Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 39 Klara’s Past I [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


March 8th, I.J.C 200, Metalica’s restricted Zone. Klara’s POV.


“No…it’s probably around 8 years ago now,” I said, Putting the wet clothing into the hanger and then hanging them. “Metalica…was different back then…Hey, Yoha…back then…you ask what I know about you, right? That time…I don’t have an answer, not for you. But the answer for me.” 


The deep crisp breath went into my lungs, feeling the taste of dust in my mouth. “I…know what you feel…at least… partially. The story that I’m going to tell…is a story about a kid who only knows how to cry…learning how to…cope” 


I.J.C 191, Metalica side 7


Side 7…is one of the cities that was built in Metalica, mainly to support the people. This side was poor but still enough that there were almost no beggars around. Back then…a little girl would live with her father and mother. She doesn’t know their name, the only way she calls them is Dad and Mom. They live in quite a well-off house,  have a pet, they have a car, warm food every day and every meal, and a roof over their head.


Back then…, it was truly a happy time when she didn’t know anything. 


“Dad! Welcome back!” The little girl who would wait at the front of the door every day would greet her father with the same words, and the same smile, the little girl would jump into her father's arm, giving him a tight hug and kiss her father on the cheek, and when the father couldn’t breath anymore, he had to put the girl back on the floor.


“I’m back, look I got Little Klara some cake too!” The Father would come back from work every day with a new sweet, that was how life was. 


“Welcome back, dear. How was today's work?” While the sweet scent of the sweets occupied the little girl, the mother would come to greet her husband from the kitchen, already preparing a meal waiting for her husband. 


She would greet the husband with a kiss. The movement that the little girl mimics from her mother. 


“Yeah, it was very tiring.” He would reply with a smile while he took his coat off and hung it on the wall along with his hat. 


They would then get inside, and the little girl would sit in the dining room, swinging her feet around while muttering about today’s sweets. Her mother would set the plate and her father would sit on the opposite side of the table, reading the news on his Tablet.


When the mother finished setting the plate and serving the food, the little girl didn’t wait for her mother or father to start, she would devour the food greedily while the mother calmly sat next to her, wiping off the stains that got on her lip, while the father would just laugh at her attic. 


Once they finish their dinner, the mother serves the sweet and they eat together while watching the Television, closely with each other on the couch. Then in the evening, when the air gets a bit chilly because of the air regulator of the colony, they would go out together, in the park and jog, keeping themselves healthy. 


Greeting the locals who came to exercise, a vendor where they brought the drink, a renter where they would rent a bike, watching the artificially made river that was in the middle, as it reflected the fake sunlight. 


Watching together, as one warm family does, the night comes, the girl is placed between her mother and her father in bed, her mother…with a sweet and gentle voice, would sings a little lullaby, getting her sleepy while her father slowly rubs her head, making her feel the warm of his hand. 


A happy family, a happy day, and a perfect past. There were times… when they would argue, when she would throw a tantrum without reason, and when her father and mother would get mad at her for the things she did. But they always forgive each other and overcome them together. 


They were, what a warm family. 


But everything changed… an armed group called The Blaze that was formed before was beginning to make a move.…then… carnage followed…The armed group was…at first ‘trying’ to be peaceful. They would give a speech in the area with a lot of people, and the little girl would hear it from time to time but she wouldn’t understand, she couldn’t understand what it meant, what it was like, to be fighting for ‘freedom’ from Earth’s influence. 


The group was badly received, old people would throw something at the representative, and they would throw curses at them, ridiculing them. Until that day…on December 22nd of the 191 Interstellar Journey Century, a Mobile Armor appears. Unknown model, and an unknown origin, and no way to know how it managed to pass the thigh security in this place. 


But before everyone could even question them, flame engulfed the entire city of Side 7, burning buildings collapsed upon people, people screaming everywhere as the Mobile Armor of unknown origin rampaged across the town, several Mobile suits would then follow after it. 


The little girl and her family were lucky. They manage to escape before the flame reaches their area of living, escaping to the bunker where hundreds of people were there already, cramping against one another in such a tight space. 


The food was scarce, water was limited, and some people tried to make rules in this bunker, but humans… are selfish creatures. Soon…This place would turn for the worse in just a few days, as the news of the rebellions reached the radio, the help was slow to come and the armed group had already taken side 7 and was now moving on to the other side, leaving people and mobile suits to watch for any survival.


Everything goes into chaos, at the news of the help that is not coming soon, the people inside go crazy, trying to hoard water and food for themselves, both the old and young quickly starve, and that includes the little girl and her family too. 


So…they make the best decision they can, and that is leaving the bunker…not a smart decision right? But what a smart decision when a warlord appears and then just rules over the bunker like a crazy lunatic? 


Multiple families chose to leave the bunker and it was the right decision, as the bunker was found by the rebels a few days later, killing everyone inside without even taking a hostage. 


The three of them quietly evade the Rebellion group with some luck and manage to get away from the Armed Group without encountering any of them, slowly moving toward side 4 where the Military force of Metalica was stationed. 


But life without any challenge would be too easy, wouldn't it? Just as they were close to reaching one of the gates to the safe haven that was Side 4, it appeared, a black mobile suit, overlooking them from the collapsed building, holding a large metal in its hand, taller than its body, that thing was over 20 meters tall, its hand was crushing the building like it was nothing and what more absurd was…the suit was silence. 


No sound of the engine, no sound of it moving, everything…everything was silence. At that moment, the little girl stared into the eyes of the Suit, only to see an endless darkness.


Everything happened so fast, her body was snatched away by her mother as she was running forward after being pushed by her father, the arm of the Mobile Suit moved, and then, in her eyes, the hand crushed her father like he was an insect.


Her ears were ringing, her eyes were shut closed from the dust and that rose, the dust was supposed to be brown but it was…red… 


Before she could see anything more, her mother snatched her into a hug as she ran for her life. She couldn’t hear anything anymore, the only thing she knows is that they got lucky, they got lucky that a soldier was nearby and managed to push the mobile suit away, they got lucky that her father pushed her mother, they got lucky that somehow…the machine didn’t use that enormous gun that sticks to its side.


Luck…luck and luck…that was how she survived, through sheer luck…but was she truly lucky? Or was it that she was unlucky that all of this was happening to her? 


The mother and the little girl safely got into Side 4, with her father sacrificing himself to save the two. But the side 4 that they dream of, was not like in the dream at all…Collapsing building, a destroyed Mobile Suit and Armor, a Tank that was caught on fire, and a half broken Mobile Worker walking to patrol.


People… lying on the street, Mothers holding their children in their arms, and people losing limbs, but that is just the surface. As they moved closer to the city everything became worse, the broken-down building was used as a shelter, and the food that was distributed was just boiled rice and soup. The air regulator around here seemed to be broken as it was unusually cold.


So people just made a campfire, burning precious oxygen away to keep themselves warm, but what can they do? Died by cold or suffocated to death? At least burning all the oxygen in the colony would take years but there is a way to do that in a second, destroy the oxygen tank in the most secure place, that is Side 1 where they manage the colony. 


But that place was closely guarded, they even had their own private Military station there too, that's how important Side 1 is. So even the Armed Group won’t be able to get in easily. 


The days inside were hard. The little girl would starve all morning only to eat a little bit of rice soup in the evening before falling asleep in the hope that the hunger would go away. It never goes away.


Day after day, they would be put to work, helping with the construction to build fortified walls against the invading Rebellions Group. The work was hard, the little girl would carry kilo after kilo of concrete bags from the city to the gate, helping the soldier in any way she could.


The girl…was getting stronger but her mother wasn’t…she became sick instead, even with the help of the doctor…she was getting sicker and sicker every day, and the reason… shocked her…She was…going to be a big sister…


Her mother was pregnant. With this knowledge the girl was happy, she was going to be a big sister like she dreamed of, though the situation was bad the girl worked harder, she worked harder and harder so that, maybe with her hard work, her mother wouldn’t need to work, even though she was young, the girl was stronger than everyone, even some of the adult can’t match her strength.


So she worked hard, earning food to feed her sick mother as best as she could, months passed and she watched as her mother’s belly grew larger and larger, her pale skin of her was starting to have color again, and before she knew it…the moment came, her mother goes into labor and she was panicking. 


She never heard her mother scream so loudly before, she quickly got the soldier she had become familiar with throughout her work and they quickly took her mother into the tent they had for the sick, time passed by so slowly as she was walking left and right, panicking over each scream her mother make, biting her nails.


With each second the scream got louder and louder…until it stopped. The scream stopped, so the little girl did what she thought was the best, she rushed into the tent, not caring about the soldier guarding it. 


Only to witness a blood-covered floor, a panicked doctor pushing her mother's chest, and a nurse holding a small little baby as she tried hitting it back multiple times…


There are no sounds from the baby…and there are no sounds from her mother. She lost them both, that day…she can’t feel what the food that was forced into her mouth tastes like.

Author's rant of the day

I'm back! Yay! Not fully tho I still got lot of work to do before I can't fully come back but hey, one step at a time, right? Anyway writing this chapter was hard, I plan it for a while but to actually writing it is quite hard, and I just start writing again too, so I hope that this chapter will satisfy you all! I hope you will enjoy this chapter and please like and comment below! I read everyone comment! Sometime I just don't respond to them because I'm too tired! Cya on the next chapter!

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