Chapter 1: Transfer Student
“Kang Narin, come have breakfast and get ready for school!” my father called gently from outside my room.
“Yes, Dad! Just a second!” I ran out towards the dining table, stuffing books into my bag in a hurry.
“Hey, slow down. You might trip,” Dad said worriedly, his hand ready under my bag as if to catch it.
“Dad, I’m late! If I don’t hurry, the school gate will be closed,” I replied, grabbing a piece of bread and gulping down a glass of water.
“If you don’t want to be late, you should wake up earlier and help me tidy up the house,” Mom remarked without looking at me, busy preparing food on the dining table.
This was nothing new. I often didn’t help in the morning because I stayed up late finishing school assignments after coming back from the convenience store. I usually helped Mom manage the store every evening, but she often criticized my work harshly, even in front of Dad. Still, I was grateful she never hit me when Dad was around. I couldn’t bear to see how heartbroken he’d be if he saw his precious daughter treated that way.
“Sorry, Mom. I had a lot to do last night,” I said softly. Mom didn’t respond, and Dad gave me a look, urging me to leave without paying her any mind.
“Dad, I’m leaving now.” I walked over, kissed his cheek, and dashed out of the house with the bread still in my hand.
Outside, I stopped and glanced back at the house. Guilt washed over me for leaving Dad behind, stuck with Mom, who often treated him like a servant. I didn’t dare to argue with her because I knew Dad would bear the brunt of it.
I once made a promise to him: someday, when I’m successful and wealthy, I’ll free him from this house. Just the two of us, living happily together. That’s all I need.
When I arrived at class, I saw the students looking so enthusiastic. I have no idea what news is making the class so excited today. It certainly has nothing to do with me, as I am just an ordinary student in this quite popular school.
I chose to ignore it because it wasn’t my business. I started taking out my books from my bag, when I heard a girl calling me.
Ugh, who else could it be if not Kim Hana? She’s my only friend in this class, even in this big school. Although, I’m grateful to have her as a friend. She accepts me for who I am, even though she deserves to have friends who are at the same level as her. Yes, she’s the daughter of the director of this school. She’s spoiled but has a very pure heart.
"Narin!" she called as she ran toward me.
"What is it?" I asked, still busy putting books in and out of my desk and bag. Honestly, I think I made a mistake by bringing the wrong books this morning in a rush.
"Ahhh... I think I’m really crazy!" I thought to myself.
"Do you know?" she sounded so excited.
"About what?" I answered absentmindedly. However, my mind was cursing myself right now.
How could I be so foolish to bring the wrong books for tomorrow's lesson?
What should I do now?
Mrs. Cover will make me stand outside again while raising both my hands up high.
It’s so annoying.
My arms feel like they might fall off.
"Narin, you’re lucky to get this news directly from me. Although, I think you’re the last person to know this," she said, guiding my gaze to look around the class, which, as it turned out, was indeed true.
Everyone was gathered in small groups. Ah, I remember now. Apologies for my earlier comments about the teacher. Her name isn’t "cover", but the entire school calls her that because she never forgets the theme and concept of a cover in her hairstyle.
I feel like she has a salon at home. Her hair looks a bit... well, never mind.
"Today there’s a new student who is very popular and handsome. I heard he’s also very smart and rich. I once saw his registration photo on my dad's desk. And guess what? He looks like an idol," she continued, stomping her feet with joy. Her face, turning pink like a peach, looked so cute.
I just smiled at her behavior. I wasn’t really interested in what she was saying because I figured there was no way someone perfect like him would even say hi to me.
So, I just let it pass.
And just like in the dramas, he must be the perfect male lead, arrogant, and will end up dating a beautiful, wealthy girl.
At least, that’s what I think.
So, to all of you out there, think logically like me hahaha...
"Ah, I see? And do you know the juicier news today?" I said, trying to look serious.
"What’s that? I don’t think I could miss such an important news at this school," she said, looking so innocent while keeping her curious expression in front of me.
"I forgot to bring my worksheet today."
"Worksheet? You mean the Chemistry worksheet?" she said, her eyes growing wide.
"Mm!" I nodded, tugging at my hair.
"OH MY GOD, KANG NARIN! How could you forget it?"
"Lower your voice, or we’ll become the center of attention, okay!" I said, scanning the room. It wouldn’t be funny to be the center of attention just because of her loud voice.
"Good morning, students!" And finally, Mrs. Cover walked in.
My fate is sealed.
The students quickly rushed back to their seats, breaking the wave of gossip in the class. I don't know what it’s called. I’m just here.
"Hmmm, I smell something suspicious in this class. Yerin, your smile is so wide today," Mrs. Cover said while glaring at one of the most popular students in our class. Every teacher knows she can’t go to school without her pink makeup bag. She’s the prettiest girl in the class.
"What? Ahh, no, Mrs.," she said, blushing.
"Alright, kids. Most of you probably already know this morning’s news that there’s a new student joining our class..." Before she could finish her sentence, the class started buzzing with whispers of excitement about the new student.
I honestly don’t understand why everyone is so excited about a new student. I know he was popular at his old school, handsome, rich, and smart.
But do they really need to be this enthusiastic to welcome him? There are plenty of other students who are also smart and popular, even if their looks don’t support it.
Okay, sorry...
"Hey, hey!!" Mrs. Cover tried to calm everyone down by slamming the teacher’s desk.
"Alright. Hey, come in!" Mrs. Cover continued, signaling for the new student to come into the class.
Before I could see what this sensational new student looked like, my pen fell under the desk. Without thinking, I bent down to pick it up.
I heard the students whispering, admiring the new student’s handsomeness. After retrieving my pen, I straightened my back, which was sore from bending to pick it up.
I accidentally locked eyes with the new student as I straightened up, and there he was, right in front of me.
"He is handsome, no wonder they’re all freaking out," I muttered. But my back hurt even more now.
I only stared at him for a few seconds, then returned to worrying about the worksheet I forgot to bring today. Ahh, forget it.
"Introduce yourself!" Mrs. Cover said, signaling the new student. He simply nodded.
"Hi, good morning. My name is Lee Do Hwan. You can call me Do Hwan," he said briefly.
"Okee, Lee Do Hwan," the girls answered enthusiastically.
"Alright, Do Hwan. Please take a seat next to Jiwon."
With just one step, the new student walked, and the smiles of the girls never stopped.
What’s with that reaction?
Are their cheekbones okay?
"Stop smiling so much and open your worksheets, people. Looks like your enthusiasm is overflowing this morning!"
The students opened their worksheets.
And me?
What should I do?
"Kang Narin!"
"Yes?" I replied instinctively.
"What are you doing? I told you to open your worksheet."
"Sorry, Mrs.!"
"Get out!"
"I said out. As usual!"
"Alright." I sighed and walked out, following Mrs. Cover’s orders to stand outside the class with my hands raised.
"As usual?"
Like it’s a phrase indicating I’ve made this mistake repeatedly. I don’t think I’ve done it that often—maybe just three or four times.
Two hours passed.
And during that time, I kept raising my hands. Sigh, even though I occasionally lowered them, can anyone really stand with their arms raised above their head for hours? That’s nearly impossible.
I just followed the fate of my body. When I got tired, I rested, but I wasn’t about to give up.
The bell for break rang.
Signaling the students’ break before continuing their lessons. Ahh, same as usual. Finally, I could lower my arms without having to raise them again. This is more tiring than having to guard a department store overnight.
Now, the muscles in my arms feel like they’re wrestling inside, so tense.
Mrs. Cover left after saying goodbye to the class and stopped right next to me to say...
"Good thing that worksheet isn’t your brain, or you’d consider yourself useless for forgetting it." I’d already prepared myself for yet another lecture.
One by one, my classmates left for the school canteen. I was still standing outside the class, massaging my sore arms. For the umpteenth time, THIS IS TORTURE.
"Are you okay?" Hana asked when she saw me massaging my aching arm.
"No!" I answered dramatically.
"Then, should I help massage your arm?" she asked, worried, as she started massaging my left arm. I smiled at her sudden behavior, pulling my arm so she could massage it.
"No, no. I’m fine. I was just joking," I said to calm her down while we walked toward the school canteen.
I saw the sensational new student leaving through the back door as we passed by.
Maybe it’s because of his perfect body proportions, fair skin, height, long legs, broad chest, and wide shoulders, just like the girl behind me whispered with a smile, looking at him. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.
Is he a robot?
His head even rotates 90 degrees, just so you know. Not that I’m jealous, I’m just worried about his neck.
"Hey, watch your step!" Hana snapped at the girls from the neighboring class who were purposely walking in front of our class.
I just shook my head at Hana’s behavior, clearly annoyed by the girls from the next class who were sneaking glances at the sensational new student.
"Hai, Do Hwan!" Hana greeted, waving sweetly at him. The new student just nodded and smiled awkwardly.
"It looks like he’s just learned to smile," I whispered to Hana.
"Shuuutt!" Hana snapped at me, still smiling at the new student.
I get it now.
Maybe this is what they call love at first sight. Hana looked so happy whenever she was near this new guy.
Is this how it works? I’m not sure...
As I stared at him, trying to make sure of his visual, our eyes met, and I couldn’t look away because, no matter how I denied it, he was truly captivating.
One thing I know now...
"This is the kind of life I want."