MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 9 – Presidency Election

In just one day, the news about All Might was teaching at U.A. spread like wildfire. This caused reporters to quickly gather at U.A. for two days straight. Resulting in students getting caught on the gates of U.A. Unable to enter the school.


3 guesses as to who this particular student is.

“Hey, aren’t you the one that was involved in the sludge villain incident?”


“What is wrong with these people?” Shinso muttered as he pushed his way past the reporters inside the entrance.

‘I heard the media were like vultures but this is just insane.’ I said as suddenly, a female reporter thrust her microphone to my face.

“What’s it like being taught by All Might himself?” asked the reporter eagerly.

I just pushed past her, completely ignoring the woman, the question, and the camera that’s being pointed at my face.

“How rude!” the woman chastised.

I managed to catch up with Shinso when we ran into Aizawa-sensei at the entrance of U.A.

“Kazuya, Shinso, make your way to class. I’ll handle this.”

Shinso and I just nodded and walked ahead and made our way to the cafeteria before heading to classes.

“If becoming a famous hero means dealing with that everyday, “ I grumbled to Hitoshi as we queued to get some drinks. “Then I can understand why Aizawa-sensei became an underground hero.”

“Dealing with the media is definitely a headache.” Hitoshi said. “Then again, with your endless charisma and charm, I’m sure being in the spotlight is all fine and dandy for you.”

“I’m beginning to think you don’t know me as much as I thought you did.”

Shinso just snickered. “Besides, just because I can, doesn’t mean I have to like it.” I added.

We both made it to the front of the queue and ordered some coffee. Regular for me and black for him.

At least with this, we’ll manage to survive the rest of the day.

— The Warping Hero —

Aizawa Shota walked into his class, just to see all his homeroom students already sitting down and waiting.

“Huh, so the lot of you have actually grown some common sense. Good work.” He acknowledged. “Now then, I looked over all the evaluations from All Might about the battle trials and added a few comments of my own. We’ll be reviewing them in the next hero course session you have with me.”

“For today’s homeroom however, there’s a sudden announcement. You students…”

The majority of the students could only wait in trepidation. ‘Is it another test?!’

“Will be picking a class president,” finished Aizawa.

‘What a normal school activity!’ sighed the class in relief. This only lasted a second before the whole class exploded in screams of eagerness.

“Pick me! Pick me!”


“I wanna be the class president!”

Iida immediately tried to calm everyone down, saying that the job of a president is a serious responsibility and not a simple job just for anyone. Of course, a lot of people would’ve taken him more seriously if his hand wasn’t raised the highest.

“That’s exactly why we should go with a vote! The person with the most votes will automatically prove that he or she has the majority’s trust!” Iida continued with his never ending enthusiasm.

In the end, a vote was chosen to be the way to choose class 1A’s president.

‘Hmm, president huh? Do I even want to lead?’ I pondered as I stared at a blank piece of paper that the name of the vote should be written in.

“Psst. Oi Akio.” Shinso hissed suddenly.

“What?” I turned to look at him.

“Who are you voting for class president?”

“I dunno, do you want it? I can give you my vote if you want.”

“Hah? I was actually going to vote for you.” Shinso trailed. “Don’t you want to be class president?”

“I’m still not too sure. How about you though? Why don’t you wanna be president?”

“Being in the center of attention isn’t for me.” Shinso shrugged before pointing at me. “You should be class pres though, you’re definitely qualified for it.”

I paused in thought at Shinso’s words. Maybe I should….

‘Screw it, no room for hesitation. Best hero I can be.’ I retrailed my goal word for word.

I wrote my name on the piece of paper. No words needed to be said, as Shinso looked at my confident smile. He sent me a smirk while he wrote my name on his paper. We submitted our answers and waited for the scores to be tallied up.

It didn’t take long for me to find myself standing in the front of the class. Apparently I had managed to score 4 votes somehow. Two of those votes came from myself and Shinso, that was obvious. The question was where the other two came from.

Standing beside me were two people, the ever-fidgeting and nervous Izuku Midoriya and the confident and regal-looking Momo Yaoyorozu who both managed to get two votes each.


Midoriya himself was shaking uncontrollably for being everyone’s center of attention.

“This is quite the sticky situation.” Shoji commented. “How are we going to resolve this?”

Midoriya raised a shaky hand, “I-I withdraw.” Midoriya said meekly. Compared to the capable Kazuya and the smart Yaoyorozu, he felt inadequate to be the class president. Heck, he didn’t even want to be pres in the first place!

“Woah are you sure, man?”

“Yeah, I didn't even really want to be president.”

“That settles it then. The class president will be Kazuya, while the vice president is Yaoyorozu.” announced Aizawa as he woke up from his nap.

Soon, homeroom finished and we proceeded with our classes. When lunch came in, I found myself sitting with Shinso, Sero, and Tokoyami.

“So Akio, what’s gonna be your first mandate as class president?” Shinso asked as we ate lunch in the cafeteria.

“Definitely putting a ‘No screaming during classes’ rule as soon as I can.” I said with a grin. “Hopefully that'll get Bakugo to shut up.”

“Yeah, fat chance.” Shinso snorted. “I wonder what the hell that guy’s problem is.”

“Who knows, perhaps there’s more to him than our initial impressions. We just haven’t seen it yet.” claimed Tokoyami.

“Well he’s definitely not giving people chances to fix that impression of him, that’s for sure.” Sero chuckled.

“Hey red, mind if we sit here?” Jirou interrupted our conversation, carrying her tray of food alongside Yaoyorozu.

“Not at all, be my guest.” I said with a smile.

“Thank you, Kazuya-san.” Yaoyorozu said in gratitude as they both sat down at our table.

I just nodded. “We’re going to be partners now, Yaoyorozu. Looking forward to working with you.”

“And you as well.” she remarked.

“But I’m honestly shocked though. I didn’t expect for me to get the job.” I initiated conversation for the group.

“What do you mean?” Tokoyami said, confused. “Didn’t you want to be class president?”

“I do, I was just shocked I got 4 votes. I know two of them were me and Shinso, but the other two were a surprise.”

“One of them was me.” Jirou said as she slurped on her drink. She immediately elaborated when I gave her a look. “You were pretty cool on our battle trials, what with you planning everything and securing us the win.” She shrugged. “So I thought, if anyone could be president, it was you.”

“Yeah, same reasoning for me. I mean, you’re strong, charismatic, not to mention you took out the zero pointer too.” Sero revealed. “Seemed like a good choice.”

“Wow..” I said, a little stumped. “Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.” I continued, face kinda red with embarrassment. “I’ll be sure to do my best to meet your expectations.”

“Told ya.” Shinso deadpanned at me, as he stuffed more food into his mouth.

“Shut up.”

“Oh, we have Hero Classes after lunch, right?” Sero asked. “Any idea what it would be?”

“Aizawa-sensei didn’t say much. Only that whatever it is, we need a bus to get there.” I replied. As class prez, Aizawa informed me and Yaoyorozu about the plans we’ll have for the next Hero Class Session. Not much, just enough to at least know what's going on.

“That’s right. Sensei said that the training will be held off campus, so we should prepare accordingly.” Yaoyorozu stated.

“Off-campus training huh? That sounds like fu-”


Shinso’s words were cut off by a blazing alarm.

“What’s going on?” I raised my head as I looked around. Already, there are many students who are panicking, while some are still looking around in confusion.

[Security level 3 has been broken. All students, please evacuate in an orderly fashion]

“Hey, what is security level 3?” Shinso roughly grabbed the sleeve of one of the upperclassmen to question him.

“It means someone has infiltrated the building! This has never happened in the three years I’ve been here! You first years better evacuate quick!”

“Who the hell is bold and stupid enough to do that?!” Jirou grumbled. “This is U.A.!”

“It doesn’t matter, for now we should move.” I said as our group started making our way to the doors.

That proved to be a mistake however, as everyone started to push and shove everyone else in a mad rush towards the emergency exit. The exit quickly becoming a bottleneck.

“Stop pushing!”

“Ow! Dammit!”

“Quit shoving me asshole!”

I grunted as someone’s elbow roughly smacked me in the ribs. I pushed them back, only to widen my eyes when I saw that the media was the one to breach the school through the window. Eraserhead and Present Mic were already there, guarding the nearest entrance to the school itself.

I quickly tried to think of a way to solve this issue when I heard a shout.


Standing in front of the exits was a muscular boy who had blonde hair in a cowlick and bright blue eyes. Although he was smiling, it was obvious  to see from his posture that he was annoyed.

“You’re supposed to be students of U.A. so stop acting like hooligans! Some people are getting injured! So calm down, this might not even be that big of an emergency.”

This came out as a shock to most of the third years in attendance. Togata Mirio is a very cheerful person and very rarely do they see him get annoyed. This caused a pool of shame to appear in most of them, as they realized that some might have overreacted.

“He’s right.” I said. Mirio and the crowd immediately turning to me at my voice. “If everyone would look out the windows, you’ll see that the people that have breached U.A. are just the press. The teachers also already have it handled so there’s no reason to panic.”

“Sorry Togata…”

“That was our bad.”

The blonde guy just nodded in response. Everyone else immediately calmed down and started helping the people that managed to fall down or otherwise injured. There were apparently quite a lot who fell down and their hands got stepped on, others either had their ribs or back elbowed, or even some who smacked their heads together.

“Good job noticing that it was just the press firstie.” Mirio praised me with a large grin. “What’s your name? I’m Togata Mirio!”

“I’m Akio Kazuya.” I replied. “And you also did great in taking charge like that.”

“Wasn’t the first time.” Mirio chuckled with a shrug. “In any case, good work. Knowing your surroundings like that are essential for hero work. You are in the hero course, right?”

“I am.” I nodded in reply. “Thanks for the words, Togata-san.”

“Heh, anytime.” He said. “Anyway, I have to get back to class. It was nice meeting you, Kazuya-san.”

“Ah, likewise”

I met back up with my classmates as soon as everything started dying down. I reassured them that I was alright and everyone praised me for me semi-taking charge of an emergency situation. We all made it back to class to wait for our homeroom teacher.

— The Warping Hero —

“Hey Mirio!! Are you okay?” A familiar high-pitched voice came through, alerting Togata Mirio who exactly appeared beside him.

“I’m fine, Nejire.” He reassured his energetic friend.

“Nevertheless, you did great taking charge like that. I was actually disappointed. The first years I get, but the third years shouldn’t have went to panic like that. Especially the hero course. They should know better.”

Tamaki Amajiki made his thoughts known as he walked beside his two best friends. Together, the trio makes up the Big Three of U.A. The strongest, and by extension, the most accomplished students to currently study in the institution.

“Ne ne Mirio, who was the first year that helped you take charge of the crowd like that? He was pretty awesome! Do you think he has some kind of sensory quirk that made him notice it was only the reporters? Or do you think that it was just a coincidence that he looked out the window? Or maybe he was the only one with a clear head to actually look for the cause of the breach?”

The only ever bubbly and energetic Nejire Hado kept spouting out theories on the first year’s existence.

Thankfully, the other two were used to their friend’s antics and managed to keep up with what she’s saying.

“I guess we’ll know soon won't we? After all, aren’t the sports festival coming soon? I’m sure we’ll see something interesting in the first year stadium.”

“I’m so excited! And just you wait, Mirio! I’ve been training really really hard with Ryukyu! I’ll get first place for sure this time!” Nejire declared excitedly

“That’s the spirit, Nejire! What about you, Tamaki?” Mirio asked his dark haired friend.

“I don’t know… I don’t want to be the center of attention of so many people in the stadium again.” Tamaki said while shaking. He was remembering the feeling of last year's Sports Festival. That was something he'd rather not go through again.

“Don’t worry Tamaki! You’ll do great!” Mirio said while patting his back.

The trio continued to talk while making their way to their class. Mirio himself is excited for the future. Call it instinct, but he believes that something big is gonna happen soon. Whether its good or bad, remains to be seen.


Hey readers!

New chapter for The Warping Hero!

The Big Three have finally been introduced! This trio will have a MUCH bigger presence in this fic than they did in canon.

I originally debated whether or not I wanted them in USJ, acting as assistant teachers or something like that. But I scrapped that idea since I want 1A to show their to strength in surviving a villain attack without additional help.

And Shigaraki will just instantly get defeated and captured if Mirio was there lmfao.

Anyway, please leave reviews and comments of any opinions and ideas you have.

Gotta say though, so many of you are spoiling my ideas of future moves haha. I love all the feedback I’ve been receiving lately. 

That’s all for today’s Author Notes.


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