Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Chapter 100: Second Sidekick



Loona hears this word and suddenly a small sound of destruction as she walks to the backyard of her new business. Her hotel doesn't see a lot of work, not that she cares, so she came in the backyard to check on her "guests".

"Incredible learning speed, Master." She hears another voice praising the first one.

"I have some experience with something similar already…"

She obviously knows the two, one is the creepy Macht and her even creepier boss.

The psychopath demon is teaching her boss some magic, theta re doing experiments to see if he can replicate the magic of his world without a problem.

It seems to be a success, based on the destroyed targets.

 "I was a little worried at first, but mana is mana… It seems that all Western fantasy D&D-ish magic is the same in the end… This gave me some ideas of Isekais to go…" Loona understood only 30% of Hector's words "Oh Loona, are you missing me?" He then notices her presence and turns at her with a smile.

"As if… I want to see if you are already going away…" The anthropomorphic hellhound rolls her eyes at him.

"You hurt my fragile heart, girl… But I forgive you." Suddenly he zoomed into her and started rubbing her head "How can I get mad with you? You are my good girl~ You are~" He talks with her like she is a dog.

Loona growls at him, not akin to a dog, but otherwise, she doesn't say anything because she knows it will become ammo for his teasing.

"There, there~ You are learning." Even so, Hector still finds a way to tease her. If he can't get a reaction from Loona, the trip would be a waste. "Here, a treat." Faster than she could react he opened her jaw and gave her some candy "Don't worry, it's not chocolate."

"I'm not a dog! Hm? *Munch* *Much* This thing is pretty good…" She was already snarling at him when she noticed the good taste.

"I'm glad you liked it. I made it." Hector smiles… A smile that she detects a hidden something. The upward curve of his lips, the eyes become two crescents as they narrow…

"You're playing with me again!" She slaps his hand, which was rubbing her chin "Damn human!"

"Hey, hey! What is the problem of being a human? Are you racist?" Hector says in an infuriatingly calm tone

"To you, yes."

"Would you feel better if I looked like this?" Hector gives her a cocky smirk and before her eyes he changes, utilizing a combination of powers, and transforms himself into a werewolf.

"..." Loona's jaw drops seeing him.

All black and muscular, with deep and chilling blue eyes. A very hot werewolf to her standards.

"So? What do you think?" Hector approaches his face to her, his chin close to her shoulder as her nose is put close to his own neck. His voice is deeper and thicker than usual.

"Annh~" A half-whimper half-moan escapes Loona's throat after getting in close contact with a hunk wolf that is completely her type.

She even clenches her thighs after taking a good whiff of his scent. Maybe Hector is letting loose some of his "attraction" powers that he keeps sealed.

"You didn't answer me, girl~" Hector continues talking in a slow thick voice, a claw running through Loona's chin "Do you prefer this way?"

"Hmm~" As a creature of hell, at this point, it would not be strange to Hector simply have her way with her right here and right now. She will not admit it, but if he forces her face down she will raise her ass up of her own volition.

After another deep chuckle, Hector goes back to normal.

"Geez~, that was the closest that I come to furry porn in all my life." He laughs, feeling a little dirty "I'm gonna kill some people to forget this cringe, bye~ Go take an ice bath, girl." And without waiting for her response he flies away

Loona gets out of her high school girl trance some seconds later and starts breathing heavily in frustration. She swears that the next time he sees him, she will bite him even if it proves his point.


"Huhu~" Hector is still chuckling even after he flies miles and miles away. He is not a furry, but he needs to admit that Loona is cute "It's unfair to ask her to change to a human form if I don't change to a werewolf form too?" Those dilemmas are able to keep him awake at night.

Where's to draw the line?

But now is not the time to dwell on those silly questions. The infinite possibilities of his life always contend with his own limited mind in all the aspects of existence.

In this infinity pool of good and bad things that is the Omniverse, where freedom ends? Where he should draw the line?

He doesn't have an answer… But he is not in a hurry to find it either. 

It's fun to change your mind sometimes. Do not allow your own stubbornness and pride to get in the way of your happiness.

"Whatever… Instead of thinking about the fun that I could be losing for denying certain things… Why not have fun in some other way?" He smiles relaxedly again. He is about to test some new powers.

In the last Gacha, Hector gained a certain strong character: Sinbad.

He started assimilating him, but he didn't have the time to really go through his move set. He gained Sinbad's Metal Vessels even though the character didn't come in a Package, because those items are linked tightly to Sinbad's being.

And what better place to test some items with the names of the demons from Solomon's Lemegeton than a hellscape dimension?

He will not risk going to Hell(even though he finds a way to it) but the Limbo is good enough for now.

So, he only needs to find some targets that deserve a little massacre.

The Limbo dimension as a whole is not as big as an average universe, but the planet is much bigger than Earth. The place is so big that certain regions are in different time periods.

The city where Loona established herself is pretty modern, with hotels, shops, and everything someone would find in a city on 21st century Earth.

When Hector came here to rescue Illyana with the X-men they stopped by a city that was pretty organized but not so modern, maybe something close to the XIX century.

But there are places that look like they are still in the Stone Age, the tribal era, warring states and some seem to be in medieval times too… And in a place like this is where Hector is heading.

There's a certain place that has 7 kingdoms that are in a constant war, with no result in sight… Loona and the others got some rumors and it seems that the whole thing is orchestrated like boardgame by the High Class of the countries to feed themselves with the negative energy that the bloodbath creates.

Hector thinks that maybe the answer is more simple… They simply keep the focus outside so that they can control their kingdom better. Peace was never an option for them…

It's like a perpetual machine of war that uses the low chaste as fuel to keep the ones on the top… on the top.

"Which one should I go first?" Hector muses to himself, finally arriving at the region. "Let's go anti-clockwise and start with… Zepar. The funny-looking one." When he raises his hand he has a ring on his middle finger, that shines while he raises it close to his face.

"Dwell in my body, Zepar." A light envelops his body as Hector descends into the middle of the fortress of the royalty of this kingdom.

When the light disappears, Hector emerges but he looks different. He looks like a diminutive mix of dragon and demon, a shirtless child with hooves, horns, wings, and a protuberant belly.

"Wake up, everyone~" He says with humor before screaming.


The scream is so loud that shakes the very foundations of the fortress. The walls crack and the ground trembles, the inhabitants fall on the ground while clutching their ears.

One move was enough for him to end things.

"Pretty strong, hun?" He laughs while tapping his big belly "But this body is weird."

He decides to change before moving to the next kingdom, he pulls out a sword and says "Dwell in my body, Baal."

Another bout of light envelops his body, and his silhouette grows in size, going back to look like an adult. Blue scales cover his limbs, his chest open to the air, and jewelry around his neck.

"Hm, a little like my hybrid form with the Azure Dragon fruit, but pretty cool." 

*Zaap* And with that he moves with lightning, disappearing on the horizon, ready to destroy the other six kingdoms.



While the members of the X-Men are preparing themselves for a training session in the Danger Room, they make some small talk. 

"Crazy that we can be chilling here and the world can be ending on the other side of the planet…" Spyke comments to the group

"Talking about chilling…" Robert smirks and puts a cold finger on Spike's neck, making the teen jump

"Asshole!" Then he tries to throw some spikes at the Ice Meta.

This type of interaction is already a normal occurrence, so the rest ignore it.

"At least we have the Avengers and Eidolon to keep an eye on those things." Head says with a calm voice.

"Yeah… I sleep well at night and know that Eidolon is taking care of me." Jubilee laughs "Poor guy, must be busy as hell… Now I envy him less."

"Talking about him… Did you guys see the video of that Darcy woman?" Kitty chimes in.

"You really are an Eidolon fangirl… Watching everything about him." Paige Guthrie, aka Husk, rolls her eyes playfully "But yeah, I saw. They are viral at this point… The woman has rare footage of Asgard and Eidolon acting normally. And she was also clinging to him all the time, made a lot of chicks envious"

"Yeah… Some are crazy~ Did you know some sent her death threats?" Kitty says with a horrified face.

"For real?" Jubilee is also shocked

"Yep. Saying things like 'Know your place' or 'You are making him uncomfortable'. Those girls are crazier than Dr. Harley." Kitty nods to herself

"Maybe he attracts crazy chicks." Jean jokes

"The fanbase is the reflection of the celebrity…" Spyke laughs too.

Exactly at that moment, they hear a sonic boom that is already very recognizable to them.

"Shit… Do you think he heard me?" Spyke mouth frowns "I was joking dude!"

"Shut up, he will not care about it… Let's go greet him." Jean shakes her head humorously and leads them to the front door, deviating from the path to the Danger Room.

When they reached the front door, someone else already let Eidolon, Shadow, and Rover in.

Eidolon is now talking with Illyana amicably, the one that opened the door to him, when he saw them approaching.

"Good afternoon" Eidolon greets everyone "I am looking for the Professor."

"The Professor is out with the rest of the teachers." Jean answers

"Oh… Too bad…" Eidolon was saying but was interrupted by Kitty

"What about you watch us training?" She grabs his arm and starts dragging him away from the door, not wanting him to leave so fast.

"Well, I can do that… I also come to drop Shadow." He says calmly, letting himself be taken away.

Shadow on the side gives a thumbs-up to everyone, and they reciprocate. Everyone from the X-Men is already used to the quiet girl.

They have one too now… Laura Kinney returns the thumbs-up in a similar silent way.

"How are you adapting, Laura?" Eidolon turns to X-23.

"..." She moved the thumbs-up that was pointing to Cassandra to him so that she could give her answer.

"I see. That's good." The hero smiles with his eyes at her, making her return with a small smile on her own.

In the Danger Room, Eidolon watches from the control room the X-Men going through many exercises. He feels like saying "Pathetic" while looking down on them to quote Omni-man, but it would not be nice.

Instead, he turns to Illyana, who is not participating, and asks "What do you think of them fighting?"

The blonde girl looks surprised at being asked the question but after a moment she answers honestly.

"They are good, but I don't know how they will fare against real people…" She says

"Yeah, a hologram is one thing… The real situation is completely different." Eidolon nods.

They and Shadow fall in silence while watching the fight below.

"You know… You are the only one that takes me seriously… " Suddenly Illyana says in a low voice "Everyone still treats me like a little kid… Made of glass or something." She huffs in annoyance in a way that only a pre-adolescent girl can do.

"It's because they all care about you."

"I know!" Illyana denies fast, a little irritated but in the next moment she deflates "I know…" She says more softly afterward.

Eidolon chuckles and ruffs her hair "Don't worry, just a few more years and they will not be able to treat you as a kid, not even if they wanted." She tries to struggle out of his grasp but he doesn't let go till her hair is a mess "Then I would not be able to do something like this~"

"You shouldn't do this now!" She replies angrily, but there's no real heat.

"How is your swordsmanship training going, Illyana? Are you used to the Soulsword already?" He asks after stopping teasing her

"Yeah, I think so… Those books that you sent to me are useful." She says. In the past, Hector researched about soul-bonded weapons and compiled the information in some books.

"Then I will thank the Ancient One for them when I have the chance." Eidolon nods satisfied "If you want, I can train you in swordsmanship…" He offers

"Really?" She turns her face to him fast

"Yeah, I see no problem with it…" Probably only Eidolon knows Illyana's potential.

She will be strong, and maybe he can poach her now to become a strong ally in the future.

"We can even start today… When they finish, let's have a little spar so that I can see where your skills lie."


It didn't take long for the X-men to finish their training and for Eidolon together with Illyana to take their place in the Danger Room.

"So is Illyana now his pupil or what?" Kitty asks, taking a page from Darcy's book and putting the Danger Room to record the fight.

But she asks him first "Eidolon~ It's okay for me to record the fight?" Her voice echoes in the comms.

He gives her a thumbs-up "It's fine… Later I can even program myself as an enemy in the Danger Room."

"That would be cool~"

"I will make a lot of versions then…" This machine can't replicate his abilities but he can do a passable program of himself, with different skills set to train them against different types of enemies.

"Now, come at me with everything that you got…" Eidolon declares, his arm moves and suddenly he is holding the Serpent Punishing Stick in his hand.

"It's that thing that he used in the fight against Lady Sif…" He can hear the whispers from the audience.

Ilyana on her part also suddenly ignites her sword. It's like she is blue fire… Her Soulsword still has not taken the perfect form that Eidolon knows one day will reach.

'Later I will start using a greatsword to train her… I have the one from Asta and Kim Min-Su's Durankal'

Without waiting for any kind of signal, Illyana attacks. 

She completely disappears in a blue light, leaving Eidolon alone in empty the Danger Room.

Once again Eidolon praises her a little on his mind. Her powers are to make portal discs move to Limbo, or at least use Limbo as a medium for her teleportation, similar to how Nightcrawler subconsciously does with the Brimstone Dimension.

The fact that you can barely see the portal opening and only notice her disappearance is a testament to her skills. She opens the discs only enough for her to squeeze on them.

In a certain way, she is better trained in combat than the rest of the X-men. Most of them at least.

"..." Eidolon doesn't move a millimeter even after Illyana's disappearance. He knows that any extra movement would be a waste and he is confident that he will be able to react to her sneaky attack, no matter where it comes from.

*Zoon* *Swish* Even is from beneath his legs, in a dirty move aimed at his crotch…

"Huhu~" He chuckles as he easily sidesteps, gliding on the ground and avoiding Illyana's swing. "Merciless… I can't disapprove. Buuuut…" *Bonk* He hits her head with the stick "I can't let you go scot-free either."

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" She rubs the top of her head in pain, it's almost comical.

"C'mon, don't lose focus just because of a bit of pain." Eidolon urges her to continue. He is not going as nearly as hard as he went against Sif, so he is not worried about hurting her too much.

Illyana is no crybaby or quitter, so she tightly holds her sword and attacks again.

What happens next is a great spectacle of swordsmanship, some steps elbow Eidolon's spar with Sif, but not less flashy. Illyana disappears in appears in fast succession, flashes of blue light flickering through the whole space.

It's aggressive and explosive, like watching fireworks upon close, and in contrast, the calm way that Eidolon deals with her attacks adds a certain beauty to the fight.

In the beginning, he barely moved from his place, his arm moving to block her attacks effortlessly, his body spinning to meet her head-on… Eventually, Eidolon gets a little more aggressive and he starts to also move around the Danger Room, Blinking with short teleportations.

Even the inexperienced audience can see what he is doing… He is copying her movements. The way she attacks, the way she teleports around…But his attacks are successful while hers falls flat on his defenses.

To teach her, the best way is to show it in practice… Eidolon is defending and counterattacking against her moves, to show the flaws on it. And then he goes and uses a perfect form of her attacks to show how it's done.

Now, the more experienced of the audience would notice that he is not only doing it superficially. He is really fighting like her to the minute details… He is even holding his stick with two hands now, some minutes observing her was enough for him to learn her style and perfect it.

An ultimate genius created by the mix of many great geniuses…

While they continue their flashy dance with swords, at some point Eidolon does an unexpected move and removes one of his hands from his stick and grabs her collarbone to throw her at a wall.

"Don't focus too much on the opponent's weapon…" He admonishes after noticing her concentrating too much on it, almost entering the Zone while trying to fight it "Observe the whole body… And if you can't yet, start observing the shoulders, the arm, the eyes…" He instructs

"I know that!" She groans while recovering the air that escaped her lungs after hitting her back on the wall

"You know but you forget during a fight…" Eidolon replies "You shouldn't forget that… No, even if you forget, your body must remember. Don't worry, this will come with experience." He adds a little more softly "I'm gonna do surprise attacks like this one if you slip again…"

She nods slowly

"Again." Eidolon calls for the resume of the spar.

Once again Illyana attacks Eidolon ferociously. It's like a replay of what happened some minutes ago, but Illyana hides calm eyes behind those almost savage attacks.

She knows that he is much stronger than her, but she will not just accept a loss like that.

She obviously noticed that Eidolon was copying her attacks just after she executed them, so… She will use it to her advantage. She is gonna land a hit on him!

She goes for a stab. Eidolon calmly taps her hands holding the sword down, making the tip dig into the ground and while she lost control of it he also goes for a more flawless stab, keeping a perfect distance to not allow a counter like he did, putting his legs separated just enough to have stability to not lose the balance…

He is really teaching her expertly. Even if she can't notice now, because this past is being recorded she will be able to study it later.

But instead of focusing on learning now, she is focusing on hitting him once… She was waiting for his stab.


When the tip of the Punishing Stick goes to hit Illyana, a small portal opens, swallowing his attack… Simultaneously another portal opens behind Eidolon's head, in his blind spot… The tip of the Punishing Stick already appears and goes straight to his nape.

Illyana smiles victoriously… The bait worked, his eyes are completely on her, he can't see it or at least he can't react fast enough.

To be sure, she is already removing her sword from the ground and going for a swing to press her advantage.

But to her disappointment, without looking back or showing any signs that he noticed the attack, Eidolon simply tilts his head to the side… Avoiding the attack, the stick harmless passed close to his cheek.

"!!!" Illyana's eyes widen seeing that. Her whole plan was destroyed that easily… She even lost the will to fight for an instant.

Ann that instant is enough to Eidolon not stop his attack… He continues stabbing forward, and his arm goes all the way inside the portal. His attack goes full circle and ends up hitting Illyana in the chest anyway.


"Ouch!" She falls while clutching the middle of her torso.

"Very good…" Eidolon praises, walking to her "Thinking outside the box, masking your true intentions behind aggressiveness… You're on the right track. When you fight, it is okay to let your emotions flow a little, to power your attacks… It's also okay to let your rage out, to let it fill your chest… But you must always keep a cool head." He crouches down and taps her forehead at the same time he heals her from the pain.

"I thought I got you…" She almost childishly whines

"Almost…It was pretty cool." He laughs. It remembered him from Berserk, when the Skull Knight attacked Void and he parries his own re-directed attack. A pity he didn't have a shield now… He would be able to replicate the scene perfectly;

"You're pretty cool too…" She replies while sitting up

"You have a lot to improve… Swordsmanship, completing your Soulsword, controlling and mastering your demonic blood, your powers… It's a long road Illyana, but you will be really strong." He pats her head

"Stronger than you?" She turns her eyes to him.

He laughs and says in a joking tone "Keep dreaming, kid." Then he starts messing with her hair.

"Stop it, you fuc- bastard!" She was going to cuss him out, but remembered people are watching, and she doesn't want to be grounded "One day I'm gonna beat your ass."

"Like I said: 'Keep dreaming'." He chuckles "But is rare to have someone that is trying to surpass me, so what about I help you with it? Wanna be my protegé? My sidekick?"

"Seriously?" She asks surprised.

"Seriously. Well, it would be limited because you still have to go to school and all that… But Shadow there is almost graduating from my teachings." He points at the girl with his thumbs.

"..." Cassandra watches the exchange in silence.

"...would I need to use black?" Illyana asks in a joking tone

He rolls his eyes and answers in kind, "Yes. It's obviously a requisite." His sarcasm is palpable.

"Great! I like black."

"Okay then, I will come more frequently to teach you and I will take you out sometimes to have field experience… With the permission of your brothers, of course."

Illyana was getting happy, but the mention of her brothers made her change her expression… Her brothers are a little overprotective of her tastes, they may get in the way of her freedom.

They paused the talk about teaching when Professor Xavier finally arrived.

"I heard you wanted to talk with me, Eidolon." Xaviers speaks in that calm tone of voice.

"Hello, Professor." Eidolon teleports together with Illyana to the control room "Nothing serious, I just recently received a lead of some kidnappings happenings and I thought that maybe I can take some of your people to… expand their horizons."

"Kidnapping?" He asks while the other students focus on the "taking them with him" part.

"Yeah, of people with powers " Eidolon says the part that should interest him more.

"That is worrying…" Xavier sighs

"And you didn't even know the kick… Apparently, they are being kidnapped and taken to another dimension." The hero says to the surprise of everyone present "If not, I would already be dealt with it… So while I was investigating, I thought in maybe allowing some students here to gain experience."

"Other dimensions?"

"Like Illyana?"

"Is Belasco again?"

The X-men asks in rapid succession and Eidolon raises a hand to calm them down.

"In some ways is similar to what happened with Illyana but is not Belasco, and is not anyone in the Limbo either…" He explains "I'm still not 100% sure but apparently is some alien from another universe that is capturing people from here and enslaving them. Putting them in some sick games like Gladiator battles, zoos, and other strange things…" There's a little anger dripping from his voice.

One of the things that he really doesn't like is when humans are mistreated this way, innocent humans at least. 

"That's sick…" Kitty comments in disgust, a feeling shared by everyone.

"Right? And another kick is that this is not an isolated case… This evildoer is not alone… His whole world sees no problem in treating people from other species as cattle." He says "That's where things get trickier, but overall, from what I investigated… He is pretty weak. But there's a chance of him having strong brainwashed slaves of other races." His paranoid mind already thought about almost all possibilities.

He turned to them "I think I can solve things alone, but is not every day that you have the chance to go into a mission like that…" He then pauses…

Kitty is pointing at Illyana…

"Well… strange things are getting common, so we should train when we can do strange things." He changes his argument. After all, apparently, missions in other worlds are becoming the norm already.

He knows that in the long run, he needs to train the heroes of Earth. And as a bonus, more time with him is more time to convince them to be on his side when he does something… drastic, in the future.

Xavier sighs "At this point, how can I stop them from going if they really want it?"

Eidolon steps in, turning the X-Men "I should warn you all… As much it would not be any Belasco situation again, we would be going against an entire culture that sees us like lessers…" His eyes and tone of voice get serious "There will be no arguing, no talk… Only fighting to rescue our people. It will be pretty. We will also be attacking… civilian territory." He tries his best to convey the seriousness of the situation "If you don't think that you have the stomach of it, don't volunteer… When I find the exact location, I will come here to take a dozen of you with me."

"..." Everyone is silent. They understand now that is a different situation, difficult in a different way.

"Attacking civilian territory?" Xavier asks, bothered.

"What can we do? They captured people from all over the world, and I bet they are all around the world too. Not in military facilities, but in cities, being treated like toys or animals… I would not blame any normal human for getting angry with the sight and exaggerating a little with the collateral damage." The hero talks slowly, his voice dark.

"There's no other way?" The Professor asks

"Maybe, but it would add risk to us and to the prisoners, so no… Sorry, but I'm gonna put the safety of our enemies at the bottom of my list of priorities." Eidolon shrugs "And to be entirely honest… I think is a necessary thing to do."

"What do you mean?"

The hero looks directly at Xavier's eyes, staring deeply at the man's pacifist ideals.

"Do you know what kind of people are the most feared?" Eidolon asks

"..." Xavier is not sure how to answer that

"...villains? Killers?" Kitty tries to guess from the side.

"Close, but no…" Eidolon says "Villains… Murderers… Tyrants…Evil people… It's normal for the average person to fear them. But villains, murderers, tyrants, and all that is evil fear something else…" He pauses dramatically "The Crazy."


"I know for a fact that everyone fears a complete lunatic that can go from 0 to 100 in a split of a second, that retaliates with incredible cruelty to the minimum of the slights… People fear power, but they fear even more when power is in unpredictable hands." Eidolon says to them "A someone that can't be reasoned with, that acts on a whim, that doesn't care about benefits… All those great villains would think twice before messing with a guy like that."

"Is that the image that you want?" Xavier catches on to his words, remembering a past talk with the hero "Do you want the people outside our world to see you as a Crazy Person."

"It's a start…" The hero confirms calmly "I already planned it. The time an advanced race tries to invade and conquer us, I will go full scorched earth on them… So that they will never try again. I'm not really crazy, but I can pass the act pretty easily… I just need to destroy some planets…" He is, indeed, a little crazy

He continues "I want them to have talks like: 'Hey, let's invade that blue planet…' and another would say: 'Fool! Did you forget that Madman that lives there? Let's not provoke that lunatic!' "

"..." They can't deny that sounds like a feasible plan. 

"I thought that you wanted to create a good legacy, Eidolon." Xavier shakes his head

"More than maintaining a pristine reputation, the safety of Earth is my utmost priority. We are fragile, so I will buy time till we can stand on our two feet even amidst the strong powers of the Galaxy."

Eidolon turns to the students "Again, don't be so quick in volunteering… We don't know for how long this guy is kidnapping humans, but I plan to pass a message that there will be retaliation. And be prepared for disgusting sights… They can be eating us, making us breed like cattle, or performing humiliating and dangerous things to their enjoyment…" They face change with each word.

The enemy is not human. They don't see them as equals, and it's hard to imagine something like that even though they should not be that surprised that it happens.

"Anyway, that's what I wanted to say. I'm not gonna force anyone but I thought that it was a good opportunity…" Eidolon's tone goes back to normal "Shadow, are you gonna stay here?" He turns to his official sidekick.

…" After some seconds of looking around, Cassandra nods. She is friends with some girls here and Eidolon saw them signalling to her to stay.

"Very well. Bye, everyone. Professor." Eidolon nods to them before disappearing without a sound.


Hector P.O.V.

"So… How was your family?" Mary Jane asks me. She is sitting in front of me in this cozy family restaurant. We just watched, two to be truthful, and went here to bite something.

"They are good, very healthy… It was just a false alarm." I say in a calm tone "I can bring you next time." I continue with a teasing voice, making my girlfriend get a little nervous at the prospect of getting introduced to my family.

We are having this little talk because while I was out in Asgard, that was the excuse Cortana gave to Mary Jane… Well, better than ghosting her.

"Hector~ It's too soon…" Mary Jane avoids eye contact.

"Huhu, one day I can bring you to Brazil." I chuckle.

"Yeah, that's sound nice. How it's there?" She asks curiously.

"It's hot." I deadpan.

"That I know." She laughs.

"I'm serious… We have four seasons: Rainy, warm, hot, and super hot." At least from where I come from.

"So should I take a bikini with me?" She gives me a provocative grin

"That I would appreciate." I reciprocate with a grin on my own "But there's no beach close to where I live.

"No?" She asks surprised

"Well, well… Look what we have here? Do you think my country is full of beaches, jungles, half-naked women, football, and samba? That's kinda racist, you know?"

"What? No, no, no-"

"You're kinda right." I reveal with a dead expression.

"..." She pauses her explanation to stare at me, then she laughs.

"Stereotypes exist for a reason." I shrug "It's not everything, but is at least 50% right. Shitty country."

"Don't be like that." She chuckles

"Huhu, don't worry. Like most people on Earth, I love my country, but I dislike the government. Too much corruption… Really hopeless situation." I comment while playing with my drink.

Or maybe not… Some people die in accidents, and others ascend to important positions. Maybe I can fix it…

As always, the talk is very good but I need to prepare myself for the abrupt end because…


The loud sound of something falling on the street outside and people screaming reach our eyes. Mary Jane was startled by the sudden dangerous situation but I left my seat and hugged her.

I start comforting her just in time for us to see Eidolon capturing a small villain. Who said that Hector can't be at the same place as Eidolon?

"Oh, it's Eidolon." Mary Jane suddenly says, relief evident in her tone.

It's a little flattering, really. The sudden loud sound scared everyone because they were aware that there were supervillains out there, but when they saw Eidolon, they suddenly relaxed.

"Let's go back to eating." I say while eyeing myself. But I don't look back… Heh~, what a strange phrase.

I obviously will not make Eidolon acknowledge Hector beyond a casual wave that I give to the people around me.

"He is so cool…" Mary Jane says with awe in her voice.

"Is that so?" I ask her while eyeing her expression

"Yep, I told you, no? He and Spider-man are my favorite heroes." She answers casually.

"Ah! Now I remember~ You are one of those Weird Eidolon Fangirls!" I hit my palm with my closed fist, acting like I just remembered.

Mary Jane gives me a playful slap on my arm. "I'm not one of those weirdos…"

Eidolon fanbase has a certain… reputation. To say at least… The female ones, like the Jujutsu Kaisen fanbase back in my other universe.

It's also a little flattering… And a little disturbing too. That one with the shrine and the ones that do sexual tattoos goes a little too far.

I will not even comment on the fanarts and fanfics… For some reason, I'm shipped a lot with Susan Storm. Don't ask me the Why…

Maybe it's because we are different and people dig on those "opposites attract each other couples". The Perfect Girl and the Bad Boy… I saw a lot of movies with a plot like this.

I recently saw a poll and is a more popular ship than Lady Jade x Eidolon… Heh~, Shego's face learning about that was priceless. 

Maybe that is why she likes teasing me with those weird fanfics… Fun fact, the third most popular ship is EidolonxThor… 

And Shego makes sure to remind me of this fact, I'm starting to suspect that Cortana is the one giving her the ammunition to do the teasing.

'No, I'm not, Master.' Cortana replies in my head.


'Master, do you really think that I would waste my time skimming through the internet to find shitty fantasies work of fiction just to tease you?' She asks with exaggerated outrage

"..." I'm sure of it… Truth be told, I get more annoyed by people shipping my girls with other men than shipping me with men, but I'm not insecure enough to talk about this. I know that I can't control what other people think.

The disadvantage of being famous… 

"Favorite hero, huh?" I bring my focus back to Mary Jane

"What, are you jealous?" She teases

I scoff "From him? Never."

"You're right on not being worried…" She takes my hand "I rather be with you." She smiles sweetly, unaware that her words create conflicting feelings in my heart.

She even adds "I don't think I'm cut to a life of dating a superhero, anyway." She goes back to eat nonchalantly



The next day it's finally my first day of College.

In truth, I kinda missed the first two days because I was in Asgard, but who cares? For some reason, college in this universe is kinda lax if you are a genius. Dr. Reed acquired many simultaneous PhDs while barely going to class.

So my plan is to show up sometimes, present my slightly above-average genius to the teachers, gain some freedom, and then do my thing.

Then sometime in the future, I will be able to present the world with some of my inventions in the medical field.

Oh, there she is… Let me…

A gust of wind takes away the papers of her hands making it fly in my direction while she panics. As the good samaritan that I am, I catch them pretty easily, showing off a little with my reflexes.

"Whoa, thank you!" She laughs a little out of breath "You saved me from a lot of embarrassment." She jokes as I give her the papers.

"It was nothing." I extend my hand to the pretty Asian college student "Hector, by the way, a freshman in the Medical School here.."

"Oh, that's why I was not recognizing your face… I'm pretty sure that I would remember you any- *Ahem* I mean…" She stutters a little after almost talking about my handsome face. Normal girls are kinda easy… She finally extends her hand too after centering herself and tucking her hair behind her ear. "Helen Cho, I am in Med School too, I am your senior by the way. You can ask me anything if you need help…" She gives me the look.

I shake hands with this Person of Interest.

"Don't mind if I abuse your goodwill." I smile.

Okay, Cortana… This time I admit that I did it on purpose. But I only did it for her brain… I swear.


I am right now doing some experiments in one of my hidden labs around the Solar System. This one is on an asteroid because I perform here the dangerous experiments… You know, the ones that normally explode…


Yeah, exactly like this.

Using telekinesis and, the very useful, Crazy Diamond stand power, I fix everything.

"So unstable…" I sigh while grabbing some glowing rocks "I don't think the runes are wrong. It's the materials… Do I really need to go Runeterra?"

I'm trying to create Hextech… Well, better than Hextech, I'm trying to fuse Magic and Science. 

It's a very hard thing to do in the Marvel Universe, the laws of this place made Magic and Science like water and oil.

"Normal rocks are not enough… I am using Arc Reactors to take the place of the Hexcores, but is not a solution, just something to fill the void…" I grab a piece of glowing rock, a diamond… "I try supercharging gemstones with mana, bestowing them with magic but is not working too… "

It seems that I'm better at bestowing objects with meta-powers than with enchantments and magic. The Dauntless Shard is OP…

"Creation, Yaoyorozu's Momo power, is not good enough either… I can't create those Hexcores… Maybe because my body lacks something… Or I need a Magic User character from League of Legends, like Ryze… or I need to go to Runeterra personally…" But Runeterra is a High-Level world. Should I start experimenting with Promethium? The metal that I acquired on Limbo… That thing is even more unstable, I will need to go to square zero and start by refining it. It will be a huge setback…

The Alchemy that I learned by assimilating Father from Fullmetal Alchemist only helps a little. First, I didn't complete the Assimilation Process and Second, in the end, is more like Science too. It's difficult to use it to deal with magic energies.

Hmm, maybe… I can do something different… 

If my body can't make a Hexcore, the perfect fusion of Science and Magic… Maybe I should make my body the perfect fusion of Science and Magic.

"The Techno-Organic Virus…" I saw with an epiphany. The same virus that infected Cable.

If I make a clone of mine and control the infections… Half Magic User, Half Robot… Maybe that clone can use Creation to pop off Hexcores!!

I am a fucking genius!

But wait… Ugh… I turn my eyes in Earth's direction, cutting through space and looking at a certain country… Egypt.

The only place I know I can find the Techno-Organic Virus is Egypt… With En Sabar Nur because he has Celestial Technology in that ship of his.

I sigh… "It's not the time… Let's put this project on hold for now." I click on a button and shut off the whole facility.

As much as I want progress, I know that there's no need to take risks like those and endanger people. What if I flag for the Celestials to come?

I sit on my comfortable chair, with my hand supporting my cheek…

"Say Cortana, do you think I'm a coward?" I ask

"You're not a coward for caring about other people's well-being, Master." She answers

"Hm, sometimes I feel like I'm taking some steps back by stopping and not moving forward…" I confess to her "I said that I will live freely but here I am, stopping myself again."

"You said yourself: 'Freedom without responsibility is indulgence'. I think the Master that cares about other people is pretty cool."

I chuckle "Thank you. I just sometimes think that I don't live up to my own ideals…"

"I think everyone is like that."

"Yeah, but a part of me wants to be better…" I sigh again "Forget about it, I will look arrogant if I say more." I just don't want to be average, it's not like I think being afflicted by normal people's problems is beneath me… I just want to be a better person.

To forget about this issue, I checked on the people that I recently summoned.

Two normal girls… April O'Neil and Mirage, Syndrome's assistant that I recruited during my short trip to the Incredibles world.

The two received orders to integrate into society and live normally, pursuing accomplishment in their respective careers.

One day April will be my eyes on Media and Mirage will be my proxy of many companies… or maybe my assistant. I still haven't decided how much "Hector" will do in this field.

I also summoned two "monsters"... Killer Croc and King Shark.

They're surprisingly chill, living normally in Meta Town with the rest of metas. It seems that is really the way people treated them like monsters that made them snap.

Killer Shark is not even that murderous… he is a shark, not a dolphin. If he was a dolphin, I would have put him down. I can't allow a menace like that to walk on land. Fucking dolphins…

"I think I delayed long enough…" I finally say and remove a card from my storage.

I already tested and yes, I can learn magic even if I don't assimilate the character.

And I have ways of getting her biology… So even if it's come from a lineage, I can also be part of it. 

"Let's do it… Summon." Now I can summon her without the guilt of letting go of some OP powers.

I go through the whole process of creating an identity for her and then she finally appears.

There she is… Damn, my heart is kinda beating fast.

She is wearing her very characteristic blue-purplish mantle that covers her whole body, not unlike how I do sometimes with my own mantle. She looks androgynous even though I know that her body is something to kill for beneath that…

Okay, Hector… Keep your cool… Just act normal. You did this before. She will eventually fall for you. You're great! 

She finally turns to me, her face obscured by her hood…

Act cool… Act unbothered… Treated her normally. She lacks that, a good friend… That first and then…

"So… You are the guy…" She speaks with her, also, very recognizable voice… That bored and low tone, slightly husk. Like her throat is dry because she doesn't talk much.

Act cool, Hector… It's your childhood crush but so was Shego. You can do it… Slow and steady.

She continues "I don't know what you plan to do with me, but…"

"Marry me."



A.N.: Reasonable.

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Bye Bye~

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