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Chapter 257: Chapter 257. Creating a monster

POV: Daniel

I was in my office, looking calmly over some research papers, when all of a sudden, the door was swung open.

"Sir! The subject Earth Braker is on the loose once again!"

I quickly put my papers down and looked at the man who brought the bad news.

"What! We put him in an Obsidian cage! How did he get out?!"

We made a lot of monsters over the past few months, but none were as annoying as this one.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was the best monster we could make, I would've killed it already.

"He just dug a tunnel and left!"

I slapped my forehead in frustration.

That's what I get for making him diamond claws.

He had a similar shape to a puma with horns, to use the soul's strength at greater speeds.

But he was making us more problems than solutions at this point.

"Should we call the special squad?"

The special squad was a group of soldiers that survived the 3-headed Wyvern and wanted to get revenge.

So they have been through a special program that modified their bodies to make them harder, stronger, and faster.

But unfortunately, they didn't stand a chance against the Earth Braker.

While he didn't have special abilities like the Monster Lords, his body was strong enough to give them a run for their money.

And when the monster is smart as well, the fighting becomes more complicated.

"No, I'll call in the Diamond Squad."

"Are you sure sir? I think our people are more than enough to deal with this problem."

"They could, but not fast enough, so I'll call the diamond squad."

I dismissed the man, who was saddened about my decision and sent a private text through the Chat.

I didn't have to wait for too long and got a reply.

"Well, he's got a lot of free time with Alexa on his side."

Like we have Steve and Alex to make a body for Trader, The Mad Prince has Alexa, the God of the Nether.

We talked about a few ideas for some time and realized that it would be better if they only supplied us with soulsand to use as batteries and other materials, since the Overworld was more suited for creating life.

Sure, the Nether could create it as well, maybe something stronger than what we'll have, but we didn't have the necessary time to do so.

So that ended up with the Mad Prince having nothing to do but help us with the monster research.

Alexa rarely listened to us, and when it did, it always asked for payments upfront.

I still didn't understand why, since it could create whatever it wanted with just a thought.

As my head was preoccupied with those thoughts, the space bent in my office, and 2 figures appeared.

It was the Mad Prince and The Second in Command.

"Only you 2?"

"I think it's overkill already, but Second is also getting antsy like me, so she joined the fight."

If anyone else besides Trader and Merry would've told me that. I would've said they were delusional.

But for some reason, I believed them.

"Did you use the tracker yet?"

"I was about to."

One other reason why I asked him to be my partner in those experiments, is because of their unique enchantments.

Soul tracking was one of those, which entitles the subject to wear an object or armor with the Curse of Bounding and a tracker.

That's one of the first things we placed on our monsters, especially this one.

From a chest under my desk, I took an enchanted compass that was pointing me toward the monster.

The Mad Prince took it out of my hand and placed it on an enchanted lapis slab, that aperead out of nowhere.

Once the 2 items connected, an interesting thing happened.

Holographic numbers appeared, which I quickly recognized to be coordinates.

Not only that, but they seemed to be constantly changing like it was pointing toward something that was moving.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes, I was kind of bored at the base and decided to create something new and useful. Well be back in half an hour. You can wait for us in the obsidian room."

With that said, he quickly wrote down the enchanted square and placed the pearls inside.

Just like that, the 2 of them disappeared as quickly as they came.

At this point, I was wondering if I imagined this whole interaction, but the lapis slab was still here, so I decided to take a break and visit my lab.

I took out a chicken pie from my inventory and walked out of my office.

Right as I stepped out of the door, I was silently followed by 2 guards with enchanted diamond armor.

They would go with me wherever I went, and their job was to protect me at all costs.

Their salaries and benefits were pretty good, so I didn't question their loyalty.

We went down a few floors until the guards were increasing, and the walls were made from concrete and other hard materials.

After a few check-ins, we were finally let into the hidden lab.

Here the most smart minds in my kingdom were gathered and worked on this project.

Some wanted to improve the death arrow to make it more explosive or more durable, while a majority were working on the Monster project.

A lot of people hated monsters, but they also realized that they were very limited in the upcoming fight, so if technology wasn't going to help us, then maybe another monster would.

I walked by a few cages, most of them were empty, while others had some mutated animals in them.

The creation of the body was not a problem, it was actually the easier part of the challenge.

The true problem came from the souls we used.

Most of the time, we use the souls of animals, such as dogs or maybe horses, living things that listen to human Comands.

But we realize that at one point, the soul couldn't handle the body, and it would get crushed.

Trader and the others didn't have this problem since humanity has a strong soul, a perk of being the only smart species on the planet.

There were 2 ways we could solve this problem.

The first one, we found it was by accident because of Trader, or more exactly, because of his horse.

When I first saw the horse in the Stone Kingdom, I was shocked that I did not think of that.

So we crossed bread a few horses with version potion effects and realized that their soul got bigger with each generation, making the monster creation possible.

Unfortunately, the horses are the only animals we can grow at a rapid pace, and they only listen to orders from the people who can ride them.

So, the more powerful the soul of the horse became, so did the rider, which put a stop to our research.

By now, we have created 3 monsters from the souls of those horses that we can use.

They don't look too different from their original body.

They are only bigger, have metal skin instead of leather, can breathe fire, and have 2 horns on the head.

Nothing too drastic.

One of them is not enough to fight a Monster Lord, but the 3 of them combined stand a chance.

As for the second method, it was something kept a secret from the others, and they only knew the result.

And that is, to use a ravager soul.

Now, some people might get confused about the problem, but those people don't know that ravagers are just twisted human souls that only destroy things in their path.

They were created by the Iiligers a long time ago and bred into submission after countless generations.

Unfortunately, we only have access to one ravager, and that was only because he got lost in the last raid of the Pufferfish City and survived the Withers bomb.

Some villagers found him later and brought the guards to deal with it.

Before he got killed, we managed to bring him here and used it for our experiments.

It was hard at first to control him, but after painting a few researchers gray like the Iligers, he willingly followed simple commands.

With the help of an unknown ritual, we found out the shape of the Ravager, and to our horror, it was a couple of mangled humans fused into this beast.

If it was any other time, we would've put the best down, but the end of the world was approaching, and since we didn't want to use humans as our test subjects, we decided to use him.

We managed to make him a stronger body with time, strong enough that we could use it in the upcoming battle.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the body was also having an effect on his mind, and because of that, he wouldn't listen to anyone, no matter how much one looked like an Iliger.

So we decided to lock him up in an Obsidian box and release him onto the battlefield once the Overworld would get invaded.

As I was thinking about all of this, I arrived at the obsidian cage that was now being repaired.

As a way to prevent this from happening again. I ordered them to put a layer of lava underneath the obsidian floor.

The Monster should think twice before attempting another escape.

Suddenly, the space was ripped apart and a white door appeared.

The guards besides me quickly went to action and drew their wepons ready to take on whatever was coming out.

"What's with the welcoming party?"

The one who passed the portal, was non other then Steve, so I told my guards to put their wepons down.

"You finally decided to help your old friend."

"You saw me as a friend this whole time?"

Steve asked with a smirk on his face, which kind of annoyed me.

Just a few months ago, he was begging me to give him attention, but now that he was part of the System, he's all cooky and prideful.

I wonder where he got that from?

In hindsight, it would've been a wise decision to befriend him when he was still under me, now I bearly get the chance to talk with him.

"Well, let's see what problems you have, for me to fix."

Before I could even speak, the space trembled again, and a huge creature with 2 smaller figures apperead in the hallway.

They were none other then the Mad Price, Second and the Earth Braker.

The humans looked satisfied, but the monsteread was heavily damaged with a missing limb and a lot of open wounds.

It looked quite terrified at them, and that was something when it came from a 6 blocks monster.

"That was a fun fight, you truly created a good monster here. Don't you think so Second?"

"You're right your highness, I think it would be a good pet for our castel."

A pet!

Your talking about a monster that can dig through obsidian and could potentially kill an entire town. And you wanted to make a pet out of him?!

"What do you think Daniel? Would you mind if we took him of your hands, or do you think the new cage would be strong enough to hold him?"

I could only clutch my teeth in frustration.

"If you can make him docile, and bring him in the war, then I guess I can let you barrow him."

The man smiled, and petted the monster on his nose.

"Did you hear that? Looks like you're going to be under my care from now on. I think we'll visit Solomon before, to fix that attitude."

I think that I just saw the monster shiver for a moment there, but I wasn't sure that was possible.

And who was this Solomon guy that could solve this problem?

Why didn't he bring him here beforehand to help?

Before I could ask those questions, the man drew an enchanted square and teleported away, leaving the hallway tense in silence.

"So what do you want to work on?"

Steve finally spoke after a few moments, which made me sigh.

"Look at some of the papers we've made, and I think we should start making the super soldiers as well."

I handed him a few books which he read them in an instant. Then he closed his eyes.

"You've managed to do a lot progress. As expected from you. Let's got to work!"

He seemed satisfied for some reason, but I didn't care to ask any more questions, so we went back to work.

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