MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 92 - 92: Teaching

Chapter 92: Chapter 92: Teaching

Translator: 549690339

“See how the Fruit Knight does it.” Li Yao placed an Arrow Tower on both the left and right sides of the passage, as well as between Zhao Lei and the Fruit Knight.

Then he set up an Exploding Sheep. It blew up amidst the spiders in front of Zhao Lei. Combined with the Arrow Tower’s attack, Zhao Lei was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as his health was instantly restored by the Guardian Angel.

“Holy crap, that actually worked. I thought we were goners,” said the Guardian Angel, as the monsters turned to Li Yao.

“First, heal up.” Li Yao continued shooting and asked, “Did you get it?” “Elite players are really something else,” Zhao Lei exclaimed.

With a long sigh, Li Yao accepted that his best friend was simply too straightforward. But what could he do? They were close buddies after all.

“Observe how the Knight Fruit staggers his stance, slightly squats down to withstand the monster’s attack. Now look at you, standing there all too casually. Also, regarding your use of the Heavy Shield, you need to lower your body a bit, lean forward slightly, and stick the bottom of the shield to the ground for leverage. It’s less strenuous that way.”

“Is it really that complicated?” Zhao Lei mumbled, but he followed Li Yao instructions nonetheless. The result was an obvious reduction in the damage he received. “Wow, it actually works.”

“This game strives to simulate reality, especially in free mode. While Shield Mastery is a passive skill, it does demonstrate the effectiveness of the skill— the more proficient you are, the greater the defense. It’s just that the System doesn’t provide any cues.” The Fruit Knight appreciatively explained. The fact that Li Yao had such an understanding of the Hunter class wasn’t a surprise, but she was quite taken aback by his deep knowledge of the MT class.

“Is there more? Is there more?” Zhao Lei excitedly asked. Even though Li Yao had only given him a few tips, it felt like his skills had leveled up considerably.

Even the Fruit Knight was all ears, eager to hear more of Li Yao’s insights.

“Just ask if you have questions, don’t keep turning around. Keep the monsters in check. They’re heading towards the Fruit Knight. The healer’s under too much pressure.” Li Yao was quite pleased with the pace at which he was gaining experience.

“Oh, oh, I get it. Just hurry up and tell me,” Zhao Lei urged impatiently.

“There are two more tricks. Right after the monster attacks, use your shield to counterstrike. This stuns the monster for half a second. If your strength significantly surpasses that of the monster, you can knock it back or even launch it into the air. However, the other trick is a bit difficult. I suggest you not try it for now. We can revisit it later,” Li Yao explained while continuing to attack.

“I see.”

The Fruit Knight bore the impact of a spider with her shield. She quickly retracted a bit and then struck out with her shield like a flash of lightning.

The small spider, due to its size, was sent flying and even collided with some spiders behind it, causing them to retreat.

Now that she had learned this skill, the pressure on the Fruit Knight greatly reduced.

“Holy crap, you’re insane. Did you know how to do this from the start?” Zhao Lei was frustrated. He had tried a few times but failed each attempt.

“Your friend is the one who’s insane,” the Fruit Knight chuckled, overjoyed to have learned this new tactic.

“Buddy, what’s the other tip? If you think it’s unfair, how about we pay for it? We can negotiate the price,” suggested the Guardian Angel, well aware of his wife’s penchant for learning.

“These are just minor tricks, don’t bring money into this,” Li Yao stated.

In his previous life, every MT had to know these tricks. They weren’t anything special. It’s just that the game had just started, and players hadn’t developed them yet.

“These aren’t minor tricks,” the Fruit Knight remarked. “For an MT, these are invaluable. I owe you one.”

“You’re exaggerating. Since you all want to know, I’ll tell you,” Li Yao shrugged. “The tip is an extension of the basic shield counterstrike technique; it’s a true shield counter, a unique MT tactic. In my opinion, other than hunters, the easiest class for soloing boss fights is the shield-wielding class, provided that you’ve mastered the shield counter. Shield counters are the easiest to break, and due to their high defense, errors are more forgiving.”

“So, how do we break the counter?” Zhao Lei was eager, his eyes shining. After hearing Li Yao’s assertion that it was easier for shield classes to solo bosses, he couldn’t wait to challenge a boss by himself.

“There’s no way to teach that. Each boss, each move, each skill has different shield counter points. It requires an understanding of a boss’s balance points, which involves strong judgment and calculation skills. This can’t be taught,” Li Yao explained.

“This favor of yours, it’s really huge. If anything happens, look for me, no second words,” The Fruit Knight said seriously.

“Okay.” Li Yao didn’t stand on ceremony.

“Freaking hell, all these words mean nothing.” Zhao Lei was gloomy; he hadn’t fully mastered even the basic Shield Counterattack skill.

“Sometimes, the difficulty of the thousand-gold task isn’t in the operation, but in figuring out how to operate. Like the trick just now, you can also use it occasionally but if your buddy hadn’t mentioned it, who knows how long it would have taken us to explore it,” The Guardian Angel also said.

With the two MTS mastering the new skills, hunting monsters had clearly become much easier. A few minutes later, nearly eight hundred spiders were all killed.

The four of them, especially the two MTS, sat on the ground, sweating profusely from exhaustion. The passage was now filled with a large number of spider corpses, and they had backed away a significant distance.

“Ai Ma, damn it’s tiring. Purely high-intensity operations. Feel like we just killed a day’s worth of monsters, but the leveling speed, satisfying,” Zhao Lei leaned against the cave wall gasping for air, showing no concern for his image.

“Stop laying there like you’re dead. Gather the materials quickly, or these bodies won’t be able to refresh,” Li Yao pulls Zhao Lei urging.

As he gathered materials, Guardian Angel spoke. “Buddy, I’m impressed with this round. Group farming’s rare now. But the way we’ve done it, definitely a one of a kind method. This time, us husband and wife, we’re lucky to have met you.”

“Don’t say it like that. Without you guys, I couldn’t farm monsters in this way either,” Li Yao said courteously.

“Dear, listen, this is a true expert. If we can’t use this method, there must be other ways,” said the Guardian Angel, not doubting Li Yao’s bragging when seeing his skills.

“You are the most formidable player I’ve ever seen, bar none,” said Fruit Knight sincerely. “Your Arrow Tower, that sheep, they’re amazing, not to mention you’re not even using a purple weapon. Your elite legacy is more formidable than mine.”

Lee Yao was pretty pleased to be admired by the two future high-level players, he just didn’t show it.

“Outside the cave, I saw you holding a two-handed weapon, it looks like you’re not keen on the Sacred Teaching army’s elite profession,” one of them observed.

“I prefer heavy damage output,” said the Fruit Knight.

“The output of Sacred Teaching army is not low and they’re very durable. I suggest you better keep practicing, ” Li Yao recalled his previous life’s interview with Fruit Knight.

She had once mentioned that her biggest regret was making a wrong judgment initially by not persisting with the Sacred Teaching army’s path, which took her down a two-year detour.

“You were able to Identity my legacy, IS It really tnat powertul<” ‘l’ne Fruit Knight took interest.

“Of course it’s powerful. In the Land of Refuge, the Sacred Teaching army once made people tremble. They dominated the gods and demons. As a result, they were framed by the gods and demons and nearly lost their legacy. High-level Sacred Teaching army soldiers could withstand a lot of punishment and still not die. They’re an amazing profession in terms of burst damage. An army that even the gods and demons feared and conspired against, could such a career be mediocre?”

Li Yao explains a bit more but didn’t say much. The other party had her own ideas and it’s not easy to convince. When she knew the situation, she would naturally make a judgment.

“I’ll attract the next wave. Let’s try a thousand this time.” Li Yao began moving deeper into the tunnel.

“Thank you.” The Fruit Knight courteously thanked him.

Li Yao didn’t turn his head, he just waved his hand and continued kiting.

The time for mob farming wasn’t long, largely because the gathering took too much time. If the monster corpses weren’t gathered, they wouldn’t be refreshed by the system. The majority of their time was spent on gathering.

That being said, their leveling speed was downright terrifying. Zhao Lei, who had initially dropped to a lower level, rose back to fifth level after two hours.

Then four hours later, Fruit Knight and Guardian Angel also reached level six. Even Li Yao’s experience was already at seventy-five percent into level six.

During the mob farming process, Li Yao knew that his plan to bring these two teammates into his team was almost secure…

PS: The second update is here. Keep seeking the recommendation tickets..

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