Monster Breeder

119. New Home, Part 1 (R-18)

*Fucked the Rainbird – One Avian Mark!*


*Froglin Blowjob – Two Lake Marks!*


*Denki Nezumi Blowjob – One Fuzzy Mark!*


*Marks Consolidated!*

*Rainbird bride – Three Avian Marks!*

*Denki Nezumi bride – Two Fuzzy Marks!*


*Avian Marks – Three*

Harpy Sight

Wings (Harpy, Rainbird)

Bloodwing Air-Dodge

Rain Pellets

Tailfeathers (Harpy, Rainbird)

Harpy Matron Form

Harpy Matron Fertility

Harpy Matron Longevity

Rainbird Aviation

Harpy Talons

Harpy Lightweight

Harpy Matron Lightweight

Harpy Air Magic

Harpy Matron Air Magic

Rainbird Water Magic

Lesser Siren Voice

Lesser Siren Enchanting Melody

Lesser Siren Charm Resistance

Bloodwing Blood Magic

Harpy (Bloodwing) Cock


Okay, Rain Pellets must be the beads of water Gale summons. Rainbird Aviation then is her ability to float or hover. As far as flying is concerned, I think I’m good for the moment.


*Selected Rainbird Water Magic!*


*Selected Bloodwing Blood Magic!*


*Selected Harpy Air Magic!*


I’m gearing up for a fight. Time to grab all the magic I can. Blood Magic is good for dealing with injuries even if I don’t have Flou with me to make Blood Star. Harpy Air Magic will add a small amount of power to my Air Blades. I’m not sure if I’ll find a use for this water spell, but I’m sure second-tier Water Magic is stronger than the first-tier Mermaid Water Magic I’m used to.

Speaking of…


*Selected Mermaid Water Magic!*


I was holding that mark in reserve until now. I should be able to combine my Water Magic as well.


*Fuzzy Marks – Four*

Rodent Nose (Bunny, Mouse, Mole-man)

Denki Nezumi Nose

Rodent Ears (Bunny, Mouse)

Mouse Predator Sense

Denki Nezumi Ears

D.N. Radar

Rodent Stature (Bunny, Mouse)

Bunny Patron Stature

Bunny Patron Longevity

Bunny Patron Strength

Denki Nezumi Stature

D.N. Electric Absorption

D.N. Electric Regeneration

D.N. Battery Cheeks

D.N. Energizer

D.N. Thunder Crash

Rodent Tail (Bunny, Mouse, Playmate)

Mouse Balance

Playmate Anal Lube

Showbunny Stage Magician Tail

Showbunny Anal Adaptations

Denki Nezumi Tail

Denki Nezumi Agility

Rodent Legs (Bunny, Mouse, Playmate)

Bunny Hop

Good Digger

Lucky Rabbit Foot

(BP, SSM) Legs

Luck Magic

Rodent Cock (Bunny, Mouse, Mole-man)

Bunny Patron Cock

Bunny Stamina

(BP, SSM) Stamina

Mole-man Earth Magic

Bunny Patron Earth Magic

Mole-man Claws

Mole-man Summon Shovel

Bunny Patron Summon Carrot

Bunny Playmate Outfit

Showbunny Stage Magician Outfit

Showbunny Hat

Showbunny Performer’s Body


Ah. I see the issue with trying to copy Megan’s kit. While technically possible for me, it’d take five equipped marks to accomplish. A whopping seven to get it done today without Golden Hour refund fuckery. On top of that, there are some great options outside that specialized niche.

Radar and Agility sound like straight upgrades of Predator Sense and Mouse Balance. Both could be useful in a lot of situations. Bunny Patron Strength might synergize with Ogre Strength… I bet Showbunny Hat is good once Cottontail figures out how to use it…

Damn, the Fuzzy Mark tree is getting crowded! I may have to change how I view them on my interface to better keep track of everything.

But I’ve already made my decision.


*Selected Playmate Legs*


*Selected Showbunny Stage Magician Legs*


*Selected Luck Magic!*


Time to test out Luck Magic!

Of course, the body modification twists my form in new and strange ways, but at least the lower limbs are scaled proportionately to my body. My thighs feel more supple and shapely while ending in rabbit feet. That’s a… mixed bag, I guess.

Lastly, the new and exciting Lake Mark tree!


*Lake Marks – Two*

Naiad Water Breathing

Froglin Skin

Froggin Webbed Digits

Froglin Legs

Froglin Leap

Froglin Stature

Froglin Mouth

Froglin Prehensile Tongue

Froglin Water Magic



Hmm, hmm, yes, yes, interesting, fascinating, hmm, curious choices, yes…

Who am I kidding? I’m a fucking pervert.


*Selected Froglin Tongue!*


…and the offensive spell, I guess.


*Selected Froglin Water Magic!*


I can feel my tongue growing longer but, thankfully, mine is retractable and doesn’t loll lewdly out of my mouth all the time.

Hurray! Let’s go back to the hut and prepare for a battle!

The return journey is slow but uneventful. We’re transporting three carriages filled with precious cargo (infant Sweet Bees, immature Mandragoras, and human children) along with three Fruit Nymphs who refuse to behave for more than a few minutes at a time. Jonny, Brenda, and Drosera are fucking champs for controlling the nymphomaniacs’ libidos.

The former Forest prisoners—now my prisoners of war—and kidnapped Treefolk (Mother Heather the Flower Dryad and the pregnant Pitcher woman) are surprisingly obedient. I expected at least one of them to step out of line and require punishment despite all my threats, but no one proves themselves that stupid. Well, to be less charitable, I think my appearance and deeds are having a more profound effect on said monsters than expected.

They act as if they’ve been taken captive by a truly powerful high-tier monster; resistance is futile and all that.

Similarly, Charlatan Forest itself seems glad to be rid of me. I half-expected the Elder to uproot himself and chase after us, given all the trouble we’ve caused, but that doesn’t happen. It does sort of seem he’s counting himself lucky we aren’t pressing with our momentum. Gabby’s plan may have merit, after all. But, perhaps, the ‘damage’ we’ve done isn’t as significant as I assumed. An Elder Treefolk may see things differently due to the timescale of his long lifespan; to him, this may be a minor setback since I failed to abduct the Busty Willows surely pregnant with at least one human male.

Regardless, we make it all the way back to Fuzzy Field without incident… quickly followed by an incident.

“Hey!” I cry, feeling the burning on my tummy indicating my marks are changing without any clear reason. My heart leaps into my chest at the thought this might be what losing a Branded companion feels like. Then I read the new message.


*Your Power Bonded is Evolving!*

*Your Cinderwolf became a Lesser Lupine Flamestalker!*

*Cinderwolf Rush became Lesser Lupine Flamestalker Flame Magic!*


I stare at the message for a few seconds before all the implications percolate through my mind. Then I focus my will, searching with my Profane Sight for red leylines, and pull on the crimson strings. A fire blossoms above my palm.

I let out a whoop of joy!

“Great job, Suka!”

“She evolved?!?” Gabby observes with growing excitement.

“Yep, that’s another advantage of Power Bond. It got stronger when she did.”

My Goblin wife nods. “That will help during our battle with the Elder.” At her reminder, my eyes fall on the setting sun. Even with an awesome new ability, this is not going to be fun. “What did your marks say?”

I know what she wants. “Suka is a Lesser Lupine Flamestalker now.”

Gabby’s mind whirls to life. “Second-tier, Superior rank evolutionary line. It’s a huge boost. Hmm, I wonder how the Power Bond decides which mark ability to give you? Maybe it defaults to the evolution’s core ability.”

“Which…? Ooh! There’s more than one!?!” I can’t help getting a little excited.

“Has to be. You’re about to burn yourself.”

Looking down at my hand, I realize she’s right. “Hot! Hot! Hot!” I wave my gauntleted hand around to extinguish the free-floating flame before it can blister the skin beneath. “Let’s hurry on home so we can deal with the big tree bastard.”

Gabby scans the earth. “Where do you think the Fuzzy Folk practiced digging their traps?”

“Oh, shit.”


*Selected Webling Burrower Tremor Sense!*


I almost forgot I asked the smallfolk to practice making pitfalls today. Thankfully, I recall in the nick of time to purchase an ability that’ll let me lead us around the traps. I need to talk to them about leaving hidden markers for allies or at least draw a map for us to memorize.

As we approach Gabby’s Hut, I'm flabbergasted by what Spindle accomplished today, let alone the mounds of dirt marking the New Warren's progress. I see three purple-fabric pavilions on the periphery, one of which is fully enclosed, and another is a hive of activity. Our arrival draws everyone working in the field or flying overhead to come see what’s happening as we approach the already crowded area, bringing a familiar face into view.


The red-shelled crab girl with satiny brown skin on her humanoid half is enjoying herself with Cottontail and a mouse boy. She has the mouse gently gripped in one claw, having turned him upside down to suckle his modest rodent prick with his balls resting on her face. His testes contort to squeeze out the last drops of his cum into her gulping throat. When his climax is finished, she sets the mouse aside amidst a growing pile of gasping rodent kin (plus a few Harpy boys) with shriveled scrotums sucked dry.

They look dazed and fatigued but at least satisfied.

“Mmm, salty,” the crab girl says as she licks her lips.

Cottontail is caught between Kani’s claw and the Merfolk’s bare tummy, ovipositor visibly wriggling beneath the taught skin of her belly, the Showbunny half-undressed with her clitty standing tall as she cums on herself for the umpteenth time judging by her disheveled state. There are flecks of cream splattered all over her once-pristine outfit. I spot the detachable bottoms tossed away in haste along with buttons burst from her button-up top. Her fishnet stockings are torn to shreds but, somehow, Cottontail’s top hat hasn't fallen from her head despite however many rounds of intense lovemaking.

And I can see it is ‘lovemaking’ from the Showbunny’s lewd lolling tongue and ahegao expression besides the loud moans coming from her mouth as Kani plows that perfect little asshole with a long, hard Mermaid ovipositor. The crab girl arches her spine in orgasmic release as she cums in Cottontail.

““Aaahhhnnn!!!”” they both scream in release. She tosses her long black hair as she throws her head back at the height of her climax. Velvety dark strands pool on her mocha breasts and run down her back like rivers of shadow.

Then Kani realizes she heard my voice and sheepishly looks over to me as post-nut clarity washes over her. I dismiss my summoned armor, though that should’ve been proof enough of who I am, to let her see me.


The crab girl’s eyes rake me from head to bunny toes (I needed to get them for Luck Magic), taking a second to parse the features of my face beneath green Lizardman scales and Slime hair. She double-takes after counting my extra arms and noticing my insectoid wings. Then her gaze heats as she truly recognizes me, taking in my significantly boosted bust and smelling the mark-enhanced pheromones of my arousal, her nipples hardening to chocolatey droplets as she absorbs the overall change in my being. She comes to a decision.

Lady Alex, I bring word from the sea.” She guiltily looks down at Cottontail, the Showbunny lying languid and breathless, still reveling too deep in orgasmic bliss to register my presence. “I suppose this is your courtesan I’m screwing the brains out of, right?”

The corners of my mouth quirk upward in a wry smile. Cottontail doesn’t seem likely to protest in the slightest. I see Spindle nearby watching everything with mischievous glee, the clear orchestrator of this turn of events. “It’s alright. I know you get carried away sometimes because you can’t masturbate.” (No hands) “I thought I left Ariella and you together for that reason?”

“Lady Ariella is so busy now; I can’t go begging my mistress for release every time I feel the urge…” Kani blushes a lovely shade of umber as she refuses to meet my eyes.

I approach my oceanic lover with eager but measured steps, Gabby close behind me, as onlookers watch us. This doesn’t escape the crab girl’s observation.

“Hello, G-Gabby.” Kani’s expression is somewhat complicated with a mix of recognition, recalled fondness, anticipation, and mild consternation. It’s the sort of look you give someone you fucked three days ago at a wild party and you’re not sure what the current status of your relationship is when the two of you see each other at work Monday. Or I assume that’s the expression an ancient human would make in said situation.

“Kani.” Gabby’s response is much less complicated as she comes forward to take Cottontail in her arms and pull the Showbunny off the crab girl’s ovipositor. Likely, she sees them both as fellow harem members, both bearing my spawn, both having developed affection for a certain special bunny girl, and both desirous of more casual sex.

Not exactly the romance of the century, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them together at least once during tonight’s orgy.

I see Cottontail and Megan embrace as they’re reunited, the Showbunny fussing over her sister’s recent changes before Gale sweeps them both into a hug.

“Megan, sweetie, is that you?” Lois the mouse MILF says, coming forward with eyes wide as saucers.

“Hi, mom.” Megan acts demure in front of her mother, gaze downcast, hands clasped below her navel, and knees rubbing together.

“They told me you’d gone with the Echidna. I thought for certain I’d never see you again.” Those words make Megan wince as if stung. It was a close thing, after all, with Megan nearly dying half a dozen times before her evolutionary resurrection. “But look at you,” Lois says as she takes a lock of the Denki Nezumi’s neon yellow hair in her fingers. “So pretty.”

“I-I’m home,” Megan says before hugging her mother. When the two finally separate, she continues, “Cottontail, Mom, I’ve got a new girlfriend, though she’s also my first retainer,” Megan says as she ushers Sue forward, her tiny hand wrapped around the tip of the frog girl’s prehensile tongue.

The smallfolk keep their distance from Sue while their wary eyes never waver. Even the Harpies seem to regard the Froglin with caution. I suppose land-dwellers need fresh water to survive, making lake monsters a constant threat. Their instincts must be yelling, ‘Danger!’

“Hello, Mistress Cottontail, Mws. Lois.” Sue bows instead of curtseying, then extends her tongue as if to have the mature woman and Showbunny shake it.

“Sue is a nice monster,” Gale chimes in, “She saved Megan’s life! And mine too!”

“Charmed,” Lois says congenially as she shakes Sue’s tongue, fur standing on end as if subconsciously expecting an attack.

“You’re very cute,” Cottontail says with pure honesty, her eyes studying the frog girl’s alluring features and shy expression. I’m not sure if it’s her personality, her predator-loving fetish, or her third-tier instincts at play, but she’s a lot more relaxed than the other smallfolk.

“Um, um,” Sue tries to hold it together but meeting her new girlfriend’s/Mistress’s mother and sister makes her so nervous she blurts out, “I’m sowwy I ate your sister, I mean, daughtewr!”


Looking around, I see the rest of my entourage following me into the pavilion—with the exception of the children lagging just far enough behind for us to get our shit together.

“Alright, clean up all the fornication for a minute, there’re kids coming,” I cut off Sue before she can get into a full explanation. We can have a round of introductions followed by dealing with Kani’s business before I decide what to do with everyone.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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