Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 38 Talk to me [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


March 8th, I.J.C 200, Metalica’s restricted Zone.


“Wake up!” I feel a sudden weight on my stomach, it’s not heavy…but a bit uncomfortable. I slowly open up my eyes only to see a little girl, jumping up and down on my stomach, moving and hitting me a bit. The perpetrator was Ollie, she was jumping around in my stomach with a bright smile.


“Wake up! Mama’s breakfast is ready!” She said as her hand lightly tapped on my stomach.


“Yes, I’m waking up now.” I slowly get up and watch the little girl slide off my stomach to my lap. She giggled loudly and went toward the others to do the same thing. Taking a look at my watch, it was 6:30 AM. They wake up pretty fast. Back in the academy, I usually wake up around 7:40 as the class starts at 9.


Once I get out of my bed, I stretch a bit. The bed here is a bit uncomfortable, as the bedding was hard, the bed sways a bit every time I move. So It created this little sound that was annoying to hear.


“Urg…Stop…jumping…” I could hear Klara’s voice from the top of my head, right, she slept on the top bunk cause she thought I wouldn’t want to sleep there.


I would wait for them but the little crust I had in my eyes annoyed me so I walked toward the bathroom, making sure that no one was in there. I washed my face and felt refreshed. I heard him…again.


‘So, how’s the night?’ 


‘...It’s…wasn’t so bad. I could get used to this.’ I thought to myself, communicating with a ghost, or is it an illusion? I don’t know, I don’t remember it.


‘What is our last conversation?’


‘Hm…about how you’ve been relaxing so I appear more often.’


I see…Well, It's probably a good thing… or a bad thing. Seeing the ghost of my past manifesting in front of me, I wonder if I’m crazy or if some kind of supernatural power is at play here.


‘Did I see you, because I’m schizophrenic?’ I asked but the ghost in front of me didn’t answer. 


‘Am I still you?’ He didn’t answer again…


‘Will I…find joy in…Machine again?’ I ask my third and final question, and I look toward the ghost. He was smiling and he didn’t answer my question before he faded away.


I get out of the bathroom, feeling a little bit of a headache. It's been going on for a bit now, but well, I didn’t travel for a long time so having a jetlag or getting a headache should be normal.


I got to the dining room and saw many kids already sitting on their chairs and having their plates filled up, it seemed only me and Klara woke up late.


“Good…morning…Yawn…” I heard Klara coming from behind. 


“Good Morning. You don’t look so good. You should go wash your face first.” I said to her, using my napkin to wipe her face. 


“yea…I should…but I want…to eat…” Klara said groggily. 


“Don’t worry, we will wait for you, just go wash your face.” Ms.Claire said and to that, Klara nodded slowly and walked away. I sat down at the table waiting for her to come back. “So, how do you find it here?” Ms.Claire suddenly asks me, the children quickly turn their attention toward me while the older ones also curiously glance.


“It’s very comfortable, It is also a very warm place…amidst all the things that happened,” I said the last part in a whisper so that nobody would hear it. Of course, the children didn’t hear it and they quickly laughed when they found out I like it here, even the older ones too. But Ms.Claire is different, she heard it, I know from that smile of hers, the way she moved her hand.


It reminds me of someone, someone I’m very close to, Hemston. She was like him. That was the feeling she gave off, someone who was capable and mysterious, I honestly didn’t know much about Hemston, the only thing I know is that he was the head Butler of the Ottoman and he had been serving Stephan for many years ago, an Aid to him in the Military, the head Butler in retirement.


And she… gives off the same Aura, the way she walks, the way she judges people, and the way she speaks. A scary person…


“I see, It gives me great Joy that you find our humble house a comfortable and warm place. Why don’t you come visit us next year too?”


“Don’t you just want to see Klara? So having me come here next year she will not need to pay the ferry fee?”


“Ahahaha…perhaps…That girl will only send in money but never visit. But because of her, I could rescue many more children than before.”


… “Then…Why…no never mind.” I quickly got my thoughts back in my head, I was about to ask why she didn’t use her ‘skill’ or connection…Someone with her skill…is a rarity even in this endless universe.  “Klara…is a very good kid. I don’t think I can be like her.”


I praise her, and it earns a chuckle out of her. “Thank you, I really raised her well! She was like a tiger when I first met her! Going around stealing food, punching the man in their jewel to get away, and even throwing a brick in their face! Ahahaha! What's more, she was just 3 years old at that time, and she was really feisty.”


That…quite absurd…I know from my experience, and experiencing it myself but…the people here… are stronger than before…which before was it? But I know that it was abnormal…


Maybe it is the situation that she was forced into or maybe it was her genetics that was stronger than even the average human in this universe. I know I’m part of that ‘average’ Human. Even with all my training, I was barely able to maintain number one on physical tests, compared to her who had no formal training and still placed number 2, it was really absurd. 


If I were to fight her, I would lose to her physically. If she learned how to properly use her muscles then she would beat me even without formal training, but it seems she goes by instinct. Or should I say…street fighter? Ehehe…where did that even come from?


“She seems to have been really feisty since her childhood,” I said, to distract me from my thoughts. “If I may…can I ask…about her history…”


I never asked her before. It's because I…didn’t care. I want a place to vent my feelings, telling her my burden but I never know about hers. But…I want to know now. I…really cherish her as a friend. Just like Sylvy…


“Ask her yourself, you two are friends, and she will tell you. I Know she will.”...I wonder…if I have the courage to ask her face-to-face, after ignoring it for so long? “Don’t worry, that girl is a simple-minded one, she won’t overthink about it.”


It was as if she read my mind, knowing what I was thinking, even though my expression was perfect, everything down to the way I was behaving was perfect, she still saw through me. At this, the only thing I could do was smile tiredly.


“I’m back! You guys didn’t start before me did you!” Klara comes back, and the first thing she asks is about food.


“Of course, come quickly. Let us pray before we eat.” She sat down next to me, I put my hands together in prayer and waited for them to finish before opening my eyes to start my breakfast. It was just a simple soup porridge, good for the stomach and easy to eat in the morning. And it was delicious, maybe she knew that the children hate bland porridge so she added seasoning but it was not too overpowering.


Once I finished I was about to go and wash the dishes but I got stopped by Ms.Claire. “Yoha dear, can I ask you to hang the shirt with Klara?” 


“I understand.” 


“Thank you, thank you. I already told Klara so she already got the hangers and was waiting outside already.” 


“Then, I will excuse myself,” I said as I placed my wares on the sink. The children on duty quickly cleaned them and dried them with a dry cloth.


I walk out of the house, seeing Klara already waiting for me outside with a basket full of Hanger. “So she uses you too? Damn, she really knows how to use people.” Klara said a bit sarcastically as she walked toward the back of the house. There I Finally saw Odis and Hanya…they were…washing the cloth…


“Oh…you guards were used too,” Klara said, a bit surprised.


“Yes…she really knows…how to use people”  I answer her, a bit flabbergasted by the fact that Odis and Hanya were used like this… and from their head…it seemed they tried to fight it but got hit in the head instead…the two have the defeated look on them…


“Are the two of you ok?” When I asked, the two of them immediately stood up, it seemed they didn’t even hear our footsteps. 


“My lady! Why are you out here?! Also, why haven’t you changed?! Tch! That demon! It’s ok to use us but to use my lady like this! I’m going to-argh!” As Hanya was about to storm off to somewhere, she quickly got stopped by Odis who karate chopped her head.


“Why did you do That….” her voice was about to rise but seeing Odis's face, she quickly quieted down…I didn’t know the two of them were a comedy show.


“My lady, please get change, as for hanging the cloth, we will do it ourselves,” Odis said as he was about to take the basket from Klara.


“It’s ok, you two have been washing the clothes since morning, aren’t you? You can take a break, get some food into your stomach and relax.” I said to them, which suddenly made Hanya tear up…weird when I first met her, I thought of her as a cool older sister…but she…is just a very emotional klutz…


I’m…a bit surprised. Well, it is just the way she behaves that is different from what I imagine, it is not a big deal.


“We cannot do that, My lady. Letting you do the cooking is the max we will accept but letting you do other housework…is not acceptable as the heir to Ottoman.” Odis said, remaining true to his stance.


“Don’t worry too much, even if I’m now the Heir, it is not definite, as long as Stephan finds someone better he will change me with them.” 


“That would never happen.” Odis retorted back immediately. “Lady Yoha is the perfect candidate to become the Heir to the Ottoman, not only do you have Skill but you also have the Intelligence and wisdom to use them for good, I trust in my Master's Judgment to have you as the heir.” Hanya nodded to his remark.


“...Anyway, I say that you guys should get some rest. The bag under your eyes is being shown you know? I know you want to protect me and all but negating your health is a big problem, get some food down your stomach, some shower, and get some light sleep, and then you all will be back to Perfect condition.” I quickly shoo them away, pushing them out of the backyard. Odis seems to want to say something more but I glare at him so he stops and Hanya just lets me push her away obediently.


Why…did they think I would make the perfected Heir? I’m not a good heir material, I could never decide to send people to their death, I could…never. It's if I’m the one being sent but sending them is a different story.


“They overestimate me…” 


“They not…They…are good people, being so concerned about you.” Klara said. I don’t understand. What is there to be concerned about? They could find a new and better Heir anywhere. Not someone like me. 


Suddenly, I feel a rush of cold and wet clothes on my face. It was a towel. “The clothes aren’t gonna hang themselves. Come on, help me.” She then starts to hang the cloth on the hanger rail. 


… “Klara…You said…that you would listen to my problem and my past, yes?” 


“Yeah? You told me about you already, so is there more?” I shake my head. “Then what is it?”


“May I…ask about your past? You said that you would tell me if I asked you.” Army word, Klara stopped herself. And she releases a sigh. 


“It’s nothing as grand as you think it was, but if you want to hear, I will tell you. Wanna hear it?” I nod. She took a moment before taking a new cloth and putting the hanger on it. “Well…it started about 7 years ago…I think.”


Author's rant of the day.

I got a stomachache today...anyway, it not much, probably because I eat too much green? and choco...probably the choco. Anyway, today too, I hope that this chapter will satisfy you guys! See you in the next Chapter!

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