MHA : Spider-Man

Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Cold Blooded II

Seriously, when were people gonna stop treating like he had the plague in 1600s Europe?

Rolling her eyes, Mirko scoffed and pushed him back. "And are you gonna keep back talking when I'm the main reason your public appeal isn't on Endeavor level?"


And… she's got him there.

Wasn't gonna tell her, though. That'd mean giving her credit which he wouldn't do. Mostly to keep her ego at manageable levels.

Twisting his body, Peter grabbed the strand of webbing and twisted right side up with a small grunt of effort.

Letting go of the line, he dropped to the ground in a crouch before hopping up to his full height.

"I feel like half of the reason a few more people like me than before is cause of my insane likeability." Spider-sense tingling, he sidestepped a small kick to the shins.

Which was probably smart given how her boots wear steel toed.

Peter opened his mouth to speak before closing it and realizing something.

His spider-sense was still tingling, that soft tingle quickly turning to a louder buzzing.

"Hey…" He began slowly, the hairs in the back of his neck standing on end. "You're not trying to kick me right now, right?"

His spider-sense spread all throughout his body, pricking his skin and firing up his nerves as Peter slowly became more aware of the world around him.

This wasn't like when it warned him of the gas leak, back then his sixth sense had overwhelmed his brain to the point where he was on the ground.

But this? This was… different.

It felt like a state of higher-awareness.

This wasn't something going Boom out of nowhere like the gas leak. It wasn't something that didn't let his brain actually take in what the threat was.

This was something like… a buildup. Like a balloon being filled with water before it goes pop .

"No? Why w-" She paused, catching on to Peter's growing worry. "Wait, is this your spider warning bullshit again?"

Her feet began tapping the grown a bit quicker, Peter hopped back onto the lamppost and looked around the street.

"Yeah, something's about to go down." He told her, lenses narrowing on every single person on the street while looking for some change on the buzzing in his head. "Not like the gas leak, something… else. "

Below him, Mirko just scoffed and leaped onto the roof of a building.

"Something else? What the fuck am I supposed to get out of that?"

The masked teen didn't bother responding, cursing under his breath at his spider-sense's intensity not changing after looking at everyone on the street.

Alright, it wasn't someone walking around… then what?

God, he hated the suspense.

The small sound of a tire going off the ground by an inch before hitting the ground again reached his ears, looking at Mirko he could tell she heard it too.

She looked down at him, Peter motioned toward the line of cars stopped at a red light and she nodded.

So, a car!

At least that narrows it down!

They didn't exchange any words before they began moving, Peter shot a web and swung down the street to look for a car that seemed dangerous.

And wow, was that a vague thing to look for.

That was until the sound of a truck shaking filled the air, Peter felt a stabbing sensation in his head.

He let go of the web, sticking to a window and narrowed his lenses. Scanning the traffic for a second, his eyes landed on just what he was looking for.

A large black truck, rattling for a second but it settled back into stillness.

That wasn't the main thing that caught his eye, though.

On the side of the trailer was a word, composed of futuristic sharp-looking letters written in neon purple.


For a moment, his mind flashed back to an earlier point in his life.

A skinny kid wandering around a science exhibit, eyes wide behind wider glasses as he struggled to keep up with his class.

The day that started it all.

Shaking his head just as his mind replayed the memory of a spider inching toward his hand, he was back in the now.

Hanging on the side of a building and looking at a truck that looked way too close to toppling over.

A weird 'now' to be back to but it was hi s 'now'.

"Mirko!" He yelled over the bustling street below him, the woman's ears went straight over on the roof she was standing on. "It's this t-"

As he pointed at the vehicle, the vibration in his skull spiked.

Then, a lot of things happened.

Out of nowhere, the sound of an impact filled the air as the truck began to fall onto the side facing himself.

It looked as if something in the truck's trailer slammed itself against the inside full force, tipping the vehicle on its side.

"Shit!" He cursed, using the window he was on as a springboard and launching himself through the air, shattering the glass in the process.

Yikes, hope he doesn't have to pay for that.

Twisting his body mid-air, Peter landed on the hard pavement feet first and placed both hands against the sleek black metal.

For a second, he was fine.

Then the weight began to apply itself on him.

And wow was this thing heavy!

With a grunt of effort, Peter braced himself against the falling vehicle. Pavement under his feet cracked at the weight, Peter did his best to ignore the sounds of metal shifting and groaning.

As the weight began to feel like too much, Peter quickly turned his back to the trailer and braced against it with his whole body.

Definite improvement, but still!


Digging his heels in the already cracked ground, Peter did his best to try and push the truck back, using every muscle in his body to fight against gravity.

But… something in the back of his mind told him it wasn't only gravity he was fighting with.

It was as if something was trying to get out from the inside, fighting against him to push the truck down.

And whatever it was, it wasn't some loose cargo or anything. Whatever it was, it was alive and wanted out .

Right on cue, whatever was in the trailer pushed against it, making Peter push right back.

As he pushed his entire head against the metal, he swore he could hear barely audible screams from inside.

Before his mind could focus on that, it's focus went right back to the truck Peter was keeping up.

Where the hell was Mirko when y-

In the corner of his eye, a white and purple blur flew into the wall of a building and ricocheted into the side of the truck, kicking it upright.

Oh, there she was.

Damn, he should've just kicked it upright.

As the woman landed next to him, Peter let go of the side of the vehicle and let out a sigh in relief.

"Totally had that, by the way." He told her, fully knowing she was probably grinning down at him without even looking at her.

And he wasn't gonna give her the satisfaction of turning her way.

A scoff, followed by the sound of someone landing next to him.

"Shoulda let you stop the truck by yourself." She rolled her eyes, walking over to the front of the truck. "Oi, check on the driver while I check on the passenger, yeah?"

Silently, Peter nodded and hopped onto the side of the trailer. A few people were clapping now, some even getting out of their cars and recording even when the light was green.

Crawling along the side of the trailer and only the front, Peter popped his head in front of the driver side window and knocked.

Although the driver… wasn't what he was expecting.

Peter had thought this would be some delivery guy taking whatever was inside the trailer to an Oscorp warehouse.

But what met him on the other side of the window what's a man in full Black Ops gear, rifle at the ready beside him with a small Oscorp patch in his chest. Same thing with the guy beside him.

Why the hell would a company that focused on scientific research and advancements need guys like to transport something?

The sound of a door opening snapped him out of his thoughts, the man on Mirko's side stepping out of the truck with the driver quickly doing the same.

Yeah, he wasn't gonna ignore how this guy's finger was a bit too close to the rifle in his hands.

"Uh… you guys okay? Nearly tipped over and all." He asked while trying to keep his tone light, the two men going around the front of the truck to stand together while Mirko hopped over to his side.

The driver adjusted his stance, Peter not being able to tell his expression through the balaclava covering his face.

Even so, he could tell a few emotions from his eyes. Stress, anxiety, worry, fear.

Peter wasn't gonna lie… that was concerning.

"Yeah, thanks for the assist, but I assure you we had it handled." He said coolly, the other man walking off to the side and pulling out a phone.

Next to him, Mirko let out a sarcastic chuckle before scoffing.

"'Had it handled'? You fuckers nearly fell over in the middle of the damn street! The hell do you mean you 'Had it handled'?" She retorted, Peter nodding.

"Yeah, what she said but a little less mean." Peter followed up, crawling forward a bit and not missing the way the driver immediately took a step back.

And by the way Mirko shot him a confused look, she didn't miss it either.

"What are you guys even transporting, anyway? Kinda looked like something was pushing against the truck from the… inside."

"I'm afraid that's classified, son." He said back, quickly looking back at his partner before looking back at them.

"Classified? No offense, but whatever classified bullshit you guys are driving around seems to not appreciate its current mode of transport." Mirko snapped back, taking a step forward and making the man step back again and raise one of his hands.

"Ma'am." He warned, Peter's eyes landed on his finger inched even closer to the trigger. "We at Oscorp always appreciate a hero's help in keeping our cargo safe, but I am afraid that the information you're asking of me is classified. "


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