MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

The End of Us (1).

Shido rose from the debris as he held Genesis' attacking fist in his grip.

"It seems I underestimated you..." Genesis said as he looked at Shido, who was pushing him back.

Shido finally shoved Genesis' punch back and looked at him, "I won two fights out of three... You are the only one remaining," He said and took his stance for an attack.


Shido had a weird expression when he heard Genesis' silent laugh. But he didn't have to wait long for a reason behind the laughter.

"Hehehe... Good ol' Shido... Always winning... Always excelling in life... Tell me one thing, Shido, Don't you ever get tired from winning too much?" Genesis asked. He may have asked while laughing, but the question was something that made him admire Shido. This admiration was the reason for Genesis' obsession with making Shido suffer.

"If the loser is someone like you, I quite enjoy winning," Shido gave a mocking answer to Genesis. But it seems Genesis didn't like the joke. When he heard a non-serious answer to his question, Genesis had his hand clenched into a fist.

"Are you done with your questions, Genesis?" Shido asked.

'This man... really makes me wanna go all out!' He thought.

"Not Yet..." Genesis mumbled.
"NOT YET!" Genesis shouted, and a blue dome covered him. The atmosphere around Genesis became heavy and blue streaks of current started flowing around him in every direction. Winds howling and dust arousing


Shido could hear the sound of Genesis' shouts and grunts, but the visuals were not clear what was happening inside the dome. Soon the dome pulled back inside Genesis, and the atmosphere around him turned back to normal, but the same couldn't be said about Genesis.

His regal attire was melting off his body, revealing a completely white body with dark blue streaks running around his body. The transformation completely buffed Genesis' body with muscles that was the complete opposite of his usual lean shape.

Genesis raised his hand and threw the helmet off his face, revealing the face he had been hiding for so long from the world.
When Shido saw Genesis' face, the neutral expression he held on to for so long finally cracked. His eyes widened, and his lips parted to say something, but he did not utter a single word.

"Surprising, isn't it? Who would've thought I was Genesis all along?"
"That didn't surprise me... What surprises me is that you are such a psychopath that wants to destroy the World Order, and the people still elected you."

"That's why I love democracy," Valdis said. Then the white skin and blue streaks encroached his face too. He was utterly irrecognizable as a human being, and he looked more like a living monster.

Valdis then took a position similar to a sprinter who was about to start. Seeing him, Shido was about to take a defensive stance to block Valdis' incoming attack, but before he could even raise his hand, Valdis was 20 centimeters away from his face.

"Electromagnetic Burst!" Valdis said and swung his arm. When the attack landed on Shido, he was sent flying into a building, but he didn't stop. After blasting through a few buildings, Shido finally stopped, but Valdis had no plans to let Shido even rest a second.

He moved towards Shido at speed entirely out of Shido's range of superhuman senses. Thus, Shido was caught off-guard and could not block the attack. When the attack hit him, he was again sent flying.

While Shido was in mid-flight, Valdis appeared right next to him and started attacking him left, right, and center with his punches and kicks. If the earlier fight looked like Valdis toying with him, this time it looked like he was dead serious, and every attack was meant to kill Shido.

Since Shido was getting beaten, he didn't notice one thing. Wherever Valdis went, the places melted off from all the energy he was radiating.

'Energy emitted from my body transforms into a propelling force, Elevating my speed and power to a level beyond the limitations of living flesh.'

Valdis punched Shido again to the ground and made a huge crater. Shido quickly stood up and looked up in the sky to see Valdis again coming up for him. Shido started running towards him while Valdis flew towards Shido.

A colossal shockwave was created when they clashed, blasting everything away except the two.

Shido punched Valdis on his obliques and went for an uppercut, but he blocked it and countered his attack. Due to the attack, Shido slid back a few meters, but he stopped and jump punched Valdis on his chin. The two remained in the fistfight for a while, but then Valdis hit Shido, sending him flying in the sky.

Valdis flew up and reached where he was; the two again started punching each other while ascending altitude. Valdis grabbed Shido's neck and started flying towards the space. While this was happening, Shido continuously punched Valdis on his head.

It didn't take long with Valdis' current speed to go outside the earth's atmosphere and enter space. He then circled once and threw Shido into the vast space.

Shido turned his head and saw he was about to crash into a satellite, so he used his Jet Boots to propel himself, but Valdis used [Law of Electromagnetism] to pull the satellite towards him.

Shido knew he wouldn't be able to dodge the satellite with his Jet Boots. Thus, he concentrated, and his body started glowing orange. And when the satellite was about to hit him, Shido very quickly and dextrously dodged the satellite by using Thermokinesis to propel himself in space and then pushed the satellite towards Valdis with his feet.

Valdis subconsciously stretched his hands to hold the satellite, but before he could even touch the satellite, Shido blasted through the satellite and punched Valdis towards Earth.

Since both were near the atmosphere, they free-fell into the atmosphere. Shido grabbed Valdis' neck and punched him again and again. Valdis stretched his hands and started pulling stray meteorites towards Shido.

On the streets of Los Angeles, People saw two small dots in the sky falling and meteors following them. When the two fell to the ground near the beach, a few meteors crashed around them and the rest of the meteors crashed into the city's tall skyscrapers.

Shido stretched his hand and picked up Valdis by his neck. Two orange dots started to glow in Shido's helmet, and then reddish-orange beams came out from the dots and hit Valdis' head.

Shido used his new ability, 'Thermokinesis,' to shoot high-temperature thermal rays from his eyes. He intended to melt Valdis' head off his shoulder and end this game for once and all.

The beams hit Valdis' head and started melting off his head, but then electricity ran around his face where damage was being done, and then that part healed entirely back to normal. Seeing that much damage was not being done to Valdis, He was about to punch Valdis with a Super Punch, but then Valdis' whole body turned into an electric current streak, and he was out of Shido's grasp.

Shido turned around and saw Valdis a few meters away from him. Valdis spat a few teeth and a mouthful of blood and then raised his head.

"So this is the true power of the Undefeated Night Slash... I found it nice that you can at least keep up with--" Valdis was speaking nonsense, but he stopped when he found Shido just appearing right in front of him as if he teleported, with his fist raised.

"Consecutive 50% Punches."

And then a barrage of countless punches attacked Valdis at the same time. The speed of the punches was so great that there were afterimages of the punches and the shockwave generated from each punch had the strength to blow a few cars away.

When the barrage stopped, Valdis was thrown away a few meters back. When he stopped his body to be dragged by the punches' momentum, Valdis' body swelled up like a balloon and blasted like a balloon.

His limbs, blood, and his head... all of his body parts were sent in the air. An average person would be dead in such a situation, but then Valdis' eyes started moving. Then all of those body parts turned into current streaks and aggregated into one.

The aggregated mass soon turned into a humanoid figure, and Valdis' body reappeared in the sky a few hundred meters away from Shido.

"Fuck my revenge! Now I just want to defeat you!"

Valdis shouted and started emitting high levels of energy from within himself. His surroundings and the ground beneath him instantly turned into the lava from the heat generated. The energy began to form a ball above his hands.

"All the energy I've accumulated for 260 years, I will release all that energy, blasting you and this country to HELL!" Valdis shouted and made a huge energy ball above him in his hands. The size of the energy ball was so big that the whole city of LA could see it.

[Theme - Seigi Shikkou || One Punch Man OST]

The situation was so tense for everybody that even Valdis heard his rapid heartbeat.

'So this is the exhilaration I was wanting from this fight...' Valdis thought and turned his head towards Shido, standing midst of the melting ground.

'This is the deciding attack... I am putting my all into it... All of my progress... All of my energy... All of me... My true final move.'


Valdis shouted and threw the humungous energy ball towards Shido. The energy ball traveled a bit and then it blasted open, turning into a beam that swiftly made its way towards Shido.

As the beam moved closer to Shido inch by inch, Shido stood there unfazed by Valdis' final move.

---⋉ 70% ⋊---
---⋉ 80% ⋊---
---⋉ 90% ⋊---
---⋉ 91% ⋊---
---⋉ 95% ⋊---
---⋉ 99% ⋊---

"In that case, I am using my final move too..." Shido said and clenched his fist.

» » {IAVENJQ} - Super Punch + Ability: Super-Power
» » [Cheat Activated]

"Super Punch 100% - Serious Punch"

Shido placed his feet firmly on the ground, rotated his torso, and swung his fist with full force at the incoming energy beam.

When the shockwave from the punch and Zeus' Wrath collided, a huge explosion happened which made the spectators cover their eyes as the intensity of the light was too much for them to look directly at the Shido and Genesis. This made them unable to see the fight.

But when the aftermath of the explosion ended and the light subsided, Everyone was shocked. Shocked to the point, where all of the spectators in the city and all around the world had their jaws dropping to the ground.

And the shock the people were experiencing was justified from what they just saw. The aftermath of the clash of the two final attacks was getting broadcasted and what they saw was the back of Night Slash with his suit half-torn and in front of him stood the ocean and the cloud in the skies which were split from the middle.

The seabed on the bottom and the clear blue sky on the top which was barely visible at normal times were now in full view to the world. The split in the started from Night Slash to as far as one's eyes could see.

Soon the water gushed in large amounts with great noise into the split and filled the void, making it look like nothing happened but the split sky was the evidence of the disaster that took place on the ground.

Around Night Slash was the wasteland which was once the beautiful city of Los Angeles and now in front of him was the split sky which showed the world what these two 'Quirkless' individuals could do.

What could've happened if Night Slash directed that punch not towards the ocean and instead towards the city? Or What could've happened if Genesis attacked the whole city with that final attack? And the answer was simple... Massacre. Deaths not in thousands... in Millions. The sheer destruction that these two have caused made the top power of every nation tremble and sweat in fear of something like this happening in their homeland.

But what they feared the most was the question mark on the source of the power of these two.


While the world was trying the adjust to the shock that Shido has given them, He slowly walked towards a weakened Valdis who looked like a dried raisin. His body was filled with wrinkles and all the muscles that he showed after the transformation was gone.

Shido crouched down and looked at Valdis. He was confused about what should he feel right now for Valdis. Anger, for dragging him into this mess; Pity, Because he is defeated now; Thankful, for showing him the memories that he never knew if they existed.

His mind was a mess on the inside but it didn't show up to his outside.

Shido looked at Valdis, "I won Valdis... and you lost, again."

"Haha," Valdis let out a small laugh but this small laugh made him wince in pain, "Not so fast..."

This made Shido raise his eyebrow but then he felt something was off and he quickly turned around and looked up. It was normal but when he squinted his eyes, he noticed one dot was falling with great speed towards them.

Valdis then pointed at the sky with his frail and trembling hand, "Do you know why God lives up in heaven?" Valdis asked weakly, "Because he too is afraid of what he has created down here..." 

"And one of them is Nuclear Weapons."

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