Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize
Chapter 713: Coming Clean
— 5 Years Later —
After five years, Camelot's prosperity has reached its peak. No one dares to become an enemy of Camelot, and the surrounding domains have all submitted their intent to become vassals. Camelot hasn't engaged in many wars during these past five years, but every time it did, the victories were crushing and decisive, secured within a short time—no more than a few weeks once a war began.
All of this is thanks to the immense power of Merlin and Morgan le Fay, the Witch of Camelot. The peace and prosperity of Camelot have become so renowned that even distant lands speak of it. As a result, merchants from faraway regions and men of faith, especially from Christianity, have gathered in Camelot.
With the support of King Arthur, priests have successfully established Christianity as the dominant faith in Camelot, causing the old Anglo-Saxon beliefs to fade into obscurity.
While some voices of dissent arose, they were quickly silenced, as many of the miracles performed by the priests bore a striking resemblance to the sacred magic Merlin once used during the war against the undead and in subsequent conflicts.
During this time, Arthur's gaze toward Merlin has grown increasingly wary. Merlin's fame has begun to overshadow Arthur's own, and much of Merlin's magic bears a strong resemblance to the teachings of the priests—light, angelic feathers, and other sacred phenomena.
As a result, Arthur has grown more and more suspicious of Merlin, fearing that he might one day attempt to usurp the throne.
— Lake of Avalon —
Daniel sits at the dining table, where a feast is laid out before him. It's a feast meant only for family members. Despite the grand spread, the only participants are Morgan le Fay, Mordred, and Daniel himself. No one else is present.
His gaze occasionally drifts toward the window. While he smiles and talks with his family, trying to assure them that nothing is wrong, Morgan's perceptive nature allows her to sense that something is weighing on his mind.
Mordred, though a bit of an airhead, also notices the strange atmosphere surrounding Daniel. She frowns, glancing between her father and mother, unsure how to broach the subject. It's clear that her father has something on his mind—something he wants to share but doesn't know how to begin.
"Alright, my love, can you tell me what's on your mind?" Morgan le Fay asks with a soothing smile as she gently touches Daniel's hand.
Seeing his wife's gentle expression, Daniel lets out a long sigh. There's no use hiding it. In fact, he had planned to tell them from the start but struggled to find the right words.
As Daniel tries to gather his thoughts, his mind drifts back to yesterday, to the shop where he usually trades for cards using the points he earns from changing people's fates.
It has been 11 years since Daniel became stuck in this era. Now, in 501 AD, he has finally gathered enough points to unlock and redeem a box from The Cosmic War set. This set revolves around the war in the heavens, a conflict between powerful beings with cosmic-level power.
For example, the set includes Eldritch gods, cosmic dragons, various cosmic entities, and even advanced alien civilizations. These civilizations possess super dreadnoughts capable of firing black hole torpedoes and temporal shift rays to reverse time—just to devastate their enemies again by firing another black hole directly at them.
The power level of this set is absurd, as it was created very early in the prototyping phase without any balancing. It was simply a collection of raw ideas turned into cards, with some artwork added, and then called a day. It's the kind of prototype where ideas are thrown together, ready to be refined or discarded during gameplay discussions. That's the nature of this set.
Daniel is holding a card in his hand—a card he has wanted since the moment he became trapped in this era.
Card: Future Intervention
Picture: An image of a man walking into a wormhole made of white-blue light. Beneath his feet lies a large magic formation etched into the ground.
Rarity: Legendary
Type: Enchantment
Mana Cost: 2 Light, 2 Water
Description: You may exile a card from your hand, then pay half of its mana cost, rounded down. For every mana cost paid this way, place a timer counter on Future Intervention equal to the cost you paid. Remove a timer counter at the end of each turn. When all timer counters are removed, return the exiled card to the battlefield.
Flavor Text: -
But now… now he has a wife and a daughter, even if she's adopted. He feels like the card in his hand is a hot potato. He wants to go back, but he doesn't want to abandon the family he has built here. Torn by this dilemma, Daniel doesn't know how to proceed.
"It's hard to decide, huh, Mr. Emberweave?" The Keeper's voice pulls Daniel out of his thoughts. He looks up at the Keeper, who is wearing a kind smile.
"What would happen if I decide to stay here and let time run its course until…" Daniel doesn't finish his sentence. He knows it's a foolish question to ask.
"I think you're asking this not because you don't know the consequences, Mr. Emberweave. You just want confirmation from me," the Keeper replies.
Daniel falls silent because the Keeper's words hit the mark. He already has an idea of what the consequences might be.
"If you don't mind, Mr. Emberweave, I'll be blunt. If you decide to stay and let time run its course, you will cause a massive butterfly effect, to the point that the future you return to will no longer be the one you're familiar with. You will likely cause many of your loved ones in the future to cease to exist—whether it's Ms. Koyuki, Ms. Greed, your adopted daughter… or even yourself.
Without the incident of that night, the 'you' sitting in front of me would not exist. I would not exist, and all of these powers would not exist. Merlin would also not exist… everything would spiral out of control.
To be honest, your staying here beyond five centuries is already stretching things. A lot has likely changed. For example, with you here, Wessex will not become independent from Camelot, and Britain as you know it in the future will not exist.
And if Britain as you know it doesn't exist, the first to likely vanish would be Ms. Greed, one of your wives. My advice is that you should return within this month to avoid the worst-case scenario," the Keeper explains with a stern warning.
Hearing the Keeper's explanation, Daniel can't help but let out a long sigh. He knew things would be bad, but he didn't realize they would be this bad.
"Thank you, Mr. Keeper, for reminding me," Daniel says gratefully.
"You're welcome, Mr. Emberweave," the Keeper nods. He then notices the tea on Daniel's table has gone cold. "Do you need a freshly brewed cup? Yours is already cold," the Keeper offers with a gentlemanly smile.
"No, thank you… I'm fine with this," Daniel replies before picking up the teacup and sipping the cold tea. His mind is so preoccupied with thoughts that the tea tastes bland and flavorless, as if he doesn't even register its taste.
Finally, Daniel decides to come clean. He holds Morgan le Fay's hand gently with both of his hands before speaking.
"I've come from the future, millennia from now," he says.
His words spark curiosity in his wife and draw his daughter's attention.
"Okay… and?" Morgan asks, trying to understand her husband.
"It's like this…" Daniel begins to explain everything to Morgan le Fay—his true identity, the events of the future, why he's here, and nearly everything else. The only thing he leaves out is the specifics of his power and how it works. He simply mentions that he has a connection to the Akashic Record and can draw power from it.
As he speaks, Morgan le Fay begins to piece together the full picture of her husband's story, while Mordred makes a face as if she's just chewed on a fly. For a 15-year-old squire like her, all this talk of magic and time travel is too much to process. The only thing she understands is that if her father doesn't return to the future within this month, things will go terribly wrong—to the point where everything that exists might cease to be, spiraling out of control.
After Morgan le Fay starts to make sense of everything, she slowly nods, trying to accept what her husband has just revealed.
"I see… so you have a direct connection to the Akashic Record and can draw power from it. That's why you're so powerful," Morgan says, finally understanding. Then, her eyes suddenly sharpen, and she pinches the back of Daniel's hand, making him wince in pain.
"This! Is for lying to me about your name!" Envy says spitefully, gritting her teeth before pinching him again, this time on the calf. "And this is for keeping everything from me until now!" she adds, increasing the strength of her pinch.
"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay!?" Daniel winces and apologizes to his wife, who is huffing and fuming in anger.
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