Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 36 Klara’s Family [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


March 7th, I.J.C 200, Metalica’s restricted zone


“URg! Why do you have to hit me!? I just came back!” Klara groaned as she held her own head, I saw her head becoming red just from one hit from Ms, Claire.


“You left your friend alone without even offering the basics, I taught you better than this.” ms. Claire said, reminding Klara of us who stood out of her way, she suddenly seemed to remember us and quickly turned to see me.


Klara quickly got up from the ground, patting the dust off, and walked toward me. I smiled at her and watched as she turned her face around trying to hide her expression. “W-well, this is my home! What do you think? I think it was pretty good, you know?” She said,


“So…is your home the church itself? Or the building near it?” I ask and I can see Klara’s face getting red from my question


“Of course, it's not the church! It is just a place where we normally do things since the water in here is working! It's the house down the street that is our place!” She quickly denied the allegation and then walked toward the group of kids, grabbing them together.


“Let me introduce them to you, this is my family. Ken, the oldest kid after me in our group range.” She smacked the big boy in the head, though it was just a soft tap. He quickly said hello and I replied back. “This here is Ollie, she is a bit too energetic so please bear with her.” The orange-haired kid quickly raised her hand. 


“Hi! I’m Ollie!” Showing her full teeth, which have a few missing. 


“Well, this is Pint and that's Irly, they are kinda like brother and sister.” Pint ignored me and Irly shyly gave me a greeting. “They're more at the house, I think big sis is probably watching over the kid right now.” 


“Hm, I thought you were the oldest?” 


“Nah, I’m not. There are 2 kids older than me in the orphanage.” I see…now that I think about it, I didn’t know much about her. I knew she was an orphan, and she got into The academy with her pure academic and physical strength. But that's about it…I never really know much about her.


“Come on, let's not dwindle around! Oi! Ken, Pint! Come help me carry my bags or you guys won't get souvenirs!” Hearing Klara's threat, the two little guys move swiftly to carry her bags.


Klara starts walking, holding the hand of Irly and Ollie while smiling and I follow behind, maintaining distance. I should not be in that picture…the picture of pure innocence is not suitable for me.


We walked down the street, filled with rubble and debris, many houses were broken down but I still saw many in livable condition.


In there, I saw many eyes that looked out of the windows, looking at me from the shadow of their houses.


“The atmosphere is eerie, is this really safe?”


“Our lady wishes to be here, so it's our duty to keep her safe.” I could hear the worried Odis and the resolute Hanya from behind. Well, the atmosphere is gloomy. I can see why this is the restricted zone now. I could see several people hiding in the creek of the building, waiting for the chance to strike.


This place…isn’t really safe at all. After around 10 minutes walk, we finally arrived at a house, it wasn’t rundown like the rest but I could see the signs of repair with a wooden window and everything, cloth hanging from the bar, drying. 


“Yougi, Anna, come greet our guests!” Miss Clair called out to the children in the house, and when the door opened, I saw many children inside, most of them around 3 to 4, But the two who greeted us were grown kids. A boy around 15 and a girl who is probably around 14. They are all…skinny, malnourished, is what I would say.


“Big sis Anna!” Klara took her hand out of Irly and Ollie, jumping into the arms of Anna, who took her in openly. 


“Klara! You come back! They didn’t bully you there, did they? Are you hurt there? Is staying there comfortable?” She asks as she scans over Klara’s body, trying to find if there is anything wrong with her. 


“Oh come on! I didn’t get bullied or anything like that! Rather, I got fat! Look! I have a flabby belly now!” Klara then proceeded to open her shirt to show her belly, which I promptly looked away.


“Hah, why would they even take a pig like you in.” I heard the sound of an insult but from the tone of it, it was not really an insult, more like teasing. 


“Yeah, because this pig is smarter than you! So! I got you all the souvenirs! Come on, let's open them all together!” Klara quickly went inside, and I…was hesitant to step in…The picture I saw… was not meant for me. 


The picture that…was so innocent, with children's happiness and a place where worry wouldn’t be needed…I can’t…picture I was in that kind of place. 


‘It was perfect, wasn’t it? Kinda wish you could’ve been in there, right?’ The voice of a familiar man rings in my head.


One day…I would be in this situation, not as the orphan or as the nun…but as the soldier who destroys their home…I was a trained child soldier waiting for war so I could gain my selfish desire…I would…kill someone-


“What’s wrong with you? Come in! Don’t stand there, being all dramatic!” I felt a soft tug on my hand, a warm feeling emitted…I looked up and saw Klara standing in front of me, and the children behind her back all of them were smiling. I looked down to see that my hand and Klara were intertwined. 


It was…warm.


“Mhm…It’s nothing, I was just thinking.” That was for the future…the future I can worry about later…for now, let me enjoy the moment…to not worry about anything. I let myself be pulled by Klara, entering the home of theirs. 


Inside…it was warm and cozy. The feeling of home was there, a feeling…I never felt since I was a child.


“Nene! Why is your hair so smooth?” The child…Ollie? Ask while she tugs on my skirt. 


“I clean them, with water and shampoo. I can make your hair smooth too.” I said as I slowly kneeled, to match her height, my hand extended out and slowly…I patted her head. The messy hair feels good to my skin, rough but good.


“Really! Then you can make my hair very smooth!?” I nod at her question, and she laughs and smiles while waving my hand around. I let her use my hand as a toy, then I suddenly felt a light tug on my shirt. 


I turn around to see a little girl with long black hair, Irly. Holding a book in her hand. “C-can you…read?” She asked, and I took a book out of her hand. It was a story about a knight and a princess. I feel my smile deepen a bit.


“Of course. Do you want me to read it to you?” I looked around and found a chair. “May I sit on this?” I ask Ms. Claire, and she just smiles at me, prompting me to go and sit on it. 


I sat down on the chair and readied my voice. Soon, I saw several young kids sitting around me. It's kind of…cute of them. Most are girls, maybe this story is mostly attracted to young girls.


I saw Klara and most of the boys organizing her bags, Odis and Hanya were standing at the door with their backs turned on me, keeping guards on the doors.


I turn on the first page, watch the words written in the book, and then match my voice to my thoughts. “Ahem…Once upon a time, there was a young knight…”

[Gundam Nova]


March 7th, I.J.C 200, Metalica’s restricted zone, Klara’s POV.


“The armor of the knight, Shining brilliantly under the moonlight, he slowly approaches the castle, with his trusty sword in hand.” I listened from afar as Yoha was reading to the children, a book called The Knight and the Princess. It was an old book but she made it sound interesting with her way of using her voice.


If I remember correctly, the next part is about how the knight will rescue the princess.


“Oi, Who is that?” Yougi asked me, his face was a bit red as he looked at Yoha…somehow, this made me a bit mad. 


“She my friend, also you don’t have a chance with her. She's quite important, you know?” I said, mixing in a bit of spite without even knowing.


“I know that! I-i just want to know more about her, coming here with just 2 bodyguards is like asking to get robbed.” He said as he quickly went back to taking out the items from my bags. Heh, serve you right.


“Klara…do you think it a good idea to take a girl like her here? You know how it is…around here…” Big sis Anna said worriedly. 


“Don’t worry, she has 2 guards with her, she also can take care of herself. I think?” Looking back, the force of her punch was quite hard…damn, she really is a superhuman…


Once we finish organizing the souvenir, I stand up and get in a good stretch. 


“ the knight sheathed his sword, he stood atop the body of the dragon, rethinking the action he made, as he set his eyes on the broken bridge.” Oh, that part already? Time sure flies fast. “The princess slowly walks, the bridge that connects the two of them has broken down, leaving behind only the river that separates them.” 


“The Knight looks over the long river, eyes full of longing as he looks over the princess. The princess, with teary eyes, reaches out for the Knight, but an Invisible force separates them, unable to even cross the river. The gaze of the sun dips down below the horizon, reflecting the light in the golden river, as the dragon's wrath would separate them apart even in its death.”

“The knight’s hand reached for the princess, to no avail. As the invisible wall forces his hand away. In their silence and understanding, the Knight made his final vow. To purify the dragon’s curse, no matter how long and no matter how many times he fails, he would purify the curse and reunite the two lost souls together, and be happy in their lives. The end.” 


Yoha closes the book, letting out a little sigh as she takes the water from Hanya, thanking her. 


“Amazing! When you read it, it is better than when Anna reads it!” Ollie said, clinging to Yoha Legs. “Can you read another story too? You can, right?!” Ollie said as she was jumping in Yoha’s lap.


“Of course, Let’s read them together, alright?” Yoha smiled and she put the book down on the table. Wow…is she actually getting along with these gremlins? I mean, I know she has these natural charms that attract everyone but hot damn! Is she actually getting along with most of the little ones!? 


“She is quite amazing for her age.” Mother Claire said she sat down on the sofa next to me. “Ow ow ow….My back really hurts these days…” 


“You should take care of yourself more, I said to get some good medicine with the money I transfer over but you never use any of it,” I said, annoyed at the fact that she cared more for the orphanage than herself. “If you die then there is no one that would look after the orphanage, so take care of yourself.” 


“Neheheh…This old body won’t last long. It was just enough to run the orphanage. Don’t worry, the children ate very well with the money you sent. Yogi also got a job with the construction inside here, and Anna is learning basic medication from one of the nurses that often comes.”


“That so? I’m glad…wait…you just changed the subject?! I told you to take care of your body!”


“Alright, Children! Gather round. It's time to make some supper.” She straight up ignored me!? Urg! This old hag! 

Author's rant of the day.

I forgot Yesterday's rant! So I will do it today! Wait... does this count if I make this chapter today and post it tomorrow, or is this me being weird about how I write things? Eh, probably me being weird about how I write this. BTW This is the same day as yesterday so yes, I write two chapter in one day, I didn't sleep as I was talking about the future with my brother and he give me a really good point to focus so yes, I write through the night from 5 to 8 am.

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