We're glad you're awake! I thought you were on death odor when you got hit by that."

"Yeah... I'm fine(x2). Anyway, what's happened to duel?" Everyone in the room, including Vesmon, looked away from Ryuma's eyes.

"So... I lost huh..."

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