Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 50 Off Toward Military Camp II [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


March 27th, I.J.C 200, Atlas class Ship, The Klasna, sleeping quarter. 


The sudden scream of Klara, followed by the swing of her backpack, I dodge it by just stepping back a little. I watch as Klara slowly opens her eyes, only to see the shock and surprise that appear on her face. It's adorable, her purple eyes stare into me before slowly scanning the rest of my body, falling down toward my hand that used to hold the towel together. 


Her face turned beet red as her eyes began to dart around the whole room, trying to find a place to look. It seemed…my body is quite the effective means to use to…hm, what the word? Stimulating? Yeah, I think that would be the appropriate word. 


Just as I finished thinking, I felt something was going to happen so I focused my attention on Klara again, her face was beet red, her eyes almost had this tear-like droplet on them but most importantly, her hand which grabbed tightly to her bags, it was now in an arc…


Damn, it seems my feelings were right, after all. In the next moment, I quickly dodged to the left, after her arm suddenly sprang back and threw the bag with all her power.


“Go wear some clothes, You idiot!?” She yells with all her heart, but fortunately, no one will hear about this, since the room has sound-absorbing walls. The bag hit the wall with a loud bang, even though most of it would be cloth, it was still able to make those sounds…


Wow, I really did risk my life for that move just now, huh? Well, it was worth it, If it meant seeing her red beet face then, yeah. 


“W-why are you in here?! Shouldn’t you have your own private room!?” Klara asks as she takes up a blanket to cover her face, hiding the redness behind it.


“Oh? Well, my People inform…” Huh, habit dies hard, isn’t it? “Ahem, My man told me that you will come to Military camp, so I just pull a little string here and there, using a little bit of favor. By that I mean, cracking MARIA Inside shell for Grandfather so he can send it to the researcher to have it analyzed and create a new and improved program. Well, I have done my part in that agreement so that is why I was able to arrange the room here.”


Truly, the program was tough to crack, I was starting to think that I was really too arrogant when I did the interview back then, but it was still not a problem, Because I managed to crack it open, as for the aftermath, I would leave it to him to have a headache over that, I did my part already. 


“T-that…isn’t that an abuse of power?! Also, how do you even crack a program that no one can do in 20 years so fast?! I mean, if you can do that then you should do it faster, isn’t it? Why do it just now?” Klara fired rapid questions at me, I just sat next to her but she kept away from me a bit, hm…probably since I didn’t have anything on, other than a towel.


“First of all, it is not an abuse of power, if no one knows about it. Second the reason I didn’t do it is because I lost my motivation, it was after Mother left so I was lost. As for how I did it, could I say that it was quite…lucky? The base protection program is something that I was familiar with, after all, it was almost the same as Haro’s inner program. I was kind of surprised now that I got a good look at it. There are so many similarities to the point that I thought I was copying it.” 


The way the program works…is Dynamic coding, using outside sources to calculate its pattern, from what I know of the little time I have worked with it, the original source is based on color. Unlike Haro who uses a Number base, which uses PI as the key, by using an irrational number, his key would constantly change but there is a way to bypass this, a code only me and mother know. 


“Wait…isn’t your Haro use Dynamic coding which is based on Pi number, ok, that could be cracked with good enough time to figure it out, but color? How?” Klara asks me, it seems she still hadn’t familiar herself with dynamic coding, huh, guess it wasn't basic in this world then?

“There are mainly 5 subjects of Dynamic coding, but I will explain just one for now, and the rest you should study yourself…or you could ask me…to teach you?” I slowly approach her, my hand reaching out but she swats it away with a flustered face, in turn, I just smile softly, the genuine one. “I will stop the teasing then,” I said as I backed away from her. 


“The thing we are dealing with is a self-modifying code, a code that was very adaptive as it changed its own instructions. It is quite convenient, y’know? We could use it for a lot of things, such as hacking and changing my room to this place.”


“I thought you used your ‘favor’ to arrange this room…” She stares at me as if I would do something bad to her, of course, I won't have my morals, but a little teasing here and there is allowed, isn’t it? 


“Of course, I managed to arrange for you to stay with me, but the room was quite…inconvenient. As it was in front of the sleeping quarter people would see us together, and that would bring a lot of problems for you, so I decided to change my room. Well, do you want me to get back to Self-Modifying code?” 


Klara seemed to think about what I said just now for a bit before she nodded, wanting to hear more about my explanation.


“Well, since this thing could modify its own intrusion, it means that it could change Keys to a new one infinitely, or at least that is what I thought when I first created Haro. That is Complexity, that is why Haro uses Pi which could generate infinitely but still within human comprehension, or in this case, robot comprehension, but once he reaches a certain number, he needs to reset the whole thing from the start which creates a time frame where he is valuable, the Start of Pi number, 3.1415926, that is the time which Haro’s Key will stay the same. It was the same with MARIA. Too much complexity and it would break, so what color do you think it starts with?” I turned to ask Klara, she seemed surprised at the sudden question and started to think, it wasn’t before long that she gave me an answer.


“Is it…the 3 primary colors?”


“Bingo, Red, Yellow, and blue, combine red and yellow and you get orange, blue plus yellow for green and red plus blue for purple, you start to see it, right? How it would work.” 


“...Using the color…it could have theoretically become infinite as it creates a new color forever!” 


“Correct, and that is where its weakness lies. After all, even supercomputers have breakpoints. What I need is just a way for it to reset to the base first and snatch the small time frame before it could change randomly again. By creating a program that accurately judges the timing and auto-inserting the key, Tada, I managed to crack MARIA!” I said, throwing my hand as if there were confetti, Klara was deadpanning at me, and her purple eyes were staring straight into my soul.


“A-ahem! Anyway, that is the short version of how I did it. Is there any question you want to ask me?” 


Klara was staring at me, dead in the eyes, I was starting to sweat, why? I don’t know, Maybe it has something to do with the way Klara was glaring at me, the glare full of suspicion.


“Are…you really just a kid? I don’t think even a genius of genius would be able to do it like you. Anyway, there is one thing I want to ask. WHY ARE YOU STAYING WITH ME?!” She cried out, waiting for my response impatiently as her hand dug into the blanket.


At that gesture, I just smiled at her. “Because I want to, staying with you has calmed me down a lot so I think I'd better stay with you during the stay, also we won’t be seeing each other much during our time staying at Polemios, you will remain with the researcher while I would stay with the Military, Our timeframe would not align too, as I would be spending my time on a carrier ship to get myself used to space transportation.”


“Eh…? I-i thought that…we would be together?” Klara said confusedly, that was a bit cute but sadly, we won’t.


“No, but This will be a good experience for you, as it’s a rare occasion where you will be able to stay the backbone of Earth’s Military research, though it will be nothing confidential, like the MARIA For example.” 


“Oh…well…that kinda…disappointing…” She whispered but to my honest surprise, my ear was able to pick it up. Well, I need to do something to cheer her up, I guess. 


“Don’t worry, We will meet each other, Sylvy isn’t here but she will come at the end too, because do you know why?” I asked her, and she seemed confused about it, it seemed she didn’t read it very well. Looking at her very confused face made me happy, seeing her being cute made me happy but I need to end it soon.


“That is because, during the end, they will hold a tournament, to select the ace of each year, from the age range of 10 to 15. Which will be able to compete against other academies to show off. So, will you come to watch me?” I hold her hand up to my face, slowly caressing it, Seeing Klara look up, her face which seemed to disappoint before now lit up by light as if she didn’t worry about anything. 


“Of course! We’re friends! I wouldn’t miss it if my life was on the line!” She said cheerily, and I could feel my spirit being warm at her demeanor.


“Alright, I guess I should go wear something now, the air is a bit chilly after all, Also, Do you want something to eat? I could order it for you or do you want to explore stuff later? If so I do need to ‘change’ a bit.” I ask her as I go back toward my wardrobe, selecting something that would blend in with the rest.


“Yeah, I want to go explore, if that's ok with you, I want to see how this thing works.” She answered me, well, guess it's time to pull that out, good thing I have Fu Hua teach me all the basics needed.


“Understood, You should go out first if you want. It's going to take me a while.” she nods at me and goes back to settle down her stuff, while I go back into the bathroom with my clothes, alright time to do this. 


I open up the cabinet, seeing the menacing-looking box in there, and pull it out, “Huu…ha…It's not that hard, Yoha. Even though you messed up badly with Mother’s stuff before, this time it will be different.” My hand moves slowly toward the little round box, opening it up and seeing the reflection of my face against the mirror. 


Glup…Here goes nothing.” 


March 27th, I.J.C 200, Atlas class Ship, The Klasna, sleeping quarter. Klara’s POV.


“Urg! That would be everything.” I stretch my back as I just finish getting my thing out, my head darts toward the bathroom, seeing Yoha is still inside and not coming out. Guess she is really taking her time. Well, in the meantime, I should go and see what else was on the ship, even though it was a Military camp, there was still accommodation to entertain us, mostly the activity hub where there are many things to see.


Well, I can see how tired it is to babysit a bunch of 10-year-olds, the crew is looking rather tired when I meet them after all. 


“Yoha, I’m going on ahead. If you want to meet, just text my phone!” I yell out to her, hearing a grunt in response, well, that's good enough. 


Time to go explore!


Pulling up my map, Thank you, kind person, who acts strange, I walk off outside, looking at where the Activity hub will be, it shows up to me and I quickly follow after the map. Getting up the lift, it seems to be on the second floor, where most Rich kids are staying, I think? But never mind that I need to go and play on those! It’s a rare chance for me to get to play with these kinds of things. Yeah, next time I should try and take the kids with me on this, but will I have enough money for it? 


No, I won’t but Yoha is, but I don’t want to burden her, she got a life, and me too, but man, once I grow up and get a job, yeah, once I grow up, I would take the kids with me, wonder by the time I got back will there be any new children? Probably.


The lift came to a stop and I looked in front of me, the row of rooms that were decorated outside was lining up, just being there made me feel like I didn’t belong there. I walk past all of them toward a door, open it up, and low and behold, a different world is in front of me.


The bright light filled up my eyes, the loud music that kept blasting my head, the sound of talking, and glass clattering that seemed annoying, and the smell of food, juice, and everything was overwhelming. It was like a party here.


No no, it was actually a freaking Party in here. Kids dressing up so grandly I thought they were in a ball and they all suddenly turn to look at me, some even send a disgusted-looking gaze at me, my eyes scan around everything, and wow, there really no escape for me is there? 


What should I do? Should I go back and wait for Yoha? Or should I go in? Or do I


Clink Clink Clink…!


The sound of Glass clattering drew their attention away from me, and all of them found their gaze on the two girls, the one holding a glass was a tall blonde girl, her blue eyes gazed at me before sending a spine-chilling smile! 


W-wait, I think I know that girl, she is the one who is in Yoha’s group. Her name is…uh…Julia? Yeah, Julia something! God why is their name so long and why do they need a Middle name?! 


“Ahem! Everyone, I just got a message from these 4 people that they won’t be coming, First is Lady Jenna Winster Gaia, she was feeling a bit sick so she would like to stay in bed today,  Second, Sir Arnold Levin Klausta, He wants to be alone today, Third is Lady Yoha Milas Revory, same reason as Lady Jenna, she was sick. Last is Lady Camilla Augur Losbel, she has another matter to attend to, that is all. Oh, and there is another message from Lady Yoha, it is to have fun.” 


She said with a light bow, I heard a lot of disappointing sounds but soon they all went back to interact with each other. 


So…I’m safe? Did she just distract my attention away? Why? I had so many questions about her motive but I didn’t get an answer as I was suddenly pulled away by a mysterious force, someone just pulled me away! 


She has light brown hair, with glasses on, and her face is full of freckles. I don’t remember anyone like her in my class. Who is she?! She, not Jessie! 


“Oi, who are-”


“You got the wrong room. In fact, you are on the wrong floor.” Eh? This voice? 


“Y-yoha?” I hesitantly ask and finally, the girl stops before turning toward me with a bright smile.


“You didn’t recognize me, didn't you?” She said in a teasing way as she slowly walked up toward my face, “See? Even the eyes are different.” 


“W-what…how?” I ask her, and she backs away before taking something out of her pocket. “Makeup…?” You can be THAT different with makeup?!”


“That is magic, yes. Makeup is quite something, isn’t it? Since Fu Hua is…often away to work a different job she needs a lot of makeup to change completely, I just ask her for the basics.” She said, also what is she gonna say about her worker? Why does she need makeup like this to work on a different job?!


“Well, since you want to Explore some accommodation on this ship, how about I show you? That place just now is for socializing, The palace you are looking for is on the first floor of the ship, come I will show you.” 


Yoha’s hand grabs onto mine as she pulls me forward toward the Elevator, she looks so Happy and cheerful about this…she looks so…free, just like when she was on a Mobile Suit, on Metalica, and now…on this ship. 


My heartstring felt like it had been pulling, making it vibrate harshly as my face got heated up. God…This girl is making me hopelessly fall for her.

Author's Rant of the Day!

Hello again! It is me, Jestly here to rant about another day! So yeah, I am an MMO Addict, welp, at least a game that would be considered MMO? Last time I talked about how I was addicted to Roblox MMO, right? Now it is time to return to the classic of Almost 10 Years! Warframe!Truly, one does not quit Warframe, they only took an 'Extend' break from the game. Anyway, the new update draws me to it, if being a space ninja isn't your thing then how about space Jesus? Or maybe space Jetstream SAM? Honestly, I have a lot of fun, though I don't think I would play for more than a month. [Finger Crossed] Anyway, that is the reason this chapter was finished before its release, and I need to start working on another chapter soon to remain in the schedule I want to put myself in. I didn't sleep yesterday unable to sleep as my depressing stuff kicked in but it was mostly gone now and I got my nephew with me! Well, I think I should go and get some sleep first, and finish my school stuff before I can begin, but I got plan already! Please continue to watch or in this case, read my work! C ya in the next Chapter, Jestly! OUT!

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