Monia: How Should I Convince My Yandere Wife To Let Me Free?

Chapter 15 She Finds out the Truth.


Chapter 15 She Finds out the Truth.

Not wanting to stay working longer, as she hadn’t even come close to solidifying her relationship with Monia, Risa still had much work to do. She did hear from the twins about her brother invading her estate once more, but it didn’t bother her in the least. “I clearly picked the right women to fall in love with, as Monia, or at least, how the twins mentioned it, clearly hated Carter from the moment that they met. And a second meetup didn’t go any better for my foolish brother.” She happily thought.

Risa wants to her position to be solid before seducing Monia. After all, trying to seduce someone that you’ve kidnapped… takes a lot of time and care. Time that she doesn’t currently have at the moment.

Risa: “Make sure that Carter doesn’t enter my estate again.” She ordered.

Clare: “With the Madam’s position now taken by you, My Lady, her original orders have been overruled. That will be the last time he ever steps foot in your estate.” She replied with a serious tone.

Risa: “…Good.” She said with a slightly happy nod. “Carter’s already shaky position is now even more threatened. I just have to keep this up, and it would soon all be mine. Though, in the first place, it was always supposed to be mine.” She thought with a wistful tone.

With just her mother’s shares, Risa is now said to be the richest woman in the entire world. The kind of wealth where you don’t even think twice about spending billions of dollars at the drop of a hat, like it was worthless pocket change. With so many shares, now really no one within the company can go against her words.

Before, there were employees that harbored hatred toward her, and didn’t respect her in the least. Of course, with a thorough investigation, all those employees were let go. Though, Risa didn’t particularly seek respect and loyalty from her employees. Instead, she much sought profit over being respected like a god.

Which is why she only got rid of those that impacted the company’s profits, and left the ones who just dislike her, but don’t do anything malicious, alone, with their jobs fully intact. But at the moment, Risa had her mind on more important things… After all, she had arrived at Eric’s estate.

Eric: “…”

Risa: “Aligning with Carter will only bring you misfortune, Eric.” She said with a calm tone.

Eric: “I…” His words were cut off.

Risa: “Eric, the exact second that you planned to kill my mother… you ceased to be my father. The time for pretending that you are innocent has long passed.” She said with her arms crossed.

Eric: “…” “Dammit… Where did the plan even leak? How much does my daughter know… No, that doesn’t matter anymore. Right now… I just need to find a way to survive this!” He thought with an extremely anxious tone. Though his face was had a calm expression on it.

Risa: “…”

Eric: “What do you want?” He asked.

Risa: “What do I want? Surely, you know what that is.” She said with a scoff.

Eric: “…Will I be dying today?” He replied, finally with a horrible nervous expression showing on his aged face.

Risa: “Mother did not raise a murder, Eric. At most, you won’t be living such a luxurious life. That is… if you still wish to live in America.” She answered.

Eric: “Then…” His words were cut off again.

Risa: “You can keep your wealth, but you must not start any businesses, and you must be watched by maids that I hire. Agree, and then you can choose to move to a few countries. I recommend China.” She added.

Eric: “In our early years, I tried hard to appear loving to Grace. As such, I knew her signature quite well. With that knowledge, I forged a will, which would have given Carter all of her shares. That is, after we had her killed…” He finally admitted.

Risa: “…”

With a scoff, Risa soon left Eric’s estate. Now, his life was fully in her hands. If he does anything else, then he will die. But… if he stays obedient… then Eric will live well until his natural end. “Obedience… perhaps that is something that I should instill in Monia? Hm… only if she doesn’t want to be with me, I guess.” She thought with a slightly evil, but oddly seductive, tone.

In truth, Risa already loved Monia, and saw the woman as her wife even now. They had barely spoken, but that is what she thought of Monia. If Monia will not willingly bind herself to Risa… then, in her opinion, it isn’t her fault if she must turn to more extreme measures. “It is already too late for her… In this life, Monia is mine, and mine alone.” She continued to think, and in the same tone.

By her side, even Clare was feeling off. “So it is true… Love makes anyone crazy.” She said in her mind with a sighful tone, seeing her Lady’s current, slightly scary, expression. Miles away, though Monia could not hear Risa’s thoughts, the woman had shuddered. It is just Monia’s luck that she actually, and truly, wants to be with Risa…

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