Mecha S*ave Contract

Chapter 263

Chapter 262 Believe

After Luo Xiaolou got on the spaceship, he returned to his room and stayed there. He was worried about the immediate crisis, but he couldn’t help thinking about the farther and farther the past. In this mood, Luo Xiaolou’s room The huts are all overcast with clouds.

125, who rarely accompanies his master to go out alone, did not dare to make a fuss. He shrank in a corner alone and watched a TV series with headphones on. Without much effort, he was so moved that he was completely forgotten, with tears in his eyes, and from time to time he sniffed his nose.

At noon, there were only Luo Shaotian, Ling Xu and Yang Ke in the restaurant.

When Kane’s representative went to the front line last time, he was taken care of by Ling Xu and stayed. At that time, he was relieved, no matter how hard he tried, no one would want to make fun of his life. But this time seeing Ling Xu also going, Yang Ke thought for a while and asked to follow along.

Yang Ke has been a very scheming person since he was a child. He knew that it was one thing to be recognized by Ling Xu as his confidant, but it was another thing to be liked by him.

Since Luo Xiaolou can become a commoner prince and concubine, what he lacks now is only opportunity and luck.

Before Ling Xu had a meal, he looked up at Luo Shaotian and asked why Luo Xiaolou hadn’t come.

Luo Shaotian paused for a while and said calmly, “I will check it out in a while.”

Ling Xu didn’t say anything, and continued to eat with grace.

Ten minutes later, Luo Shaotian pushed aside the plate in front of him, got up and walked out.

There was a lunch delivered by a robot in the room. Luo Xiaolou frustrated and used the meal, and took the plate to the robot. At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

Seeing the lanky and cold-faced young man standing outside, Luo Xiaolou hurriedly opened the door, cheered up and asked, “Is there anything wrong?”

Luo Shaotian turned around to let the robot out, and walked in by himself.

Luo Xiaolou watched Luo Shaotian close the door, then turned and walked in front of him, asking strangely, “Do you believe me?”

Luo Xiaolou looked at him in surprise and said, “Of course, what’s the matter?”

Luo Shaotian gave a hum, and then said again, “Before leaving, Yuan Xi had already told me about it. I think you also understand why he asked me to take you to the front line. Moreover, this news is currently blocked. Yes. That said, no one knows where you are except for a certain group of people.”

“For the sake of safety, I think if you want to, turn off the positioning device on your communication device, or connect directly to me. If others want to find you, they can only determine your location through me.”

Luo Xiaolou thought for a while, “Yes, let me tell Yuan Xi.”

Luo Shaotian’s eyes flashed and nodded. It wasn’t until Luo Xiaolou asked Yuan Xi for instructions and got a positive reply that he raised his head, “It’s okay.”

Luo Shaotian connected Luo Xiaolou’s communication device positioning device to his communication device in one direction, and then said, “Don’t worry, I am here, I will not let others hurt you.”

“Uh, thank you… By the way, you just came over.” Luo Xiaolou, who doubted his brother’s dignity, said embarrassedly, and then took out a gray-green space button from the storage box originally given, and pushed it. In the past, “For you.”

Luo Shaotian blinked, and took it with a strange expression, and looked at the level, “Level 9?!”

“Well, I found time to do it a few days ago, just finished it.” In fact, three level 9 mechas came out, and the other two were left on the original desktop.

After Luo Shaotian left, Luo Xiaolou went back to bed for a nap, and he had no energy to do anything else.

Compared to Luo Xiaolou’s leisure time, the people on the previous side were busy around.

Time is running out, Yuanxi has even begun to stay overnight at the military headquarters. The next night, Xia Zuo put a pile of data on the original desktop, “According to the time on that chip, I went to check the major events that happened to Yirong. This is their work log within three months.”

Yuan Xi quickly scanned it again, frowning, “Everything is normal?”

“Yes, all that can be investigated. Among the reported materials, no major incident occurred in those three months, except for some changes in research data.” Xia Zuo said here, paused, and handed another notebook in his hand.

It was an old-fashioned notebook, and most of the people who used paper notebooks at this time were elderly people.

“I got this from a retired researcher at the Yirong Institute. This is not his work diary, but only a normal notepad. This is probably the reason why Yirong has not taken it back. But. There was one thing written in it. The time of the incident happened to be the second day of the chip’s video recording date.”

Xia Zuo used a red pen to draw a sentence: September 17, 3091, sunny, but the atmosphere in the laboratory is far from the weather outside. Last night, they lost our most important discovery. That cultivable alien animal gene disappeared out of thin air.

When Xia Zuo was stunned, he turned forward and said, “From then on, in two years, they seem to have been conducting a certain research, and the result of the research is this alien animal gene.”

“It is reasonable to say that this is a major event in the Alien Forces Institute, but all the documents in the Alien Forces Institute do not mention the loss of this alien animal gene.” Xia Zuo continued, “Moreover, the people in the laboratory at that time, They have all retired, and they will not be able to access the subsequent logs and reports of the Yirong Institute.”

Yuan Xi raised his head and looked at Rod on the side, “So, what did you find there?”

Luo Luode also handed over a piece of material, “At that time, all their energy was dealing with the alien beast. Moreover, a year later, Su Yun had an accident at the alien beast, and the alien beast escaped. And the following year, Yuezhuo was also there. Killed by an alien beast on the battlefield.”

Yuan Xi squinted, “So, were there any babies born in the Yue family and Su family at that time?”

Rod shook his head, “At that time, Yuezhong and Su Su were already adults, and their children were born ten years later.” As he said, Rod took out a few photos.

That was a photo of Yueshang and Su Lan when they were young. Before they came to the original home, Yuan Xi was flipping coldly, and finally stopped, pointing to a place and saying, “What’s the identity of this person?”

Rod’s probe showed that the person only showed a small part of his face, and he was far away, a little fuzzy, “It was brought up by the Su family from the orphanage. When I was a child, I spent some time with the two of them.”

Yuan Xi looked at it for a while before smiling coldly, “That is Shao Rong, let’s check Shao Rong’s identity and his experience before appearing in the Mecha Contest.”

Xia Zuo moved in his heart, “You doubt…”

“They can’t ignore that share of genes, and, for such an important thing, they won’t put it too far when no one knows it.”

Rod said immediately, “I’ll check it out right away.”

In two days, they found that Yuezhuo and Su Yun had a close relationship with Ju Yuan of the Yirong Institute. They often met in private. They also found that the Yirong Institute had lost the alien animal gene. However, according to Yuezhuo, what they did There is no clue as to what caused the demise of mankind.

Yuan Xi put down the information, his face was not pretty, he pulled out a chip from the communication device, “Xia Zuo, you take those people to investigate what happened that year.”

Xia Zuo looked at Yuan Xi in shock, and then silently put away the chip. Although the power can only be used when it is extremely critical, for His Royal Highness, the danger to His Royal Highness is probably more critical than anything else.

On the evening of the third day, Yuan Xi stood in his office. He hadn’t rested much for three days. At this time, Xia Zuo had not returned, and Rod would arrive at his office in two hours.

The time given by Su Lan is three days, and tomorrow she will announce the identity of Luo Xiaolou.

The light in the room gradually dimmed, but the eyes that had been closed before suddenly opened, with a dangerous murderous aura. If it doesn’t work, then take the last step. It’s just that Luo Xiaolou will leave him temporarily for a while, in any case, he will never allow those people to touch him.

The door was knocked twice, Yuan Xi pressed the button, and outside the door that opened silently was another adjutant of Yuan Xi. This person had almost no sense of existence. Even if he had guarded Luo Xiaolou many times, Luo Xiaolou did not remember. Have lived with this person.

The adjutant came in to salute and immediately said, “His Royal Highness, the person you sent me to stare at has had an accident.”

Yuanxi stood up immediately, “What’s the accident?”

“He died.” The adjutant said with a constant look on his ordinary face. “This person is usually healthy and has no history of disease. Therefore, although he died suddenly without being attacked, I also attribute it to an accident.”

Seeing Yuanxi’s chilly face, the adjutant said again, “It’s a pity, Your Highness, this is the officer you chose most likely to leave in the second level of civilization, and his death also explains this person himself. There is a problem. It is my negligence to let him die like this.”

Yuan Xi exhaled, his eyes filled with irritability that could not be suppressed, “You can’t be blamed for this.”

“However, when this officer died, I got another gain.”

Yuan Xi raised his head and motioned to the adjutant to continue talking.

“I found two brothers who had been entrusted by the prince and concubine to search for materials. Before the officer died, the target seemed to be the two brothers. The officer fell and died after discovering me. The elder brother was already there. I was seriously injured and unconscious, but my brother had no choice but to ask for help, and I brought both of them back.”

“Bring him here.” Yuan Xi said.

The adjutant turned and walked out. He didn’t want to irritate their prince. The younger brother understood that the news he knew was related to the prince and concubine.

Not much time, a pale young man was brought in, his body trembling constantly, after seeing the original, he immediately lowered his head.

“What do you want to tell me?” Yuan Xi asked as he looked at him.

“I can guarantee that the information I told you is absolutely valuable, you, can you provide treatment for my brother, he was very seriously injured, and I am afraid that if he is delayed…” the young man reluctantly mustered his courage and demanded with a choking.

Yuan Xi glanced at the adjutant, and the adjutant said immediately, “Don’t worry, your brother has been sent to the highest medical room of the military, and the operation is in progress.”

The young man breathed a sigh of relief. The crisis passed and tears fell. He touched his face casually before saying: “His Royal Highness, I know that this news is only now coming to tell you that I was wrong. I was really wrong before. Dare to come. But now, our brother is desperate and can only ask you for help, and I don’t want to keep this secret anymore.”

“My name is Wu Qiu, and my brother is Wu Chun. Before, the two of us were reserve members of a killer organization. At that time, we were too young to show up in it. About eight years ago, our leader received a commission. . It’s not killing, it’s not hijacking, it’s going to draw blood. This task is not difficult, but when we know the person whose blood was drawn, our leader regrets it very much.” Wu Qiujingjing said, “Because of the identity of those people, even us, After being provoked, it is difficult to end.”

“However, the person said that they have been controlled. As long as they hold the necklace, the two will not resist. And they will cooperate with us, and they will not have the memory of that time. However, those people have no memory. , But we do.” Wu Qiu said with a wry smile, “Until one day, after we went back, we found that the entire killer organization had been killed. The entrusted person no longer needed us. At that time, my brother and I happened to Go out and escaped.”

“Who is the person being controlled?” Yuan Xi suppressed the inexplicable premonition and asked immediately.

“One of the people controlled and blood drawn was His Royal Highness. At that time, he was just a single-parent teenager with no background. The other was Luo Shaotian, the son of Lieutenant General Luo Chengyun.”

The cup on the original hand dropped down, and the lieutenant on the side had also changed his face.

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