Metropolis: I am a world tycoon

Chapter 1184

Qianfen Investment Company alone holds more than 15% of the shares of Cisco, Apple and Microsoft.

As for Apple and Microsoft, when their market value was at its highest, it was as high as one trillion U.S. dollars........

If calculated based on peak value, the market value of Apple and Microsoft controlled by Qianfen Investment Company is as high as 300 billion US dollars.

This one percent, plus the market value of other invested companies, Qianfen Investment Company will add several offshore companies in the future. Su Can estimates that the market value of some of the company shares they hold can be as high as 6,000. market capitalization of US$1 billion.

This is a huge amount of money.

Even if it is 1%, it is as much as six billion US dollars.

Moreover, this is just Qianfen Investment Company, and other companies have not been included. If you include Yongan Bank and Xingshi Group, plus the microphone patent company.

Su Can estimated that according to the companies controlled by Wanxiang Group, in the future, as long as they control 1% of the shares of Wanxiang Group, the market value will be as high as tens of billions of dollars.

This is an extremely huge and terrifying data.

Therefore, the current shares of Wanxiang Group cannot be given to others. If they were given to Zhang Man, it would be unfair to Lu Qianshan and others.

As the big boss behind the scenes, Su Can wants to be on equal footing and cannot let the gap between them become too big..........

Otherwise, one has a net worth of tens of billions of dollars, and the other has a net worth of only one billion U.S. dollars. Both of them are people who have been following him for decades in less than two years.

This will lead to changes in people's hearts.

In two lifetimes, Su Can has seen too many of these.

However, for Zhang Man, who was the first to follow him and had great abilities, Su Can felt that he could give more than others, but not too much.

"it's time!"

Su Can walked back to the sofa, put on a bath towel, and sat down.

His eyes were faint and shining brightly. From inside the hall, he looked straight outside. He could see the sky outside at dusk. It has become golden.

Soon, night will fall.

He said softly:"Today's Wanxiang Group holds too many equity interests in other companies. Although each company is independent in name, in fact Wanxiang Group has the right to control these companies." company!"

"At this time, if you want to give some shares to the people who have been following you for several years, you must separate other companies from Wanxiang Group and become independent."

"At that time, several offshore companies will be established to completely control those companies, and then another offshore company will be established to control those offshore companies."

Of course, the last offshore company is controlled by Su Can personally.........

In this case, each major company will be independent, with clear equity, and there will be no cross-shareholdings or chaotic management methods.

Major companies are like a business department within the general company, and departments exist independently of each other.

Inside, he controls most of the shares and has absolute control.

In the head office, a supervisor is set up to supervise other companies, so that many problems can be avoided.

At the end of the day, each of his subordinates, who helped Su Can take charge of those industries, was given some shares in his company.

From now on, no one will have any complaints.

This is currently the best way

"In the future, these companies will have different businesses and different development focuses, so there will be no problems."Su Can smiled with satisfaction.

In the future, Wanxiang Group will focus on investment and other comprehensive types, focusing on the market in Asia.

Yong'an Bank is responsible for banking, finance, insurance and other industries.

Xingshi Group is It focuses on the textile industry, building high-end luxury brands, and then occasionally enters some real estate industries at the right time.

Huatong Patent Company focuses on high technology, aiming at Qualcomm, and creating an existence that surpasses Qualcomm.

Zhongheng Real estate, focusing on the real estate industry, develops the real estate industry.

These industries are Su Can's industries in Xiangjiang. The development is different, but each industry has great promise.

In addition to Xiangjiang, there are several island countries.

However, they were all acquired by Wanxiang Group and are now developing very well, especially the game company, which earns Wanxiang Group more than one billion Hong Kong dollars every year.

Su Can has no plans to spin this off, but continues Let Wanxiang Group take charge of these industries.

After all, Wanxiang Group is the first company founded by Su Can, and it is also a benchmark. Among Su Can's last major industries, Wanxiang Group's future development must not be too low.

Otherwise, it will be easily surpassed by Huatong and Yongan Bank.

Now, it is in charge of some industries in the island country. In this way, the size of Wanxiang Group can grow rapidly.

On the other side of Meili Jian, it is Qianfen Investment Company.

This company must be split from the Wanxiang Group, because now this company, including those offshore companies, holds too many shares in some American high-tech Internet companies..........

Not only that, but he will take charge of more in the future.

For example, when Internet companies such as Yahoo, Google, and Facebook emerge in later generations, Qianfen Investment Company will plunder crazily during this feast.

Therefore, it must be separated.

In this way, this will be a company with hundreds of billions of dollars in capital, and it will be a giant in any company.

This has to be split up and Qianfen Investment Company become independent.

As for Su Can's industries in the mainland, he doesn't have to face such trouble, because those companies are directly independent.

For Su Can, he was directly responsible.

For example, the Palace Restaurant directly faces Su Can, and so does Carrefour, which is not controlled by any other company.

Zhang Qiang's logistics and channels, as well as Hanru Express Hotel, are all managed there and are directly responsible to Su Can.

This is especially true for the remaining KFC and Guoqiang Electronics Factory.

In the company over there, Su Can has now given shares to some people, and the rest is that Carrefour has not given shares to Xu Feng and Huang Xiaowei.

However, after this time, they were also given to........


After sorting it out, Su Can let out a long breath. Before he knew it, he already had so many companies.

Fortunately, these are all companies that he owns wholly or absolutely controls. There are no major problems. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - favorites and recommendations

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