Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 19 Klara Nelson [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


June 7th, I.J.C. 194, Elysium Academy, Grand Hall. 


My name…is Klara Nelson, an ordinary girl you would find everywhere, I don’t have parents, not anymore. The only parent I have is Mother Clair who takes me in.


The people here…are annoying, in class A, everything is a competition, first place is always our priority, every day since coming here, staying in the dorm, I run, study and run and study, sleep, and then study again. All for getting the first place so that I would be able to make Mother Clair proud. But here a problem, I am Not, in the first place.

First place again…She has been getting first place again and again….Yoha Seres Ottoman. She first placed in the entry day test, first place in the physical test, and then again on the weekly test, she got first place again.


What's more, the distance of our score…it too much. 100 out of 100, while I the second place only got 82 out of 100 on the knowledge test. The girl from Class S, Acts like she is a saint with her little entourage group always surrounding her.


Always polite, with that fake smile of hers. No, everything about her is fake, the way she smiles and talks is fake, I knew it because that is what Adults always act like. A way for her to gain followers. 


She acts like there is no distance between her and her little entourage but I could see it clearly, she doesn't even think about them most of the time, she just uses them as a way to get rid of people she doesn’t want to interact with and talk to people she wants too.


She is from that famous Military house. The commander or something, I don’t know and I don’t care, I just pissed off that a person like her is able to stand on the top. Even though I work hard why am I still below her?


I joined this place with the first place, but now…why am I always second place? Second place in everything, The people in class A are already giving up because they think they couldn’t beat her…but they are wrong, in the coming Simulation, they going to operate a Mobile Worker to load supplies.


Of course, it is all simulation but the difficulty is set as Real, so even she would have a hard time, just the test run their teacher has them test out is already hard, but not undoable, so this time, I will place first, I will…I must.


[Gundam Nova]


“Bleag….Ha…ha…Shit…third this week…” Over and over, I can do this…I just need to suck up to them a little and they would start becoming a stuck brat for me to use. I already have some of them, after all, they are just kids. They don’t know how someone can manipulate them.


“My lady, Do you need medicine?” I could hear Hemston from the door.


“No…Get me some Water.” 


“I understand.” I could hear his footsteps walking aw-


“Uhp…Bleagh…! Ha…ha…” Ever since I came here, ever since I started my little act. I would always vomit …I felt disgusted with myself, I was becoming like Stephan, acting to attract people, I don’t ever show my real self to people, I can’t. 


I need this, connection, the kid I befriended is not enough, I don’t need children who won’t inherit their house, I need a true heir and capable Friends.


…I starting to become like them…No, I must become like them…This is the only way, the only way I could get Mama back. I won’t break, I won’t. I can’t break.


“My Lady, I got your water.” Hemston comes back quickly. I watch my mouth and open the door, quickly take the glass of water from Hemston, and chug it down. 


“Ha…What’s my schedule?” 


“Lady Sylvia has requested a meeting with you, in fact…she is in front of our door right now.” Sylvy huh…I had been ignoring all her calls ever since Mama left. I wonder…if she is angry with me.


“Send…her inside, I will meet her once…I change my clothes.” I said and Hemston left quietly while sending me a worrying gaze.


He has been like that ever since Mama left, just trying to be a grandpa which makes me both happy and uncomfortable and scared, if I fall to his side then I won’t ever come back to this act, so I must commit. I must.


“Ha….Wait for me…Mama. Let’s get back together…just the two of us.” I let my feelings out, and I started to change my clothes into something more “Presentable.” 


I got out of my room and walked toward the backyard, this is the mansion that Stephan brought after Mama left, he got this so he could come here and teach me personally. It is not big like the one on Earth but this is still a big mansion. 


I walk past the maid and butler, ignoring them as I walk forward. Soon I reach the backyard and there…I see the same girl with long grey hair, clear blue eyes, and a chubby cheek, staring at me with innocence. Her cheek started to puff up the moment she saw me.


“Yoha! You lied to me again! You broke your promise again!” She put down her teacup, ran toward me, and jumped. 


I open my arm up and I receive her with ease. “Woah! You've gotten so strong!” She said as I put her down.


“Sorry, I’ve been busy lately. But I didn’t forget about our promise, y’know? Let’s make some cookies, all right?” Maybe…if it with her…then I could be my real self…just for a bit.


[Gundma Nova]


June 8th, I.J.C. 194, Elysium Academy, Simulation Room. Klara’s POV.


Today is the day of the Simulation Test, We have been studying and training for this for around 3 days. Of course, it is not a lot but this test is just that, a test to see if someone's capacity would be suitable to operate on mobile suits. If they can’t even operate Mobile Worker, how would they withstand the pressure of piloting Mobile Suit?


Once I get into the Simulation pod, I take a deep breath and start the Simulation, pudding the headset on, I can see my surroundings change. I am still not used to this. The model of this Mobile Worker is Kralsan, A four legs mobile worker with extended arms. On the right arm is the standard finger grip, but on the left are the forklift arms, it has two extended beams used for stabilizing the Cargo. 


When I looked down, I saw several buttons, a screen interface, and two handles for operating. Pedal for boosted. And such…too complex for kids their age. But it won’t matter to me, I train in this with all my free time. I would win, I would become the first place, for Mother Clair, for me. For my future.


I press the booster pedal and it moves so fast I almost can’t get my feet up in time, it is too fast, and I need to slowly push it to even get it moving, maintaining speed was hard, what more there’s fuel to manage too, just the first tab on the pedal already took away 5% of the Fuel I have. 


“This…is harder than I expect.” But now I got the handle of thing, the two handles are for arms control, huh? I push the left handle forward and the forklift arm extends forward. “I see…I got it.” 


Right, what’s the assignment? Looking toward the Left of the screen I saw the assignment, transferring 10 cargo into the Passenger ship.


“Ha, that's easy. I would get this done in no time.” This would be over in no time, I would get first place this time.

[Gundam Nova]


June 8th, I.J.C. 194, Elysium Academy, Grand Hall. Klara’s POV.


10th place…I got 10th place, not even second…Why…I did everything right, the time I took to finish unloading everything was only around half an hour. So why? Maybe Mobile Suit is not my strong point but-


“Amazing! 13 minutes and 24 seconds, A new record by 3 minutes! As expected of Lady Yoha.” I knew that voice, the best ass-kisser in that little entourage of her, Sabian Yalanis. 


“Thank you. It's nothing Amazing, once you all learn how to fully control it you will be able to do it too.” the voice was soft but fake. I hate it. I turn toward her for a second and our eyes meet, the red eyes that seem to price into your heart, she…calculating…best way to respond to those ass-kissers, the best way to act and the best way to appear like, to appear all innocence like that…even though she just like those adults.


Just before our eyes broke away from each other, I saw her smile toward me. The disgustingly calculated smile..but…it…seem so tired…I broke away from her gaze and walked away, I needed to go study to maintain my grade, I needed it so that they would keep me in the program so Mother Clair wouldn’t need to pay those absurd fees.


But…no, there is no but, she is just pretending, that's all. I don’t need to have any thoughts toward her, she is just someone I need to surpass. So that I would be number one.


[Gundam Nova]


June 10th, I.J.C. 194, Elysium’s Colony, Resident side, Ottoman Mansion.




“Keep your guard up! Also, don’t go easy on her hemston, Don’t think of her as an ordinary 5-year-old girl. She’s special.” Stephan said as he watched from the side, watching as the little girl struggled to get up.


“But sir, Her body isn’t able to handle-”


“Do I need to repeat my word? Do what I say or I will be the one to teach her.” He said threateningly, watching as the little girl got up without a complaint.

“I…understand. But please allow My Lady to take a break, We’ve been training since she came back, she didn’t even have dinner yet.” hemston said, waiting for Stephan to make the decision.


“30 Minutes, patch her up, Just the gel should do, she doesn’t have any broken bone.” Stephan got up, and left the training ground, leaving the two of them alone, hemston quickly took action as he ran through the bathroom to get the emergency bandage and gel. 


“My lady, Please Let me see your wound.” Yoha did as he asked, lifting up her shirt, and revealing a big purple spot on her stomach. “I apologize, it seems my strength is too much.”

“No, don’t apologize, just tell me what I did wrong, My guard was up, I know the difference in our physical bodies. I only need to know how to counter them.”


“My lady, our physique is simply too much of a difference. There simply no way you-”


“Just tell me how, someone my weight, or someone bigger so I could defend myself.” She said, looking straight into his eyes, her eyes were empty, and nothing was focused.

“Taser, knife. These are the two things that will protect you. I will teach you how to use a knife-”


“That's not enough! What if I don’t have either of those?! What would I do?!” She asks, desperate as if her life is on the line. He couldn’t bear to see it…the eyes which seem to have no life on them. Ever since her mother left, she has been like this, living each day doing everything imaginable, too much for a kid’s body to handle but she still pushes through.


Her body, instead of breaking down, was adapting to the harsh environment she put herself in. It’s unhealthy, but it works and she wants it that way. Which worries Hemston, so much. 


“That’s…still too much for your body, at least 5 years. At least just 5 years. Let your body grow more, please…you would break at this rate.”  He pleaded, but he knew from her eyes alone that she wouldn’t take this positively.


“Hemston…Don’t make me repeat myself.” The girl from before was gone, leaving only a cocoon that would go on to become something…akin to his master.


[Gundam Nova]


Tic tic….tic..teeee…


[Attempt 2567th, Status, all green. Test phase. 1) Anger…All Green. 2) Happiness…All Green. 3) Affection…All green. 4) Excitement…All Green……27) Envy…All green. 28) Frustration…All Green. 29) Hope…All green. 30) Trust…All Green. System All Green…Error…Error… Attempt 2568th, Status, all green.  Test Phase. 1) Anger…All Green…]

Someone about to be back.

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