Military System : Alternate World

CH 3 – Beirol Town

After basking in the curious gazes of the townspeople, particularly the women, Fret and the trio arrived at an "eating house." This term was new to Fret; he had never encountered such a word before. It seemed to be a local establishment where meals were served. 
Walking inside and taking a seat at the nearest table, Fret scanned his surroundings for anyone who seemed out of place. After a minute of searching, he noted that everyone else was dressed in clothing reminiscent of the early 1900s, the same era he had just deduced from their conversation. No one appeared out of place, confirming that he was indeed in a world similar to his own past.

Soon enough, they were served by a waitress who appeared to be in her twenties. She was beautiful, yet something about her made the hairs on the back of Fret's neck stand on end. Her gentle smile seemed to mask something—perhaps danger or a hidden agenda. Despite the unsettling feeling, Fret was more focused on satisfying his hunger. His top priority was to fill his stomach before retreating to his own space for a thorough inspection of the system and its shop.
"So, Fret, what brought you here? I mean, where were you traveling, if you don't mind sharing?" Kane asked as they waited for their dishes. Fret, unfamiliar with this world's cuisine, had let Kane choose for him. Kane had ordered something called "Chili Bean" for him—familiar yet oddly unfamiliar to Fret.

"Ah, right, I was traveling from distant lands aiming to reach Alaska. Do you know where it is?" Fret asked.
"Alaska..." Kane pondered deeply, trying to recall if such a place existed. To his recollection, there was no place called Alaska, but he couldn't be certain.
"Dad! I know Alaska!" one of the little girls suddenly interjected, drawing everyone's attention.
"You do? Where is it?" Kane asked, surprised by his daughter's sudden outburst and eager to hear her explanation.
"It's on the other side of the world, close to the Great Northland!" the little girl said with excitement in her eyes. Fret's eyes glowed with anticipation as he acquired new information about the world. Though he wasn't entirely sure if the little girl's answer was correct, Fret decided to press for more information.

"Little girl, what is Great Northland? Can you explain it to me?" Fret looked at the girl with a smile and asked.
"I'm not a little girl! My name is Amy! Great Northland is the colonial country of Britland," Amy replied with a puffed-up chest, proud of herself.
'Britland...' Fret thought. Most of the existing countries from his world in the 1900s were also present here, but with different names and possibly different governments and ideologies.

"Ah, that's right. I remember the Eagle Federation's struggle for independence against Britland. When they failed to prevent the Federation from breaking away, Great Northernland attempted to gain its own independence but was quickly subdued by the Britland army," Kane said, a moment of clarity dawning upon him thanks to his daughter.

Fret, however, found this account somewhat different from what he knew. "So Britland is the empire that controls nearly every corner of the world, right?" he asked, hoping to discern any discrepancies from his own world.

"Well, you could say that, though they're not the only power. The alliance between the Hispalon Empire and the Osmania Empire is currently exerting pressure on Britland. They're continually under attack from this alliance. Although Britland had its own ally in Gallia Empire, that alliance fell apart due to internal conflicts within Gallia," Kane explained after a thoughtful pause. This was basic knowledge for anyone living in this world, yet for some reason, this stranger seemed unaware of it.

"The dream alliance…" Fret's eyes sparkled as he recalled many discussions of alternative histories. It seemed this world had achieved what was once only theoretical. Apparently, no one here was ever dubbed the 'sick man of Europe.'

"Is there a world map around here that I could borrow?" Fret asked after a moment of contemplation. He needed to understand the world's layout, given its numerous differences and familiarities. If borders had shifted from what he knew, as this conversation suggested, he needed to see a map for himself and plan accordingly. 'I can't rush this plan. If my assumptions are correct and we're near the Reich, it also means we're close to the sleeping bear.'

"You might find maps in the town library, but world maps are rare. They should, however, have a map of the Herady Kingdom. You can use that to navigate," Kane said, gesturing towards the largest building in the town's center. At first glance, Fret thought it was a town hall, but it turned out to be the library. This might mean two things: either the people of this town and kingdom are avid readers, or the library is simply a small part of a larger building.

"Thank you. By the way, what's the name of this town? It would help if I find a map," Fret inquired. Without knowing the town's name, navigating the kingdom would be challenging. Though he wasn't sure of the kingdom's size, given the peaceful life of its people, he doubted it was vast. A larger land would imply diverse cultures and potential conflicts, which seemed unlikely here.

"It's Beirol, named after the first king. While many in other kingdoms view their royal families as enemies, we see ours as family. They never let us down. If there's a famine, they import extra goods just for the town. In the event of a natural disaster, they send the royal army to assist us. Everyone in this town is ready to sacrifice their lives to protect this country," Kane said, his eyes shining with admiration and respect.

"Wow, I've never heard of such a royal family. Aren't they spending too much and giving too little in return?" Fret asked, astonished. He had never encountered such benevolent rulers before; they existed only in fictional worlds. A royal family commanding such loyalty either faced imminent war or truly cared about their people.

"What nonsense!" Kane exclaimed, drawing attention from nearby tables. Realizing his outburst, he quickly apologized and sat back down. "They not only care about us but also spend less on us!" Kane's voice grew louder as he spoke, revealing his frustration.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that what I know about kings and their families is quite different. Apparently, things are really different here, in a good way," Fret said, bowing slightly to show his sincerity. He didn't intend to be disrespectful; he was simply surprised. It was rare to encounter such new perspectives that could shift one's worldview.

"Anyway, be cautious about how you speak of our king and his family in town. Not everyone is as forgiving as I am," Kane warned, gently stroking his daughter's hair. Though he appeared intimidating, he clearly had a tender side reserved for his family.

"Thank you for the warning," Fret replied with a sincere smile. Soon after, their dishes arrived, and the father and his daughters eagerly dug into the Chili Bean. Fret was initially puzzled by the dish, but as he tasted it, he quickly fell in love with it. 'This is now my favorite dish,' he thought, taking another spoonful.

Within five minutes, the table was cleared, and even the plates that once held the chili bean were spotless. Fret wondered if the chef was from another world, as the meal was exceptional.

After a brief respite, they stepped outside and decided to explore the town while digesting their meal. Fret was eager to discover more. Every new piece of information was valuable, and despite never having been a frontline soldier, he approached the situation as if he were one. It was a disturbing yet rational stance given the circumstances.

As they walked, they arrived at a place called 'Nuna's Night,' which appeared to be a bar with a reputation for prostitution. "Why do people choose this line of work? I never understood it," Fret remarked, shaking his head.

"What do you know about life? Your hair is still fresh with youth, and yet you judge others' lives. Do you think they want to be in such a place? No one desires to be surrounded by such filth. Life throws hardships at us, and we take the first opportunity we can find. Judge people by their character, not their profession," Kane said, his frustration clear. He made sure to cover his daughters' ears, not wanting them to hear such topics.

'He is truly a good person,' Fret thought with a sigh. In emergencies, people like Kane often risk their lives for others, often at great personal cost. They might save one life but lose their own in the process.

"You're right; not everyone can choose their jobs. What about you, Kane? What's your role in the town?" Fret asked, realizing they had yet to discuss Kane's occupation. Given Kane's appearance and knowledge, Fret speculated he might be an ex-military or police officer. He didn't seem like a politician or scholar, and a buffed body like Kane's suggested a life of physical labor rather than academic study.

"I'm a veteran, now enjoying my pension. Thankfully, our king has taken care of us veterans, providing monthly payments. Although we offered to take on various jobs, he firmly refused, saying, 'You all spent your lives on the border, watching our enemies and protecting your homeland. You lived those days on edge, yearning for your loved ones. Sometimes it was a letter from your wife, scented with her fragrance, or a tiny sock from your child. You deserve to spend your lives with your families. I don't want to hear about such things again. It's my final order as your commander.' When we heard those words, our hearts were touched, and we couldn't be happier. I love serving my king and my homeland, but if you have no family to protect in that homeland, you're just a soldier who has lost the meaning of life," Kane concluded with a broad smile, gently caressing his daughters' hair, which glistened with tears.

"Such an honorable leader. You're all fortunate to have him," Fret said, impressed by Kane's account. Such devotion to veterans indicated pure goodwill, a rarity in modern society where veterans often suffer.

"We really are." Kane replied with genuine smile.

Later, the group leisurely wandered through the area, showcasing a variety of buildings to Fret. Despite coming from a modern society with its own set of advancements, his knowledge of 1900s architecture and the intricacies of different cultures was primarily limited to his homeland. As he explored this unfamiliar environment, Fret found himself captivated by the novel sights and sounds around him. Each new piece of information and every architectural detail enriched his understanding, and he eagerly absorbed every bit of it. The experience was a delightful feast for his curiosity, providing him with a broader perspective on the world.

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