Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 65: CCK (8)

Back in the precinct, Gayoon was briefing her team over the case updates. They were all in a dark room, with light emitting only from the projector. She was tasked to lead the investigation team which other than her, Jaein and Taejoon consisted of Officer Jang Hobin, Officer Lee Jiang, Officer Shun Yura and Officer Min Rui. They were all watching the slides Gayoon was presenting with apt attention.

"The CCK was active almost twenty years ago," she stated. "At that time, he was randomly targeting women of all ages, kidnapped them and then dismembered their bodies before discarding the parts in a selected area. Due to his clean cut method of killing, he was dubbed as Clean Cut Killer. The police team of that time suspected that he was a doctor or a medical professional at least."

She clicked the remote on her hand to change the slide.

"His first victim was a sixty year old woman named Han Maria," she explained, pointing at the picture of an old woman with a lively smile. "Her severed body parts were found in a ditch not far from the capital. The police recovered her decapitated head but the heart was missing from her body. At first, the killing was thought to be committed by a vengeful neighbor."

"But soon many more such bodies piled up and it became clear that it was a serial killing."

Jiang raised his hand and Gayoon nodded, urging him to speak up.

"Since you mentioned that CCK is probably someone with a medical background, were their doctors questioned?" Jiang asked. "Maybe all of them went to the same doctor?"

"Unfortunately, the police at that time could not find any common link," Gayoon said. "All their doctors were questioned and none of them were the killer. They even had alibis which only made it harder for the police to keep them captive for long."

"Then how is he targeting them?" Yura frowned.

Before Gayoon could reply, Taejoon spoke on her behalf.

"Maybe there is no target," he supplied. ���It seems as if he was killing the women on a whim. He simply picked the one who seemed to have passed by him. The women may have just been at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"That is the theory we have been working on as well," Gayoon added. "There's no clear motive other than the fact that he is collecting their hearts. We don't know what he's doing with them because they're not being sold either."

"Most serial killers like to keep trophies," Jaein piped in. "This one is storing them away because they're the proof of his victory."

"Victory?" Rui echoed. "He's killing people! How is that a victory?"

"Psychopaths derive pleasure from tormenting their victims," Gayoon replied. "It's a sort of satisfaction for them. Some like Ted Bundy even used to get sexual pleasures from it. Serial killers achieve a sense of pride and happiness seeing their victims being tortured, begging for life. So they keep something from their victims as a remembrance. It's akin to winning a race or getting good grades for them."

The officers in the room looked disgusted at the ideology. Which normal or sane person would think like that?

As if reading their minds, Gayoon said, "You'll be surprised how many serial killers hide under the facade of normalcy. Do remember, the one we're looking for is a medical professional. He's smart, resourceful and at first glance, would not appear to be a cold blooded killer. He could be anybody."

An uncomfortable silence followed her words. The fact that a serial killer could be hiding in the society and could be amongst them was something out of a crime novel for them. 

Even though they were in the police force, the team Gayoon was working with was still new. Most of them had only been in the force for a year. Junwan had assigned these particular members because they were not tainted by politics or corruption. They were freshly recruited and would work with more diligence than older officers. 

Moreover, the older officers would not be fair or rational in their judgement since they were looking for an easy promotion. They may have turned an innocent person into a scapegoat if needed which is why Junwan trusted his best detective with this case.

"Rui will question the last victim Yumi's family," Gayoon instructed. "Rui, you are closer to the deceased girl's age. When asking questions, get to know them a little more personally as well. Relate to her so that the parents can open up to you. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am!" Rui exclaimed, standing up to salute her. 

"Officer Jiang, you will collect all the CCTV footage," Gayoon stated. "Go through them. Ask around in Yumi's school and question her friends. Wear casual clothes though because teenagers would get scared if you're in uniform. Make sure they're comfortable around you."

She paused for a minute, noting Jiang's youthful look which was similar to many of the recent idol groups the youngsters were into. 

"Charm them if needed," she added. 

"Understood!" he nodded.

"Officer Hobin, you'll be reinvestigating the old files," Gayoon replied. "Compare them with the findings and see if we have missed anything. There are ten files excluding Yumi's. If needed, talk to the last victim, Cho Sooa's family."

"Yes ma'am," Hobin said. Gayoon turned on the last one.

"Yura," she said. "You'll look up on the directory of all the doctors and medical professionals who went inactive in 1999. Whether it's for a month of years doesn't matter. See why they went inactive and question them. Take help of our IT team and make the list before visiting them."

"Yes ma'am!" Yura replied. 

"And everyone please work in a team," Gayoon stressed. "This is important. We have to catch that killer before he kills again. We don't know when he'll strike but we have very little time. Report your findings to me every morning. We'll sit together everyday to piece the clues."

"Yes ma'am!" all of them said in unison and saluted her before scrambling to get to their assignments.

Taejoon and Jaein were impressed by the sincerity all the new officers were showing.

"Wow, they're eager!" Taejoon commented. 

"If only the last team was as eager as them," Jaein sighed. "The officers who handled this case were a mess! All the evidence were tainted…"

"Let's see how they'll fare," Gayoon said. She turned to Taejoon and added, "You go and visit the scene where Yumi's body was found. I'll join you after Yumi's forensic reports arrive."

Taejoon nodded and left the room, leaving Jaein and Gayoon alone. Jaein got up and approached Gayoon, who was busy clearing up the desk.

"Are you alright?" Jaein asked. She was worried for her friend who had been working nonstop since Hwang Minho had refused to help her. Gayoon was trying to suppress the sadness and disappointment she felt by drowning herself with work.

"I'm fine!" Gayoon assured her. "I'm just focused on this case-"

"Don't lie!" Jaein snapped. "You were on the verge of crying yesterday after that man refused to testify!"

Gayoon took a deep breath and slumped on a chair. Jaein sat next to her, trying to comfort her.

"I thought he was different," Gayoon admitted. "Eccentric but a good man. Now... I'm not even sure what he is."

Jaein stared at her for a while, noticing that Gayoon's cheeks were a little red.

"Don't tell're dating him?" she gasped. Gayoon did not reply but got up and put on her police cap.

"I need to go," she announced. "Lot's of work left to do. I'll talk to you later."

Before Jaein could question her more, she turned around and left the room. Pushing all her feelings and doubts aside, she only wanted to focus on catching the CCK. Her broken heart would have to endure the pain in silence.

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