Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 1 Reincarnation! [Old]

This story is being Rewrite! Please refer O new chapter 1 to read the rewrite version, or Alternatively! You could red this version!

[Gundam Nova] 


Darkness is all I feel...drifting in between the dark, is the glimpse of memory that I have in my short life. Every feeling That I ever knew off or feel, it all coming back to me.


How has this happened again? Why did I drift away in this endless darkness? 


Ah right, I died. I died on my way home from the hobby shop that I go to every payday… I got hit by a car while being happy about my metal structure Sazabi that I forgot to look at on the road. Honestly, it was all my fault.


The Metal structure Sazabi would be looking good on the shelf with Nu Gundam right about now...god damn the Shop even placed an order for me...I want to say sorry to them. For ruining the Gunpla.


Ah...I at least put my will that all my gunpla will be going to the shop. I don't have a family anyway...wait, there is still my nephew who is attending college right now? It's been so long that I forgot about him. My remaining money will probably go to him. He could really use it.


Ah…I didn't even get to lose my virginity! God damn it! Now that I think about it, this is pissing me off! Shit! I'm even going to start using those dating apps that they recommend on the web! 


Urg….Yohan Agnes, age 27, Job Software engineer, an orphan and of course…A virgin.


Arg! At least let me lose it before I die! 


…. Well there is no point in complaining, I die after all, no use getting mad…well at least I can rest peacefully here…. 




Ah! god damn it, Who the fuck flash a light on someone that is going to sleep!?


Hm… Why is the light so far away? Wait no… Is it coming closer? Holy shit, it’s actually coming closer! It's heading straight toward me! 


The light flashes by as fast as a Speeding bullet, engulfing me in whole as I was unable to resist.


Unable to comprehend or respond to the incoming light, the only thing I can do is let the light take me over, soon my vision begins to turn black, as I slowly lose consciousness. 


[Gundam Nova] 


“Uhaw! Wah!” The sudden cry of a baby woke the woman from her nap, eyes squinting at the bright screen of her computer, her messy blue hair flowing down like a river as she slowly stretched and walked toward the culprit behind her awakening. 


Just right behind her, near the bed, is the source of it, crying loudly in the crib, arms and legs swinging around like a little monkey. 


“Shhh… What's wrong, Baby?” the woman's soothing voice rang out in the closed room, the baby slowly stopped crying and began to nudge at the woman's chest. “So you're hungry? Right, it's already 2 hours huh?” 


The woman opens her shirt up a little, revealing a little bit of her cleavage as the baby begins to feast on the milk.


She hummed as the baby greedily drank her milk. “Drink a lot and grow up strong, Yoha.” Softly patting the baby with a gentle touch, as if it would break with just a tiny bit of strength. 


The woman, Araya Milas Revory, is a single mother.


As for the baby? Well, that's me. You’re probably wondering HOW I got into this situation right? 


Well, the short answer is I don't know, the moment I woke up I became like this. The long answer? Ehh… Probably something related to the light? I mean some people are close to death who say that they see light at the end of the tunnel right? 


Do you know how it feels to suddenly wake up, breast on my face as I drink my mother’s milk? My mother, who is definitely younger than me? Well…I freaked out and cried out, and in response to my thoughts, this body started to cry. like crying real hard and not stopping…


It was then that I saw my hand, a tiny little hand that gave me the answer. I was reincarnated. Then I faint, wake up again, cry, drink milk, faint, wake up cry, drink milk, and sleep…


It went in circles, before I knew it, it had already become a routine and I was getting used to it. Well, well, well, as they say, humans can really adapt to anything, even being born again.


Well then, with that out of the way, Shall I introduce myself?


Formally Software Engineer, 27 years old Virgin, Yohan Agnes at your service! Wait… That's not me now? Oh right, let's do this properly. 


3 months old, unemployed, Yoha Milas Revory! And by the name, you could probably guess it…


I am…a girl. 


Sniff… I don't have manhood… It was gone the moment I woke up in this body! Argh! I can't even lose my virginity like this! I don't want to sleep with a man! And I don't want to use that either! 


“What's wrong, Baby? You suddenly start crying. Do you need a diaper change?” Just as my frustration was showing on my face, my Mother, Araya suddenly started to look at my diaper and seeing nothing there, her face turned to a frown. 


Damn, I forgot I was a baby, my emotions are always showing on my face! 


Quickly stop crying I look at my mother and start smiling, laughing as heartily as I can until her frown turns to a light smile. 


“Mama got work to do, so Yoha should go back to sleep alright? Once I finish I will take you outside.” With a gentle kiss on the forehead, she places me down toward my crib and goes back to her computer typing away at the keyboard while I listen to the sound of the familiar keyboard clicking. 


… There is nothing to do! It's already been a month since I came here but being a baby, there is literally nothing I could do except waving my arm around and staring at the ever-moving star mobiles. 


Ugh…! I want a computer! I want my gunpla and I want to watch Gundam! I didn't even get to watch the new one! I was saving it to watch in a marathon once I finished my project! 


Hm.. Well, people say that the series is not really that good, only the first part is good and they mess up with the writing in the second part… 


That is not the point! What I want is to watch a big robot fighting each other! 


Anyway, since I have nothing to do I'm going to sleep and hopefully dream of building that unfinished MS Sazabi. 


[Gundam Nova] 


5 months later. 


Click tik tak tik. 


The sound of the keyboard rang loudly in the room, inside there were only two people, one was a baby girl no older than 9 months old, typing away at the computer while the other person was sleeping peacefully in the bed. 


As for the baby? Well, she is learning right now. 


Hello once again, my dear. It's me, your truly lovely little girl who isn't a man at all, Yoha! 


Do you know how much of a struggle It is to be able to crawl? And at 4 months old at that! And it took me 2 months before I could even stand up! Baby is so weak that even standing up takes a lot of effort. 


Hmm, are you not interested in that? You want to know what Am I doing? Well, I'm learning a new type of code… A completely new one that isn't PYTHON, C++, Javascript, or HTML. 


It is called Hyperlink, a combination of HTML, Ruby, Javascript, and C++. It is essentially a code Language that could do all, and it seems to be the base of every code in this Universe. And there are many more sub-variants of this… and it is quite interesting, as a former software engineer, I learn many codes and such but this one… It seems messy at first but it is actually much more refined than I thought. 


But well, you're probably bored, right? 

So, now that we are here again. Let's talk… About this world… No, this universe is more accurate. 


Where are we right now? Earth? No, we are in a space colony, Siga-8. 


That's right, you heard it right! A space colony! Humanity has moved up to space and started to inhabit among the stars and make a home in space! 


Right now, we are a space colony that orbits around The moon of Mars, the one called Phobos. 


Right, you probably already noticed but, every planet has a similar name to my old universe, right? 


So basic info first, the year is 189 of the Interstellar Journey Century. Or I.J.C. For short. Humans have left their home planet Earth and begun their Journey through the universe, some choose to keep contact with Earth, and some choose to abandon it completely and cut everything and move to a new planet. 


For example m, Siga-8 is a colony that is still within earth reach so we regularly trade with each other. 


And in this universe, there are mainly 4 factions. That is Earth Conglomerate, a big corpo that bands together to have the earth for themselves, and they actually try and repopulate the earth, not the people but the nature and everything, and they actually succeed in their venture, now Earth has become the largest food source of all that is in contact with it, though it was solely food. 


Next is Agellus Empire, A space colony that claims Venus and Jupiter as its own planets. From what I read, the one who holds the power is a royalty from Earth who fled from its people and started anew. They don't really have a good relationship with Earth Conglomerate. 


Up next is Folkard, Is it what you would call a mercenary band? It mostly consists of a Private Military and is powerful enough to destroy a planet by itself. Not much is known about this group, however. But we do know that they roam among the stars, with no base that could be discovered.


Lastly, is us. Stellar Research, is one of the first factions that left Earth and still remains to this day. Just like its name implies, it is a group of researchers trying to uncover the secret of the universe. Leaving the confines of earth and journeying through the stars, this group is the creator of Hyperlink.


Many unknown groups are roaming around, some are pirates, and some are simply merchants. 


Well, that's what I read on the internet anyway!  


Now for the interesting part! How can humanity leave Earth and be able to create colonies in space? The answer is…. A Mobile Suit and a giant Spaceship!


Yes, that's right! A mobile suit! A giant Iron suit that has a pilot in it! And there are many models too! General purpose, patrolling unit, Fighter Unit, and even Miner and building unit! 


There is even one that regularly patrols when I go outside too! Ah… Such happiness… I want to ride it so much!


Imagine what I could do! Flying target practice and much more! Ah! Just thinking about it makes me excited! 


“Heh hehe hahaha!”




Oh shit! Quickly turning off the computer, I rush straight to my crib before my mother can even get up and pretend to be asleep. 


“Did I… Imagine thing?” She muttered out and succumbed to her tiredness and went back to sleep. 


Sighing out in relief, I get out of the crib.


Ha…I really need to be careful.


Well, it's time to go back and study some more! Hehe he! 

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