MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 63 – Decisions


"You've got to be kidding me..." I can't help but curse my luck as I watched the scene in front of me with a dead stare.

In front of her was Sero... lying on Midnight's thighs with a pleased face, around them was a pink colored gas permeating the place.

Midnight looked at Lena with an innocent smile but a predatory look as she licked her lips seductively. "Ara, looks like the other rabbit came out to play. Be nice to me will you?"

After leaving Sero lying on the floor, Midnight stood up to look at me with a sadistic smile and said with a flirtatious tone, "Because I won't be nice to you fufu..." 

With that as a warning, Midnight pulled out some fans which she used to propel the pink gas in my direction.

The gas traveled faster than I thought it would, which made me instinctively run away from him. 'I don't know her Quirk well... Sero is knocked out but I can't tell if it's because of the Gas or Midnight.'

"Don't run away dear your partner needs you fufu!" Said Midnight as she soaked her lips with her tongue. "You don't want Mom to come looking for you, do you?"

Lena paused for a moment when she heard that. 'Shit, if we both want to get through I need to bring Sero with me...'

Shaking her head Lena turned her gaze back to Midnight, who was looking at her with a predatory look making Lena instinctively swallow saliva. They both stared at each other for a second as the Gas continued to expand everywhere.

Suddenly Lena decided to move directly towards Midnight ignoring the Gas as she held her breath. Midnight just smiled as she brought her hands behind her back.

Lena came in front of Midnight and kicked her hips. 

Midnight quickly took a step backwards to dodge the blow and from her back she pulled out a whip, with which she wrapped it around Lena's leg easily pinning her down. "Bad girls deserve punishment don't you think?"

Taking advantage of Lena's surprise, Midnight launched a kick straight to her stomach.

"Guh..." Lena felt pain explode through her body as she lost the air from her lungs, forcing her to breathe in Midnight's gas. She lay back on the floor as she forced herself to gasp for breath. "Shit..."

Midnight walked around Lena as if she were a wolf playing with her food. In Lena's mind, Midnight had moved up a few rungs on the strength chart.

"Is your partner really that important, dear?" Midnight asked giving Lena a mocking look. "Or is it just your Hero sense acting up for you?. A little useless don't you think?"

"Shut the fuck up!" shouted Lena angrily before using an Acceleration to free herself from the whip and send a kick to Midnight's back.

The latter predicting her attack quickly dodged to the side dodging the kick, but Lena didn't stop there and sent several kick combinations towards Midnight.

The latter was forced to dodge, deflect and block her quick attacks, but always did so with a winning smile on her face. "That's all you got?"

Growling angrily Lena used another Acceleration to appear in front of Midnight sending a fist into her face taking Midnight by surprise who couldn't dodge it.

"Ugh!" The blow caused Midnight's glasses to shatter, and a bit of blood could be seen coming out of her nose.

Midnight stepped back trying to get her bearings but her head was spinning endlessly. 'Crap! I forgot she has minor super strength...'

Lena smirked as she looked at the disoriented one. "You're not so tough anymore are you?"

Lena started walking towards Midnight....


Only to lose her balance and fall against the floor face first.

"...Huh?" She suddenly began to feel drowsy and tired. She tried to move her body, and although she succeeded, it felt like every part of her body was made of lead. "What the hell?..."

She could feel her thoughts slowing down and becoming more confused and vague in a matter of seconds.

"Looks like it's finally kicking in."

Lena looked up from the floor to see Midnight smiling at her without her glasses. 'Effect... is that your Quirk?'

"You seem a little confused dear fufu. Let me explain with apples and pears, my Quirk makes my body generate a sleeping gas whenever my skin is exposed, it works mainly on men making them fall into a deep sleep, but it also works on women, it just takes longer to take effect. Simple and sexy, right?"

Suddenly Lena remembered the moment where Midnight kicked her in the stomach, forcing her to forcefully breathe the gas. 

'Shit! She planned all this!' thought Lena as she tried her best not to fall asleep.

Lena tried to move but her body was only getting heavier with every second. She felt as she slowly lost hearing of her surroundings, as her vision blurred prompting her to fall into the realm of unconsciousness.

She felt her body surrender to this adversity.

But her mind, even though confused and lost, remained more active than ever.

Putting in a little effort, Lena looked at the sleeping Sero, the taunting Midnight, and finally, the exit.

Mentally gritting her teeth, Lena made a decision.



<UA / Practical Examination / 4th Group>

Walking through what appeared to be a dense forest, two figures dressed in strange clothing could be seen advancing slowly while trying to make as little noise as possible. 

"We shouldn't have long until we reach the gate" Whispered the smaller figure between the two, oddly enough it was the one taking the lead over the two.

"..." The other figure simply nodded as he constantly looked around, at first glance he seemed to be on guard but you could easily tell he was shit scared and nervous.

He almost seemed to be hiding behind the smaller figure.

Seeing the state of her companion, the smaller one couldn't help but laugh as she tried to calm him down. "Don't worry, I know we can win if we use our heads."

The smaller one, was Lena's music-loving and hug-loving partner, Kyoka. Who was dressed in her typical Hero outfit, only this time she had a black mask covering the entire lower part of her face, from her nose to past her neck.

The biggest, was the shy nature-loving Koda. He was dressed in his Hero costume, which consisted of a red shirt with white and yellow decorations, yellow shorts and yellow boots with white soles.

Both of them had been walking for several minutes surrounding the Wooded Zone to avoid one of PresidentMic's ranged attacks, which was their opponent in this test.

This idea was proposed by Kyoka, as she knew that PresidentMic's Quirk can easily cancel her Quirk.

If Kyoka's Quirk takes a few seconds to take effect and gradually rise to 100.

Then PresidentMic's Quirk goes from 0 to 100 in less than half a second.

The disadvantage of that is that Mic can get tired faster than Kyoka, but he is not a Professional Hero for nothing, obviously his stamina is very high and he won't get tired easily.

Kyoka then decided to circle around to avoid the sound of PresidentMic using her Jacks to detect his position and stay as far away from him as possible.

"Oh look, a grasshopper" Kyoka pointed at the small bug that jumped onto her clothes, suddenly an idea popped into her head before looking at Koda. "I have an idea! You think you can control the bugs?"

Koda froze as he made a face of absolute terror "Kyaa!!!" Before screaming very manly shouting scaring away some birds and giving away his position.

Kyoka just rolled her eyes at him.  'So bad with insects?.... oh, wait-'

'OH?! SO THEY'RE OUT THERE?!" Came PresidentMic's incredibly loud voice shaking the trees and forcing his students to cover their ears from the excessive sound bombardment.

Kyoka could feel her head spinning endlessly as the vibrations shook her entire body from end to end, the worst part was taken by her Jacks which began to burn in pain.

When the sound finally stopped, Kyoka let out a sigh as she quickly regained her bearings. "F-Fuck, any more and our ears will explode..."

Still a little lost in her orientation and with a whistling in her ears, Kyoka looked around for her companion.

She turned her head slightly to see that Koda didn't recover as quickly as she did, the gentle giant was kneeling as he put his hands to his ears to try and lessen the sound.

'Shit' She thought frustrated as a frown appeared on her face. Then without wasting any time she sent her Jacks to ground to detect PresidentMic's location. 'So now he's right in front of the door? Damn it.'


Still caught in the powerful sound wave Kyoka sent her Jacks towards her Amplifiers in an attempt to nullify Mic's sound. 

'I'll try to counter it!'


But to no avail, she can't match the power of Mic's Voice in such a short time, all she managed to do is diminish the voice a little. Desperate and feeling how her body was getting worse and worse, she gathered all her strength in her voice Kyoka shouted. "KODA!!!"




That was the thought in Koda's head right now.

He had always been a timid someone, someone who hides behind someone else because he doesn't have the courage to fight.


He was a coward.

And no one knew that better than himself.

When he finished high school, he didn't know what to do next, it was as if the road had suddenly ended, leaving only a great darkness through which he didn't know what step he should take next.

One day his Mother noticing the confusion decided to cheer him up by reminding him of one of his abandoned childhood dreams.

To be a hero.

With that goal in mind he trained his Quirk as best he could. Which wasn't much as his voice was very low....

Finally, the day of the UA Entrance Exam had arrived and he was terrified. 

I was scared.

Afraid of failure.

Fear of disappointment.

Fear of disapproval.

Even then he stepped forward and took the infamous written test, surprisingly he didn't do as well as he had hoped, he didn't do incredibly well but he didn't do incredibly poorly either.

Finally came the big practical test.

Sadly it looks like his luck ran out. Since the test was against robots, and there were almost no animals to help him pass. He thought this was the end of the road.

But in a turn of events, he managed to get into UA. Apparently it was thanks to rescue points he accumulated helping injured people or something.


That desperate cry, was what brought Koda out of his trance. Still kneeling with his hands over his ears to try to avoid the noise Koda lifted his head to see Jiro trying to stop the sound wave as best she could.

Jiro's legs were shaking from the effort and her face became a little paler than normal, her ears were bleeding relentlessly as she crossed her arms in an 'X' shape to try and block the sound to no avail.

Koda clenched his fingers as he watched Jiro protect him at the cost of great damage to her body. 

He couldn't help but feel frustrated with himself. 'I haven't changed at all...I'm still the same loser who hides behind people...he was even the one who caused this situation!...what did I come to UA for?!'

"Don't blame yourself Koda!" Jiro shouted as he gave Koda a slight glare. "I recognize that're feeling frustrated with yourself aren't you!!. You feel like you're not moving forward no matter what you do right?!"

Koda just looked at her in surprise to which Jiro gave him a weak smile.

"There was a time when I was like that too!" Jiro said as she recalled her pathetic life in high school. "The few times we've talked I've realized that you're a good person, someone who aspires to so much more! But you haven't had the potential to show what you can do!! I trust you Koda!! It doesn't matter if we lose or win!!"

On the verge of tears at Jiro's words, Koda looked at the insect burrow not far from him. Taking a deep breath to calm his fear he lunged at it.

"Come on little forest friends please help us pass this test I beg you from the bottom of my heart" A desperate murmur came from Koda from the bottom of his heart. The bugs stopped moving for a moment before resuming their march towards their burrow....

It was only five seconds before....


PresidentMic screamed to the sky in absolute terror. It seems he was afraid of insects too.

After mentally destroying PresidentMic, Kyoka and Koda made it through the door after much effort. 

'It's over...' Kyoka thought with a smile even though her ears were ringing. 'And I just pulled a speech out of my ass... god, I have to go with Recovery Girl...'

Suddenly a robotic voice announced.

"Group 4th Group: You win!"

"Group 3rd Group: You win!"


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