Might as Well

Chapter 229

Now that he had a little breathing room, Sam made sure to take a big breath, trying to fill his complaining lungs with air. Unfortunately, the moment he did that, the smell wafting in the air reached his nose. Which also made him aware how sticky he was with sweat…

‘Did they really have to simulate things so realistically?’ he complained inwardly, trying to ignore the feeling. He could have used a cleaning spell, but he didn’t want to chance making a mess of the ritual with any stray piece of mana.

Thus, he had to suffer…

Meanwhile, his senses were focused on Lucky’s hidden form as mana continued to do mysterious things.

He was wondering if he did it right. Going for the next stronger item was the normal method. After all the numbers always have to go up and brrrrr. But Lucky and Sam were already strong thanks to his almost lexical knowledge of the basics of the system and mana control.

Hell, with what he discovered, Sam would bet a sizeable amount of money that he knew more about mana control than anyone currently playing who didn’t work for Future Unknown. Most people on the forums, both open and private, were still in the beginnings of properly figuring out that they really needed to stop relying on the system assist when casting spells.

Though, to be fair, he wasn’t the only one who started casting spells and using skills on his own. There were plenty of purists, role players, and perverts who refused to use it. Sadly, their mindset was still based on other games where this was possible. Thus, while they stepped on the correct road, they instantly did an about-face and began walking in the other direction.

Nowadays, it was pretty accepted that if somebody wanted to be among the top players, they would need to eschew the assistance offered by the system and rely on their own talents. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on whom you asked, while guilds, organizations, and workshops could power level anyone they wanted, they still couldn’t give them the actual skills – and talent – to use those levels.

Sadly, for them, but happily for Sam and his company – as they sold a lot of needed materials and services – it would take time for the guilds to shift from power-leveling to some kind of academy setup for new players. Leveling and education at the same time…

‘Maybe we could start an exclus–‘


His musings were cut short, instantly causing him to discard his thought process and refocus on Lucky’s transformation.

The deep black material covering the body of his familiar developed one tiny crack at the top. As Sam took a closer look, he saw it was shining with a mix of metallic silver and, for some reason, green.

‘Uh, I hope the natural energy in the seed wasn’t too strong…’

Before Sam could work himself up with worry, there was another crack sound as the tiny one began to spread along the surface of the ‘cocoon’ covering his friend’s form.




And on it went as Sam watched the cracks spread like spiderwebs until they covered the entire surface and began to gently pulse with the same light they were emitting. Weirdly, the mana in the air was still doing its funky thing.

Hoping that something would happen that needed him, Sam straightened out and began to gather the dregs of his energy, ready for anything.

Alas, nothing really happened.

The ‘cocoon’ pulsed, covered in thin cracks pulsing metallic silver and green light, and the mana in the air was undulating around it while being absorbed and expelled.

He blinked a few times, shrugged, then plopped down on the ground with his legs crossed and began to browse the net to pass the time.

It took almost seven hours for the ritual to finish.

Which, after thinking about it, didn’t really surprise Sam. According to his timer, it was almost dawn by the time the mana around Lucky’s cocoon began to calm down.

Rubbing his hands together, bored out of his mind, yet exhausted after keeping watch for seven hours, he watched eagerly as the last active mana petered out and the world held its breath.

The cracks stopped pulsing, emitting a continuous light that began to grow. Soon the thin cracks started to grow thicker and thicker, consuming the dark material covering the wolf’s form, turning it into a ball of shining multicolored energy that was hard to look at.

Then the energy began to shift.

To Sam’s relief, the form it began to transform into looked quadruped.

Then it began to get detailed.

The first thing Sam realized was that Lucky’s new form was big. Very big.

His previous form wasn’t small, as Sam could comfortably travel on his back, but this new form towered over even that. By Sam’s estimation, Lucky was at least four or five meters tall and at least ten long.

If you didn’t count the slowly forming tail.

That was already wagging, calming Sam down somewhat.

Then the head formed and light began to recede into nothingness as the new body was revealed.

Thankfully, the fur was still present, silky and exquisite looking, so black that it seemed to absorb light. Claws the size of knives, shining with metallic luster and menace, and engraved with very tiny runes, occasionally sparking with blue light. However, fur wasn’t the only thing covering his familiar body. On the legs of the wolf, the rump and the most vulnerable parts of the underbelly, the chest, and the forehead leading backward along the spine were metallic scales arranged like armor. Naturally, this scale armor was also inlaid with tiny runes that occasionally sparked with blue or greenish-blue light.

Lucky’s eyes were closed, but as the light fully vanished, Sam finally could see his face. Fangs jutting out of his muzzle, ready to tear well… anything apart. They weren’t like Lucky’s claws, they were actually made of solid shadow, glinting with a metallic finish, causing Lucky’s maw to look like it was an endless black hole ready to swallow anything.

Sam only had one word to describe the scene before him.


Then Lucky’s eyes opened and for a split-second, Sam saw the unrestrained wildness inherent in all wolves, the desire to tear and rip, to hunt and to stand atop the bodies of their enemies, then the moment vanished and it was replaced by a warm light as Lucky took a small step forward and began to lick his face.

Apparently, a bigger body meant more saliva…


For a while, he let Lucky play around, then he thoroughly examined the wolf’s body. He ran his hands through the soft fur, caressed the slick armor parts, and made sure Lucky was happy.

The tail wagging was generating enough wind that Sam suspected it could be used for some wind magic.

He looked up at the giant wolf who looked back down with eagerness.

“You know, I don’t think you will fit into most buildings with your new size…”

Lucky blinked, turned his head to look at himself, spent a few seconds just chasing his tail, then returned to a standing position and let out a joyful bark.



A small cloud of smoke appeared and a small German-Sheperd-sized wolf replaced the behemoth of destruction, missing its armor, deadly claws, and abyss-like maw, instead looking very fluffy and huggable.

Lucky sat down on his haunches and gave Sam a wolfish grin.

He just let out a laugh as he went down on his knees and began to pet the proud familiar as countless notifications began to go off in his head.

A few minutes later he was sitting next to the wall – finally clean – with Lucky’s head in his lap, reading his system screen.

[You attempted the Ritual of Evolution (Modified) with your pet, Lucky!]

[Compatibility check…]

[Stability check…]

[Synchroneity check…]

[Mana adaptability check…]

[Your Ritual of Evolution (Modified) was a success!]

[Lucky, the Runic Shadow Spirit Wolf (Level 101) has successfully transformed into an Umbra Armory Spirit Wolf (Level 1)!]

[Lucky, due to the evolution gained a Malleable Mana Core, which subsumed the Animalistic Mana Control, and Animalistic Shadow Control skills!]

[Shadow Spirit Body has evolved into the Armored Runic Spirit Body, absorbing the following skills:

Shadow Strike

Shadow Jump

Shadow Dash

Shadow Claws

Shadow Bite

Shadow Steed

Shadow Bleed

Weakening Strike

Shadow Heal

Runic Weapon

Runic Strike]

[Lucky, due to evolution gained the following skills: Transformation, Living Armory, Greater Shadow Affinity, Metal Affinity, Armored Scales, Physical and Magical Resistance, and Summon Minions!]

[Metal Affinity: Level 0/100 (0%) (Passive) Metals are part of the body of the familiar. Increases the effectiveness of metal objects wielded by the familiar. Increases the effectiveness of defensive type skills by 0,5% for each skill level.]

[Armored Scales: Level MAX (Passive) The familiar body is covered partially with armored scales and imbued with runic magic. Doubles the effectiveness of the Physical and Magical Resistance skills and provides a flat damage reduction per familiar level.]

[Summon Minions: Level 0/100 (0%) (Active) The familiar lets out an echoing howl which summons wolf spirits from the shadow of the world. The familiar can summon five spirits for every five familiar levels. For every skill level, the strength and power of the wolf spirits is increased by 1%.]

All very nice spells that Sam was very happy that Lucky got, but honestly, they were nothing against the two main ones, the two smaller ones that one of them granted.

[Armored Runic Spirit Body: Level Max (Passive) The body of the familiar has been permeated by runes and shadow mana bonding to their spirit. The body is one with the magic, and the magic in turn is one with the body. Less malleable in certain aspects, but much more malleable in others. Increases the strength of armor and weapons. Doubles the effectiveness of the defensive ability of familiar when transformed but halves offensive ability.]

[Malleable Mana Core: Level MAX (Passive) The Mana Core of the familiar is not set in shape, yet at the same time is a perfect sphere. This duality can be exploited by the familiar to transform much more easily and meld with the shadows.

Increased mana capacity and mana regeneration.

Increased STR, VIT, END, DEX, AGI.

Grants a flat 0,1% True Damage defense per familiar level.

Grants the skills Transformation and Living Armory.]

[Transformation: Level 1/100 (24%) (Active) The familiar is capable of transforming into multiple different shapes. The familiar is also capable of changing size. Can become a maximum one-tenth or twice the original size. For every skill level, the cost of the transformation is decreased, and the duration increased.]

And finally, the long-awaited skill.

[Living Armory: Level 0/100 (0%) The familiar is capable of absorbing armor and weapons and then transforming into them, aiding their master. The strength and effectiveness, when ‘worn’ by the master, depends on the link between the familiar and the master. Additionally, the familiar operates as a living armory; storing and maintaining weapons and armor. For each skill level, the mana cost of maintaining the transformation is decreased by 0,75%. When transformed, each skill and spell considers the familiar a weapon and/or armor not as a familiar.]

‘What a gosh darn haul…’ he mused happily as he read and reread the skills again and again. Apparently, the system understood the assignment and gave him exactly what he wanted. ‘I hope I don’t get an embarrassing transformation sequence…’

Then, with a reluctant sigh, he turned to his own skills.

[You have successfully finished a heavily modified ritual proving your mastery of the subject! You gained +1 PER and +1 DEX!]

[Perfect Mana Core is now Level 10!]

[The Way of the Forerunner is now Level 45!]

[Adaptive Coordination is now Level 60!]

[Master Runecarver is now Level 19!]

[Illusionary Runes is now Level 80!]

All very nice gains. But he was more curious about the Spirit Link skill.

[Due to your extraordinary connection with your familiar, your Spirit Link reached Level 100 and transformed into the Adamant Spirit Link!]

[Adamant Spirit Link: Level 0/100 (0%) (Passive) Your connection with your familiar is unbreakable and unfathomable. Provides resistance against effects trying to disrupt this connection. Grants passive enhancement to you and the familiar the closer the two of you are to each other. Physical skills are increased in power and effectiveness by 1% for each skill level. The effect is lost when the familiar moves out of touching range. Also provides the bonuses of the previous skill.]

[You gained the skill Spirit Resource Distribution!]

[Spirit Resource Distribution: Level MAX (Passive) Due to your generosity and trust, your familiar is capable of drawing on your mana reserves when in contact with you.]

Sam grinned at those skills, knowing that nobody would know what hit them the next time he had to fight. However, reluctantly, he turned to the last page as he lost his grin.

[Due to overdrawing your mana, you have been struck by Mana Exhaustion!]

[Mana Exhaustion: Physical abilities -90%, Mana Control -90%, Mana Regeneration -90%, Using mana could result in all manner of other negative effects. Duration: 99 hours 11 minutes]

“Eh, what can you do?” he asked out loud.

Lucky, from his lap, simply let out a bark.

“You’re certainly right, my friend. Let’s go see what the others managed to create!”

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