Might as Well

Chapter 40

The amulet was rather simple. Circular, around a few inches in diameter, hanging on a simple leather chain. It had no active magic running through it and the passive magic was almost gone from it. Under Sam’s careful eyes, however, even that meager amount of mana revealed its secrets. Mostly because, thanks to his studies in Runecraft, he recognized several symbols that were responsible for connecting two focuses together.

That implied that the amulet itself was some kind of focus. And while the main rune, probably the Heart Rune in the middle of the amulet, told him nothing, his inherited memories, after a little searching, came back with an answer.

As Sam suspected, it was from an evil cult.

The cult itself was eradicated as part of one of many story quests present in Magic Unbound far into the future after they caused an untold amount of trouble.

The other Sam didn’t know that they were responsible for the Ironwood Monster Break, but based on the memories he found, it wasn’t really surprising.

The cult was named Calon’s Circle, Calon being a mysterious demonic being, with no clear goal. At least the other Sam knew nothing about their goals. The modus operandi of the Calon’s Circle was to find areas where strife could be found (which was basically everywhere) and make contact with people who wanted power and then use them as patsies.

That changed when the players came. Players couldn’t die properly, so Calon could use them much more. According to Sam’s memories, they would make a rather cliché deal with some dark being and immediately get a big boost for their power, and the price was usually a tiny favor. Because the deal was obviously rather weighted towards Calon’s Circle, only the most desperate and stupid took it. Or those who wanted to roleplay as a demonic being’s puppet (Sam wasn’t about to kink shame…). Most of their members were rather edgy and dramatic.

So, teenagers…

Curiously, most goths avoided the Circle and went with some of the proper Death cults…

’Probably that’s why Marak got so angry. Recognized the presence of Calon’s Circle and went to stomp them out…’

Carefully, he noted the major runes of the amulet down on a proper piece of paper, as there was no way he was putting something with connections to a dark being in his own Grimoire, then folded the paper into a smaller shape and put it in an envelope.

Then he took out the ring.

It was also a simple affair, a band of what looked like gold but probably was not, with a simple inlaid white gem with an odd green tint.

Focusing his senses and attention on it, he channeled a bit of his mana into it. As he slowly felt the mana move through the material, he couldn’t help but smile. Fighting was cool, but the way the company managed to make it so that he could feel something that didn’t exist move, was extraordinary. A few seconds later, the slow-moving mana reached a stone and stopped for a moment, then with a little push, it started moving again.

Outside, the stone which previously only had a little green tint now shone with full green light. As Sam looked at the gem, he couldn’t help but compare the light from the gem to the light of his Healing Wind spell.

Just to prove his theory, a screen popped up in front of him.

[Congratulations, thanks to your expertise with mana you managed to identify the ring!]

[Ring of Minor Health Regeneration: A small ring, made from subpar materials, with a low-quality magical gem. As long as the gem holds mana, it aids with health regeneration. Can hold 100 Mana Points, and Regenerates 10 Health Points for every point of mana consumed. Current Mana: 100/100.]

A simple ring, but it was better than what he had. Which was nothing. The guy probably only had it because he didn’t know how to recharge it. Just one more way to bind him to the Circle.

‘His loss and my gain.’

He carefully slipped the ring on one of his fingers, and then checked the time.

“Time to log out.”

He did the usual preparations and joined Lucky on the bed.

In his apartment, he removed his gaming helmet and did some stretches. Listening to the crack in his back, he went and took a good, long shower, trying to banish the picture of the person falling apart into chunks.

Then, after a filling meal, he plopped down in front of his computer and began his search for new information.

The first thing that he noticed was that Future Unknown had put out a statement that in two weeks’ time they would be holding a news conference about the changes to the game.

Sam quickly checked his calendar and noted that the posted date was two weeks before the original, where they announced the play time changes. That is, the game could be only played from six in the afternoon, until six in the morning on the following day after consultation with the government due to the incredible popularity of the game.

Apparently, his actions, even though he tried to minimize them, had some effects.

Sighing a little dejectedly, he still had to celebrate. The random login and logout times were wreaking havoc on his body.

Still, knowing the date would allow him to plan at least a little ahead, probably like all the major players. They didn’t mention it in the statement, but the same announcement would be used to start the Real Money exchange for the game.

Which meant he would need to make preparations.

The RMT would attract all the rich fools, and he would need to be in a perfect position to help them spend some of their easily earned money. It was practically his civic duty.

Then he turned his attention towards Shadowland.

He sought out the posts about Ironwood and went hunting. He needed bigger chaos…

The first thing he found that was worth meddling with was a very angry post.

One thousand for information about proper Troll spawning locations (at least 10)

The author of the post was ranting and raving about the issues of other guilds gobbling up good spots and not finding any themselves.

He opened the post and quickly began typing after consulting the map he downloaded from his gaming rig. While he didn’t know exactly the coordinates, he knew, or at least ‘remembered’ the attributes of the trolls and knew where they would be spawning. Just for fun, he added the one he cut through on the way to the ancient ruin.

Typing away for a few seconds, he looked at what he had wrought and couldn’t help but smile.

Clicking on the submit button, he let out a small cackle and, after taking a sip of his drink, he went back to hunting for opportunities.

After login, he dressed in one of his better outfits, then after giving Lucky a quick brush and belly rub and having a filling meal, he returned to the Silvercrest manor.

On the way, he couldn’t help but smile. The entire city was brimming with frustration and anger. Players glared at each other, and guild members moved in groups like geese, staring daggers at each other while the NPCs tried to avoid being on the street.

It was glorious…

In contrast to the city, the atmosphere in the Silvercrest manor was rather joyous. The guards were wearing big smiles and the moment they spotted him, they ran ahead to greet him.

“Welcome, Sir! The Lord ordered us to lead you directly to him!”

“Thank you!” he replied and allowed the excited guard to practically drag him to the gate.

At the gate, he was met with the butler, same as always, but this time, instead of the usual poker face, he was greeted by a thin smile on the older gentleman’s face.

“Welcome back, Sir. The Lord is waiting for you.”

Sam just nodded with a smile of his own and followed the older man. The entire manor was awash with excitement, with servants and maids rushing about with a smile on their faces. ‘Apparently, they really like the nobles… will wonder never cease…’ Sam thought as he looked around.

He was finally led into a grand office where he was immediately assaulted.

Fortunately, it wasn’t by an attacker but by a bear of a man with a hug and a loud laugh.

“My friend! What a joyous occasion! Am I glad to see you!”

After making his best attempt to crush Sam’s spine, the man finally let him go and, after catching his breath, Sam managed to answer.

“And I’m glad to see you well, my lord!” He finished his greeting with a small bow.

He was their savior, but nobles could be finicky. Sam didn’t want to mess up at the last minute. Until he had the rewards in his hands, he wasn’t going to celebrate.

“None of that, my friend!” came the booming exclamation from the grinning noble. “Call me Miro, like all my friends.”

“Then you can call me Sam… Miro,” replied Sam with an awkward smile. The lord just laughed, then quickly walked behind his equally enormous desk, sat down, and motioned for Sam to do the same.

“Come, come! Sit, my friend!”

Sam sat down and then looked at the other man, who immediately began to talk with an excited voice. And of course, very loudly.

“Let us get to the main point of discussion!” he declared, then at the same moment, almost slapped the desk with his forehead, he bowed so fast forward. “Thank you for saving my wife!”

“You’re welcome, my lord,” Sam said quietly, then watched as the man raised his head, his forehead slightly red, then grinned at Sam.

“And now what you’ve been waiting for! As my word, by my magic, I Miro Silvercrest, declare the contract with Sam the Adventurer is completed!”

After the declaration, a small burst of magic began to swirl between the two of them, blood red, just as the blood they had signed the contract with. Then, after a second of swirling, it stopped cold in the air and burst apart. The flakes falling towards the floor and then vanishing.

It was followed by a screen appearing in front of him.

[The quest, ‘A shadow in a shadow of a shadow!’ has been completed!]

[The Blood Contract has been fulfilled! You are no longer under its effect!]

Sam smiled at it and after doing a quick check on his magic, noting that the blemish of the blood contract was gone, he returned his attention to the grinning lord.

“I’m glad that it is over. My journey was not a walk in a park, shall we say…” he said with a wry smile.

“HAHAHAHA, I believe you, my friend.”

The lord tried to continue to speak, but Sam interrupted him by raising his hand. “And I found an amulet with these symbols on it.” He then retrieved the prepared paperwork, handing it over to the man.

The Lord accepted the paper with a curious look and opened it. The moment he saw the symbol, an ugly look appeared on his face.

“Ugh, these people again…”

“You know them, my lord?”

“Of course! Calon’s Circle. Parasites, the lot of them. BERNARD!”

The moment after the other man’s yell, the butler entered and stood to attention.

“Yes, my lord?”

Lord Silvercrest held out the paper that Sam wrote to the man who took it gently.

“Take this and information about the attackers to the good captain. We need to stomp out our infestation as soon as possible.”

“Of course, my lord.”

The butler bowed again and left the room, and the nobleman turned back to Sam, the smile back on his face.

“Thank you again for the help, my friend. The House of Silvercrest will be forever in your debt.”

“I was just doing what you hired me to do, my lord.”

“HAHAHA, indeed. And how magnificently you did that! I’m glad that fate led you to us!” came the answer from the enormous man. “BUT!” To emphasize his point, he slapped the desk in front of him with his giant hand, causing it to shake. “We’re here to reward you, not just for patting your back for a job well done!”

Sam’s answer was a simple smile and a nod.

The man waved his hand, and several things appeared on the desk.

A small, finely carved box, a scroll, a book, and a sword in a scabbard.

“The box contains the gold we agreed on, plus a bonus,” the man began to explain with an exaggerated wink, then continued pointing at the other items in an order. “This is a scroll that will function as the highest possible recommendation I can give you in this city. The book is from my beloved Sylvia. She felt that you would find the contents useful. And finally, during the fight, I noticed that your weapon is rather subpar. I looked around in my armory and found you something that is little better than what you can get from the merchants!”

Sam slowly took the box and put it in his inventory. Then did the same with the obvious Grimoire, sending a silent prayer towards the RNG gods for a good one, then unfurled the scroll.

After a quick reading, he couldn’t help but smile. It would allow him to purchase and own property in the city. To own and operate any manner of business with the exception of weapon manufacturing, as well as gave him a rather sizeable tax break of five percent every year.

He rolled up the scroll and put it in his inventory, then turned back to the older man, who was watching him with an understanding smile. Clearly, he understood what he had given to Sam.

Then Sam stood up and took the sword into his hand and, with a quick movement, removed the blade from the scabbard. Instantly, a screen popped up.

[Moonlight: (Longsword) An expertly crafted sword crafted under the dark moon. Capable of channeling mana without deteriorating, and enhances attacks made with shadows. Under the new moon, or when the moon is hidden, the bonus doubles.]

The sword was simple, with the handle made from dark, almost black wood. The guard was shaped like a half moon, thin and facing forward, made from some silvery material etched with stars. The blade was long and made from a black material with a white Damascus-like pattern, etched with the phases of the moon from the stem to the tip.

He gave it a quick swish, getting a feeling of the sword, then slightly channeled a little mana into it. It went into it like water into a cup. The sword seemingly drank it up like a thirsty person in a desert, glowing ethereally.

Sam returned the sword to its scabbard, then affixed it to his belt and nodded at the man.

“It’s magnificent, my lord. Thank you for the gift!”

“Don’t mention it, my friend! It was nothing!” came the loud reply, but before the Lord could continue, the door to the office banged open and in the doorway stood a very familiar lady. There stood the young lady of the house. Her long blonde hair was meticulously done up in a nice braid, wearing a comfortable but obviously expensive dress that was revealing while staying classy, and her thin lips were drawn into a scowl.

“Father, why didn’t you tell me you were meeting him?”

“Lucrecia! My darling daughter…”

The young woman just scoffed and then her eyes met Sam’s and he couldn’t help but swallow. With a small jump, the young lady appeared in front of him and grasped his hands. Sam could feel how delicate and smooth her hands were.

“Adventurer! I have been waiting for you!”

“You have?”

“Yes! It seems fate has led you to us and now I shall reward you for protecting my mother!”

Sam sent a glance at her father, but he was suspiciously looking at a rather drab painting of a lake, and for some unfathomable reason, whistling softly.

Returning his attention to the girl in front of him, he couldn’t help but answer.

“You would?”

“Yes! Yes!” replied the girl with an enthusiastic nod that did wonders to the clothing she wore. Sam couldn’t help but take a look but then he returned his sight to the girl’s face.

“And how would you like to do that, my lady?”

When you don’t understand what is going on, be polite. That was Sam’s motto in his last life.

“I shall allow you to enjoy my company on your future adventures!”

Came the proud declaration from the young lady, her eyes shining fervently, probably imagining all the adventures they could get up to together.


“I shall accompany you from now on!”

Sam sent another glance at the lord of the manor, however, the man was currently polishing a rather shiny chess set.

Sam looked back at the hopeful woman, his eyes dipping a few times, but then he firmed his resolve and cleared his throat.

“I’m sorry, my lady. But I currently work alone, and I have already accepted a job that would require me to head out alone,” he began explaining, despite knowing full well had no such plans. “And training you up would take much time.”

The girl’s lip began to tremble and her eyes were starting to shine, but Sam continued to talk.

“BUT! But, if you want to help, which I accept happily, then maybe you could do me a small favor.”

The shine from her eyes vanished instantly, and the lips that were trembling transformed into a grin.

“How? I’ll do anything!”

“As a noble lady, you are uniquely positioned to hear all sorts of information. I would ask you to keep an ear out for information that would be helpful to me. In exchange, I’ll visit you regularly with Lucky.”

He could see a war going on in her head, but seconds later, the girl nodded and finally let go of his hand, took a step back, and then nodded imperiously.

“I shall allow it this time!” Then, without saying another word turned around and ran out of the room.

Sam looked at her father with a questioning gaze, but he just shrugged.

‘Well, it seems reincarnation didn’t make me better with women…’

After saying goodbye to a thankful household and promising to visit, he quickly did a detour to the bank where he deposited his reward. It was gratifying to see the big eyes the manager had made when he opened the box. Sam was pretty sure that if his fellow players were to see the numbers on the report made about his accounts, they would hunt him to the end of the world. He had several thousands of gold coins, as well as a lot of silver and bronze, with a smattering of jewels.

Aside from the gold farming groups, he was the richest person currently in the region; he was sure of that.

After finishing the paperwork at the bank, he immediately headed to the City Administration office. He once again stood in line, then when he reached the desk, he just simply showed the recommendation letter and was led to an office where a sharply dressed woman greeted him.

“Mr. Sam, my name is Julia. How can the City Administration help you today?”

“I would like to purchase some property…”

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