MC, I’m really not a PVP player!

Chapter 267

Li Ming's idea is naturally not to say much, of course, to use TNT to blow up those monsters.

Because there are a lot of monsters, the amount of TNT required cannot be less, after all, it is TNT, not Big Ivan, and it will not destroy the entire monster group by one.

So where do the materials for TNT come from?

Although the two tool men in the academy got a lot of gunpowder, not to mention that he didn't bring it, even if he did, it wasn't enough!

So take local materials, anyway, the efficiency of brushing monsters in the real world is simply terrifying, and you can simply brush monsters.

Sure enough, after he stayed away from that dark passage, countless monsters immediately refreshed inside the passage.

Among them are zombies, Xiaobai, spiders, and of course, creepers!

Habakak, on the other hand, turned into a ruthless monster brushing machine, sticking vines in from the fence around and attacking the wild monsters fiercely.

Due to the huge force and high-frequency attacks, those wild monsters did not even react, and they were hit into particle effects by attacks from all directions, leaving one drop after another.

Then the dropped object was directly caught by Habakak and sent to Li Ming.

"There are quite a lot of carrion and bones, but it's a pity, there is no priest, and there is no sapling, otherwise you can get something else."

Li Ming complained, then threw all those things into the box, and began to make TNT with the increasing amount of gunpowder himself.

Because this is a sea of sand, there is no shortage of sand at all.

In a short time, the accumulated materials were exhausted.

And he also made a dozen TNT.

"It's a little slow, so I can only stay up slowly."

Li Ming muttered, and could only wait slowly for Habakak to brush the monster.

One TNT requires five gunpowder plus four sand, of course, there is no shortage of sand, but the efficiency of obtaining gunpowder is still a little low.

After all, the monsters that brushed out are not only coolies, but also many other monsters, which invisibly reduces the efficiency of obtaining gunpowder.

But there is no other way, so you can only brush it so slowly!

I don't know how long I tossed here, Li Ming finally made several sets of TNT, and he also planned to stop brushing monsters and prepare to make trouble.

He directly demolished the passage of the brush monster, looked at this desert temple, and had a way in his heart.

After some time, Habakak left alone and went below to attract monsters.

Because he already knew how these monsters were looking for objects, this time he adjusted the body size to the maximum, and swayed everywhere within the perception range of those monsters!

The strong shock wave soon attracted a large number of monsters, and Habakak stepped back and swam towards the location of the desert temple.

At this moment, the desert temple had been dug out by Li Ming in advance, and Habakak entered the temple with a large number of monsters.

Then Habakak abandoned his huge body, took the log block, and drilled out of the desert temple through the small passage reserved on the other side.

The body containing the rich origin of life attracted countless monsters, which were gnawed and torn by them, and also blocked the opening that ran out, making those monsters unable to pursue!

On the periphery of the Desert Temple, Li Ming built a small room here, and in the room, there was only him and a TNT.

At the wooden door used to block the sand, the disappearing Habakak also appeared.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, those monsters have all run into the Desert Temple!"

Li Ming nodded, waited a little, and then took the flint and lit the TNT in front of him.

"The wind is tight! Hurry up! Seeing

that the TNT block began to flash white and hissing at the same time, Li Ming quickly opened the wooden door and ran into the small space prepared for him by Habakak.

Habakak closed the space and immediately took Li Ming and slipped into the distance.

Li Ming had demonstrated the power of TNT to him before!

Those monsters that he had to attack several times before they fell, were blown up by TNT and directly killed!

That kind of power has already made him a little smacked.

And according to Li Ming, the more TNT is placed, the stronger the power of the explosion!

He also looked at Li Ming, stuffed all the hundreds of TNTs into the desert temple, and built several layers outside the desert temple!

He knew that the current desert temple was simply an oversized explosive barrel!

Once detonated, all monsters in the range will have to be blown up into slag!

Not wanting to be injured by mistake, he also quickly ran out of tens of meters before stopping carefully.

At this moment, an explosion penetrated the sea of sand, burrowed into their minds, and then...

Like firecrackers, a continuous explosion sounded.

And at the end of the firecracker, it is often a big guy!

The subtle explosion disappeared, and in the next moment, a huge shock wave centered on the temple suddenly burst out, accompanied by a sound like thunder!

The sea of sand trembles!

Countless TNT explosions caused the original desert temple and even the surrounding countless sand to disappear!

Naturally, those monsters in it were the same, and they didn't even keep the drops....

And because of the sudden vacancy, countless sand also flowed towards that side, trying to fill the vacancy.

Habakak, who hid dozens of meters away, did not expect that he escaped the range of the TNT explosion and would still be affected by the explosion.

He was in quicksand, wrapped up in the current, and forced to flow towards that side.

Fortunately, his body's defense was not bad, and there were no problems under the flow and grinding of countless sands.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the explosive power of this TNT is really strong!

If those undead had these things, they might have been able to blow up his roots directly!

Fortunately, they didn't.

And in Habakak's body, Li Ming was also a little excited when he heard this explosion!

Men, well, always have little resistance to these things.

Listening to the explosion in his ears, even if Li Ming couldn't see the specific situation, he could simulate the explosion scene in his mind.

But he didn't get excited for long when he found that it was upside down, and he also smashed directly on the ground.

It turned out that after Habakak, who tried to escape from the outside world, failed, he simply stopped struggling, anyway, these sands could not hurt him.

But Li Ming inside was a little uncomfortable.

Outside Habakak accompanied by the sand flow, turning over one moment and turning over the next.

And in Habakak's body, he was also forced to roll around, like a ball.

Always unable to stand, Li Ming helplessly shouted Habakak, Habakak only then discovered Li Ming's experience, and quickly tied several vines to Li Ming's body, like a seat belt.

Li Ming was like riding a closed roller coaster, and the whole person swayed around.

Fortunately, this did not last long, and after about a minute, they stopped.

"Habakak, how's it going?"

Li Ming, who was a little dizzy, slowly stood up on the ground, and Habakak outside also began to explore the surroundings.

After a while, Habakak replied with a smile: "Those monsters are all dead, not even the body fluids left!"

Li Ming nodded and took a few deep breaths to relieve the symptoms of wanting to vomit.

"It's okay, it's worth it!"

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