Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 37: Meeting the Daddy

When Minho arrived home that night, he scanned around the house to look for Jina. Kim scurried forward to attend to him. She looked very worried.

"Where's Jina?" he frowned.


She hesitated. How could she explain it to him?

"What happened?" he demanded. "Where's Jina?"

"She's resting in her room, sir," Kim replied. "It's just that…"

She took a deep breath, ready for the volcano to explode. "Sir, for some reason she seems very scared," she informed him. "Ever since she returned from school, she has been quiet and withdrawn. I think someone bullied her at school!"

Minho's nostrils flared. Someone bullied his precious daughter? The school was about to bear the brunt of his wrath. He hurriedly went upstairs to check on Jina.

"Jina?" he called out, opening the door to her room. She was sitting in total darkness, looking very shaken up. She was sitting on her bed, clutching her knees close to her. The girl looked as if she had seen a ghost.

"Jina!" he exclaimed. As soon as she heard her father's voice, she broke down into tears. Minho was by her side in an instant and scooped her into his arms, comforting her. She was wailing loudly, shaking in her father's arms. The image of the spirit would not leave her young mind at all.

"What happened, Jina?" he cooed. "Did someone bully you at school? Are you hurt anywhere?"

In her shaken state, she shook her head.

"Did someone scold you?"

She shook her head again. Minho was baffled. What could have happened to her? Why was she so scared and demure?

"Did you see something?" he asked. To his surprise she nodded her head.

"What did you see?" he asked, feeling concerned. Jina was not a child who got scared easily. She did not have any sort of phobia and was mentally sound. Minho himself attends counselling sessions with her to ensure that she would not get any sort of mental trauma, ever. Her mental health was also fine. So what could have scared her this much?

"That ahjusshi...there were two of him!" she claimed, crying hard. Minho let her go and turned up her chin to meet her eyes.

"Two of whom?" he frowned.

"The ahjusshi at the police station!" Jina blabbed. "There were two of him! I saw it! He was sitting there while he was also standing at another corner. I-"

She was confused and had no idea what she was talking about. Minho narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"You went to the police station again?" he questioned her. Jina was mortified at what she had just revealed.


She faltered under her father's stern gaze. "Why did you go there?" he asked. Jina was silent.

Frustrated at her silence, he went over to her desk and picked up the drawing he had seen the other day. He held it up for her.

"Did you go to meet this lady?" he asked. Jina looked down, feeling guilty. She never lied to her father before and it made her feel ashamed. He was visibly angry at her and it was making her feel even worse than the evil spirit she had seen.

"Yes," she admitted in a small tone.

"Who is this woman?" he demanded. Jina bit her lip, trying not to cry.

"Jina, I am asking you a question," he threatened her. "Who is she?"

"She...she is Lady Cop," Jina finally said. "I go to the police station everyday to meet her."

That was the last straw for Minho. Not only was his daughter sneaking around dangerous places at this age but also lying to him.

"Call her," he said in a dangerous tone. "Now."

Jina quickly took her phone and dialed the number. Minho snatched the phone from her hand and waited for the receiver to pick up.

"Hello? Jina?" A familiar voice rang into his ears. It can't be! Minho thought wildly.

"Jeon Gayoon?" he frowned. Jina was a little shocked. Her father knew the Lady Cop?

"Yes, who is this?��� Gayoon asked from the other end.

"This is Jina's father," he replied. "Where are you? I want to talk to you."

Gayoon was taken aback by the man's rudeness. Why did he sound so familiar?

"Is everything okay with Jina?" she asked.

"No," he said curtly. "I want to meet you right now, Ms. Gayoon. My daughter's welfare depends on this."


Gayoon looked around. She had brought Taejoon to the hospital since he was unconscious. Junho was also there with them. Fortunately, once a spirit leaves the body of its host, the human vessel falls ill for a few days and has no recollection of the event. Taejoon was also suffering from a fever but the doctor said he would recover within a day.

Junho sensed that something important must have popped up for her.

"You go ahead," he said. "I'll take care of him."

Gayoon put her hand over the mouthpiece and asked, "You sure? What if someone recognizes you?"

"So what?" he scoffed. "The statute of limitation on the case has passed. I'm technically a free man."

Gayoon shook her head in dismay before returning to the call.

"Alright," she agreed. "When and where?"

"The bar uptown," he replied. "Right next to the AXE Mall."

"Alright," she said. "I'll meet you there. But how will I recognize you?"

Minho gaped at the woman from the other end. How did she become a detective?

"I'll call you from this number," he said and hung up the phone. Gayoon frowned at the rude guy. What is it with her nowadays? Why was she running into men like Hwang Minho?

"Ahjusshi, I'll have to go," she sighed. "Important call. See you at home."

Junho waved at her as she barged out.


An hour later, she pulled up in front of the club Jina's father had directed her to. Even though she was about to meet a complete stranger, she was not afraid of being kidnapped or conned. Being a cop, she picked up quite a few survival skills and her instincts were very sharp. She had slipped out of many sticky situations and this one seemed to be no different.

She entered the club. It was more of an exclusive bar with very only VIP paterons. Some of them were dancing on the floor while others were simply chatting around the drinks' corner where a bartender attended to them. Suddenly, her phone rang up. It was Jina's father.

"Hello, where are you?" she asked.

"Behind you."

She turned around. "Hi I'm-"

Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets in shock. No way! She screamed in her head.

Standing in front of her, wearing a casual shirt and black pants was a man who was probably carved by the gods themselves but the tongue was the devil's poison.

"H-Hwang Minho?" she exclaimed.

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