Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 12: , Leaping Frogs, Fields and Walls

"What happened? Wood, you answer." Jamura jumped out of the donkey cart and asked in front of several children.

"Hee hee, we caught a few little jumping frogs, and it's a competition to see who can jump to the finish line first. Look, this is my little jumping frog. I call it donkey dung. Do you think it looks like it?" The kid named Wood was happy As he spoke, he held a little jumping frog in his hand and held it up by one leg to show Jamura a look.

"Hey, can I get to the point?" Jamura scratched his head, and the drivers behind him laughed.

"Oh, okay, look, this is the little jumping frog caught by Guozi, it's a rare red one, what's its name?" Mu Mu asked another child next to him.

Another child named Guozi held the little red jumping frog in his palm and held it up for everyone to see: "Fire coal, it's called fire coal, it looks like the red coal burning in the stove."

Jamura said speechlessly, "So?"

"So the little jumping frog of the stone is not there, it fell into the holy pool, it is a stinky thing, so it is called a stinky thing." Wood pointed to the child called Shishi, and pointed to the holy pool he said, In fact, it is the pool in front of the small temple.

The stone spread his hands and pointed to the holy pool: "Culun, Cullen, Ohm and Sally won't let us enter the holy pool, help us, help me catch the stinky thing out, our game has not yet ended , please, give me the stinky thing, and I will give you my treasure."

"Could the precious treasure be another little jumping frog with a rare color?" Jamura teased, then walked to the edge of the pool, bent down to fish, and caught a little jumping frog. He held up the little jumping frog for everyone to see.

This little jumping frog is dusty all over and has a lot of swollen bumps on its body. It's really ugly, no wonder it is called a stinky thing by the children.

Jamura returned the little jumping frog called Stink to the stone. Shi Shi grabbed the stinky thing with one hand, ran to the side, turned over a stone brick under the tree, took out a thing and grabbed it in his hand.

After the stone ran over, he handed the things in his hand to Jamura. Then the three kids ran away with their little jumping frog.

Jamura looked down at the things in his hands, and put them in his clothes pockets.

On the other side, the farmers of Wumi Lake Village and the two middle-aged men and women in robes also finished their speeches and waved goodbye to each other.

The convoy continued on the road.

Zhao Ji found that since the convoy had crossed the wooden bridge just now, the road they had passed had changed from a dirt road to a dirt-rock road. The land of the road has obviously passed the foundation, and the surface of the road is still covered with large irregular stone slabs. There is only moss in the gaps between the stone slabs, and there are no weeds that grow wildly everywhere.

The road is still advancing along the river bank. Big trees that have never been seen are planted on the river bank. What is different from before is that the river bank was originally on the right side of the road, but now the river bank is on the left side of the road.

On the right side of the road is more farmland. Farmers are working in groups in the field. Livestock are waiting at the edge of the field with plows, devouring the weeds on the roadside. A few young men guard the precious big animals . Most of the peasant women are making soup to relieve fatigue on the earthen stoves beside the fields, and a few peasant women are taking care of the young children.

Zhao Ji was very pleasantly surprised when he saw these. This is an organized and large-scale collaborative labor. The larger the scale, the greater the number of people, and the more complex the division of labor, the more it can show the degree of local development and the local social system.

However, as long as it is considered that there are things beyond common sense in this world, the above considerations cannot be counted.

The farmland is continuous, and the water for irrigation is a small river drawn from the big river next to it. This small river turns left and right at the edge of the farmland, and gradually flows into the distance, and the farmland also extends to the distance following the irrigated small river.

Zhao Ji found that the farms with tall and tight walls that he had seen before were gone, and all the people walking on the road were farmers carrying farm tools on their shoulders, peasant women holding earthen jars and woven vine frames, and transporters such as horse-drawn carts and donkey carts. The truck convoy had never been seen once.


Zhao Ji raised his head and looked into the distance, and there was a town standing on a small hill in the distance.

As the convoy approached, the appearance of the town also appeared in Zhao Ji's eyes.

This town has two walls, inner and outer. The outer wall is made of thick wood. Beyond the outer wall and the houses in the town, the inner wall can be seen faintly, which should be made of stone.

The wooden city wall outside is about two people high. The thick wood is covered with vines and flowers of various colors, making the outer city wall look like a plant full of vitality. Every other section of the outer city wall has a tall wooden sentry tower, on which people are walking.

The outer city wall itself should have some width. Zhao Ji saw someone patrolling the wooden city wall with a spear. They should be soldiers from the town. The soldiers' equipment could not be seen clearly, only long spears could be seen.

Under the wooden outer city wall, there are also small farmlands surrounding the city wall. Instead of wheat, various crops are scattered in the small fields, and there are no irrigation facilities around. These are probably vegetables and beans commonly used by urban residents. . These small fields should belong to the residents of the city themselves. Zhao Ji guessed.

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