Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 33: , tannery and tallow

Zhao Ji handed the slime monster's body to Todd, and Todd put the slime monster's body in the tavern for everyone to see. He came to the back kitchen door of the tavern connected to the tavern hall, opened the linen curtain at the door, Talking to the tavern owner inside.

After a while, the tavern owner came out to the bar in the lobby and poured himself a glass of barley beer and drank it. Todd told Zhao Ji that he could take the slime monster's body away, and Zhao Ji needed to pack the slime monster again.

At Todd's request, Zhao Ji wrapped the slime monster in leaves again. The drinkers complained for a while, they haven't seen enough, although slime monsters exist in the sewers of Kendall City, but due to the unique drainage mechanism formed by the unique topography of the town, slime monsters have never violated human rights. place of residence. On the contrary, the rats in the sewers often wander through the sewers in every house in the town.

Todd greeted the tavern owner, and the two walked out of the table corner tavern together.

The leather shop that can process slime monster corpses is in the artisan district, and the slum area where the table corner tavern is located is just opposite the artisan district, and the two of them walked a few steps.

The leather craftsman and his apprentices finished working on the previous deer. The deerskin was fully stretched out on the wooden frame. The fat and meat inside the leather were carefully removed, leaving only the deerskin with smooth fur. Down. At this time, the leather craftsman was sitting in the shop drinking a large glass of cold water. A few older apprentices were also sitting against the wall, fanning each other, while the younger apprentice was wiping with a damp sackcloth. Deer hair, remove the blood and mud on it.

Zhao Ji handed the leaves to Todd, while he leaned against the pillar at the door of the leather shop.

Todd greeted several apprentices, walked into the leather shop and said to the bearded leather craftsman, "Good afternoon, Mr. Punica, I have a slime monster here that needs your help to deal with." Todd said Place the clump of leaves containing the slime on the leatherworker's table.

"Slime? It's been a while since anyone sent a slime. Who hit it? Todd," Punika Artisan asked as he untied the string from the leaf cluster.

Todd pointed his thumb at Zhao Ji who was leaning against the pillar at the door: "Keil hunted, and he brought back one in just one day, and he has to hunt more."

Zhao Ji touched his eyebrows with his hand and performed a local etiquette: "Joe Keel, my name is Joe Keel, sir."

The Punica craftsman nodded and praised Zhao Ji as a good boy, then observed the squashed slime monster.

"Hey, this one is really big, but it's all flattened like this. Fortunately, the outer envelope is not too damaged. The envelope of a dead slime monster is worth some money." The little skinning knife fiddled with the slime monster's corpse, looked carefully and expressed his opinion. The other apprentices who were idle also gathered around to have a look. One or two of them had never seen what a slime monster looked like, so they poked it with a small wooden stick very curiously.

Todd spoke to the Punica artisan about the job commission. The cost of processing the slime monster envelope is owed first, because more slime monsters will be sent later, and they will be settled together when no slime monsters are sent.

In this way, Zhao Jitar saved the processing cost of the slime monsters. When he hunted more slime monsters later, he could earn a silver coin by betting on him. After processing the coatings of these slime monsters, he would sell them to the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce, earning more money. Here comes a sum of money. In this way, as long as he is responsible for hunting slime monsters, Todd, Punica craftsmen, and the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce can all benefit, and he can make more money himself.

Haha, his flat wallet is finally able to bulge.

While Todd talked with the Punica craftsman, Zhao Ji looked at the loose venison and fat piled on the ground next to the deerskin. He remembered that he still lacked lighting equipment for hunting at night, although he planned to use the moonlight to hunt when the moon came out more at night; Plant a cattail-like plant and make a torch for lighting.

But now seeing the fat of this deer, he found that animal fat can actually be used for torch lighting. Such a torch can burn for a longer time and have a higher brightness.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ji told an apprentice that he would buy all the animal fat of these deer to make torches.

The apprentice couldn't be the master, so he looked at his master. The Punica craftsman said to Zhao Ji: "Are you going to make a torch? Want to hunt slime monsters at night?"

"Yes, I was worried about how to have enough lighting to hunt at night. Just now I saw that you have leftover deer fat here, so I wanted to make some torches and the like."

"I won't take your money this time, it's counted as your hunting support, but I can't give you the meat of the deer. These good guys like me have been wanting to eat deer for a long time at night. Haha." The bearded Pu Craftsman Nika said loudly with a smile.

"Thank you uncle, I will definitely hunt a few more slime monsters tonight." Zhao Ji patted his chest and promised.

"You should be careful. In the past, the city often organized manpower to clean up animals and monsters in the swamp in the south of the city. Many people were injured by the acid of the slime monster, leaving behind many disabilities. And you have to be more careful when hunting at night than during the day. It's a must."

"Thank you for your advice, but I will go to investigate first tonight, hunt if I have a chance, and come back to find a way if I don't have a chance." After finishing speaking, Zhao Ji took a leaf handed over by Todd, and used it carefully. Pick out all the fat from the piled venison by hand and put it on the leaves.

Seeing that nothing was wrong, Todd said hello to everyone and returned to the Table Corner Tavern. Zhao Ji told the Punica craftsmen and apprentices how he hunted slime monsters before.

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